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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2024 3:02am-3:31am CET

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increased send fruits to ukraine and after comments from the french president refusing to roll out that possibility pollutant is flexing, rushes of nuclear might. of a threat might not be new or imminent, but it must be taken seriously. the spectre of nuclear war to try to stop the west from helping ukraine. i'm quite richardson in berlin and you are watching the day. i as the do it, it's talking about the possibility of sending nato military continues to ukraine. me a dynamic times. nothing should be ruled out law lukewarm them. we remember the face to face of those one send their troops to the territory of our country. we will do everything to insure the bush at 10 knots when this will jump. the thing to the west is coming up with now what they threaten the world with it can result in
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a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons for doing and also on the day lawmakers in hong kong prepared to pass a controversial security law with hundreds of dissenters, jails and critical media silenced its opponents. no, they are fighting a losing battle for the whole power. scariest thing is that all of hong kong is gripped by fear for people used to criticize csr. receive them public. hey, you guys know fuse because even if they are dissatisfied we begin the day with a warning of nuclear war. russian president vladimir putin says nato risks, a nuclear confrontation if it's members and troops to ukraine and made the comments during his annual state of the nation address disability. that was one of the stuff, what i've been talking about, the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine. no, we remember the fate. the face of those one sent their troops to the territory of
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our country can jump from the 2 to 3, and that's just that on the on the doors are used to, they should understand. then we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. but as a city like everything the west is coming up, is now to see what they threatened, the world with pity, do more with such as it can result in a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons to me is still serious. and therefore again, the destruction of civilization is boards and you'll get another issue as much of the restructuring and civil is. that's what it is. warning came after francis president and mind why my client earlier refused to rule out the possibility of western nations sending troops to ukraine and a press conference in paris earlier this week he said there was no consensus today to send the ground troops in unofficial endorsed and sanctioned a manner, but in dynamic terms, nothing should be ruled out. we will do whatever it takes to ensure that russia cannot win this war. and that idea was quickly shot down by other western leaders,
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including german chancellor, olaf schultz, but clearly ruffled feathers in moscow. colin's leader says, hooton's threat of a nuclear war should be taken seriously. here as a prime minister donald task, let's just go to about the soul has to be taken deadly seriously from a group of those just done once again. i repeat what i've been saying and discussing with partners in recent weeks here in warsaw to show you have a problem sheet. is it also mitch? you must understand that this new homes race that rush or is imposing on the world, yet he knows it off yesterday and russian aggression. greg ukraine, a muscle caused an awakening. but in old european capitals to speak, studies that have a base key. and we should say that put and was speaking 2 weeks before russia holds presidential elections if you want to call them that much of his speech,
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to touch on domestic issues as well. ranging from tax and pensions to the health system. and he made no mention of his the greatest challenge or alexi, nevada, me who is going to be buried on friday, with a little to no opposition. standing in his way. pushing is expected to sweep to another election victory. we can get more now from a jade mclinn and she is an expert on russian politics and foreign policy with the department of war studies at kings college london. and she joins me tonight from care of her latest book is memory makers, the politics of the past. and pretends russia, it examines how the kremlin uses miss and memory, and legitimizing, repression at home and imperialism abroad. said, i'm so glad you can join us. i'd like to start off with fulton invoking the possibility of nuclear conflict. this is of course, not a new threat from bruton but, but we did hear donald tusk. they're saying that this should be taken deadly seriously. i'm curious. what do you think?
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as i think is because we have to take any nuclear for it directly. seriously. it would be foolish not to i think we have to take the nuclear french on all sides seriously there, including what happens if you allow new, clear, black cleaning to a ton, a sensible security policy. because it's only going to lead to nuclear proliferation . they're already strong room is about poland, considering you know, developing nuclear weapons in the case of a trump presidency. for now they may be ruinous. but let's be honest. it would be an entirely logical step if the american nuclear umbrella or perhaps to fade away from europe. and i think that the logistics comments are on the need for a serious awakening in european capitals is the message that perhaps needs to be screamed across loud because so in many get to that i don't know earlier in a parent response to my cons, comments from that refuses to roll out troops in ukraine, a russian lawmaker and member of hooton's inner circle, referred to napoleon, is invasion of 1812 saying that if the french did send troops now,
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they would meet the same fate. you written about miss and memory and russia and, and i'm curious if you could tell us why we see history being such a useful political tool for pretend i think this was because, of course, as the dictates and he's unable to rely on popular legitimacy received free debate, so history is another way of, of claiming legitimacy. and this is actually quite a typical way of rushing me this claim. religious to see. going back to the romanovs who are justified, that often the time of trouble is by saying that they were linked. there were a cabbage students the which looks by the kids in groups. they team 12 restaurant is especially interesting because that's the 1st grade teacher to call the 2nd grade teacher score, of course being what we would call low point 2. and it's also interesting because he clearly states, we know what happens to foreign invaders who come to our country, but of course, he's talking about nato so which is in the country. if you crane, which is very much, no rush,
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it's got no russian territory. so it's also an interesting insight into his ideological view, which brings me back to the question, which is, why is history so important as a tool is much more than a tool that space, a contributing and complicating factor behind pretends well on kind brushes war and ukraine i'm present or impossible obsession with ukraine, which is the importance of ukraine to rush to restore it. it's apparently in his view, dissolved position and load. i'm curious, i put in as comments they are backed by some recent russian successes on the battlefield in ukraine. how much do you think that is helping him politically at the moment? slow and i can get, of course, encourages him as well. i mean, lots of people are listening to today's address. so it's a very, very student to view, but i can't help but think having just got back from dumbass and having being very near the front. but actually we also have
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a very versed in to view of what's happening here. ukraine is running out sick man . ukraine is running outside munitions. nobody really knows if the aid package in washington will cost. and if it doesn't, it's going to leave russian a very strong position. so yes, some of his comments where she was confident to the point of hubristic, but whether or not he is not justified in and having these positions that remains to be seen on various i'd say $35.00 at elections are also coming up in russia in less than 2 weeks. i'm curious when you look at how pretend is presenting himself ahead of these, how important the warren ukraine is for him versus the domestic social issues. for example. well, what's very interesting is at home in terms of the election campaigning, the focus is very much on what we've been cooperative about the issues. and this is the less than that they learn from the original elections that took place last year . because 1st of all, they went very hard in terms of the messaging on oh, really?
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well harrison's both special minute shop is of course and you know, references the heroism and the warranty cream. and it really was not resonating with states as people were not responding to people want to talk about, you know, issues such as inflation, food prices and so on. and so then the messaging changed to be more aligned to that . and there is much more of a domestic coast, which is interesting because in general, russian news is normally characterized by its intense increase on what's happening elsewhere in the world. and why everywhere else in the world is rubbish. so it doesn't really matter. refresher is rubbish. as well. mm hm. and we also have solved fruit and in his speech, speaking at some length about the declining population in russia. why do you think this is such an important topic to him? so i think is part of that pro the ideological elements. so the idea refresher is a country the traditional values that has about family that has the authenticity on like, you know, the possess, the liberal west. i find it hard to believe that he does truly care about russian
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democracy very because if he did, there's a very easy way to fix it, which would be to stop sending tens of thousands of men to the store to say that perhaps you could stay her even and make babies instead of that money that's being spent on the war machinery and on killing? no, ma'am, let's learn ukrainians. could instead be invested into making conditions easier to see young comedies. so i have to see it as an ideological element because it doesn't appear that you do have increases, for example, in the tennessee payments for example, it doesn't, it doesn't really totally, you know, warm away seems to wind. well, thank you so much for joining us with your insight. that has jade mclean from kings college london. we really appreciate your time. thank you. let's turn to hong kong where legislators are preparing to pass a controversial security law has been criticized for its effect on human rights.
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the last long been demanded by china central government in beijing, which has increasingly asserted its authority on the island of hong kong. in recent years, massive street protests in earlier years stopped the government from implementing the law known as article 20 for provision in hong kong is constitution. but with many opposition activists in jail or an exile is expected to pass through parliament easily. let's take a look at exactly what article 23 entails. so the new law would be part of hong kong as many constitution, which is separate from that of the chinese mainland. article $23.00 requires hong kong to suppress, to send and threats to the government. the new law contains broad provisions against treason, insurrection, espionage, and destructive activities and dangerous national security and external interference. human rights advocates say it dramatically undermines due process and fair trial rights. the moment that changed everything, july 1st,
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1997 when britain handed over hong kong to china, which promised to respect the principle of one country to systems. that method ha, could enjoy many of the democratic freedoms they'd had under british rule under hong kong. so many constitution but in 2003, beijing tried to introduce security laws under article $23.00 of that mini constitution. hundreds of thousands of people took to the st best. and the proposal was withdrawn. in 2014 a civil disobedience movement arose, pushing for more democratic organizers, fear that the police might crack down. everyone has to stay, highly alert. riley has been peaceful. but now to your guys and plastic bullets i've been transferred to the government headquarters. the us. soon after the police
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forcefully cleared protest caps and the government did not relent. setting the stage for future classes with democracy activists. 5 years later, another series of widespread protests sparked by a proposal to extradite criminal suspects. the mainland china was met with a harsh police response. no one is upgrade. more and more angry. you never know what the government will put on there. and i'm just worried about the cold. rather than answering the protesters, demands the following year, beijing compose the new national security law, the defined many anti government efforts as the session and subversion and assigned live sentences for many of those so called crimes. that was it for many of hong kong is pro democracy activists. dozens of opposition leaders were arrested, along with journalists and ordinary citizens. others went into exile. independent media was silenced,
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phasing signal that it had fully taken over in 2022 when jeez and ping arrived in hong kong to swear. and john lee, as the territories chief executive or the ceremony happened on july 1st 25 years to the day after the british hand over to service, lee has said that the new security legislation is a priority and with the opposition vanquished, he's likely to get his wish i'd like to bring in a sunny tongue, a pro democracy activist who has left hong kong to seek asylum in the united states . he joins me now from washington. d. c. thank you so much for taking the time. i understand that one of the concerns over the new security law is that some of the crimes, particularly in relation to state secrets are vague. are you worried about how these might be enforced? yes, i personally am family worried about the condition of the like just because the mattress
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nation and the way he will be in full fitness. the legislation proposed at the top 10 broadband face path edition, most specialist security from china is needles. people to create in charlotte driscoll hong kong i'm a most system and racing. i'm also concerned about the evolution of legal certainty and judy. so you dependent post, i'll send you says like home has to be a nice stay secret. as mentioned and be personally defined. increasing, i'm also process football and businesses and intensifying control over you formation implication for due diligence and freedom of expression. in addition to concerns for businesses operating there are there already indications of, of how this law might be applied. something like the law, the law about espionage of what that could mean. for example, for activists in hong kong. all right, so under the current proposal i skim last cruise also like up to me,
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collecting information too. uh so for any people that are useful to add external thoughts and that is fair, we allow me because the one challenge to but when you pass these back, the holes in columbus base kind of life, i'm due diligence for their operation hall. so when, as well, and we've dealt with cim, casita, got you obtaining information that can be useful for external falls. and also like we feel some social situation and you called on the situation in the china and in hong kong. and you can actually pass the products. and the reason cases and models, we see that actually china scuffling has way many follow up on a piece in the city offices. that's creation on most of the uncertainty and concerns about this set to. and so, compared to it, so when you left at hong kong a few years back, you know what, what is the, what is the atmosphere like they're at today under, under the possibility of this taking effect?
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i believe i'm the one strive in civil society in hong kong, west hallway, they don't call due to depressed um and um the article tried to flee and the previous measurements of people, especially in the feeder. oh, actually i'm not all i'm so so so so successful groups like medias on so being dismantled due to depression and only a handful of poll task can be organized in hong kong. i'm the saffir scrutiny of the uncle police force. so this the freedom of expression and of freedom of us, that'd be, i'm not actually protected in home right now. and that's actually pretty mellow. so i'm more concerned to how to help them. government can implement this small uh, without checking boxes. so it's usually there's been only a handful of protests. is that, is that because you think there is less opposition to this law in hong kong because it has been more muted and what we have seen in years previously, or is this
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a sign of the times? so if any manufacturer of my, i'm now actually the person behind the ball and me personally, i'm not also get mixed up. so the whole, the whole opposition, you and home home on the being like cops and also the i the you can push then or you mix all. so i would say when the opposition is not being paid using home home. so we cannot expect the home phone got them and they'll pull themselves more comfortable when it comes to implementing this kind of problem. actually most of people, especially is the actual on chinese house kind of stuff and then just understand the measurements of it. so if you're speaking to an international audience here, so just before i let you go, i'd like to ask, what do you think western democracies and asian democracies like japan and south korea can do here? do they have any sway? i mean, i think there are like 2 layers of things, right?
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so of course, i mean try to, i'm whole just trying to escape from an old government accountable for their all foundation of the one country system. and i'm resting so many people a political present us. right. and on the other hand, i will say ations democracy like japan stop career or you can stop east asian countries. you have to concede to actually you have to do waste of china. different very unstable economic situation. and how tiny scotsman is increasingly adopting, put them back to national security understanding uh domestically. so i think this is a very strong signal for them to try to buy for supplies, their supply chain and business involvement in order to minimize the weight with doing businesses with china. democracy activists, sunny chung, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. thank you. of the now gone as
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a new anti eligibilities to plus legislation has drawn international condemnation with united nations, calling it profoundly disturbing under the new law, the promotion, even the promotion of rights will be punished with up to 5 years in prison. same sex relations are already illegal in gonna, activists of described as new well as a nother set back for human rights. as someone who knows about the difficulties of life and gone are for queer people is musician and activist. maxine inc. angel poco also just known as angel. maxine, she is gone, his 1st open we transgender musician and she thinks about algae due to q plus, right. the very pleased to welcome her into the studio here for more. thank you so much for joining us. now how did you feel when you heard the results that the parliament had
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passed this legislation? i failed investigated. ellis had broken. i haven't slipped. it's, it's, it's, it's painful to know that's your life as a human being is being criminalized the life you've always struggled for the life you've always struggled for the if you haven't lived a decent life as any other human being, it's now being criminalized. it wasn't very hard for me, and this is one of the topics that you, you think about in your music. i, it's become increasingly political over the years, much of it, voicing anger at the government and gonna keep, could you tell us a little bit more about your work and the risk? and it puts you out at to make music like this. so my, with us on us of this is to speak for people who cannot speak, and i am the voice of the call me if you lucy, because i do my songs and those people have gone through on the fund,
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the struggles that a clear community are going through and my lyrics and the folks on my live experiences as a trust woman as a given you have given you trouble as it made you a target and gone off for the government. yes. that as meeting me a targets always coming out on them. the option is always coming out to us to i'm not talking them, but i'm just telling them that we exist and we have been here and we have lived with you don't present. i said we were in the we a here and this a cell on voice, and it has puts me in the lot of the danger and gun. now, this bill not only criminalizes queer relationships, but it also targets those who are even just supporting l g b t t writes. what do you expect that we might see in gonna if this bill is indeed signed by the president? if the bill is signed by the president, they'll be increased in valez in gun. and
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a lot of people will be that this already vol is going on in gun already. people are being attacked every day. people i've been beaten every day, the slow months going on every day in gonna and is going to give people the freedom and deliberately, to talk with people because they feel about this free. it's, it's, it's, it's legal and it's ok to abuse. anybody who wants to because the 3 of us and all the rights have been taken from them. and this is what the deal is see. and you think that will happen to just be because it is legal that people will feel that they want to go out and attack clear people. are you worried about that is not even legal in gonna and people have already seen people up. so just abuse them to just human list and so block and build them to bits that so this is going to same what they are doing. now. why do think that this bill has so much support in gonna what is what is behind these attitudes towards the career
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community? so we want to say goodnight, it's a religious country and, and growing up we are told that this a month and a woman and the i know or the human bees. but as we go off, we realize that the people who are also out the bus, we are not giving the opportunity to, to, to love. and on the fund this people in a substitute. so it's, it's, it's, it's, it's very difficult. like for people to invest fund and that's that's, that's this people as this. let's show them. love michigan. ok let's, let's embrace them as human beings as we are. so this is yes, thank you so much for joining us with this message. we really appreciate you taking the time to come into the studio today as angel. maxine, thank you to and we can leave you with a nice bit of news. we end with a success story from snow. we scandinavia scientists in norway have a boost of the numbers of rare arctic foxes. climate change had left the endangered
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spaces struggling to find enough to eat in the wilds. the population was down to just about 40 foxes. by feeding stations have lifted the account to more than $500.00 without the program, the animals were facing extinction bought the researchers are warning also if it is still too early to say for sure that the species has been saved to and to that was the day you can follow our team on social media at dw news, i'm not clear of reports. if just the latest headlines you are looking for. there was always our website dw, talk. com, or you can find us on youtube to, for me, the team. thank you so much for watching the
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freedom of trace in greece critical to unless under surveillance, i'm guessing buried in jewel suits or even much like police reports or your those kind of us according to reports is without board is it's clear who's responsible. the so called tribal policy a has like a media businessman, politics focused on here next on d, w. industrial power,
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that's also climate friendly and it's being supplied in the north of germany. the world's largest high temperature storage facility is being built there at its court deal storage unit. that's converting wind power into a heat that large companies need to fuel their businesses. made in germany. in 60 minutes on d, w, the, the audience of the trees. this time, excel, jim, this chimed in. dar meets the voices of the 3 turkey altar. as the ad one had to flee into exile, i knew the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish governments. also, our 10 pools of gibs. but only if the
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climb is addressed and the power of attorney to take responsibility for his actions . guardians of trees, stock march, 2nd on d, w. the hello and welcome to focus on europe with me live show attacks on press. freedom are increasing globally more than 100 journalists have lost their lives since january 2023, most of them in war zones like gaza and ukraine. but journalists are also assaulted and murdered after reporting about corruption, organized crime, or state sponsored terrorism. even right here in europe.


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