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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2024 3:30am-4:00am CET

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time is address, perpetrate to takes responsibility for his actions. guardians of trees, stock march, 2nd on d, w. the hello and welcome to focus on europe with me live show. attacks on press. freedom are increasing globally more than 100 journalists have lost their lives since january 2023, most of them in war zones like gaza and ukraine. but journalists are also assaulted and murdered after reporting about corruption, organized crime, or state sponsored terrorism. even right here in europe,
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although europe is consider the world, the safest region for journalists to work. organizations like reporters without borders have been warning about increased levels of violence and the 2023 world press freedom index, grease squared, lowest among e. u members. investigative journalists here often put their lives at risk. stop, cut a vice, learned 1st hand how to fight for press. freedom and accountability can lead to grief loss not only for reporters families, but also for the media landscape as a whole. this place still makes her shudder. it's here that starts at cairo. bosses husband was shot dead. it was a friday afternoon, april 9th, 2021. a neighbor called and there'd been a shooting den. it seems that jonathan was getting out of the car. but if he still removed his only cause approaching can never. so he stepped back onto the sidewalk . no, it was sunday to come when he was shot. and this is where he found his body lay
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right here. oh, really? sure. to show me. it looked like an execution. you're going scar of us, a respect to police reporter was a familiar face on television. yeah. before his investigations focused on corruption within the greek police force and the relationships between big business politics and organized crime. the fitness, yes. do i always felt it was dangerous? i've done what you kept telling me not to worry about that it got set up because it's likely that your ghost was killed for his investigations. the organization, reporters without border believes the killing was a clear attack on freedom of the press. in their ranking of press freedom worldwide, greece occupies the 100 and 7th place, the worst of all you countries. so he is asked the youngest, got about his mother who have not received answers by the greek authorities into the progress of the investigations. and this is one of the factors that have
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heavily influenced the greasy is uh, uh, rounding at the entrance to the headquarters of the panel, lennox, federation of journalists and athens. this band or commemorates your go, scar of us. we need journalist town cisco congress. it's his specialty is white collar crime. he tells us how greece has secret service was involved in press freedom violations. we were inquiring some specific cases or 4 domestic legislation of the legislation that we government, who was more than hoping who's not facilitated to distinguish economy. crime, greece in several articles for the financial times co. congress criticize the fact that the new laws had made it virtually impossible to prosecute money laundering and tax evasion in greece. initially, he said the government tried to pressure the newspaper and hold his report at the same time how congress told us he himself was targeted by the secret service. at
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the same period of time they, while i was on the sometimes with like a restaurant technology, big weekend, we say have started, looks pretty mental infections with the present. the discoveries made by a co caucus and several other colleagues showed that journalists, the opposition leader and even government ministers, had been wire tapped. the spice software predator had been covertly installed on their smartphones. it was a nationwide scandal. the secret service of me to talk is government was accused of wiretapping, the chief of staff and nephew, me to talk as was dismissed. the doors con, try on us, works for reporters, united and investigating team based in athens. the journalists here were among the 1st to report on the wiretapping scandal, the dismiss chief of staff. demetrius responded by suing of the journalists, continued to minutes, but it seems the same day he stepped down. he filed a lawsuit against us, don't get demetrius demanded over half
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a 1000000 euros in damages from all defendants committed by greek or european standards. and this, some is a norm. according to reporters, united it's common practice in greece to use expensive lawsuits to silence independent journalists. but often they are the only ones who report abuses of power. another problem is that many large media groups are owned by a powerful business tycoon. most lead ship owners with a nor most economic and political clout, event callous, more or not. this owns a ship, a soccer club, and a media empire. the whole thing is must have the media company owned by a ship owner won't be reporting on him or on other ship owners. it means that journalists working their practice a lot of self censorship, if it's a little excessive and will feel that awful media experts and reporters without borders say the threat to press freedom is systemic. the so called triangle of power. so you have like, uh, uh, media,
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businessman and politics. it's not unique degree, but actually the fact that we have the wide shopping scandal. we have a motive agenda and is we have the slaps. we have the systemic, like, you know, ownership problems. basically the combination of these factors make the ranking of grease stole. many journalists feel threatened and their work for doors comes right . yeah. and it's often has to fight back his fear. so we don't want to let ourselves be afraid that would paralyze us. we'd stop recording and that's just what our attackers want. if of them in a position with a form, it takes courage to fight for a free press. it. will my life ever be the same? that's a question that elizabeth often asks herself. as a ukrainian teenager, she wonders when she will be able to lead a care free life again, walking to school, hanging out with friends, going shopping without worrying about as strikes or sirens. she lives in the war
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battered city of hot of cube. and while the war is raging on, it is a vegeta and her friends have found a place of refuge where they can forget the world outside and enjoy fun activities just like any other teenager. ready ready ready for a few hours each week, they can forget the war outside. the rear of dancing school is one of the few projects for children and young people inside a war ravaged hockey. back straight and scratch forward. it's a labor of love by dance teacher natalia. and we've great do the same thing with ira montana. it's embrace as you like. oh, after a few hours in the group, they feel much space off the date. the last name was to great and emotionally safe space to manufacture. here it's all about switching off and having fun. the physical exertion relieves stress. most of the children are so called
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internally displaced persons. they had to leave their towns and villages as the russian army approached. like 14 year old elizabeth to a cheese from the eastern village of kudos even when she arrived in har. keep her family sheltered in a metro station for 4 months. but she was really dead the 1st few days shot because there was these exclusions and it was so loud the bombings down to just as we were leaving the metro station, lots of stuff. so we stayed on the ground and didn't leave us in a for the after rushes full scale invasion in 2022. the russian army captured large parts of eastern ukraine. like use of 8 to enter family, tens of thousands of ukrainians, but west to war torn harkey, 2 years later,
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they're still having to cope with periods and missiles. elizabeth lives in a one bedroom apartment with her 3 siblings, her parents, a cousin and her grandmother. her mother of santa is so relieved that her daughter can go out and dance this matter. most people in need of a to is being done saying for bad 6 months, and our sons learning to box is also did this, and least the 2 of them can have some sort of social life to nobody so much back to that it was last year the child on the age because they was so withdrawn, i was really worried about them. go to. yeah, those are by all i should get the sub on those. in the meantime, moore has become part of their daily lives. yeah. when the bombs exploded yesterday, i was listening to music and i put them on the sometime. she asked me what that band was that was from i tell her it was the naples or the tice lumber to, to tissues of whatever those explosions from missile defense systems. disrupt their
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days. sometimes they even hear a missile striking, or is it possible i'm thinking about getting passports. i just didn't see a future for me. i could see it doesn't matter if it's so hard, physically and mentally, and large case of how this stuff range. and that was the logical way for the young lady come back to lessons and they were rewrote in school the 1st time elizabeth came here. things weren't so easy. i remember i was really nervous about coming here because a different group hadn't accepted mason as i was afraid that would happen again. but they were very welcoming. and i loved on seeing here or the me always from family annual. we should, as the training is intended to boost the youth self confidence. but above all, the dancing and movement can help them rebuild trust portfolio hand
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t as well as natalia and her husband alexi demonstrate fully yes. when i need my partner, he put some of his weight on me, so i bet full responsibility, but he is now blind and i can see he has to 1180 degrees to see where i'm needing him. he needs that, able to get to those of us really what it's important for dancing as a group or as a couple and for life in general. it teaches you to trust, lead and sense each other's presence with your body. it is also about overcoming your fear is just the saw the concept seems to be working the source of uh, i feel good when i'm done saying that i like it to not 11 when i come done, it feels like something is missing to them because i and so you know, there's
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a beta and the other is continue to train at the tal yet. and alexys dance cool with music and movement. they can forget the war, if only for a few hours. to at 1st glance, this might look like some kind of potato bud friends of everything or may know that it's a trussel. this particular one is worth hundreds of euros. andrea and mikaela, our brothers, and the whole life revolves around finding m, serving the price, the fun guy, and their hometown of monthly on the tool. they have to stay one step ahead of the competition, which does not shy away from using every trick in the book to make a profit. but i will, but i will do i. so did you dig it out, you know, slowly. this is what me kaylee for low san ardo love doing most. yeah. i got followed by the time for that same vein and then the 2 are hunting for trump and
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that would include the white truffle season is over now. now argo is sniffing out. it's little brother cold be on can't to so that i have to, we're going to be fine. yes. i'm wondering if you have to be careful not to damage quite truffles. pick in that, because it would cut the value of the precious funky in half. that the one, again, kit to truffles are much cheaper. youngel, a key low cost. so around 300 euro, certain items and what were a key low of white trouble, so you can get 7, even 10000 euro. so what i came there much rare, it gives you the wrong one domain. so you know, where is it to find it? my little i are going, well, i'm going to do it since it was a child. i me, kelly is for. it's for truffles around his number and hometown of mantell, the only adobe yet to his dog. cargo has been at his side for 5 years. a good travel, hunting dog makes for better business, but it also comes with unexpected dangers to be at the window. all troubles are expensive regardless of the time that again, there are some cruel people in the business. so see travel hunting as
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a war because they'll stop at nothing wherever them grist. they'll hide. poison's meat balls where your car is parked laced with strict name or snail voice, and it's to be canino or politically and they don't do that. they'll poison your dog over money. so no, i mean, not a kind of finish or so he stays under cover, which also stops snoops from discovering his secret spots. he keeps them all jotting down in a notebook and on his cell phone. it's a treasure map that the 38 year old wouldn't share with anyone. mckelly sells some of the treasures he finds, but the professional chef prepares most of them at cafe 7. he runs the level of gore may travel restaurant along with his brother andre tang. uh, did you find anything about that at all? that goes out j where it goes about course. simply begin to look at this being ghetto. yeah. for the where did you find it? forget it. you might be my brother, but i'm not telling you 100 kilometers away there. unlocking truffles. big
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secrets at the headquarters of war. bonnie: it's hard to fees. truffle and pie. the company has cornered over 60 percent of the global travel market. for years scientists there have been trying to crack the genetic code of the precious function a day to guard their company secrets like a treasure. we're not allowed to film inside their labs. the results of their research are being put into practice at their startups truffle land. i'll even look at the gun when we planning the plants. we bring the roots into contact with truffle sports. and then in this case, with a highly prized black truffle and young, we expose the plans to the sports a wisdom and a year after reporting. we have them checked into by so that i'm not in a lot of also an independent office confirmed whether the routes and the travel scores have developed this somebody else has. i mean to, i've been with the, let me go to, if they have no degree receive a certificate, st. jude and we can sell that batch stick we sort of build with some of we can get
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a truffle in currently, plants over a 100000 trees. a year area selected for cultivation are equipped with sensors providing data on sort of moisture and regulating water supply. once they've grown the black triples, just need a dog to come and sniff the amount. that's what can data and sally do for a living. see needs your car while we connect from 11 in the morning until around 4 pm. unless all this fall, so die, then we're not allowed to 100 is the travel? was it done? which is the sodium that is physically these cultivate the trouble of smell, just as strong as the other ones we call them up and that, that i am a new source. yeah, mounting is the noisy young m. it takes around 6 years for an area planted like this to bear fruits or rather truffles. with this method, the world's largest truffle company can guarantee its supply. demand is high and climate change has led to increase the scarcity, the head of the family business is farmers and land owners can also reap the
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benefits of trouble cultivation that, that difficult process. so he can look the most profitable products in the world. one heck to that is being used to grow truffles. can bring in a 104000 fuel rows diode. yeah, a pro fee. so this black truffle weighs half a kilo and is valued at 600 year olds. it will soon be sold, the customers in the us wasted multiple will most likely sell this travel to someone in new york there. it will end up in a mission in class restaurants, where it will be carried from table to table in great it onto the dishes. it's a beautiful, beautiful, delicious, expensive. and despite our high tech world, still being hunted by the same old symbiotic team humans. and don't when we talk about people with addictions, we often mean someone who has a problem with alcohol or illegal drugs. but there are millions of people who are
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hooked on gambling and who lost control over how much time and money they spend in front of slot machines. or at the bedding offices. all to often medical roommates in bosnia has witnessed how the hopes of winning big can destroy lives. that's why the psychologist has set out to help others break free from the grip of gambling. we can't use his real name, so we'll pull him elvia. we can only film him from behind, but even appearing on camera tool is a huge step for him to use l. they have the gambling addiction. so for to get started gradually in schools. 15 or 20 years ago was this after a while i got into debt. i borrowed money from everyone, neighbors, relatives, france. so i ruined my life. my parents lives, my 2 sisters,
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my brother in laws and his kids. as soon as i ruined half my family, it's a vicious, i wouldn't wish it on any one was which it's daunted was bingo. most me enhanced because he knows most popular game of chance. then he began betting on the races. there were casinos on setting shops on every corner. here to do this is one of them getting shops. i used to gamble in 2 hours or more every day until i had nothing left. well, so 2 hours, sometimes a whole day. at some point you hit rock bottom of the root, so nothing less cameras and nothing out inside the casino is not the state luxury company. finally agreed to give us an interview. they operate casinos throughout the country, but they won't let us film people gambling. this scene is staged. the company doesn't like to talk about people of ruining their lives here. they say the
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real problem is private competition. looks above the state laundry of bosnia and herzegovina is the only company in the whole country that's certified as a socially responsible casino operator and the name on the stuff. none of our competitors are certified, was fantastic one quarter, and we should encourage our competitors to also introduce certified social standards. and that way we could reduce the negative effects of gambling together, plus the negative impact of gambling is massive. in 2022 gambling generated almost 875000000 euros in the pulsing at crew at and t. and then statistically each adult suppose need a noose is around one month salary a year to gambling. and that's a conservative estimates. the play is also getting younger, which is almost finishing up. the problem is lack of enforcement wasn't much. we have them for people under 18 are not allowed to value the use of the night. but
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every where you look fine is whether the bedding shops are full of young people, just because he wants to put them lot. experts claim that the typical gambler is a married father between 30 and 45 years old. finding themselves not spending enough to feed the families, they see gambling as a way around and stuff you've done every day i work with people facing this problem will be to my families in which gambling has become an addiction. let's con e stuck with them to see every day i see lives ruined the families corner part for the people living with mental illness. throw the model as me for the start. i'm in town on plan. psychologist monica ru. mitch estimates there are 50000 people, addicted to gambling in bosnia and herzegovina. he's the only doctor in the whole country volunteering to help them. hardly any one can afford treatment. sophia type
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problem. well, it's the same problem everywhere, and then it's an absolute catastrophe. next of clear up about the fact that the school we don't have enough resources to get a handle on the problem. so the less and most the most i think of the blue. and unfortunately, the authorities here have no intention of changing that because the disabilities now at least the advertisement. so gambling to be restricted. ro, mitch thought to the self help group 14 years ago. it's still the only one in the whole country. they need to know mostly every friday, a gambling addiction still holds a powerful stigma. everyone brings a family member along because the families are also in urgent need of support. elvia has been coming here every friday for 6 months. he says it was like being re bone ever since i met him. i've said 1st comes god
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is and the doctor that says it all we have is before i couldn't sleep, i couldn't eat sight was withdrawn. i couldn't really talk. it's not even with my own family, so for now everything has change. i've opened up, i can talk to anyone, i feel better. now this is, this is months what tanf and the temptation link is, but he's learn to deal with things. he has a good job and for the 1st time, he says he's able to pick just some kind of feature these days, there's an app to track and regulate almost anything in the world around us. and the french town of seth is the punch was near paris. authorities have decided to let the residents choose how much energy the community spends at night. through the use of technology, the town is able to substantially save costs. however, people here are divided over how useful this app really is. just one
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tap lights up the street and says sheep on twice on the outskirts of paris residents control the lanterns by app dining the nights used to be on all the time or the suspects. and we didn't think about the environment module, but now we've had any deis installed for a few years to do things are progressing. so you were in ecological communities and couldn't get a quarter. he focused on multi if i think it's practical to be able to get save money. so and when you go home at night and need lights or things, well like it's brand new meal, the way is that he said to me, the man who saw the light as olivia was it to an engineer working from home and normandy. it started as a bit of a game in his hometown, but now the app is available to around a $150000.00 people across france. the community don't go to in my community and the surrounding area. people had started switching off the lanterns at night to save electricity and costs. i thought it was good to rein in consumption,
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but at the same time as a local resident, i, one of the streets to be bright. and that was the deluxe. it's helping. how do you manage both of them on personality that the retrofitting doesn't take much a receiver installed and the breaker box relays the signal sent from users phones and just like that as light on demand. this saves the district a quarter of its energy costs, and yet not everyone here has convinced me. thank you. and if i don't think it's a good idea, is that the default setting is not necessary for the all new booklet. what do you want me to come by and switch on the nights? i'm not a big fan, which was on with the city officials response is that they regularly consult with the police to ensure that environmental protection doesn't get in the way of protecting residents to really end. well that wraps up today's focus on year of thank you very much for watching. remember, you can always find more stories from across the continent on our social media
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accounts. my name is, let's show by end of the the
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just real power. that's also climate friendly. and it's being supplied in the north of germany. the world's largest high temperature storage facility is being built there, edits court deal storage unit, converting wind power into a heat that large companies need to fuel their business is made in germany. in 30 minutes on the w, histone and country of mine, i'm touch nature and rich natural resources. a corrupted lease is selling this
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plan to chinese investors. and he wants to reduce the in 75 minutes on d, w. the people and trucks inject what trying to see, the city center, the straight pieces explain the
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around the world more than 150000000 people of we ask mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw, may 4 mines the cost about why does that mean? i think it's like, now i'm leave them on the new host. join us for an exciting exploration. and everything in between. this is a video and audio production, 5 d, w. i hope the video will tune in the
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this is the, the news a live from a, but in more than a 100 palestinians reported killed in gaza after chaos breaks out around. and a convoy. mazda is blaming is ready troops for opening file, as crowds try to get food. israel's, as most of the dad were trampled in a stampede. exactly what happens, remains unclear. also coming up, show down at the border. you as president joe by them and his republican rival, donald trump, both had to texas on the same day as immigration heats up as an election issue.


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