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tv   This Stolen Country of Mine  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2024 5:15am-6:01am CET

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disney is corruption exploitation and told me automatically for myself as a team. many thanks for watching the ice cold tuscany, an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos much that dw the the
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the, the tears that gives you which has insurance. the, the
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other that goes will be certainly read the needs. this is the last couple years we're looking at a more heavy and looking at. okay . okay .
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i'm mobile i think. but i haven't made it to guess. they were throwing rocks to the police. the police answered with guess destroyed at least 2 police cars and then to wait to but i think fall is pre, the the
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the, the, the, the, the guy, the we looked at a we, what the diesel mean. they got to make that only the length is keep that only the left some of these home theater look while is the special if there's also meant to put me through a group of political been uniform. assume good because some of the enterprises i meant to pollutants conduct the feelings and thoughts as you this because this was, this was the look you just these things here. a label skills policy as you meet that is look, getting a lot that they don't to come get all the individuals and legal fees guided people go to there. okay. and you can see that getting those at the symbols, most of them, there's a degree knowledge and that's going to mean at least the end of the knowledge that the year end is going to sort of done with this engine on that, that it just a is avalon is almost in quinton go talk about on does it,
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are you some of that that are on the for, for this here that you'll is logistically again, these channels, some of the other ones guessing and those are full genders. company understanding i yeah. is this on other, on the meeting this other than the rest of that in on this and the just and the other one is, what are you going to the digital wisdom in today is most avalon degree me knowledge. if it already says your support is just the most basic and because of course i'm in to posterity liability that is looking if and dental and the the colors combined. you'd also see in the most it's a little bit like a somebody else and you'll see it list all the comments. busy a will not wisdom this maybe they'll be considered out of the city body of all of those. please advice. come as close as you understanding a symbol mental is and advice g a. what do you mean to go southern,
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which is probably most info on the 2nd part of that might be though, but if i'd be the width of the field, the good thing seems a little bit closer to now this wasn't meant this to us. it's like the mazda document that you can use the phone that we to joe, to the full existing order. see what the value of such as cables can be that the big people side of the pc a bit of see they have for this example is worth thinking for the me. the this is the address of
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the websites to see the dentist and costs. the
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risk is the way up to us, and i don't see the or the
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the, the soonest we mentioned, we can do better these to assume is that, hey, i use up a ceiling building this, the godaddy probably got sink when to see him, click on the sample, but his head boy, you pull the cmp agent that i see this. you haven't used any other windows bank because of the say what do you that like len this thing? yes. the book and opinion fee. now the links you add, i was pretty, that's an invoice. you could easily move it to me just adding those to dismentos. they know for that i said it got them and i didn't done it because i have yet to
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you. a 7 address the or the for the day and you think you will get them or your disagree and use a little thing is that, that i gave you when a possibility that the associated con definitely so that the
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the, you're going through, i mean, you guys that so it was, you know, you have a morning brother and we go to the throne is going going, throwing for most young jin city. i didn't. so was that community for most young gentleman just picked up the comment instead of human, someone could say that makes that enough. the most of whom was the kind of
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data that still met, you know, nice stuff it to you is when when the i mean you spoke with it over the extreme this was already for my children. i started with this can be that was new cut. those see, get mean, i mean, i mean, it does mean, can you see that? i mean those who except those are the more you did he is that he's in the mean. yeah. the inspector gene is inc. is camecia ernest
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us very this pulling through many as you want that to data sitting is when i got in the day that was, it was negative and that is was that's what i'm i think the look was we did and when advice is done, most of the, those mean the best of those mean this, you see it the it will, we have no record of that and receive your, that you know a day then the, the issue to me they'll see in this, me your, this 0 dollars at books. my me be sure to me, the seeing this means you on is the screen. this is the see it the us to put you into single for 0 dollars. does the news, the great, i don't want as much to get us come up, but event this,
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somebody got us going la police, you'll be throw you. if you laurie sans hmo visa, he's going to that's the police, you'll be throw you. if would be futile. you bottom on the bottom, the lumen they, me, the see and those what the me use the wireless as the annual does mean painting what english lenient degree in full us as the as degree. i list of rules those component this because again on that most thermal either moving so you don't need to agree because i mean me, you're doing or this is that i'm a lot of these are all just the ends on the youngest beginning. i look at these, got you. so if you notice, you'll see those seeing something here. there's no reason interface these this either say repeating those channels in a squint as it was bunk of gina's. the butter over the that must be nose over the don't be a contract because we have plenty of room. we use got e g 's able i buy use ruby, janice and then that i will miss you had people. but so security contractors,
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homeless company is gina they probably soon the sort of easiest. and then when he gets you on, this is it was just the 30th it was, it goes to me showing that he is in boston one day then he because the owners keep us at the middle here maybe winter. okay. yeah. thursday, as long as they get 80 to listening as the great the sonya is that i'm going to let her know to be stuff for like it's a thing seat that will lose. they must contact us lose the must. briggs is. will you protect lini? is it creates a strongly agree i was looking, i'm going to give them your existing birthday g of the the
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team really not a social phone. i mean that's part of the quote. in addition to you, if you're not gonna be interpreting, it doesn't really matter. oh, much more mental says see that, but if i use for like a little please use the to get them. so just that they go in the process with it. as for them, i see them to come pick it up at
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a see and put it on my pretty simple p unit a hit because they messed up by the so is this bull seeing number less, but as you n y c and what that is going to be is that the kids you standing in control of the course and that's what it's gina see. and so going to control the
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records from the deluxe. controlling doesn't, obviously they're not going to what i'm going to do a contract with them. but then i mean, that is contributing for that pretty much focus, that's very limited. the the whole this
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is some of the others were the i didn't look enjoy loving the didn't go down to the i'm the value when you but the load component is
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the waste. yes. i'm waiting for the most on what does include the the
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on the side of the notice. do you think you do not deposited the fuzzy because the dominion started the new york the days. but if we don't know the name of the 2 of them, just have some flowers, not, i mean, if you're on the, you know, november of november though, they kind of get this in the front of you because to get the, the, the
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comment, the last couple years and you're going to give them the message and you do tend to put it always put my visa looked the most messes mazda, just in the middle of the or less the bottom of this guy. you're not going to be there to allow us to listen to the plus the nature of the person who did a scene up to you. there's a look into place so you can see all your boxes it can be viewed in was present.
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the forty's. yes, a different view of you said this is it called the the
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users, but the what you're looking for would be good. okay. yeah. well, so you can say jack, but i can sadly fit and better be inside the inside. i'm only the fit in to do it, but it'll get us out about moon though, but it's been so yeah, i'm waiting for that. okay. you all can see it. okay. good for you. you just paid a day or christmas, but that's okay. get e as on up for the yeah. you're thing, i'm gonna tell me about that. okay. when i look at this guy though, you seem to leave you to think i'm yeah. yeah. maybe say the same to the kid on 10 minutes. i say to mamma. dennis gets stuck on me yet though she has me lou to lou to so most coming in a cumbersome unity. got them
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a part of the young way that they don't make a name and say, i'm ready to book a kid especially maybe open on the thing in the applicant, the media when the cost of i see who's the po video you call the always with what you should do more. that's to go. guess i'm with dave. a lady with a young lady said, hit the price. give me a buzz. i'm going to it maybe says say you ladies all got on the book and know it's amazing. the not the number i wasn't going to is this, given gwen doesn't make any sense. it may, may give us i got has in the middle. ready the
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i think you see me to make a judgement is the order was because it was likely most
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element in the one of them the i mean it was that yeah, this goes harvey. so you're just coming to you the speed of the
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of the the window in place, i must have only good quality and beautiful that ever had me leave it all the quote
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are made in china including the low say the most a piece up already gotten that city at it, but that is a new vision as soon as he can reuters concord it goes into your solar electricity and so it could be touching on a new quote what we have mostly la quinta did. i can do that even for me. i see on of the youth any. he may be sceptical, but the
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use the same as the municipal say what he knows already that on the policy you give me suppose a series to go on. i can take 40, so you see a cup of can you give each of of this has been out to me and when you those mrs. to even but i know you said the side of me do you have it at the other less gwent, this is this canarios are like throwing equals that up to see that into the lab. republica, d, the available, we kind of inform us you are interested around piecing with them and to go around the secret. we see you making sort of things here. do you think that according to your email, to you maybe collateral use or when does it make you don't know that it just so you
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mean there's nothing yet there we see now let's see the mint is you've got to look a lot of inquiries. yes. i do want to say is i do want to say it plasma that can put the order level is less cameras. it will be hit, a little local scene is the when you go get angle, you sent us and visit the inform us your egos leaders, the easy you said the most and you had all of them to control that needs to be able to start. i'm gonna see what it is. think out that will be as good as one guys cannot any of us gonna? can i get the new flip new they didn't even losing the thing is can you
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gloria categories more by that level of alex young's beginning of the model to be the quarter 3. this is the best, the
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or the view will tell you who we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 30 minutes on the w, the
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try see every single connection mapped out shows the geo political reality. the on the board is what makes things the way, the way all the solutions mapped out. navigating a changing world now on youtube, sometimes to be shown right. how that you out to the highlight of every week. not the model. this shadows, these pop costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
6:00 am
farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of this wide spread race as depression today? history? we need to, i talked about the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the the says, dw news, and these are on top stories. president joe biden and former president donald trump making campaign stops other us mexico border on the same day both or trying to sway voters on the hunt issue of immigration heading into november's election. the rival business to texas come at a time of record migrants crossings into the united states. the home us run the health and industry on the guys as blamed israel for the depths of more than a 100 people in a crowd.


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