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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the the, this is the, the news live from berlin. thousands of warners gather in defiance of kremlin warnings to bid farewell to alexis. of all the family and friends gathered inside of moscow church to see their quiet good size. well, outside. it was a raucous farewell riot police around the church in south eastern moscow, but failed to stop an outpouring of thanks for vladimir putin this most vocal credit. also coming up, the european commission says that it is releasing a 50000000 euro payments to the un agency for policy mean refugees fund funds had
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been under review following is fairly claims that his staff participated in her mazda is october 7th attack the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. alexi na, balmy's funeral has taken place under type security in moscow. 2 weeks after his death in an arctic prison. vladimir putin, as most vocal critic, attracted an equally loud and large crowd who paid their final respects to the thousands of mourners gathered at the church for the service which concluded just over an hour ago. despite a large number of police on hand, the crowd clapped. and cheered as the coffin left to be taken to
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a nearby cemetery for berry as yet, there are no reports of arrests despite the kremlin warning that those who participate in any unauthorized gatherings would be held responsible. now for further analysis, let's go here in the studio to my colleague russian us from the russian service. let him here as he falls. um, you know, it's, it's quite interesting, you know, to see all of these images that are coming in. we know that now his coffin is being laid to rest, just walk us through what we have seen so far and perhaps we are what we are not seeing. what do you see if the extremely short part of outside of my name a charge of took like about the inconvenience, which is extremely short for the russian traditions? because to be such a huge crowd outside of the church. wanting to say good bye to someone if we didn't use it a couple of hours for people just to pass by the coffin to go through and to say goodbye to, to, to, to products in one. so this really just parked was very short and very, very short,
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very quick. and the now on, on this i, me to the coughing is that i've done the same. it's written on what you're seeing and then use that domain to thousands of people who are kind of discharge on trying to get on on their feet to get a signature in about half an hour. vote a sheet to the people going along the streets and to 5, i'm informed there is no internet traffic and fall from the area. so the schools just houses apparently switched off the internet and there's no positive, nothing up with. we need to get any information and not just from there. yeah. because we know that and have all these supporters and his team are obviously they're, they're probably trying to send, you know, video and pictures out the web. so to do that, both his biggest success point of the team, not from the very digital, it's wasn't very digital, traditional fuels, very presence on the social media and beautiful tutor. now it's this internet is our stuff gone for this for this is
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a funeral. and sylvia desperately reaching for any images from there. and there is no much know much pictures at the moment. okay. um you mentioned the crowds that were gathered outside. let's hear a little bit about what the mourners some of the motors had to say. and then i'll get you reaction there, after of the most wonderful i came here to moscow for alexis funeral to pay my last respect. it's important to me. it's important to a lot of people. that's why i didn't see any option, but to come here for the funeral stuff and i was very sick that we came early in advance and we were standing for a long time and we're hiding l as low as some cameras. but now i realize that we need to do it and to speak up. but i think it's a judy for everyone who knew elect, say, to come and say good bye. we are the only for me, this is the final farewell to the man. and as for a candle to weigh a candle, the latest we say you're just a memory. we will remember for a long time,
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and we will not give up. this is the most important now and here you have people speaking out. despite this morning from the kremlin, the people, you know, participating and unauthorized gatherings, and i'm quoting here, will be held responsible. what does that say about the threat that alexis, of all the, and his legacy so proposes to apply to be approved north or has that been eliminated? look, the people that we are seeing right now and they have very cousins and they're invest statements. they're very quiet mode and very sober more than their settlement. so there's no trying to block in the streets. there's no trying to any on any of the furthest exits on the street, sort of people quite quite lighting the flowers, things to buy, thinking. but if the motors in general is very sober and very quiet, i would not expect. right at the moment from this picture. what receipts any excellence which would be impressed by the rest of the police. we don't know with
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how the events can develop in the next hour and most go on the way to the signature on the right back. but from what i saw right now, it's very, very similar. we've heard from his family um his wife very clearly laying the blame on on receipts for his desk. of course, we don't have the official confirmation that he was murdered, but you know, we were speaking a little bit earlier before the show. and you said we've seen this tail before. in fact, in russia avenue way. and it's not the 1st case of their hiring people to celebrate the killings order or death in russia. and because it's 9 years ago, a very popular opposition to their bodies and self killed just across the crime in 2060, very popular from noticed on the political schools, soft and killed in the entrance of the shows calls the most cool. so russian has a kind of traditionally very tragic edition of celebrity kings and celebrity funeral centers. and it's,
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i'm sorry to say if it's really the traditional for the country. we're just as legacy bill from here because we know elections are coming up in just 2 weeks. time in russia. um it's pretty much at this point now for the conclusion that's letting me put when those on action, whether fairly or not and you know, you have usually and of only are basically coming out quite strongly. i mean, we saw this very strong speech that she made it to me in a security conference, just hours following his stuff. then we saw her speak this past week at the european parliament. she seems to be kind of taking the torch. does she now carry the torch of the opposition and do you think that that sounds to me personally and she's, she's trying to start the political curios. footsteps of she's just husband, i'm very curious how it would work out, but she's open to having an i'm business, but it's going to be something she's very clearly communicated august the divorce. so she's a for sure thing and she would start say that be as latimer as the pulse on this dark day. thank you so much for joining us. you're
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watching d. w. news. some other news for you now, split europe and commission is releasing a $50000000.00 euro payment to view an agency for palestinian refugees and dropped . the funds had been under review following is really claims that some agency staff took part in the october 7th mazda tax. the commission says that the funds will be released early next week because on raw has agreed to conditions including an audit . for the $32000000.00 euros will be paid out later if the review is satisfactory. seen one was standing by for us and brussels. so christine, the, you will now be giving, as we've heard $50000000.00 to on rob, but that is less than what the blog previously committed. is this something like a penalty? a sarah, the european union had committed 82000000 for the owner agency and immediately
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off to the is really government, maybe allegations that some of when rose stuff were involved in the october 7 attacks that your pin union suspended that funding. they have now agreed to release 50000000 off. that's 82000000 funding. this is we're told following discussions with the agencies that an e u official said went right up until this morning essentially. now, the agency has agreed to take a few steps. chief among them is that they are going to open an investigation into the agencies controls and this investigation will be conducted by external e u experts will essentially look into the own risk structures to try to see if controls that are meant to prevent the agencies stuff as well as assets are not being used for, for terrorist activities. as he was saying, there is a remaining 32000000 that the european union stays will be dispersed at 2 batches
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of 16000000. if and when the conditions on business voted to know that the european union has not done an investigation into israel's indications that investigation is being conducted by the united nations, it has not yet been concluded that the you itself. so it is a waiting. the results of that investigation, but the e u has been under pressure since it made that announcement that it was suspending this funding. it is especially from those who are working on the ground in gaza, saying that when refunding is absolutely essential to the work that is done. and i'll point out to you as well that you have a number of other member states who also took the decision to assess been funding right now. so it is crucial at least an announcement that at least this money from the european union will be dispersed. can you tell us a little bit more about the time table for um, you know, getting to the bottom of these allegations against audra and its staff because you know, there are some 13000 individuals working full on right in the gaza strip alone can,
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can they all be checked. well this is exactly uh the, the question sarah, um right now the, the, the you and as i say is investigating the particular allegations that israel made concerning the october 7 terrace attacks that are a handful enough one restored off were involved in it, in, in those attacks and the european union had said for his part that it is not involved in that investigation. and that it has not for example, seen any evidence that has been presented by the israel, the government. but this hearing lies really what does that the call off? what has been agreed between the agency and the european union to have this money released. the european union has insisted that some measures have to be taken of aside measures to try to establish that the people that work for and read this false organization that is implementing this, this humanitarian, if it's on the part of don't, is to try to ensure that it has strong enough
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a control measures to be able to prevent as such, incidents. this is as much as the european union so that it could do so. it's not clear exactly when we will learn about the outcome of israel's indications as that if investigation is being conducted by the united nations. but now i think it's crucial to see if other member states will, will fund a sewage if, if they're also going to announce that they will be releasing some funding. before that, that you had investigation is concluded whether or not the use internal investigation into the agency structures would be sufficient for other member states because the amount that those other countries who are now suspensions of their funding comes to it's about $450000000.00 euro sarah, so that is a significant amount of money that is on hold right now. while they are question marks of what is going on in the agency and run. the w corresponded christine worldwide, and brussels. thank you. that's had to around now where voters are casting their
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ballots from members of parliament and a religious body called the assembly of experts. the elections are a test of public sentiment toward ron's established establishment following huge demonstrations. authorities are hoping for a big turnout on like the last parliamentary elections 4 years ago. that poles saw the lowest turn out since the 1979 is a lot of crisis. revolution around is in the middle of an economic crisis and has been racked by protest. the signs are everywhere and the messaging is clear. iran has been scrambling to boost voter turnout ahead of friday's election. it's introducing electronic loading and several cities. and the number of female candidates vying for a seat is more than double what it was in the last per lametre election in 2020. but the government's efforts appear to be falling on deaf ears. i'm much asked. i
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personally, i will not take part in the selection. i love this because the results of the last 2 elections were not good at all. yeah. and this group novel on the terms. the biggest problem with the election is the people's lack of trust in parliament. of political distrust and an ailing economy have helped fuel voter apathy. although the elections are seen as a crucial barometer for legitimacy. the government's own surveys show participation will be well below 50 percent. friday's vote includes polls for members of parliament, and the assembly of experts will have the power to appoint, runs supreme leader. the country system of pre approve and candidates has led to mass disqualifications and the removal of true choice, according to critics of the current hard line government. yet no, you don't even know. yeah, the into whole book. by the time the word election is completely meaningless. it should be called an anti election or non election road. and the good bottom of the
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election is rejected by the people and these lumnick republic and you don't sell it to them about to. and with that now you're up to date here on dw news to stay with us. if you can. i'm sarah kelly and thanks for watching the can you see what old cars tires have to do with you production? here's a hands on the really indeed much snow on youtube is this the end of the road for classic cars.


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