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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news lie from berlin, the kremlin spears, this critic alexei now volley is laid to rest in moscow. thousands, gather outside the church in defiance of brian police. crowds bid farewell to the opposition leader who died in a remote arctic penal colony. the valley is buried in a cemetery near the river. also coming up, the european commission frees up a 50000000 euro payments to the web agency for palestinian refugee. the funds were on hold over as well. the claims that some of the staff took part in the october 7th and the ron hold elections and the test the public sentiment following
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nationwide, antique government protest. dougherty struggles to get folders to valid box the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. alexi know volley has been laid to rest in the cemetery in moscow, the vocal opponent of russian president vladimir putin died 2 weeks ago in an arctic prison, where he was being held on what supporters called politically motivated charges. his supporters could be heard shouting. alexei, thank you. as his coffin was brought to rest in the cemetery near the banks of the month, school river, the volume his parents and others were able to pay their last respects while a large crowd of supporters gathered at the gates. the burial marks the end of a funeral service that was carried out under heavy police presence and the threats
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of arrest from the kremlin to meanwhile, his widow uli uli and nevada, as paid tribute to her husband on ex, thanking him for a quote 26 years of absolute happiness, of all the could not attend her husband's funeral services due to security reasons . we're joins. now, as you can see by a caterina showman, she is joining us from the carnegie russia. you raise your center and we'd like to get more on that with you. a caterina. thank you so much for your time this afternoon. first of all, i know we've heard from nevada, leah, vowing to continue his fight, taking steps to that end. she's living outside russia and she wasn't at the funeral today. what role do you see her potentially pet playing now going forward? of course she can serve, is it kind of unifying figure because she has a weight of the minds of all name at rather striking public presence, a certain gift of words because she was not in the public car when the alex he was
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alive. but to those few who knew the pair, it was evident that sometimes she was the more radical one of the 2. so now that she began, for example, not speaking out on social media, you noticed that has become a evidence box at the same time. of course, political leadership takes much more than that, and it is not easy to inherit political capital with the main body, recognize the village c moral authority. and well, a bravery i'm willing this to go on. that counts for much, you know, russia well, and i just like to ask you about the images that we're seeing coming out of moscow today. tell us more about what the kremlin is and is not allowing to take place today this day of alexi and of on his funeral. what level level of obstruction from the kremlin have we been witnessing as it is?
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i think characteristic to compare this funeral with the funeral and we're getting the goals. and that took place in all of us last year at the time kremlin was also afraid of for a few supporters because he was a well known and in some circles or the popular figure. and i'm like the liberal social strata. pre gordon's people were all formed. so that was definitely a reason to expect some sort of imply it's you to put it mildly perhaps it's. it appears that it was extremely easy to convince both the family and then near circle that quiet funeral will be more to the advantage. what's more, there was this little game that part of who wants to play when the amounts one places as the 7th 3 with somebody will, will be very them found the body is carried to another place, etc. so with only highly militarized image and well, they're busy,
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we are now pretty gorge him and he's support as it was all quieted down with the extreme ease. so evidently there was an idea to do the same thing with nobody to my family, to convince them that a quiet funeral with only a few relatives present would be best to the best of the interest boxes. these didn't play outside steps. they also just obstructed the funeral. as far as the could 1st, it was impossible to find a cemetery. a place cemetery advantage was impossible to find at public hills anywhere in moscow when people say good bye to to alexander rodney them. they were difficulties with the phrase. there were difficulties with the cars with absolutely every thing right now in the most cold, the now 7th where you're going to be closed because it will be 5 pm multiple time when the gates are closing. and they're not letting the people to put flowers on
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the weight, so they're doing everything is a can to make this cold problem kind of disappeared because the authorities are facing the situation when they've done the way with the are some but most with the problem is that there are some examples for, for them side of them. so if people came to the outskirts of most coal, to pay the respect to the departed politician, found this picture, or rather, those pictures will know going away, they will stay in the people's memory. thank you. so logic got to read a show and then from the carnegie center, we appreciate it. thank you. and as of all these funeral took place in moscow, supporters gathered outside of the russian embassy here in berlin. as the election of island he was being buried in most car. oh, those were close. all windows closed. oh, curtains draw on. that's a russian embassy here in the middle of the then now moving could be seen as the embassy looks down in school. typically on this impromptu memorial to nevada, any that has sprung up in the last 2 weeks since his death was announced in the
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russian penal colony. there is a significant community of russians here in berlin with russian shops and restaurants, and thousands of people gathered here. when his date was an honest 2 weeks ago, today, that has to be in the state, a trickle of people stopping here at this memorial, looking at the post as criticizing. not even put in a piece of expressions of support for nevada name. well, i'm sure it's the gym and transfer this week once again said that according to him, nobody was killed by the russian regime. certainly what can be said that these kinds of expression of support and the morning that we can see here are being suppressed with brutal force in russia. and that was hands front and berlin or the european commission is releasing a 50000000 euro payments to the u. n agency for palestinian refugees on rough condition as the funds were froze and following as rarely claims that some agency staff took part in the october 7th mazda attacks. 68,
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the commission says that the funds will be released early next week, as an unreal has agreed to conditions including an audit. a further, $32000000.00 euros will be paid out later if the review is satisfactory. to view brussels corresponding christine, when do i explains why the commission is not releasing all of the funding at once? a sarah, the european union had committed 82000000 for the owner agency and immediately off to the is ready to government made the allegations that some of on rose stuff were involved in the october 7 attacks. that your opinion suspended that funding. they have now agreed to release 50000000 off. that's 82000000 funding. this is we're told following discussions with the agencies that an e u official said went right up until this morning essentially. now,
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the agency has agreed to take a few steps. chief among them is that they are going to open an investigation into the agencies controls and this investigation will be conducted by external e u experts will essentially look into the own risk structures to try to see if controls that are meant to prevent the agencies stuff as well as assets are not being used for, for terrorist activities. as he was saying, there is a remaining 32000000 that the european union stays will be dispersed at 2 batches of 16000000. if and when the conditions on business voted to know that the european union has not done an investigation into israel's allegations that investigation is being conducted by the united nations. it has not yet been concluded. the you itself sees it as a waiting. the results of that investigation, but the e u has been under pressure since it made that announcement that it was suspending this funding. it is especially from those who are working on the ground in gaza,
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saying that when refunding is absolutely essential to the work that is done. and i'll point out to you as well that you have a number of other member states who also took the decision to assess been funding right now. so it is crucial at least an announcement that at least this money from the european union will be dispersed. can you tell us a little bit more about the time table for um, you know, getting to the bottom of these allegations against audra and its staff because you know, there are some 13000 individuals working full on right in the gaza strip alone can, can they all be checked. well, this is exactly uh the, the question sarah, um right now the, the, the you and as i say is investigating the particular allegations that israel made concerning. the october 7 terrace attacks that are a handful of unrestored off were involved in it, in, in those attacks. and the european union had sit for his part that it is not involved in that investigation. and that it has not, for example, seen any evidence that has been presented by the israeli government. but this
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hearing lies really what does that the call off? what has been agreed between the agency and the european union to have this money released? the european union has insisted that some measures have to be taken of the site mission is to try to establish that the people that work for and read this false organization that is implementing this, this humanitarian, if it's on the part of don't, is to try to ensure that it has strong enough a control measures to be able to prevent such incidents. this is as much as the european union said that it could do so. it's not clear exactly when we will learn about the outcome of israel's allegations as that if investigation is being conducted by the united nations. but now i think it's crucial to see if other member states will, will follow suit if, if they're also going to announce that they will be releasing some funding. before that you had investigation is concluded, whether or not the use internal investigation into the agency structures will be
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sufficient for other than the states because the amount that those other countries who announce suspensions of their funding comes to it's about $450000000.00 euro sarah, so that is a significant amount of money that is on hold right now. while they are question marks of what is going on in the agency and run the w corresponded christine one white and brussels. thank you. and here are some other stories. making headlines. thailand in the united states are hosting ages biggest military exercises. nearly $10000.00 personnel from $27.00 countries are taking part in drills featuring worships fighter jets and helicopters, the annual event. the cobra gold aims to strengthen bonds between allies at least 46 people were killed as fire ripped through a downtown commercial building in the bangladesh. the capital dhaka. thousands more
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were injured. the place broke out in a restaurant and spread through the 6th story lock. a gas leak may have caused suffice. managers and tour operators at a new zealand island have been ordered to pay half the fines over a volcano or russian. i killed 22 people. the 7000000 euro penalties are for safety breaches on white island in 2019 you're watching the, the beginning is sold to come shares and frank 1st keep heading record highs. despite the struggling german economy and crises around the world will ask, where are investors still bullish 1st to iran, where voters are casting their ballots from members of parliament and a religious party called the assembly of experts. the elections are a test of public sentiments toward around the establishment following huge demonstrations. authorities are hoping for a big turn out unlike the last parliamentary elections 4 years ago that paul saw
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the lowest turn out since the 1979 as lubbock revolution. ron is in the middle of an economic crisis and has been racked by protest of the designs are everywhere and the messaging is clear. iran has been scrambling to boost boat or turn out ahead of friday's election. it's introducing electronic loading and several cities. and the number of female candidates vying for a seat is more than double what it was in the last problem entry election in 2020. but the government's efforts appear to be falling on deaf ears on my chest. i should lessen lee. i will not take part in the selection without death because the results of the last 2 elections would not good to you on this group novel. the biggest problem with the election is the people's lack of trust in parliament. a political distrust and an ailing economy have helped fuel voter apathy,
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although the elections are seen as a crucial barometer for legitimacy. the government's own surveys show participation will be well below 50 percent. friday's vote includes polls for members of parliament, and the assembly of experts will have the power to appoint, runs supreme leader. the countries system of pre approve and candidates has led to mass disqualifications and the removal of true choice, according to critics of the current hard line government. yet no, you don't even know. yeah. into all the time, the word election is completely meaningless or but it should be called an anti election or non election. but in the bottom of the election is rejected by the people and these lumnick republic and you don't sell it to them. but not doing that for sure. the memory of mazda many is also casting a long shadow over this years boat. the 22 year old curtis iranian died after she
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was taken into police custody for allegedly violating the islamic dress code of death led to a wave of mass protests against the hid job law and other social issues. in 2022, the movement was violently crushed. by authorities, but the demands for change and an end to these womic republics rule injure. and for more on this at spring, and i see my saw that she is a journalist with a particular focus on a ron. she is a former anchor for a ron international tv, and she joins from london. welcome to the program. is there any way that this will can be legitimate in the eyes of iranians, especially considering the likely low turnout? so let me start with the last bar to the report that you just showed. um it was saying that during the uh, like the last 2 of the month of the mess, i mean is the 16 makes me a really emotional ivan. i remember on those days, uh,
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my so, i mean his mother had this story on his door is like, well, the story says if the root could change anything did within have let you to work on . the deal is that they are coming from the drawings. this morning, but the voting starts, it shows as more stuff they did, the polling stations are empty. many people didn't to move. there has been a month to buy coats on this election, mainly because everyone is totally disappointed with the government. there is no with the government to change or reform and there is, and that's a huge number of people who they've been, that they think that there's some of the public has to go. there is no way that the government is going to change its behavior and put on or somehow people's way to freedom or change or political circumstances that they are living in. there was a pull yesterday taken by the government,
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which says that's almost about 15 percent of the people into around are going to turn a deforming stations and they're going to watch. um, i assume that 15 percent is going to be people who do support this of this of the public. there was another pull by status which a lot found out that them the people who they are going towards men do belong to the people with the higher education or rather than normally, i mean people who didn't, they didn't go to there, but they belong to people with the less education, this signifies that the economic situation of the country and the massive poverty that people are living in broad to be huge gap between that society. and also the government based on the world bank and stopped as they've been, which came in december 23 about 2 months ago. almost 68 percent of
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a range in are going to leaving poverty or the, or the date in poverty. right, so i mean, you, you've highlighted there the economic situation also, you know, the, the general dissatisfaction with the leadership in the country. how about also the regional context? because you know, a ron has been seen to wield influence through its proxies in the war and gaza and the wider region, including in the red sea where ronnie ends make of that as well. a brand new is helping. but the saying it's loud and clear a long time ago that the rest has to pay attention to what destruction could public it does. it's not an intern not issue. it's not, it's a public suppers is people inside a, this is inside like gets my city suppressed. but at the same time, in the warranty, every now you see that the mean that the process of a stomach bug bigger everybody to be the latest. and most each muscles when they
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desire, so it's not a good public plays a significant role in terms of bringing in the ability of tensions in the, in the region. which seems that this is actually the reason that the bus is reluctant, in terms of doing anything above it. most of the focus has always been given to the eat on nuclear program, which is very scary. and also very important in terms of the bank address issues, but at the same time, it's important to pay attention to the extent of it proxies in the region in iraq 11, i'm having fun, that's how most very long and now we can see its influence on who sees interest see, which interrupted to hold international trade. so before it comes into that level of, let's say, alarming point of disrupting anything the restaurant has to come into
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a policy which address is that exactly. thank you so much for that context or and let's see most of that to joining us for lunch and we appreciate it. thank you. thanks very much. i, it's, we want to get a check on the economic situation here in germany where it share prices happen, setting new records, despite an economic downturn and the global crises, such as wars and climate change, which are unsettling investors. frankfurt the main stock market, the dax has been enjoying a prolonged rally. here's the thing about the frankfurt stock exchange, whether the bulls are running wild or the bayers are mulling everything inside. you couldn't tell from the faces of traders here. and there's always an eerie silence in the building too. it's no different these days, even though there wouldn't be reason to celebrate germany's ducks. the main index trading here in frankfort has been on the record run for months, setting afresh,
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old time high this week, every day it's in think closer 218000 points up from under 15000 to november. that's despite the ongoing war in ukraine. it's despite the unrest in the middle east and not to mention germany's economic problems with the recession in 2023 expectations for any growth in 2024. and we order books in many industries, products under the paradoxes that the german economy is not doing well because the ducks is basically rushing from record high to a record high, is mostly due to the hope of a turn around and interest rates. and in principle, keen interest rates that will be lowered in the course of the year. and so there is a paradox on the stock market and this was effect, the german economy is not doing well, but the tax is rushing from record to record. how much longer will markets rise? it's the $1000000.00 question. as central banks that around the world have indeed
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suggested the lower interest rates, although later than expected, markets will have to be patient, not an easy order at their current levels. but let's go more, we're joined by dw, so rob blocks is joining us from dw business. i mean, explain to us what's going on here because you know, you have the docs in stark contrast with the german economy. so remind us, how are things looking economically in the country? yeah, i mean, is, it's not good for the gentleman economy. it's really struggling to get going once again after what i've been a terrible few years. we'll know we've had a pandemic. the war on germany's doorstep and there's been an energy crisis. but whereas demons are looking at neighboring countries and similar economies and seeing growth, looking at their end economy and go on west west graves. i mean, the gym and government has just reduced expect patients for this year from 1.3 percent gross for the at the north point 3 percent. so basically it does not a lot. right. and how many is basically no gross? yeah, i'm still nice. expect it to full actually into
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a technical recession this quarter. so that's 2 quarters of negative growth in a row. so what's causing that with germany isn't being as productive as it needs to be, anyone living and to him, and he will of now just as a lot of industrial action going on that i'm and that isn't helping this also, universe, problems like electricity prices still being very high, full produces and then the problem that germans on spending as much money as the economy needs them to be doing for it to be growing. which is not quite surprising because, or one of 2 positive points for the german economy of the facts that are by disagreeing and also employment is, is very high. so jennings, do have more money in that pocket. but the choosing to save it that being cautious and all of these things together means you don't get course. so, i mean, that's the view on the street, right. how, how ordinary germans are experiencing things. but clearly investors are seeing value. i mean, what's going on with the tax? so what, when we refer to the tax, what we're actually referring to is the tax 40, and it's called the tax policy because it's the 40 biggest listed companies in
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germany. and let me, the, the big companies like the big corporations that here's another multi nationals. so i see they make any, quite a small proportion of the revenue in gemini. and that means the relatively well insulated from the economic situation on the ground and making them money elsewhere . the economic situation elsewhere in the world is actually pretty good. so that's still able to make them money. so that's one of the reasons. another thing is it's don't, mock is quite often they have different the to the local economy because trade is a really facing that decisions on expectations rather than what's going on. they want to buy something that they think is going to get more valuable in the future. and what they're seeing is the thing like us to guess that we've had yesterday, and today on inflation in germany and, and you'll have to sing that it's coming down. nothing. okay. an interest rates decrease from the offering central bank is looking more and more likely. let's invest and that's how you can end up with a tax rising and the to a, to him in economy doing off. and it's not just the decks. that indeed is not,
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i mean, your pain stops in general. all index is been up since the start of the year that having a great time, you should also look across the lawn ticket. what's going on in the united states as well, where index is a smashing record after record, after record, they've got that. i would expect patients if the federal reserve lowering and interest rates that too, but they've also got this extra thing that's going on over that particular with tech stocks and the excitements around. hey, i'm assuming that we're all talking about that as dose of 2024. we saw in video post surprisingly positive expectations for this year that actually lifted stocks, not just in the united states, but all over the world. so it is not just the tax, rob, lots from daddy business. thank you. a quick reminder of our top story. thousands of warners have gathered in defiance of riot police as the jail russian opposition leader, alexa vaughn. and he was laid to rest in moscow. the crowd outside the church bid farewell to the kremlin spears. this critic died at a remote arctic funeral,
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calling up to date. thank you so much for watching the
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video catching the bus and the fraction of them to find a waste of them. okay, so what happens to that is the thrown away to change this people in the, the name of the ico, india on d w, the, it's in the, in the most creatures dancing in the
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arrow biologists are exploring the world, those fairly plaintiff. these little ones are dancing with the 1st itself and calling on humans joining in 45 minutes on d, w. the race as long because later, when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything changed. it's all about dominance. in the age of artificial intelligence, in 5 years, it was in china. the us. oh, you're up to control the technology that will shape the future of humanity,
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the small, it's new world, the a i raise stats, march 16th on dw, the dates around to fish, and they might just mtv ocean. hello and welcome. i'm so i think everybody and you all are watching the world wildlife organization tells us that's over 3000000 people across the world. rely on ceasing. and this isn't a very was fine because to see i'm the food i both understand. but not the or wolf is last that our efforts being made. the prism are moving.


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