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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, the, the winners slide from berlin, the gremlins fair says critic alexander, longing lay to rest, and most of the thousands gather outside the church in defiance of riot police. crowns bid farewell to the opposition leaders and dine in a remote arctic penal colony. also coming up there on holes election say the test of public sentiment following nationwide anti government protest authority struggle to get motors to the ballot box. the
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welcome to the show, the russian opposition leader alexander bonnie has been laid to rest in moscow. the fiercest critic of president vladimir fulton died 2 weeks ago in a remote arctic prison. some florida shout. it's alex, a thank you, says coffin was brought into the cemetery near the moscow river earlier, thousands gathered outside the church where his funeral was held in defiance of riot police and official warnings from the kremlin one human rights groups. as at least 45 people were arrested that tribute event along his wife julia and the things i'm on social media for 26 years of happened. nobody is russia analyst, konstantin. i got told me it's no surprise really that. so when he turned out for an of on his funeral of the they do in the end, it's a funeral. and basically the fact that several dozen people who are arrested
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according to humans, right rights group. so really shows that this was not your regular funeral. of course, they didn't bump the show of solidarity without except his family. and of course they golf, but they go up. i mean, it's moscow, it's nobody's carplay. and that's where people of all the most politicize and where there's a huge, well at least a significant, let's say, a layer of opposition to boot. and so to me, there was no surprise in the turn out. and uh, frankly speaking, these people are great because anyone went there good to risk the risk arrest, or it completely trumped up and fig charges. so yes, i mean, kudos to that. kudos to the more people outside russia and allow me was the face of the anti food and the opposition housing volley configure izzy along the russian public. this will look the russian public that's
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was inside put and then still continues to be this minority. uh, they of course knew about the green with whom there are other leaders and what position including and eggs are a box. definitely, the fact that she was in russia attracted a huge attention to him and he was one of the, i would say, 12 to 3 political prisoners that were influenced hands. so in a sense, i think there's those who dislike, but they always acknowledged his bravery. but of course, the zip the white's ways of public opinion and russia, which believes the criminal propaganda, and believes that in a while it was the c i, a agent or whatever the crime and tells about him. so i lost lots, every one in refresher was taken by his energy and his messages. long as widow lives outside russia and didn't attend the funeral today, she's bound to continue her husband's 5. what role do you think she could play
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going forward? well, it depends on how she proceeds. she's a different person. she kept always slightly so to be the shadow of alexi and the she has to become a her own for old self, their own political. so i think that's what we've seen so far. points to the fact that i like see who might happen to know 1st of the 2 was correct to say that she's probably more radical than he's in a position to button a bunch of calls. it means that she will have to recreate his team to mostly defined jerome messages in her own image. and dest is a big task for her. if she succeeds, the i'm absolutely said to bose a danger to boot and even from a, from the outside even from eggs on it as constantly. i got always a pleasure to get your insights. thank you so much. and united nations is calling
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for an international investigation into the depths of more than a 100 palestinians killed during an a delivery in gaza. families of the victims say is really troops opened fire and they is really army says most of the debts occurred during a stampede, as the crowns trying to elude 8 supplies. the u. n. has warned that a quarter of gall, this population is currently at risk of them. friends and family morning, their dead injured survivors on the floor receiving treatment. these people say they were shot by is really troops as they went to meet an aide shipment with the brand after they stopped shooting. we went back to get how 8, by the time i got flour and some kind of goods and took it down from the truck. they shelter to is they show to me um the truck driver left to run away from my leg . i lost my notes. if you want to give us a this way, then you might as well not bring us anything. a israel has
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a different account. this is a video released by the military. it spokesperson says it shows mobs, loading humanitarian aid from trucks. the truck so overwhelmed and the people driving the trucks which are garzon. uh, said, gauze and civilian drive is uh, plowed into the crowds of people ultimately killing it. my understanding is tons of people. i don't have anything more specific to that. it is on folding. that's helped ministry, which is controlled by how mosse says dozens were killed at the drop site. this brings the ministry's death toll, which does not separate dod civilians from fighters to 30000. that unprecedented human cost has spurred cause for resolution. the war in gaza must and clear violations of international mon rights and to many different roles, including war crimes and possibly other crimes on the international law has been
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committed to by all parties, mediators say that moss and israel on the cost of a truce, but a group say that before that happens, some northern guidance may not survive the famines that result from a not getting through they are being commission is releasing of 50000000 euro payments to be un agency from palestinian refugees overall. after earlier halting it's funding, the phrase found is really claims that some agency staff took part in the october 7th come off terror attacks the commission to sign into to make the payment after on route made commitments to carry out an investigation on here. some other worldliness, the size of main opposition and that parties headquarters have been demolished, following the killing of a leader young village or ru, they're the party of kings as soldiers of executing him and an assault on the building. on wednesday, the violence came a day after child's military rulers announced a presidential election would be held in may. 32 year old soldier and the german
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army has been confirmed as a suspect and a shooting in the lower sacks in a region. 4 people were shot and killed in the incident, one of them, a child. few further details had been released orders in a run or elect a new parliament and a religious body called the assembly of experts to ron's political establishment. the elections are a test of public sentiment following the social uprising in 2022. and the last parliamentary elections 4 years ago solve the smallest vote since the 1979. as long as revolution are on a suffering and economic crisis and has been rocked by nationwide anti government protests, the signs are everywhere and the messaging is clear. iran has been scrambling to boost voter turnout ahead of friday's election. it's introducing electronic loading and several cities. and the number of female candidates vying for a seat is more than double what it was in the last parliament re election in 2020.
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but the government's efforts appear to be falling on deaf ears. my chest. i should personally, i will not take part in this election without this because the results of the last 2 elections were not good to you on this group novel on the terms. the biggest problem with the election is the people's lack of trust in parliament. of political distrust and an ailing economy have helped fuel voter apathy. although the elections are seen as a crucial barometer for legitimacy. the government's own surveys show participation will be well below 50 percent. friday's vote includes polls for members of parliament, and the assembly of experts will have the power to appoint, runs supreme leader. the country system of pre approve and candidates has led to mass disqualifications. and the removal of true choice, according to critics of the current hard line government, you know, you don't even know. yeah. into whole book by the time the word election is
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completely meaningless. but it should be called an anti election or non election road in the bottom of the election is rejected by the people and these lumnick republic. and you don't sell it to them about doing that for sure. the memory of mazda many is also casting a long shadow over this years. vote the 22 year old curtis iranian died after she was taken into police custody for allegedly violating the islamic dress code that led to wave of mass protests against the hid job law. and other social issues in 2022. the movement was violently crushed by authorities. but the demands for change and an end to these womic republics rule injure ollie's to land. and john is a german, a rainy and political scientist who has the center for middle east and global order thing tank here in berlin. and told us how it rains. feel about these selections.
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it's i think it is quite clear even for the resume itself that uh for these elections. there is not much enthusiasm, quite on the country. we can expect the repetition of the last 2 major elections in around, over the last few years for the parliament of the presidency, which already saw a historic, low voter turnout. so this time around, we can also expect the same even probably even lower. because that leaves even redeem legitimacy, it has been for further eroding also in the wake of the national uprisings that you mentioned earlier. so what we actually can expect, in fact, is that there was im gonna proclaim a fake voter turnout without doing much to legitimize them. no, well, i don't believe so because the disillusionment is quite vast and you're wrong. it's
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quite widespread. there's also no illusion among iranians that those elections are, you know, going to leads to some change. so everyone is well aware of that. so it's quite farcical this so what we're going to see is, you know, basically the social base of the regime, we're going to go to the bottom of the boxes. and this says social base of the resume is also being quite eroding. so basically basically we're talking about 10 to 15 percent of the population be there are the logically or economically or somehow attached to the song republic of you're wrong. so basically it's a contestation within a very, a smaller part of your honest society. those who benefit from the regime and are the logically very committed, especially to the supreme leader of the san republic. uh, as you've mentioned, the protests of 20222023. i want to know from you how has this uprising this
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movement played into the road and the campaigning ahead of it as well. it does definitely play into resume calculations. that's um for a months now, they've been very worried about the reputation of a historically low voter turnout. so, before, over the last few months, we've seen quite to lots of agitation by reaching the officials and for the i took media packaging iranians to go to the founded boxes because otherwise it was the strength of the so called enemies of the sound republic. but all those, you know, narratives are not working anymore. so what we can expect is, as i said before, a repetition of a historically low voter turnout enhance also the approximation of a, a, you know, higher ups. uh, you know, a fake hinesville to turn out just 3 days ago. the already see the running around the some river. she guards a core affiliated media for us,
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talked about an expectation of 71 percent of the wrong is going to the pulse so. so this is, you know, a stark contrast to probably only 10 to a maximum 20 percent of iranian so may go to the ballot boxes as political scientists, alief atlanta is out there. and finally, a pre wedding party, thrown by asia's richest man, is proving to be quite a celebrity magnet tech titan, large locker berg and his wife priscilla chan, or rubbing shoulders with sport stars and bollywood royalty at billionaire industrialist lucas on bonnie's 3 day free mountain party. for his son and wife to be the $1200.00 strong guests, including bill gates, yvonne control and the king and queen of boot time will be entertained by none other than pops ariano. the wedding itself will take place later in the year.
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that's all for now, coming up next, a documentary profiling activist campaigning against the exploitation of excellent doors. natural resources on the call, probably from all of us here in berlin. thank you so much for your company. the ice cold b. jessica new an expedition ventures on to places that no one has the climate research in the ice, the dos much good dw, the.


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