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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 2, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news live from berlin, the kremlin fiercest critic, alexi, nev only is laid to rest in moscow, the tires and gather outside the charge in defiance of riot police. cries, bid farewell to the opposite, shouldn't leader who died in a remote dark 16 o colony. and also coming up us president by did a nice has plans to air drop emergency food and supplies and took gossip. this comes as the un says, a quarter of gauze. this population is currently at risk of the
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hello. welcome to the program, the russian opposition leader, lexi nevada, and he has been laid to rest in moscow, fiercest critic of president vladimir page, and died 2 weeks ago. and a remote arctic penal colony size it is gathered outside the church where his funeral was held, in defiance of a heavy police presence and warnings from the kremlin. when human rights group says at least 67 people have been arrested nationwide tributes. as the moon is john rusher will be free as a cue outside the church in moscow with the funeral of the next in the fall and the withheld. the anti corruption campaign, a few months galvanized huge protests against the russian government. also, bruce thousands to the streets of to his desk to bid him farewell despite the police blockade and the risk of arrest
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the, there's something like 10000 people here. no one is a freight we came here because we want to honor the memory of the person who was not scared of anything else. and we also bought so many of those here. it's just important to see people who agree that what happened is terrible and that there are a lot of people who think this will start. she's done the traditional public burials and the criminal and against what they called protests taking place outside the church. inside the church, alexys family and friends pay the final respects the the full of the coffin was transported to a symmetry near the banks of the most clouded river to
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his parents said good bye to the son, nevada, and these wife, julia novelle naya was not present at the funeral, she is living outside of russia, saying she could be arrested if she pretends the. she posted half the well to has been on social media sign king him for 26 years of happiness. she has vowed to continue her husband's work. once more on this, i'm joined by doug clay, nonresident fellow at the atlantic. kinds of you raise your center in fairfax. virginia, thanks so much for joining us here on dw deck. the kremlin didn't want his funeral to take place the way that they actually tried to force nevada, his mother to have
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a secret burial. so with this in mind, we surprised to see them a life, thousands of people bid him farewell and moscow. thanks for having me. i would say i'm not surprised with how things went today. the kremlin wanted to avoid public shows of support for new volley. putin's greatest challenger and in explicit defiance of the kremlin, if the kremlin tried to prevent a public gathering and of all these funeral, they really would have had to bring out the riot police. they would have had to forcefully keep people from paying their tributes. and that really would have resulted in images of the police cracking down and beating people in the streets of the kremlin. i think probably made the calculation that it was better to avoid those images which could further turn, move only into a martyr, as well as those who would have separate police brutality for it. so i think that this was the kremlin making a calculated choice, that this was the best way to, in
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a way, allow the russian society to let out some steam. mm. i mean with that being said, thousands of people were still arrested. so what kind of obstacles did the kremlin to in the way of the funeral? well, there were a number of things the kremlin didn't advance to try to hamper the efforts to quite literally lay this man to rest. uh, it was difficult for him to of all these families to get a hearse to carry his body for today. uh, different funeral agencies reported getting calls of intimidation, threatening them, telling them, do not do anything to associate yourselves with no volume in his burial. ah, so the kremlin also brought out riot police today who watched over the thousands of people that came in the streets to pay their tribute throwing flowers chanting no to war and paying their tributes to involve me. and to all of us outside of russian, yvonne, it was really the face of the occupational position,
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but how symbolic of a figure was he among the russian public as well. the volley elicited some feelings of relative apathy. among most russians, his course support was young. urban russians, he did not enjoy widespread support in russia, at least not publicly or by any measure of uh, tractable public opinion. most people simply saw him is getting involved in politics. something that often is looked down upon a bit still in the volley, elicited strong support. among those who did follow him going forward, it'll be worth watching to see just how much his wife julia takes up the mantle of leadership in rushes, liberal opposition. she is a broad as well and did not go back for the funeral to day for fear of facing arrest just as he faced when he went back after being poisoned. exactly. so let's
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go into a little bit more detailed. they are, what rule could yvonne, these widow actually play going forward? i think the russian opposition right now is that something of a turning point uh over the last 2 years with the war and with nevada only in a penal colonies. they've been spread abroad scattered before putting launched as full scale invasion of ukraine. he took great pains to eviscerate russian civil society in opposition to his rule. now the basic point, what comes next? what comes after and of only what can be advocated? is it simply going against proven? is it going against the war? and i think that the, the opposition faces real choices. this could be something of a turning point, particularly with what could be real new leadership. that client, always a pleasure. thank you so much. thanks for asking or no president joe biden says the us will begin air dropping supplies in 2000
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a day after more than a 100 post indians were killed during an 8 delivery divide in administration is also looking at other ways to bring in more assistance. john car be of the national security council, said israel supports the us air drop initiative and gave more details. united states will carry out air drops of 8 into gaza in coordination with our international partners, particularly jordan. in the coming days. we're also going to redouble our efforts to open up a humanitarian maritime cord, or to hoover amounts of humanitarian assistance by c, hopefully large amounts by c. this is of course, in addition to expanding delivery by land, which we have been keenly focused on now for, for many months, we'll continue to push is risk as real, to facilitate more trucks going in and more routes being open so that more aid can get to more people well, despite the u. s. and i spent, the situation for guys is population remains, remains extremely dire. the u. n. is wanting, the assignment that simon in gas is almost inevitable. it's
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a deliveries don't increase significantly. joe, genuine plain slides have an old and gaza dropping packages of rice, flour, baby, milk, and other essential items. palestinians gather in the ruined streets below, trying to guess where the 8 packages will land as people struggled to feed their families and made israel spite to destroy the militant group by mouth. agencies the cold and drops the measure of last resort. because many drops day to reach those most in need yesterday and the day before they were ed drops and the noise, but some of them the, the reach days were in the communities because of the air. and the wind actually. and so the, the, the distribution is, is not clear for the people. plus, it doesn't reach the old, the,
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the categories or the people who are still in the north. they've got this trip. the united nations warning of widespread hunger and gauze is guessing more urgent. if something doesn't change, a famine is almost inevitable. on the, on the current trends, one is a family, it's the clip. it is too late for too many people. over a 100 palestinians were killed off the crowd, surrounded in a convoy and you on thursday morning. this video from the guitar e channel. ouch. is there a shows people climbing on the trucks to get to the supplies? shots rang out the how much run health authorities and survivors accuse these really all me of shooting at the crowd. the talk to is it goes is overwhelmed. hospital struggle to deal with the injured the when the heading,
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the selected was the that when the trucks and took out the tank and quote cups to begin to fire the people who'd gavin to get food for themselves and the children that they started shooting at the vs riley, i'm you said limited shots were fired near the a convoy but insisted that most of the dead would from pull to run over by the a trucks from some germany, a cooling for an international inquiry into the depths. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. the european commission is releasing a 50000000 euro payment to the u, an agency for palestinian refugees on rob after earlier halting its funding. the freeze followed as rarely claims that some agency staff took part in the october 7 him off terror attacks. the commission decided to make the payment after i made commitments to carry out an investigation. nicaragua has filed
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a case against germany, the international criminal court of justice, forgetting financial and military a to israel nicaragua. his claim is that germany is violating the 1948 genocide convention and the 1949 geneva convention on the laws of war and the occupied palestinian territories. and chads may not physician parties headquarters has been demolished, following the killing of its leader guy, the load, your rude, they're the parts you accuse us soldiers of executing having an assault on the building. on wednesday, the violence came a day after child's military rulers and nice to presidential election would be held in may or how religious conservatives are expected to tightened their grip on power . in iran, observers say there's the little enthusiasm among voters and elections for a new parliament and declared who bought equal, called the assembly of experts. and that's being reflected in low turn out. the polls are attached to the public sentiment following a wave of anti government unrest 2 years ago. and protests were sparse by the death
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of the young women in police custody. it runs the economy has been struggling due to international sections at least for totally a, in a job as a driving around in political scientist who heads the center for middle east and global order. think tank here in berlin. he told us how iranians feel about these elections. i think it is quite clear even for the resume itself, that uh for these elections. there is not much enthusiasm, quite on the country. we can expect the repetition of the last 2 major elections in around, over the last few years for the problem and the presidency, which already saw a historic, low voter turnout. so this time around, we can also expect the same, even probably even lower. because the game regime legitimacy has been further further eroding also in the wake of national uprisings that you mentioned
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earlier. so what we actually can expect in fact is that there was im gonna proclaim a fake, but voter turnout was political scientist alley for totally english out there. and before we go, a pre wedding party thrown by age as rich as man is proving to be a celebrity. magnet tech titan marks a could work on his wife facility on a rubbing shoulders with sport stars and bollywood royalty at billionaire industrialist location on bonnie's 3 day pre, not piracy for his son and wife to be the $1200.00 guest list, including bill gates is on control on the king and queen of baton will be entertained by pup. start riana. the wedding itself will take place later in the year and that's all for now. it's coming up next e w as mobility show red clicks into weather. old classic cars might in fact be more environmentally friendly than modern electric vehicles. as always, you can get more news on our website that dw dot com and don't forget to call us on
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social media. our handle is at dw and hughes. i'm out of here. well, thanks for watching dw station the votes, people have to say the that's why we listen to based on the reports every weekend on d. w is this the end of the road for classic cars.


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