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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 2, 2024 5:00am-5:15am CET

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the, the, this is the that we use live from berlin. the us, the 9 says plans to air dropped emergency 8 into casa us presidents. i did says spending off the humanitarian crisis and java is the number one priority. this column says the u. n says a quarter of cause population is currently at risk of famine. and the kremlin spears this to crush a collection of all knee is laid to rest inbox, go the size and gather outside the church in defiance of riot police. crowds bitch farewell to the old position leader who died in a remote art sick penal colony. also coming up to tough talk from argentina's
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presidents, javier me late in his 1st policy address to congress. he warned arch and tying lawmakers, he intends to push through reforms with or with sites there. support the hello and welcome to the program. president joe biden says the us will begin air dropping supplies into casa a day, after more than a 100 pulse demands were killed during an a delivery. the by the administration is also looking at other ways to bring in more assistance. john copy of the national security council said israel supports the us air drop initiative and gave more details. the united states will carry out air drops of 8 into a gas in coordination with our international partners, particularly jordan. in the coming days. we're also going to redouble our efforts to open up a humanitarian maritime chord,
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or deliver amounts of humanitarian assistance by c, hopefully large amounts of i see. this is of course, in addition to expanding delivery by land, which we have been keenly focused on now for, for many months we'll continue to push is read is real, to facilitate more trucks going in and more ralph's being open so that more aid can get to more people yet, despite this us tonight in spent, the situation for causes population remains dire. un is warning, simon, and goslin is almost inevitable. it's a deliveries don't increase significantly. george any i'm playing slides they've been old and gaza dropping packages of rice, flour, baby, milk, and other essential items. palestinians gather in the ruins, the streets below, trying to guess where the 8 packages will land. as people struggled to feed their families and made israel spite to destroy the militant group by mouth agencies,
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the cold air drops the measure of last resort because many drops day to reach those most in need. yesterday and the day before they were at drops and the noise, but some of them the, the reach days were 80 communities because of the air and the wind actually. and so the, the, the distribution is, is not clear for the people. and plus, it doesn't reach the old, the, the categories or the people who are still in the north of gas trip to the united nations warning of widespread hunger and gauze is guessing more urgent. if something doesn't change, a famine is almost inevitable. on the, on the car insurance, once a family needs declare, it is too late for too many people over a 100 pallets to indians were killed off the crowd, surrounded in
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a convoy uh the on thursday morning. this video from the guitar you channel out is there a shows people climbing on the trucks to get to the supplies? shots rang out the how much run health authorities and survivors accuse these really ami of shooting at the crowd. the talk to is it goes is overwhelmed. hospital struggle to deal with the injured or when the head of the saw that when the trucks into a gauze, the tank and quote cups and began to fire the people who had gathered to get food for themselves. and the children that they started shooting at them to be as riley army said, limited shots were fired near the convoy, but insisted that most of the dead would from poodle run over by da trucks. from some germany, a cooling for an international inquiry into the depths over to russia now,
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where the opposition leader likes in nevada may has been laid to rest in moscow. the fiercest critic of president vladimir putin died 2 weeks ago in a remote arctic penal colony sizes gathered outside the church where his funeral was held in defiance of a heavy police presence on warnings from the kremlin. while human rights groups, as at least 67 people have been arrested nationwide tribute, crowds of moon is shaunte. russia will be free as a cue outside the church and must go with the funeral of the next in the fall and the withheld. the anti corruption campaign, a few months galvanized huge protest against the russian government. also, bruce thousands to the streets of to his desk to bid him farewell despite the police blockade and the risk of arrest
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there's something like 10000 people here. no one is afraid. we came here because we want to honor the memory of the person who is not scared of anything else. and we also have many of those here. it's just important to see people who agree that what happened is terrible and that there are a lot of people who think this will start to find the traditional public burial and the criminal and against what they called pro, to just taking place outside the church. inside the church, alexys family and friends pay. the final respects, the, the full of the coffin was transported to a cemetery near the banks of the most clouded river
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where his parents said good bye to the son, nevada, and these wife, julia novelle naya, was not present at the funeral. she is living outside of russia, saying she could be arrested if she returns the. she posted half a well to house bend on social media, funking him for 26 years of happiness. she has vowed to continue her husband's work. well, thousands of people were allowed to bid farewell in law school. earlier i asked doug claims from the atlantic canso if he was surprised that the kremlin alone did that, many people to attend the funeral as i would say, i'm not surprised with how things went today. the kremlin wanted to avoid public shows of support for new volley, putin's greatest challenger and in explicit defiance of the kremlin. if the
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kremlin tried to prevent a public gathering and of all these funeral, they really would have had to bring out the riot police. they would have had to forcefully keep people from paying their tributes. and that really would have resulted in images of the police cramping down and beating people in the streets. the kremlin, i think, probably made the calculation that it was better to avoid those images which could further turn, move only into a martyr, as well as those who would have separate police brutality for it. so i think that this was the kremlin making a calculated choice, that this was the best way to, in a way allow the russian society to let out some steam. that was the clayton from the atlantic kind of so he knows president has given his 1st policy speech to congress, hoppey or malay, a nice to range of reforms and said he would try to push through policies with or without lawmakers, supports the right wing populace to power last november,
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promising to shake up argentina's invest. i was economy, but he's facing strong opposition in the parliament and on the streets. unions calls for protests to head his malay speech, saying they fear his plans will leave the country worse. off dw correspondent alejandro robust. you and born desirous told me earlier what molly's speech revealed about his plans for argentina as well. and maybe somebody has said that he will in seized with his degree with the kiss bill to liberalize economy, to reduce the argentine as a state. and he says that he wants the congress to accept these reforms and a, if the congress accepted, accepted. and he would give a relief to the provinces. you know that the, the, the congress and the provinces of ogden, tina are dominated by the opposition. but
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a, if he can not get an agreement key he's keep from is you conflicts and new tensions between keeps government on what he calls day. but it because he also, he has also proposed at 10 points reforms a to reduce to, to get fisco back. the reduced is a public expenses from 40 percent of g d, p to only 25 percent a. he wants to also special reforms, labor reforms, and to open the economy. okay, so there's a quite a lot in there. i mean malays government has claimed that they've already improved economic conditions, a 100, but what have their reforms actually done so far as well? his main goal, eh, and only 3 months is if police go go and luckier argentine i had a priest guideline balance of 5 percent of gdp in january and the day
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has reduced it to or a to 0 percent. but of course, this is only one month a, but if you go to the street and you're not going to, you know, somebody busters a are excited because of these, if it's going to adjustments and it, that's why it stops bones underpaid. so i has a rice and during these months, but at the same time this invest sort of a jobs about big economic fisco, a political and social. it's a thing to do of these adjustments on how it can relate reducing place. and that's only done the rate, was it 20 percent. okay, and just briefly, we have seen regular protests against malay since he took power. is that public anger growing or reducing or staying the same well is it has a want. it is
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a by the fashion that's remember with the 56 percent of the boats. and the most of these people is to support a government above. they are suffering, he's adjustments, and the other side, 40 percent of police in the house vote against a key. and these people are shouting more and more against his government above a need a has a regulated demonstrations, dw is alejandro blasio and one is iris. thank you so much. thank you. let's take a look at a ron knight. the 1st election since the mass protests in 2020 are underway, a mid, a heavy security presence. a total of $61000000.00 people are eligible to elect the new parliament, as well as the so called new council of experts. yet observers anticipate a low voter turnout. many iranians are expected to boycott the elections because of position candidates are not allowed to stop. today, this 10 most success is
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a polling station. haven, the stomach, republics, that is no separation of states, religion. and most of those who are voting will be conservative and religious resident shot even when that it's both a religious and our national duty. it doesn't matter who we vote for whatever reason. i single studies. however, on the streets of, to the on many say is just to show, following the mass protests and origin 2022, triggered by the death of june, a mazda meaning in police custody young people in particular of taking a stand against the system, a mess they want to artificially create legitimacy for themselves by setting up a ballot. but none of these candidates represent me and they shouldn't be allowed to decide my future going to be going on. he's qu, do a full candidates of being vetted by the so called council of guardians, which consists of 12 clerics opposition. figures is a bod,
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from politics or in prison. observers say there's no competition yet. no, no candidates who belong to the same team are apparently competing against each other. i still haven't heard a word from any of them about what they actually want to do if they get elected. yeah, me yet, joe, me. around see payment lead to ali khamenei called on the whole population to vote . but human rights organizations claim that states employees such as teachers, are being pressured to cost the votes in order to prevent a much fade low turn, not as well before we go. let's take a look at these dramatic scenes following a traffic accident on a bridge in the us state of kentucky, a truck collided with at least 2 other vehicles, leaving it dangling over the edge of the clock memorial bridge. the truck driver was stuck in the hanging cab, but was rescued by emergency responders. as far as service said she was shaken, but appear to be in stable condition. well,
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that's all for now. coming up. next is shift deed, at least program for all things digital. take some in depth look into artificial intelligence. i'm out of here most and berlin, thanks so much for watching dw, take care the, the race has long begun. later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything change, it's all about dominance. in the age of artificial intelligence 5, you see, i mean everything.


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