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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CET

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the, the business dw news line from berlin. the us plaza era drop supplies into golf of america aims to join efforts by jordan and other countries to bring in desperately needed food and medicine. united nations again warns that the palestinian territory is on the verge of famine, also coming up, fears of crumbling east tropic officials in berlin. investigate claims that of russia are recorded high ranking german officers discussing ukraine using german christmas. the
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marietta evans dean, welcome president joe biden. says the us will begin errand dropping supplies into gauze them the day after more than $100.00 palestinians were killed during an a delivery. so these were all began his campaign to wipe out from us in response to his october 7th terror attacks conditions, regardless, population have steadily deteriorated. the when is warning that famine, there is almost inevitable if a deliveries do not increase significantly and filling each item. the boys have survive and it's not the strike incentive garza, many other did not. but the fighting in the gaza strip isn't the only danger alice damien's face. the disease and famine has become a major threat. the children are most at risk. starvation has now become the lives
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of several of the children. so the official records yesterday or this morning said the 10th child officially registered in the hospital as having starved to death and very sad threshold. similar status to 30000 best be reached all the cause of the, the unofficial numbers can unfortunately be expected to be higher. and the donors climbing to the network. just see the cost is for the dates from kansas city on friday in scores of palestinians for guild, as to sit on it and feed on why the her most on health industry and survivors pick use. these are the army of opening fire on the crowd. a is trying to set limited shots of modified near the eat gone way, but insisted that most of the data with trump was run over by the 8 drugs
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you wouldn't deem has visited a chip, a hospice on friday. it's reported having seen a large number of gunshot victims, the incident has amplified the demand for more each to be delivered without delay. need been egypt and jordan, decent. b, it dropped essential items in costa. now the us saved it, would deliver humanitarian aid to be a bad assure to why president joe biden bushes is right to improve a better we're going to insisted israel facilitate more trucks and more help routes to get more and more people in the help i need no excuses because the truth is a ploy in the gaza is nowhere nearly enough. now snow are nearly enough and it's a large on the line and shows lives are on the line. and we won't stand by and less until we get more a bite and has also signaled i seized by
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d between mazda ministry. could be each to which many here who would be lifeline, destruction and loss. let's bring in mike martin. he's a war studies senior fellow at kings college london and also a former british army officer. welcome to the w. so is we just heard president biden hello says that the us military is going to air drop supplies into gaza, similar to how jordan, friends, and other countries have done. can you explain to us how exactly something like this would work? will there be coordination with these really military? do they do it independently? what's involved it so it is, as you would imagine, you know, you fly a plane and then you push supplies out the back. but what you need is an area on the grounds that has been at least cleared or secured. so i would imagine the us is
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going to be trying to push the 8 out near the coast, so it can flying over the sea and said it is not flying over the gaza, which is obviously a woodside. but then you need a partner on the ground either the is riley's or perhaps one of the agencies who have in some way designated an area that is a good landing it's, it's actually very, very difficult to do what is know your own people on the ground a securing the landing zone for your planes. so you mentioned some of the challenges of this, of course is still an active world zone and you need people on the ground. so is this even going to help if there isn't some sort of security on the ground in gaza as these a packages are pushed out of the plane as you described this? well, i think actually you've hit the nail on the heads. is this going to be effective
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a plane so huckabee is playing, which is one of the 2 options that the u. s. ministry has, can carry about 20 tons worth of supplies. a shipping container that goes on the back of the truck is a 2 ton. so if you've got a, you know, a 10 truck convoy or 20 truck convoys, that's the 300 tons or 600 tons. so you know, an order of magnitude, they got. so really what i think we need to ask ourselves is, is this just for show you can only drop food medicines quite difficult because they get broken water yukon, drop. and as we've discussed the amounts that you can actually deliver all very difficult. and we've already spoken about the deacon fiction problems. so i think that, you know, if we're cynical, we could argue that this is all of a small impact on the oval sky. that the problem. and really, i know the us is not getting much joy from these writings,
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but really that is the route to opening up. the humanitarian problem is for these raise to allow more trucks into gaza. that was mike martin with the king's college london. many francs, indeed for your insights, we keep all right, let's turn our attention now to some of the other stories making use this our a cargo ship attacked by who the rebels and the red sea has sunk. it's the 1st vessel last to since the you have any grew began targeting commercial shipping. it says is linked to israel. the british owned ruby mar was carrying more than 40000 tons of fertilizer when it was hit by missile. a look sandeval and his mother and mother in law have visited his grave in moscow a day after the russian opposition leader was buried. other mourners were also on deterred by a heavy police presence. and of all these death and an arctic penal colony 2 weeks ago is still unexplained. the netherlands and ukraine have signed a deal,
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boosting dodge military, a team of 22000000000 euros this year. the leaders of the 2 nations met in the ukrainian city of harkins, which is a frequent target of russian attacks. well, german authorities are investigating an audio recording published in russian media supposedly detailing confidential, military talks under warn you crane. german air force generals are allegedly heard discussing ukrainian forces using german made taurus cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking crime yet to russian. berlin has so far refused to supply to you with the long range weapons. chances are all of salt as promising. swift clarification of the legend recording does so start for the what is being reported is very serious and that's why it is necessary to begin a very thorough intensive and rapid investigation,
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littleton dish. or for more in this, we can now speak to a lot of our se paul, from dw russia and get to see a lot of mirror. so we just heard the german chancellor there, all of schultz announcing a thorough investigation. so what's next? i would expect another around the various heated debates from the rest and on the, excuse me, on the over the german media and enjoying public and politics about how far gemini should go. and how far is, how many you can go in supporting the ukraine. because the debate on dollars or delivery of possible due to install risk or the grossness house in the ukraine was fair to keep it. and this leak is this need to talk among the german getting everything. and also they will be putting this debate through the all right, so what exactly were these german military officers talking about?
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do we have more details about what was in these recordings? yes, it's, it's a half an hour. talk about the details of possible just if possible, possible, possible delivery of dollars to day ukraine. technical details, technical splits. it is a certifications about how other countries i ordered to gave the ukraine to cruise . the cruise missiles like u. k. into us doing this. it's mentioned and the rates have people on the ground because like they have some they have some guys on the ground and degrade and do the talks about some american guys the credit as well. and the german union also been talking about people instead of people clauses, ticket talking, american excellent. and then the other one sensitive subject to the russian property. because of that, what's the debate about how do bridgestone connecting across the creamy it could be destroyed by taurus?
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how many taurus results would be used for this panel trying to use? and so there's the tiles, it's, it's highly sensitive, some tiny bit expensive for, for us and public opinion as well. so what could be russia's aim in publishing this kind of a sensitive intelligence and doing it now, as i would say it, it's, it's to get into the 1st one is to signal to the german government and conjunction army leadership that are, are side knows what is being developed on closet metering sources of it, the kind of access to the stocks and current they've damon can publish them in their, in their role. and the 2nd one is there are some ones too many domains only needed . think twice before did they ever, inc, cruz, me, south lake towers to do great or did you have any other kind of a heavy bed to do ukraine? because the question is, how far can germany,
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goldman pop up once germany go in supporting degrees without, without becoming the part of this world becoming directly involved? as for the swap, because because it's like very old, this video, bas, dangerous for so. so the euro a very, very, to be complications for europe. but after such a step that was the delay is flooded. mirror epa flat america. thank you. thank turning now to iran, where unofficial results of elections show the lowest turn out in the slow make republics history. only about a 40 percent of the country is eligible. voters turned up at the polls on friday. the election for a new parliament and a powerful council of experts is largely a contest among the countries. conservatives is a bronze 1st national vote since widespread anti government protest spark by the death of gina masa, a mini following her arrest for allegedly violating the countries stripped at dress
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code for women, or castro robbie and direct research on a ron's revolutionary guard corps for the policy organization, united against nuclear iran. we asked him earlier, watch at the low voter turnout tells us about how iranians regard these elections, the best of all we have to make it clear. this is not free, in fact election and the writing and people on mass. boyd cottage, these elections, and even if you look at statistics before, at the so called votes, the regime itself actually said into ron, they anticipated 15 percent turn out or not, they usually inflate the sega, so the 40 percent big i. so it's in the inflated, and this reflects the new to the rating people, the writing people have made it absolutely clear. you cannot reform these line republic changed not a cat from the ballot box. and the only solution is outright raising change against
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the system. now, this time around we saw unprecedented election manufacturing even for the standards of these long or public. and i, it's a lot of the common a, the 84 year old supreme leader only permits. it's his own social base and that, so he's power minute tree. the, as on it revelation the god, cool to participate. so yesterday's so quoted votes and was really an internal patriot supply and fights between various only got you climbs bottling out out for a great to slice of the pie. that is, the, crept across it, a system that was caused by robbie from the policy organization united against nuclear iran. and that's the latest on the w news this our up next report or looks at the slow pace of reconstruction falling last year is devastating. earthquakes in
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turkey, marian ever seen off the back of the top of the hour with more headlines for you from me and the entire news team in berlin. thanks for watching the you can draw the line between the spacings because i don't believe that spaces is i'm all really relevant criteria in any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 should. 2 2 we humans are closer to a chimpanzee. sanitation, pansy is even to a dog. but dr. series about our complex relationship with animals watch now on youtube. d. w documentary.


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