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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news lie from berlin. germany investigates a leak of secret talks on weapons for ukraine. the government says a kremlin wire time german generals discussing think use of german made cruise missiles to attack them, bridge linking russia to occupied crime here. also coming up, the united states joins and international operations. the air drum desperately needed supplies into gaza as you, when again, warrens that hundreds of thousands of palestinians face famines. and the 1st thinking of a cargo ship attacked by rebels in the red sea. yeah,
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man warns of the looming environmental catastrophe from the vessels cargo of fertilizer will hear from great piece the mariana evans being welcome. the german government says russia wire time to conversation between german air force, the generals about the war and ukraine. the officers are her discussing ukrainian forces using german made at torres cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking crimea, to russia. germany has so far, refused to supply to you with a long range weapons. the defense ministry in berlin has confirmed that the conversation which surfaced us social media was tapped chest or all of schultz is promising swift clarification of the recording. a start for the what is being
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reported is very serious. so that's why it is necessary to begin a very thorough intensive and rapid investigation and a lot of mirror se paul, from dw russia service, told me more about what the german generals had to say. yes it's, it's a half an hour to talk about the details of possible just if possible, if possible, possible delivery of dollars today. ukraine, technical details, technical splits. it is aspects of occasions about how other countries i already gave you credit for the christmas aspect. you k into us doing this, it's mentioned in the debates, have people on the ground, the costs, but there are some they have some guys on the ground and degrade and do the talks about some american guys, the appraisal, and the german general's office, talking about people instead of people clauses taking talking, american excellent, and then the other, one sensitive subject to the rest of the property. because what i would suggest
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right about how do bridgestone connecting crossover with the creamy it could be destroyed by towers. how many towers this house would be used for these pan alternatives? and so there's the tiles, it's, it's highly sensitive from time to expose the, for, for, for us and public opinion as well. so what could be russia's aim in publishing this kind of a sensitive intelligence and doing it now, as i would say it, it's, it's to get into the 1st one is to signal to the german government and consuming the army leadership that are assa knows what is being developed on closet metering sources of it, the kind of access to the stocks and containment contaminants, them in general. and the 2nd one is there are some ones too many domains only needed think twice before delivering a cruise me south lake towers to ukraine,
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or did you have any other kind of a heavy bed do you crate? because the question is, how far can germany goal is? how far one's going to go in supporting degrees without, without becoming the part of this work to come in and directly involve to this to the store. because because it's like a very old best video, bas, dangerous for so. so the euro for very, very, to be complications for europe after such a step. that was the delay is flooded. mirror s fall flat a mirror. thank you. the u. s. has joined an international operation to aaron drop desperately need a supplies into gossum. the pentagon says 3 air force planes carried out the 1st drop of more than 35000 meals. the binds and administration says israel supports this intervention to bolster existing efforts by jordan and other nations. the when is warning that famine and gaza is almost an editable unless
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a deliveries increased significantly. our next report contains images, as some viewers might find distressing and filling each item. the boys have survive and his right to use try can finish his goal. so many of those did not. but the fighting in the gaza strip isn't the only danger alice damian's face. a disease and famine has become a major threat. the children are most at risk. starvation has now taken the lives of several of the children. so the official records yesterday or this morning said the 10th child officially registered in the hospital as having starved to death and very sad threshold similar status to $30000.00 best through each dollar because of the, the unofficial numbers can unfortunately be expected to be higher. the
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scribing started in network. just see the cost is for the dates from goes up to date on friday, then scores of palestinians were killed. as the said, i'm going to beat on why the most on his ministry and survivors pick use. these are the army of opening fire on the crowd is trying to set limited shots were fired near the detroit, but insisted that most of the data put drunk, but run over by the 8 drugs you wouldn't deem has visited a chip, a hospice on friday. it's reported having seen a large number of gunshots victims. the incident has amplified the demand for more each to be delivered without delay. the bring egypt and jordan decent, b, it dropped essential items in casa. now the us saved it, would deliver somebody didn't a to be
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a bad assure to wipe residential bite and bushes is right to improve a better we're going to insisted israel facilitate more trucks and more help routes to get more and more people in the help i need no excuses because the truth is a line to go to is nowhere nearly enough. now snow are nearly enough and it's a large are on the line. it shows lives are on the line and we won't stand by and less till we get more a bite and has also signaled i seized by d between mazda missouri would be each to which many here who would be lifeline, destruction and loss. mike martin of kings college london told me earlier how the u. s. military operation could work. so it is, as you would imagine, you know, you fly a plane and then you push supplies out the back. but what you need is an area on
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the grounds that has been at least cleared or secured. so i would imagine the us is going to be trying to push the 8 out near the coast, so it can flying over the sea and said it is not flying. i the gaza, which is obviously a, was i. but then you need a top know on the ground either the is riley's or perhaps one of the 8 agencies who have in some way designated an area that is a good landing. it's actually very, very difficult to do what is know your own people on the ground a securing the landing zone for your planes. so you mentioned some of the challenges of this, of course is still inactive words zone and you need people on the ground. so is this even going to help if there isn't some sort of security on the ground in gaza as these 8 packages are pushed out of the plane as you described this?
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well, i think actually you've hit the nail on the heads. is this going to be effective? a plane? so how do these play? which is one of the 2 options that the u. s. ministry has, can carry about 20 tons worth of supplies. a shipping container that goes on the back of the truck is, so i ti talked and so if you've got a, you know, a 10 truck convoy or 20 truck convoy, that's the 300 tons or 600 tons. so you know, an order of magnitude bigger. so really what i think we need to ask ourselves is, is this just for show? you can only drop food medicines quite difficult because they get broken water yukon, drop. and as we've discussed, the mounts that you can actually deliver all very difficult and we've already spoken about the deacon fiction problems. so i think that, you know, if we're cynical, we could argue that this is all of a small impact on the overall sky of the program. and really,
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i know the us is not getting much joy from these ratings, but really that is the route to opening up. the humanitarian problem is for these raise to allow more trucks into gaza. that was mike martin with the king's college london. many thanks indeed for your insights. thank you. let's get to check now. some of the other stories making news. this our at least 5 people have been killed in a russian drone attack of ukrainian ford of odessa president flooding. there's a lot of cases the shot had drone was supplied by iran, is urging ukraine's western allies to send in more air defense systems. rushes for ministers that are gala prof says extra weapons will be sent to western regions that may face threats from finland and sweden, just days ago. hungry is parliament approve sweden's bits to join nato. finland joined to the alliance. last april. a jazz military rulers says he'll run in
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presidential elections and may know how much interest babies announcement comes just days after an oppositional leader was killed during an army reed on his party . headquarters. human rights groups have called for an investigation into the incident a cargo ship, a tie by whose the rebels in the red sea has sunk. is the 1st vessel lost since the ebony group began targeting commercial shipping? that it says is linked to israel. the british owned ruby mar was carrying more than 40000 tons of fertilizer when it was hit by a missile and began taking in water nearly 2 weeks ago. humans internationally recognized government as warning that this thinking could cause and environmental catastrophe. julia injury salt is program director for the green peas, middle east north africa program. he told me more about the potential environmental
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damage from a sunken vessel, caring fertilizer a yeah, that'd be 1st. thank you for hosting me. well, it's a $1000000.00 question. it's very hard to answer this question because we really need to understand what the situation is. we don't have 1st hand information of what the cargo is and how it distort. the information that we've seen in the news is that it is most likely i'm ammonium nitrate and there are a lot of risk associated with such, spill, for you to understand for the amount of nitrate is a very, it's a 1st eliza with high acidity and therefore such the risk can disrupt the ph balance of this money in ecosystem and goes to various effect on spaces in the water column. a global also vacation is a global phenomenon that you are currently experiencing due to a accessed c o 2 in the atmosphere because of our addition to closer to you. and therefore, such a global phenomenon will be investigated by,
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by such spills. another important potential, in fact, is as the is that the large influx of nitrogen a due to this spill in the money in ecosystem will fewer what it's called, uh, alden blue. and this aldo go with create an imbalance as well in the body, in ecosystem. and we'll have test cutting defect through all the, for the web, and might therefore impact other spaces that are relying on the single system. so depending also on the secret on this, all good doing can be, can find itself near the cost and could directly impact the precious photos of the i'd see by looking direct sunlight from reaching them. so really in essence, a spill of ammonium nitrate fertilizer in the sea. not only for the immediate, the risk of look at, like i said, if occasion in books it's easy. but also i ventured to disrupt the delicate balance of my nickel systems, leading to heart to other rooms and impacting various species within the eco system
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. so this is clearly a very serious incident, but is there anything that can be done? is there a way to clean the water or purify it, or somehow limit the damage? so again, it's hard to tell because of the information and that's why the immediate action that needs to be taking is to provide immediate access to the shipper to the shipwrecked site. for an expert support expert response team to assess the situation as swiftly devised and implement image as the plan we need to understand . so what is the cardboard onboard? is it all the nitrate, other, other toxic material or other material in, in the cargo? how well is the, is the my to use towards isn't much of your already leaking can be retrieved so many on the answer, the question that we need that we need to be answered as soon as possible. that was julie andrea sante from green peas. thank you so much. my pleasure.
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and this latest on the w news this our up next, the sports life, need some mexican diver living a double life to finance for dreams of gold medals. laurie a marion, and steve, from me as the entire news team. thanks for watching the videos and doing the for the 77 percent to come to i just got on 65 last last those top 5 years, 31115. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so.


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