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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:16pm CET

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the, the, the, the, the news live from berlin, germany investigates a week of secret talks on weapons for ukraine. the government says the kremlin wire taps german generals discussing the potential use of german made cruise missiles to attack the bridge and linking russia to occupied crimea. also one of the shows united states joins and international operations. the air drum desperately needed supplies and to gaza. palestinian children rushed forward to receive the aid as the un again warrants hundreds of thousands of displaced people face found it and the world remembers iris. apple pie designers who found a beauty everywhere from junk shops to the white house or proving that true style
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never grows old. the . i'm quite richardson, welcome to the program. the german government says russia wire tapped a conversation between german air force generals about the war in ukraine. the officers talk about whether ukraine could use german made cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking russia to occupied crimea. a chancellor old off shoulders calling the legal very serious and authorities have opened on investigation. it's an explosive leak, not just sending shock waves through germany's political and military establishment or recording of a conversation between high ranking ad fullest offices. as they talk about this taurus, a long range, cruise me style, capable of taking out to bunk cars and over $45.00 facilities. the office is speak
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about sending them to ukraine. they also mentioned possible targets, including the touch bridge. they can cry me a river russia seen by ukraine. there's a symbol of wishing occupation. one officer allegedly sites this. we've looked closely at the bridge. it is unfortunately like a landing strip due to its size. that means it is entirely possible. we would need 10 or 20 messiahs. it's a major embarrassment for german chancellor, olaf sholtes. he's promised to get to the bottom of a leak. that's desktop evicted, web design. what spring reports it is very serious. that's why it's necessary to begin a very thorough intensive and rapid investigation. schultz has so far refused to send towards me. so i was to ukraine to the stray sion of many little maid cuz he's concerned they could be used to hit target, some russian soil goose. the link for recording was posted to social media by marguerite testimony on the head of ocean state pool. acosta artsy crept and
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officials are clearly enjoying the moment. so suitable latham was this, i didn't know how to describe what happened, and i was like, no of the nato colleagues obviously involved. and so, and i don't know how they will explain that to their own population. can you believe so these notes, the same this'll in germany's ministry is scrambling to pluck the leak and wondering whether any more of its conversations could have been taped. the w as brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena is with the german chancellor in rome. i asked her whether olaf schultz has given any more details about the leak. i know a lot of shows kept his cool here in the room. we just got this one statement on the matter statement in which the german chancellor stressed that that this, this is a serious matter that is being investigated. but then he went on with his program here in rome. but of course,
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we know that he also knows that he is facing uncomfortable questions at home, especially when it turns that it's true that this conversation among higher ranking german officers was conducted not on a secret internal army network, but on the webex platform. at this time to repeated warnings by germany's intelligence services. that's russia i use a says escrow nash and sabotage as part of its hybrid 4. and we are already hearing from lawmakers in germany, from lawmakers in the off position, but also from members of the coalition that to the german chancellor is leading who are demanding consequences, saying that the incident has to be investigated. but the germany also needs to increase its security and counter intelligence. now the u. s. has joined an
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international operations. the air drop desperately needed supplies into gaza. the pentagon says 3 air force planes carried out. the 1st drop of around to 38000 meals, abide and administration, says israel support this intervention to bolster existing efforts by jordan and other nations. you and has been warning that famine and gaza is almost inevitable unless a deliveries increased significantly. a warning to our viewers that our an extra part does contain distressing images. consoling each other, the boys have survived and is rarely asked right in central garza. many others did not. but the fighting in the gaza strip isn't the only danger palestinians face disease and finding have become a major threats children's almost at risk. starvation has now taken the lives of several children. so the official records yesterday or this morning said
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the 10th child officially registered in the hospital as having starved to this, a very sad threshold, similar status to 30000 best through each dollar because of the, the unofficial numbers can unfortunately be expected to be higher. and the toll is climbing atari network, l g, a 0 broad costs. this footage from kansas city on friday when schools of palestinians were killed. as they surrounded an 8 convoy the master, one health ministry, and survivors accused these really ami of opening fire on the crowd. israel said limited shots were fired near the convoy, but insisted that most of the dead were trampled or run over by the a trucks. c a u. n team visited el cheapo hospital on friday. it reported having seen
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a large number of gun shop victims. the instant has amplified the demand for more a to be delivered without delay. neighboring egypt and jordan recently add dropped, essential items into the cause a strip now the us as well. i'd suit well. preston joe biden pushes israel to improve other routes. we're going to insisted israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people on the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a flooring. augusta is nowhere nearly enough. now, it's nowhere nearly enough and it's a large are on the line. it shows wiser on the line and we won't stand by unless we get more aid in there. we fight and has also signaled a ceasefire deal between a mass and israel could be reach sued, which many here hope would be
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a lifeline and the destruction. unless let's go to washington dc and our correspondent janelle, to milan for more. janelle, there has been a growing humanitarian crisis in cause of 4 months. now, why is it that we are seeing the bite in administration doing this just now? of the well, the bite and administration had been looking into making these kinds of air drops for a while now, but it hadn't done so until now. it says because of the logistical challenges involved, but really what really seems to have moved and you don't here is that incident that we described there were in our report there earlier of those steps around the humanitarian aid con boy, where is really true. stand accused of opening fire on palestinians trying to get food from the food trucks. now there's still a lot of uncertainty around what exactly happened there, but the white house spokes person, john kirby said to stop incidental highlighted,
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the need to get to assist to find creative ways to get greater assistance and faster. and that scale in to god's out to us officials are treating this incident as a key as incident, something that highlights the loss of control in gaza and the dog or humanitarian situation there. at the same time, it's important to note that this is all happening at a time where the biden administration support for israel is causing him quite a bit of domestic support. he is losing a lot of political capital and a lot of face so long, especially young voters here in america. he is under pressure to show that he is not doing what he can for the palestinians. although of course, uh currently there is an ongoing reason they'll double the reasonable debate around how much air drops are going to accomplish without any kind of systematic distribution on the ground for us. that was more about that relationship between
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the us and israel, because i spoke to a former us 8 official today who said that it was a little offensive to the united states from its close ally israel, that washington isn't able to get aiden. another way other than the air drops indeed, it's no secret that the bite in administration in is growing increasingly frustrated with the israeli government and how it is choosing to prosecute this for the hi. it does count. the diary humanitarian situation that's prompted biden to use words like in discriminate like over the top. but when describing israel is the bombing of guys off earlier a bite and treated that the amount of aid flowing to gaza is not nearly enough. and we'll continue to pull every stop, we can to get more 8 in administration. officials have been quick to stress that these are error drops are just the beginning and that they will continue. but this
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is part of the problem player and the problems that you are alluding to there is, of course, the argument that these air drops would not be needed if the bite in administration were in fact able to pressure israel into opening more line crossings to allow a more aid in the message that the bite and administration wants to send israel is that they should allow more 8 in, but in an inadvertently the message that is being sent instead is that taught biden is unable to deliver on the kind of pressure that would allow israel to do that, but thank you very much for that context. that is our correspondent, janelle isn't alone in washington dc. change gears. the designer and fashion liter iris. apple has died at the grand old age of 100. 2. she was a fixture of the fashion world for more than half a century. also an interior design style setter and a passionate collector of contemporary art. i didn't give
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a damn about going to the party or being at the party. it was getting dressed for the party and there's truth in poetry in the design. alexander, one cold had the was she could send canary and i was out for was instantly recognizable by her. oh, besides clancy's and colorful costume jewelry, you're going to run good tests. but you can't learn stuff. i think they're 2 different thing. i think style is in your dna. and once you average, you have to work at a but good taste can raise and be taught, but then was moved to app full then her from bully and fashion sense. she was also and accomplished textile design a sometimes a good a piece of fabric. and i listen to the thread, say they tell me a story, they, they sing the song, they do something in new york native app full studied. oh, it's before working for a fashion magazine for full decades. she and her husband, restored and sold tank styles, including to the white house at full was also
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an avid collector to fluids. the park avenue apartment were filled with work by the great design is of the 20th century. her own clothing and do reconnection was so celebrated new york's match opponents and museum of all to dedicate to do retrospective exhibition to it in 2005 cost. the full was no fashion snob. she said she was as likely to pick up interesting jewelry in the harlem jump shop. as in tiffany's, i don't buy, i don't care how valuable it is in the marketplace. it could be a piece of junk if it appeals to me. then it's from a app, those popular r t page in the final decades of life. the 2014 document we always introduce to, to a new generation. that's so nice to hear makes a girl feel like there's still a chance the self described geriatric style. it may no longer be with us in passing,
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but the inspiration iris outfield gave us when linger on are now just before we let you get on your way, let's get a reminder of our top new stories of this. our germany is investigating a link to conversation about ukraine using possibly using a german made of cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking russia to occupied crimea. the discussion between german general surfaced on russian social media and the united states has joined an international operation to air drops from mandatory and supplies into gaza. authentic on says air force. planes carried off the 1st drop of 38000 meals, bolstering existing efforts by jordan and other countries. that is in use of date at this hour, coming up next reporter takes a look at the slow pace of reconstruction following last years. devastating. our
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plates intern say to or is always online at the w dot com, thanks very much for watching the, the race as long as the gun later, when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything change. it's all about dominance. in the age of artificial intelligence, in 5 years is going to literally be china. the us who will control the technology that will shape the future of humanity. we may only find out, you know what the harms and and malign uses as a, with.


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