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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  March 2, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm CET

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understand can have a saying like the right just present dw used on instagram. follow up the last flows and tree line streets mistake. he's suburb of health and inter hattiesburg has long been a favored for south africa. the needs, including nelson mandela, often has released from prison. but before we get into this area, and some of the oxy, we made some natasha. you've been miss south africa, 2023 and find out about her hardships before rising to the top. then with journey into the world of cousin often gone us saying good bye to the deposit in style. then we joined and needed to discover more about the city of night writing times by the 2nd baby. and you're watching f remax the
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in 2020. well kids pulled away an answer from danny to south san his life as a re fiji in berlin. alexandro plates by breaking loans with his lead volt that landed him on the stage of the berlin international film festival. sometimes it doesn't take much to make it big, and it sometimes you have to track across continents. and that's exactly how well the way made it from getting the south to the world. in 2020 hits the screen and his role is the refugee francis and the gym and production. berlin alexander plan is read for a black man. it's a play a leading role, and then this movie took him right to the main competition of the building international film festival. and then i taught
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adoption assistance. and so to francis and for this for you, i think building alexandra pants was a turning point in my career and they want to be called into word to disperse with discipline e co boston school need to put on to put it down. but the ending up being chosen to play a lead role while not knowing how to speak gemini ski from. i think it was a moment when all the time had done as an act that over the years that i was outside the point you go, could finally be valued and put to the test as well. i'll put all of them are being nominated best may like to buy the gym and film academy in 2020 the act to can finally celebrate what he has studied since childhood. touching people through
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acting on in a small village in southern geneva. so well could family move to portugal when he was 3 to complete and the 3 in santa and lisbon funding space and the market was still a struggle for him. so he decided to deepen his studies overseas in brazil, the at the usefully. that was a great lesson for me. and i was in a place where i could see people similar to me if it goes to a what black fro brazilian and who was successful in the country, but still not given a living in the place when they grew up with, which was the community. well, that's cross cultural education from africa, europe in brazil, management international multi tell them to the office to wherever he goes, the i to and the respect and admiration of partners and colleagues on like such as
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come a rooney and fashion design. it step on pete's is closed, stress will could on days he appears in public and the media, the rich, the decoration clothes seem to consummate the cars talent, the he got his own carrots, my so like of the carries my and with the carrier is not to close that and put thing on him. it's like a bomb, right? as an act of will could, has recently worked with canadian director david cronum book, announced austin a new gym and switch series to premier in 2024. but he's also an outstanding performer behind the camera and has already made more than $25.00 films. as a director. he's the co founder of the power space production company, which he wants to gather with his brother. well, so the way should be too far in advance film done so he gives voice to the for portuguese congresswoman you've seen tom miranda in an anti
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colonialist, anti fascist, and t racist. and, and to fix this manifesto with mo, done so well, could return to the building international film festival in 2021. this time as a director, hunt will, could decided to stay in boone. and i'm showing several sides of himself is what drives the artist. in 2022. well, could published his 1st book, corporal, petty federico, an essay on autobiographical, still making the claim for the family, anthony, which is actually a tool to teach how to make sent him, or to give some notions that this sentiment that i may talk to could have key and therefore, i believe that very soon i will return to writing because i think it's a medium that gives me a lot of tranquillity dodge. and for the near future, well could food wise biggest plants focus on his homeland you
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wish to accumulate me at the for this and today i'm hearing but let don't eh, stone. so the whole notion of a world view, he's in the center of this way of being an onto own pretty much can move busy as much as my desire for the future would be to work as an actor and probably go to the american market, which is my great desire for a financial matter and tennessee, so as an artist, as a conscious citizen, which is how i see myself being closer to my great project, is to create to control center in guinea based on simple to the only going to be so until then well, good boy will continue to enchant soon. i'm a novice around the world from. can you please sell? see the world behind me is nelson monday to time. but apart from this being the chosen suburb of south africa's famous presidents health and has so much more going
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on, just like to speak tension of use over the northern suburbs, up to hattiesburg and the esteemed houghton estates. now here to show me a relative, go ahead and send re inspector who is the head curator at the health in the states strauss in kind little hollywood, so lovely to see you. now, what do you live the most about? how can i alternate indeed have a wonderful place? the police thought we have sent you the bundle down the road. we have the delta montana foundation. i also need to mention that you have the old enrolled in sports facility. on 6th avenue. we have the grades, how to golf course risk the how to know tell as well, what is the community like and what makes so special. i couldn't get close knit community because of the house in primary school, but then an influx of people from all over the city, of course, going like golf and go to the facilities and visiting stuff and companies regulate exhibition. while of course, now, can you just tell me a little bit more about the developments and evolution of the house in the states
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from the 19221940. it was a big change in architectural style, in houghton, with what is known as the national style architects using insurances from europe. the purpose here to produce mention, some of them still standing, but sadly some of them are being demolished, to make re full townhouses. well, i can't wait to catch up with you a little bit later. natasha, you bet is one of the most beautiful women in the world. but it's her resilience through hard times of depression that make her a force to be reckoned with. natasha, you've been made it to the top and the window of the miss south africa pageants. 2023. is the nothing but did you know that to get the this is a 2023. had to overcome the deepest step i fall into depression. they was so many
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days that i didn't want to get out of fate, even though i had so much support from south africa. i just didn't feel like enough . i didn't feel worthy enough and myself. so before we learn how natasha use a win from failure to normalizing mental health, let's find out what success actually means to dispute the queen. success to me is another thing for dining folders. my family and my friends having quality the time, being healthy, being able to move truly loving out purpose and fashion, that success on her way to becoming most of africa. 2023. natasha has to turn who weaknesses into this strength? what was her training point? i knew from the good guy enjoying the 2nd time it was going to ask you, i have more substance in order to show you. i really am like i went insane. i'm not seeing this as a competition, but truly speaking online life experiences which i've done from the 1st time. and
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so we need to really attached to lots on my father that passed away and losing all family. i'm and attached on those things, but i didn't really work through them like every single time that i would speak on any childhood trauma. well the last of my father i would cry every single time in my interview i would be cite emotional that i would have to restart the any thoughts on the father passed away in 2013 when she was only 16 years old. looking back to tasha has grown a fund appreciation full of a difficult time. how can that be? i think this is one, this off, it goes to the very personal and special journey to me because i've worked through so many full months in my life that i wouldn't have. if i did not insight, i would have never gone through therapy. i would have never 9 was real meaningful struggle solve lock and not that i say everyone shares, but i think you have a different understanding of life when you really do struggle mean city,
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you appreciate things differently. you see it differently. you engage in conversations differently. you respond differently, you understand that sometimes versus reaction is not on you. and so you, they all, it's the way that they think. but what you need to be and last is how you react to her learnings. ok. yeah. proving that for you t isn't a skin deep, but a reflection off in the spring when you sign up for something like this. so i forgot like miss universe, it's so important to know yourself. because otherwise you will come back last and not feel like is something that was me. i thought on you myself, and i said, i'm strong enough to do this. like people think that they can run up on do it all serving. and now knowing what i know i was developing into a woman that's completely different that can really speak on substance on failure and know what it's now know what it feels like. natasha is relentless bird and
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caring hearts have paid to way through the crowd. what has she learned at home to keep hood paused, right. i think the thing that i'm most proud of is the way that she deals with difficult situation. i like sometimes think wow, and you know, she really makes me proud of the warehouse. she deals with things in general. i want natasha to be herself like she's at the moment. because if you are your true self, doesn't matter if you do it yourself, now you through self and future, you're still going to be that person. that's very humble thoughts. anybody else and i see you becoming somebody that i would be proud of, of somebody that i feel that will motivate people and people have to look up to a and as soon as you know, if that happens and i know i've done a great job as a mom natasha, you based a journey is from over to one to make a statement that that little goals that has been maybe looking at my journey
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or kind of keep me as soon as the life of god. just nice that the circumstances, it shouldn't be a defining fax to you why it's always been the ideal situation to make something work or have the means to do it. but if you decide that this is something that treaty once, once you put your mind to that, once the manner of face, that's once you can envision it, it's yours. and i think that's what, right, that's, that's making this rain so significant it's, it's people relating to failure and normalizing it from say, it's normalizing mental health issues. the test. so you, base journey is a testament to courage and the transformative power up. so knowledge know back to you to help them. this exhibition is a celebration of alfred sol, best life, an ox who was offered cobra, also to the, essentially a self taught artist. and they clicked at the past couple of decades before the now he was born in the, by a town in 1952,
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but quickly in the early seventy's waiting for this in and around field pro. uh, i wish he also had the studio he painted about $250.00 with off which you see a good one foot on exhibition in the special tribute except for so why have you decided not only to showcase his work that you recreate to the nails off his studio, i think for me, but it is important. it shows he's thinking it shows the way in which he works. you know, we have the very last work he was working on, on the easel on display, where you can see the outline of the figures and about to be filled in with that which takes to a surfaces that he says typical office. and i think the other thing that while regina locked was essentially justices the racism that and outside of the ad, we have examples. one just has to look at all the titles to appreciate what you just tried to say. well, thank you so much for spending the day with me for him. you're most welcome,
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a heavy will weighty thoughts about your off the life note while they've gone to their specialist to make your past even more kind of phone. let's take a look. is it with passing on a tradition of past in the waiting style in gama. the us of coughing making is a big deal. not so i know how it is to make a living with the dead of the orders. i'm about 95 percent of all funds the coffin. i think technology has a role to play in this business because playing with this idea of putting a motorized device in some of the pulses i will make so that these coughing can move on the phone doing what area. and this is the concept that i am physically working towards. for me, i'm excited because this is going to be something definitely
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a revolutionary display on mobile bundles. let me try that. that's the problem. before we find out why douglas siegel decided to make a living from coffee, let's find out how the a meet in the 1st place that you're not gonna go out and committed. you making it fun to see coughing, time, take up to 2 weeks of the complex designs can take up to a month. i offered a push my work by starting with a free hon sketch of the design. and i also, i searched the internet to get designs, then i begin to fabricate my work, one after the other, to follow the intended design layout. finally, and show that no new show on the southeast of the coughing. then i get the same right time to complete the work with the appropriate descriptions, different assessment that way we have them. in ghana, the death rate is $7.00 bits, but $1000.00 inhabitants fulfill celebrations. the scale is determined by the social rank of the deceased. sometimes costs than a year salary,
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or the expense extends the coffins. price between 103000 euros exceeded the countries and well pick up the income of 2034 year old guy. my husband's. yeah, yeah. engine my, we're here in gunner, we do these fuzzy coughing for, for many reasons. and also for that reason, so we often look at the industry or the area that you with. then we design the coughing to see. so these coffins become the testimony of the test and was when the where i live, i went to echo which as in the tradition of funds as the coughing cost and gunner initiated by a total quotes and that kind of quick in the mid 19 forties people would as, as like, we do offer to enhance any jerry, how do they carry on the legacy? yeah, well, i guess i know i really the about 3 types of funky coughing. the one that were
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present at somebody. and in this case, the do this to on if somebody member or a relative clause. the 2nd one is that which speaks about the pistons, especially no needle. and the 3rd is one that people do just for beauty sequence then. yeah, almost. so i'm fair danielle, just a few comments from home, so it's coughing house. could you offer to mix? is that just the coffins? do? what makes him a key for you get in passing on visit addition? fairfield, in times, boston or what could be late because of the thing. he thinks the dry out. but now we actually use also these other things that are useful comp just in a couple of hours. the dry stuff, then you come quickly put your finishing touches to your coffee isn't shifting how
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i got into this finds the coffee leaking. so on the i was looking around fishing at some of the crap and i saw a design of a fish. i had to go close to it to realize there was a coffee and, and that was really fascinated. so it drove as strong. does that mean? i just thought, learning how to meet these coffee. there wasn't really for the month, there was just to do something funds that were lets people get to talk in douglas stegel was clear. you wanted to lend the budget profit from could you after being an apprentice and 7 and the him for yet, you know, established his own wish on. how does the your coughing mika contribute to the ongoing continued each of those unique as phone name. and i mean, of course project i started working dude in construction, but my mother didn't like my job, encouraged me to run a lin carpentry and specialize in coughing mation. so i did leave out when my mother died. my brother suggested that i should display my mother's coughing
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outside to them. this pursuit as a form of advertising meant that electronics custom is to me. my mother was a cook. so a to you to the coughing that resembled something which was the food. most people life my mother food was no, not affordable. so i made a new description of that on the coffee, lots of people started placing orders for me. i decided to stay in this town with jessie to climb. i treat my ex model. i think it started on the on, on, not much and i go to my little brother close to my business and we've been working together for years. i also have one apprentice, but he is in school. and so when he closes, he comes to help us. once he finishes cooling, he just needs a little polish up and he will be ready to start where they are partners and on drop anything. daniel and his team wants to run out of work anytime soon. celebrating the dcs with funds. it's a cool thing as a skill and tradition that is west of passing on the
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what a beautiful way to remember your loved ones. next step we visit not really became yeah, which has been voted by the new tenants as the top city 2 visits. let's meet and many as we discovered this vibrant city. did you know that there is graffiti on wheels or that you can meet living towers at the same place where to find all that and much more? come with me as i show you, the top 5 things to do in mary will be. but before i show you what to meet with a living, tell us, let me tell you a little bit about the city itself. natalie is a capital city of kenya and was founded in the 18 ninety's as i've been with settlement. it was named after a what to hold that the messiah people called, and kind of it, nasal the meaning cold. so the switch as well as all the now you want to get around like a local here, and there will be then guess how much is a more than just a form of transport or
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a whole vibe? how does it go to be in a gravity? and really what that is. a famous worldwide, a graphic at a future image is a famous people or slogan noisy. that was quite big, prevent graffiti and ruth check. but before you go to meet the living, tell us that have a look at the site market, actually say market, you can get the best and transitional center kenyon and ask you kinda closing and josie from a wide variety of preston contract. this house, the thing in the anything that'd be made a, he's a some cute little jody baskets. let's go with your jersey in and they come in different colors. so you can see that here is red, green,
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black. i'm actually thinking of getting this for the shopping like a local check. now it's time for our next adventure. if you're looking to escape this, the keys skyscrapers to just catch your breath and maybe hang on to some living powers. this is a place to be. welcome to the jeff center. did you know that we people have the same number of bones in our next a j. ralph, do these gentle giant leave in family groups called towers? make sense, right. there are different species of dress and some kind of endangered. that's right, conservation efforts by entities like 0 center. i still important located just 40 minutes away from the city center. it is a giraffe century and from cemetery which supports the release of draft into the wild when there's just 2 or 3 years old. living,
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tell us check or what do you do when you're hungry? well, if you like me to in, there will be, i've got you. i wanna show you guys what to get the best and how much a month or month to drop. that's go. nothing beats the smell of how much will not voting over a fire. the best place for everything roasted is the cold chase. try them with to them as it consisted tomatoes into stains, which are stuff to this because combination of nice to meet tripe on you and hubs. it's fuel magic justice to come to narrow beef. so now are you ready for the top of the visit? now, when you're a narrow view, how and rebecca to shaky, like a local right. let's take a look at the
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why is this the top of the team and what's in town? well, it both, some of the 5th is a great music and the menu that has something over the last thing. i hope you enjoyed spending time with me, my beautiful hope. the next time you come to take them attached and explore the town top of the, you know from the beautiful area of health. and we hope you enjoyed the side. don't forget to check out social media for more information. and so next time the,
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the, into the conflict. so with the best in here at the munich security conference, as cynthia in security and conflict, providing the politicians on that side of the world reach the dangerous inflection point. my guess is we have the 2nd live experience of the highest significant levels in the us 90 below 0. in 30 minutes of the w guardians of truth. this time,
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excel general is turned into our meet the voices of the 3 turkey author. as the ad one had to flee into exxon news. the police would search my house. courageous people are trying to stem the turkish government and guardians of truth. in 60 minutes on d. w, the we are all set and we're watching closely all the to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information all 3 months.
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the votes, people have to say the that's why we listen to based on the rituals every weekend. on d, w, the frankfurt, a hard international gateway to the best connection, solstio, road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers and strongly always services be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd, managed by front,
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bought the, [000:00:00;00] the watching due to the news coming to live from berlin. germany investigates a week of secret talks of weapons for you, pray. governments, as the kremlin wire topped in german generals, discussing the potential use of german made cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking russia to occupied crimea. also on our show, the united states drawings and international operation. the air drop desperately needed supplies into gaza. palestinian children rushed forward to get the aid as to un, again, warrants at hundreds of thousands of displaced people face famines and the


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