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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 3, 2024 12:00am-12:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw, use life from berlin, germany investigate to league of secret talks on weapons for ukraine. government says the crime lynn wire tops german generals discussing the potential use of german made christmas files to attack the bridge linking russia supplies crime me. also coming up the united states joins and international operation to air dropped desperately need his supplies and his gossip, palestinian children rushed forward to receive the aid as the un again warrants hundreds of thousands of people's face, scotland and the 1st thinking of a cargo ship attacked by rebels and the red c, gammon is no warning of
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a looming environmental catastrophe from the 1st allies her own. bullard will hear from great beast the amount of human welcome to the programs. the german government says of russia, wire types of conversation between german air force generals about the war and ukraine. the officers talk about whether ukraine could use german made cruise, my styles, to attack the bridge linking russia to occupied crimea. chancellor will laugh schultz is calling the leak very serious and the authorities have opened an investigation. is an explosive leak. that's just sending shock waves through germany's political and military establishment or recording of a conversation between high ranking and forced offices. as they talk about this taurus, a long range, cruise me style, capable of taking out to bunk,
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has an over $45.00 facilities. the office is speak about sending them to ukraine. they also mention possible targets including the coach bridge and they can cry me a river russia seen by ukraine. there's a symbol of which an occupation one officer allegedly sites this. we've looked closely at the bridge. it is unfortunately like a landing strip due to its size. that means it is entirely possible we would need 10 or 20 messiahs. it's a major embarrassment for german chancellor olaf sholtes. he's permits to get to the bottom of a leak. that's the desktop. evicted web design. what spring reports it is very serious. that's why it's necessary to begin a very thorough intensive and rapid investigation. schultz so so far, refused to send towards me. so i was to ukraine to the stray sion of many little may cuz he's concerned they could be used to hit target some questions. soil for recording was posted to social media by mockery testimony on the head of ocean
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state pool. acosta archie clement officials are clearly enjoying the moment. so it's suitable. latham was this, i didn't know how to describe what happened, and i was like more of a nato colleagues, obviously involved. and it's sort of, i don't know how they will explain that to their own population. what is the, can you believe somebody's got slowing? this'll in germany's ministry is scrambling to pluck the leak and wondering whether any more of its conversations could have been taped over to the middle east. now, where the u. s. has joined an international operation to air drops desperately needed supplies into casa. the pentagon says 3 air force planes carried at the 1st drop of around $38000.00 meals. divide in administration says, as will support says intervention to bolster existing efforts by jordan and other nations. un is warning famine and gaza is almost inevitable unless
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a deliveries significantly increase. a warning to our next report contains distressing images or the consoling each other. the boys have survived and is rarely asked right in central garza. many others did not . but the fighting in the gaza strip isn't the only danger palestinians face disease and finding have become a major threat. children almost at risk. starvation has now taken the lives of several children. so the official records yesterday or this morning said the 10th child officially registered in the hospital as having starved to death and very sad threshold, similar sat as to 30000 best. we reached all because of the, the unofficial numbers can unfortunately be expected to be higher. and the toll is
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climbing guitar, a network l g, a 0 broad costs. this footage from kansas city on friday when schools of palestinians were killed. as they surrounded an 8 convoy mass run, health ministry, and survivors accused these really ami of opening fire on the crowd. israel said limited shots with by near the convoy, but insisted that most of the dead were trampled or run over by the a trucks. a u. n. team visited el cheapo hospital on friday. it reported having seen a large number of gun shop victims, the instant has amplified to them on some more a to be delivered without delay. neighboring egypt and jordan recently add dropped, essential items into the cause a strip. now the us is followed suit. well,
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preston joe biden pushes israel to improve other groups. regardless, it consisted, israel facilitate more trucks and more of routes to get more and more people in the help. i need no excuses because the truth is a line to gaza is nowhere nearly enough. now is nowhere nearly enough and it's a large are on the line, it shows lives are on the line. we've always standby and less to right. so we get more aid in every fight and has also signaled a ceasefire deal between a mass and israel could be reached soon, which many here hope would be a lifeline and the destruction unless well, for more i'm drawing nearby. our dw correspondent janelle jamal la on his, in washington dc, janelle, the she monetary and crisis and gaza has the 19 for months. nice. so why is the buys and administration only dropping 8 now?
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well, the board and administration had been looking into air drops like these for weeks now, but they say that they haven't done so until now because of the logistical challenges involved. but what really appears to have move the needle this time around, is that incident that we described in that report. we just aired that incidental around the depths around that humanitarian convoys, or is really troops are accused of opening fire on palestinians trying to get food from those aid trucks. now there's a lot of uncertainty still around what actually happened there, but white house spokesperson, john kirby said, that that incident, that highlighted the need to get more creative way to find more creative ways of getting greater assistance in to gaza. and at scale us officials really treating this like a key event that highlights the dire and as of the situation in gaza. also worth
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pointing out that this is happening at a time where the bite and administration is facing a lot of pressure over it's is really policy blight and expanding a lot of political capital here. losing a lot of support along, especially young voters here in the us. he's under pressure to be showing to show that he's doing what he can for the palestinians. but obviously there is this rebuild the reasonable debate going around now as to how much difference air drops it without any kind of systematic distribution, or how much difference that will really make it is this actually intended to send a message to the is really government will divide an administration that has been quick to stress that these air drops or the beginning that we will be seeing more of them at the same time. they're also quick to stress that these are not a substitute for age, deliver adult via land core doors. so they a, so the message that the bite and administration clearly wants to send to israel
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here is that it should do more to open up those outline crossings to allow more aid in. but of course, there's this argument that these air drops would not be necessary if the u. s. were in fact able to pressure israel to open up these line crossings. and as such, critics say that the message that biden is inadvertently sending is that washington is unable or unwilling to use the leverage that it has over israel to push israel to open those line crossings to getting more 8. and instead the u. s. is having to resort to what critics call a band aid measure of these air drops, of that many deemed risky and ineffective. now they're not alone in d. c. thank you so much. i let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. thousands of israelis have marched to jerusalem, demanding the release of the hostages, still house and gone. so it would lead by families of captives seized by
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palestinian militants and the october 7 terror attacks is really officials believe a $174.00. hostages are still being held in gaza at least 7 people have been killed in a russian drone attack on the ukrainian ford of odessa president letting me have the landscapes. as the shade drone was supplied by iran is urging ukraine's western allies to send it more air defense systems and a cargo ship attacked by hurry. the rebels in the red sea has sunk is the 1st vessel last since the many group began targeting commercial shipping, it says is linked to israel. the british owned ruby mara was carrying thousands of tons of fresh lights or when it was hit by a missile. and began taking in water nearly 2 weeks ago. yeah, men's internationally recognized government is warning the sinking crude calls and environmental catastrophe or philip for more. let's bring in paul horseman from green peace international. you joins us night from spain. welcome to the w. hi,
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bad crude, the environmental damage here be from the with the by, as well. i started, is it going to assess the big factors? you've got about $41000.00 tons of photo eliza being thrown into the ocean. and together we can push the tons of the oil, the fuel of the ship, and together those could, could create so once once a center this could create so that by mentally exhaust up in the area. so what's needed advantage is immediate action to assess the situation and, and, and try to try to recover as much as possible. and um, i think we have some footage here of the ship just before it's sunk and that there's quite insane pictures. um, the government team did visit the ship before a site. have there been any efforts to limit or to clean up the damage here?
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it's very difficult to see. i mean, that could be a internationally recognized government. they said people to see the shift, but i have as far as any kind of recovery or salvage efforts as far as we know that's not started yet, because evaluating costs area to operate at the moment. we all know the political situation. but, but really there's a, has to be a huge amount of assets combined with 2 of us there in order to get to the ship in order to assess the damage. and also the recovery as much as possible. just by divide to the political difficulties and higher if a toll can incidents like this be prevented from happening again as well. first of all, the ships do sometimes have a tendency to bump into the. 3 i mean, this has been a casualty and a different kind of sense. i normally spoken,
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you would have to pay the insurance companies. you'd have a, the un, the, i'm or you'd have salvage express. you had a lot of people immediately in that sense in there. but the situation there is no normal at the moment, so it's a big really, is quite tired. it's so important to get people to the region, to frontier, to the adams and really making assessments of the situation and recover to get recover as much as possible from, from the vessel i, i task that would be extremely good to go from the normal circumstance of the situation that we had there, i think it would be very interesting. and i mean, i think it's just difficult to see these images and to wonder about how much is going to be impacted as a result of this. what, what are by the wild life in the, in the see, how are they going to be affected by this? well, there is a danger, of course, i mean, you're talking about, you know,
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a huge amount of socializing, which is chemicals leaking into the sea. the, the, the red sea is one of the wells most important by the us, the areas with, with carls and other marine life the only lifting the rich veteran damage to the region. and it stretched the fish houses to the doctor as at the moment is on a notable, but it is certainly bad and would be those would be by severe and long lasting if we couldn't get as much of packing material last a shift as possible in this stage pull horseman from green peas. thank you so much . thank you. as i must, often i'm coming up next sports life was the story of a mexican olympic diver who's trying to online gaming to find answers 143. as always, you can get more news on our website. that's d,
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w dot com and our social media handle is, i mean use how to handle in berlin. thank you so much for watching t h here and, and take care the these places in europe, a smashing step into a bold adventure the treasure map for modern globetrotters. describe it as some of us wriggled bragging sites on youtube. and also do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which is good, concrete, transforming business syllabus on to figure out.


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