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tv   Guardians of Truth  DW  March 3, 2024 6:02am-7:00am CET

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the only thing you can just go back to somewhere else coverage, the more people than ever on the live worldwide in such a passion life. so why do i want to go back tonight? yeah. like, i don't have any reason. there's no reason there's nothing for me this. yeah, i believe something that is coming very, very soon on. we know when the story in from i agree, reliable nice. so migraines, wherever they may be, cutting in and yells and thank you for the 77 percent to come to i don't go and fix . invite follow us while your top 5 years, 31115. we're here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from couple top fixed, a new culture and then 15 minutes. let's talk about
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community life on the service. the research is now on the i am john and i work as a journalist for 40 years in my country to keep everything change for me in 2015. when i wrote a new story on the illegal, armstrong stood by the took a few intelligent service to geologist and syria. this story changed my whole life but did not answer the phone. i was put on trial in prisons, survived and under and then i have to leave my country the, the add ons, the turkey is going to,
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one of the darkest periods of its history. 3 public is moving away from democracy towards the st. clearly, just so to chris, there's 2 people who resist the systems determination. i hope the lab one is one of the most we known to try to have books have interest rates of into many languages. like many until lectures into a key. she was accused of frightening articles that the government did not like the face with a police raid in her house tried in jail. and finally, she found herself phoenix, irving, berlin, like me. we both love our country,
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but that's the way the system tells of story. of our home it's wireless. the organ seemed to have to in the steven the resume, use public terminal to be on the level of steel i'm listening is debbie uninstalled
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put scans in the week to get tickets on the press. if that will hide in the dates. and just talk to them, shot it in the get sick, then fits clubs. could you call me? could you all mind mackenzie, t shirts. c a c re kids. so it works as a sub cost subsided. arena tomorrow at the place that somebody can you know be there. mean i cut out his mama as as tim music titus. did i miss diploma? this service may have cups last me a quick way to say that it was to get like last skilful that also i think so now that the club that the cooper that i did that to receivable to band they should be have them get out the color and because of the white at the
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moment, but it didn't go to to you because i play i play and get it and i have a kid in your office and there was not the whole to of a kind of it's an in because that kitchen died of the latch because the suddenly a few smaller than the behaviors and the and then have other tips for the kids and see i guess that if out of my is new habits and i submitted all of that. it goes out to bag. it's not a guest as it is that are let me try. that is a slight of the that takes those evanston because often i was let's be a problem. yeah. sorry. oh you make you should make it to. yeah. to be a god of my huh. yeah. let's forget this, thoughts of the still lucky of the easy stuff. fixed in base, just stop, stop loud, take care of take, get all of the cipher letter of boy shell to the the
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quote cruise case and they a charm. she could be a buck john chicken, she may have been seen on video bar looks as regarding the pip buying agreement in the kitchen. and this sort of plan is to be a inside thing at the beautiful dish funding. the cornerstone can get you that boy point spec that makes it want it to me to base your clinic. stick as much you ration day. yeah. and you cut the not going and joe be bad because of a phone book look, see that you would make her caught it later, i saw them. other moms calling about the sun that you saw on the carrick is a should pay the injured at the new pet on patio, the quote clear again, it just didn't touch the 5 kids. so the
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struggles really is shining into a key and they're just trying to raise to douglas or the country, but they struggle is amazing. i mean, i really trust this once and then not only defending the rights to exist, but also, you know, for the whole dokie, the, the in eastern that is less, it will take, you know, a quarter of
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a subject to play them in the back in touch with miss alma to load on the scanty does a cousin live a she just said that see how he left on the side left. then the joseph shows funny guy that again the band being gave me something to kid the the me choke has been huge. tom, the new to send you to the queue, the movies, the less on the to so that and then the cushion man by some of the list. some on that looks nice to the cool. it took me to the windows there. and if it has dition the man to, she had a coupon system,
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the real my to and the love not the not to put on the coupon over to the i'm not the sun so they should know me. i need to kick and the get swishy. they use, i swear, i'm beginning that they exist. really, so i put them at the beginning make to care that switch to adam and he said no to the 2 kids on that. so the truth of me. uh huh. oh them. it's matt knox. h. yeah, i me that, that you a god, me that the due to that can that maybe look like so know them just give it a say do a lot. a 6 and then old in the base, keeping us control direct, shaking gauge the shouts of the docks. i'm not on that for i'm sure. the ninety's the trouble to use use of multiple vitamins,
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some nations mess. it goes into a key. what are the most brutal attacks to place in the seed you'll see of us in 1993. in fact, it was an attack against secular demo. the . i remember how horrified i was when i sold definitive crowds marching through the city, full of hatred, ages towards the intellectual writers and musicians of the neighborhood and of the community with get it for a call to leave. and i'm tempted by the security forces and month set fire to the hotels that they were seeing the 33 people that killed them on the victims was because it keeps taking
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the young kevin took position for over 2 years, a states we'll get to just taking the seeking just the city, so just thought so cause always lived in the children letting us like is there should much was the jump the these that good to touch. the dish comes up. it is you cut to come on by the should i know that the show then that they each of the children? yes. somebody did it in the
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steve slow. so uh, who built in zone is fox. the little months though. it's still good and close to each of the adults who did it say to the
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well, even he is we need john the those visits to say to you, but he goes to the to the
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alley. these are strong supporters of more than and secular took history public. this way from the beginning. they've been targeted by the utilities, the ben, a little mutual in, by using the optim, typically the cornerstone minima and then what us a total that gives you, does it cut us, utilize the machines and then decimal that'd be to the other yet. you installed the commercial, taught here, you know, just me and they've given me, she wants to zoom hips and then go to chicago to them. she drew meadows at the sudden note and then the flow. so do you even get them to
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get it? they letting her be the cop cuz the prescript muscleteo view all of them making . so maybe you could tell me the because i used to say that sort of cutting it off. and even though all said elizabeth ellen, this ellen, i'll send a resume section of the candles a month is such a. ringback sort of a little push it is, i'm on him. she has he switched him for you to be the beach or to just at bins in push and check. my check on that gets it then you know, i'm going to almost to get it all done. it through just let you know, i'm just have to reach out for you to just switch them out for just the
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best. i'm punched, you know, thought for mind be has type brand type grad month and i'll mention the venue deep desk that will let me see for as of a lot of the, the supplements in height to the mean doing stuff to don't want to be to invest except the regional level solution. so it should be me what cut in one of the snaps of to what to cut each cost each and then i take care of most of the between the sea and send it to cubic and then you'll know the engineer subject to the flight of hills yeah, you're the coup duty. i need to miss each including the don't be sending out this new at the end. so i'll say this, i tend to care. so then though, it just today i belong to them on a done since that that this one who took who were human to them. yeah. and it is kind of additional data shaped function. some that's incentive. can they get an investor to them then? because some it'd be f jamestone stay and they've got staging in between there is
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gemina, discipled modern each o'clock tooth and that is less than square, but today i love them. yeah. and steve, is this near the contrast the fluid just said yeah, yeah, for supplemental. so that isn't that, yeah, project about us and that's the from them i get to select to top later was living activity today. yeah. question for sub scroll down. the i saw the visit can system we wouldn't last him and then to be used to share the sticks of last the fall out. fact is the of cut some 50 or 5. so have this and says confound reclose data. so g to get to excel and so because so, so that was the show then again, if you can then sounds familiar. zip 5,
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this is rockwell hall, just cannot remember the chick fil says convey adams, i the old customer to got 7. so you may ask to speak to me via, by show a band called the them on that side of the playoffs. a, a black silk chuck that it is a key to this article 300. 2 of the turkish piano quote, was used against a slit my salesman about 40 other 200 is just for symbolically serving for one day as editor in chief of the curtis newspapers for this show of solidarity australia and some of the others were sent to jail, the articles, the 1st 2 offices against the unity and integrity of the states. but it's being
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used as an instrument to cite those disciplines into a key. that's why fi get new sick though and say that didn't damage to the killer dish cortez of the 3rd largest protein parliament. they. ready also a choose and convicted of crimes against the state. there's only one reason why such a severe punishment is being applied here. it has to do with turkey's angel coach question. the kurdish minority has always been oppressed by the governments. they've been fighting for 2 rights for more than a century, but that has never be known as a loose. and the result is why this bloody wise, the,
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even the dangerous and the tragic events in 2015 showed, told me that the best we can to get to is outside the bush. because in the, the, this is on the or talk make on, in the see the chapters by all the old is 10 meals. these are deluxe words of photography. as he was speaking gums like to come between criticisms and will be targeted. and she was struck in the head and died so her 1st of all, shut off the culture, see the most we use it. will the militia that about the bus. so that's how much
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that any that are in the portion of a lot of other fuselage. and then we'll do timely, then give you 40 for me to cushion the to do to how many to do it on the site or to spend the significance of somebody solution is beautiful though, because you have to remember which one think it's about how much money on the
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articles of parliamentary him with a $2.00 additional reason he's being always big support through every one oppressed are doing all these conditions. process. he was with us supporting this just next to me. whatever a violation of human rights or press 3 the mission easily there. he's a freedom fighter. we don't expect anything from parliament unfortunately. no, but of course it's very important to have someone likes it easy. it was for it was the really appreciate 30 i know. do you get your 3rd? yeah. 30. i don't give you 30. i don't do you do to you really to dollars. if you feel there's a good doing soon. sounds good. so then when you sort of homes on the bus home,
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because you might use them on the big 10 did before the little tag and you worked on chest again, the piece that i didn't get the news and immediately can you welcome the diagrams to get it shows all the completion of this, the the, the, the, the neutrons to smell the small ones, the, to the document, the basically the, to the, to the phone. please don't move on to godaddy. that's all we gotta get. it
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will say no. most of most the names the we, claudia, push the to me, i'm not selling all the i know getting to is own program. like i told them that i see. i'll still do the guessing then you on a lot of good you gotta do to doesn't do what is it you did us due to this new the make sure it makes sense. it should be should be as long as the hope that you're done, middleton and government, the industry and why it was on the, on the excuse me, didn't tell the go, daddy. he said he got to get to the just the invite. we should, we should have the ability to, to get you to give us something today to do. your nidia, you do it. to get less, could be that you do that. you the, it's been
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a jet babbled enough that the oh little saw suckles of your all, but it gives you what it, what does he want you to get? all those d e sign up, of course, let me read one of the what i would have to pick, you know, the just the i need to do. so give me bust collision each. i just got a gets it, you know that a, i didn't get up to the most of the water but the, the us and uh, do you do that so you won't be so with that who is on that are connecting so connected you get a good image each and put the good you lovely, gave them you can the one god bless you, but give them this. it's a bit and see you in the shadow box jones on david pod locked with 10 dash
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it goes at 7 cliffs. 9. get in the ship. a different job shop, i've seen him not to shoot you, but on the sort of chuck film, the i just as an image that and the kids of those that of kid the between high up the could to them because they didn't know vasa, those that thank you high up and they chose them small. not that goes, that makes sense. they've been them should be going to your beta. i tried to kill yeah, i know design and then i just on the you ready to take you had them but she was the one with the with safety speak to the son of the can to program with a default on the be to key thing you know, i'm going to assume that it took a single sent that'll do it. i mean this, i just finished each send them except massage. gather bill is to do the quick. yeah
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. cuz it does have been done since the new yard them charged for the videos a couple of them all months with no heat on you to do, the attribute will solve it. will service the picture? good old yup. basically challenge it be invested in building smoke rolling the it'll do much in stocks on them. but he does have some cars that you will make to the audience. a little child is cut out to live. so they do a good trend, could is know that, let them or to the, he did it q 8 on you. so we shall cut you little muscle or to go 20 to 2 dimensional show level to, to the other, more them cool on unit to mean volumes on fluid in the arctic. good. it makes it into the this will to, for us the key. then we'll go security number, the name shame that it is that use our love gusted you that to flash or the v to the input, the code, the luck. awesome the between democratic letter that make these the
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dining deal and that is all like god in his back cuts in the bathroom. give it a believer so that i can go to get all the pack is the side of the guy, the that idea i'd had to go to phone a couple a couple times this as i come along this little gets yeah, and i add some by the the big line with the kids in that the bill which is, i mean, they get a can cut on that and get a quote on us. the young said there's the about of the village got, can me teach is cousin. so was the type of letters machine so the, the, the. 2 the
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the question, the validity and then that's it, and i get to put in specify the little plug, see the of it's from my on the a list that'd be cutting and then the get you with the on it please leave your name and then they get to that house and the guy can just guess get around 2 sided. it visions a caught publish bundle. okay. and then upload them off to the name of the
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lee mosley or side guides for the sullivan there. and so in the college possibly get a cousin dated to the inside of the ceiling up. they'll pad, was they put spun. okay, manpower. russell, 6947. okay. how much did they couldn't do it sooner than empty kind of spasm. get you into the new is know, then the height of the 0 to me and then the item please did was look and then high know which for you to enjoy. they do it's get in it in or the non thing is, is that all of us, the lives of the big it says to come here with if, oh, so how did you mark, does he not play it? it has was, goes all to the can obtain in the soul of incentive hazard. what the
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so much so mom that these the neg do is some of the search you will there be the 1st place with the people like it in tifton that she is being always on the streets, defending different people, challenging different leaders. but she was always, there is a lighthouse occasionally to do between tardy here julia to and just now we on the top phones of creepy sound
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like high baby david week. this will be guy check the do be just this is the class such as shiny is that it could be some be missed. ours is only natural or off here . so could actual problem is our lucky, but we get that beautiful place, beauty a, get it a new me the way spin look is, looks on beach tall. you'd be willing to sit. i made them. can you play the audio to see it? if you like to, so i knew these are all to my advice. oh much, i mean, also need to is it you hosted voltage? don't we on that that too much. so i mean is aiden with just the largest social for 10 years. i took it to so much told me to call to
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solve the bush. will you like i'm here with citrix. you guys are duties. the the the mandible that was the most value we saw along. she's listed list your district. last all the move to the one, all the go, show movies. so you get the, what is the good news is every, every. what on the house the biggest is to present you love to being set up. let me try this each and this is i could look sony live in oregon, india shipments or we don't have any booking. okay. that's less and less the good news and was that? oh yeah, that'd be good to david. talk to him. he'd stage made english note them pony was
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there to say do allow you all i need is kid. the take you to do need them is because they're like the talker to dish individual. good going tom lifelock let y'all know of the month of july. i know it goes out and they'll call you block crew . yes. milan till probably be florida is going to do that really good. then those groups not be as the 100 up to you because i cool i to diploma little know the in the book and i'm gonna shoot the 5 digit. oh no it's good. new quote. could be the boss golf from the china. it's good on each of us, the james, the mcdonald dining be hard to me. that's all it to be. you the commission, the oil cock, is that you need, you need to create a bigger notices. a, i mentioned that one of us, like if you go to the game you see on the bus called, then it will still do the man or johnny bad research showed a scenario i took, they gave it to your to, to me or took your say on it should be, it keeps sending. what are the is gutierrez and wish on c o. core contribute? and if it would like to do or to disobey with youngsters, johnny, i do read out there and they give it to you or large or small large to do that.
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it'd be cool english to all you just and done, boss good to you. oh yeah, i need such a good time to talk to the cushion lie do sure. they get beat the ard last 6 little gene, tanya. so higher on how to solve the car. so you make time is there to, to turn complex. just didn't talk to rebuild them. it's often you pull up your account online, get him age of showed up time to get on the maternity out. mitchell. sure. the sound speed, able's united bottle shall on. you may be the should that get to that being does. and automation dumped the disk in a 10 minutes and then is there a technician is so cool. my mom bunk. i knocked on the bed or she did to push me
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some of them. i said we as time draws, couldn't hold it up with the john, demanding old industrial sion to kid us by time immigrant is sitting on what we could to pack them to do to jimmy moved on posters and switched to push one shade damage and astarte become a t o gene and the actual positive sion you engage in dr. trinket, mississauga noticed that k i'm done or getting it done sort of blew up. we'll dive almost done by stuff now. hard to minnesota just submitted to pose because should be just on, on the system. you know, i'm carson bull, john shingler young bull junction. you went back to hock that isn't a let me just cut them a tim, how can we think them of them the there's some hook coming to november me on between talking to them. isn't the sean, the google google tional model showing that possibly getting charged at all? don't shadow moved on down to make the majority, but not much of a pursuit to make the oxen the time limit the following year. so i'm hoping you could let me mention what could you do not mind
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to the silva like the quote picture, which is part of the the cash. lemme see the other month. so that way again, make with it and it cuts a month to get sick, then they didn't because you might add the dental tons or colanda then the,
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the met at the tip. kids knew tom was to get it. didn't this noted man the ad by how well a match card can cause. remember, that could get up to a and then 10. now let's just say and so tom wants to get it can ship in the song, it q of any kids through me. i showed them a bang cut on my cell because i mean there is a num gotta do with dish, the dish on some stokes or less to so because somebody is receiving somebody good
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in europe, the, the ssl beach. and so if you took the industry and then you'd to the i to the the axis, look the view of the she can be, can deal to them sceptical unless the get him to send me or to the be shoot. you reach me some on the if i did is getting the picture necessarily make you switch on them on the suite of a crystal, i'm on a is it just came into the mud and maybe even take literally i missed that. i get the or so my head on the diploma thing gets the much it'd be bad the semester or she can thank you to protest the police ability to get this and said i discussed this and didn't they? did. they become poems to been using the image she's keeping on the past. the exit are less and less. i'm not finding anything new to you because you, they mean you're not just students that the so sad make. yes, it is still really me. it's a cop. i yeah,
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speech and don't go send in to i mean it may be and we'll put that back. but the recession that again this is the next thing that to just this you'll check will of check be and so i said, yeah, say vh up to she called the a minus the kid that they ship all to launch. it had been done that get the lives there's all live on. there you go. oh, if you dish maybe of to land maybe have to care fish. why little have shifts and you events had the know the city was took to the bathing michonne bus. could you uh, these vitamins even though the are designed to lock loaded and they are in that environment point soon as it is as we read candidates. so should they didn't then
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build a significant part of you. what's their name? shade them. and then it was time that's, that's good, but this is i'm of in took to then coloma band booth didn't yesterday. the other thing is that the she'll i feel costly as a side took to them. the cool little this so that yeah, no. well, since on the list can adjust of class in dm's, the so good and sound and excuse me, comes in sound which i am saying a chalicia hash. i take this cold light up, i sent it to you to cry. that song says good high out that the high out and song system often challenging us is the man. yeah. by any chance. call you that building a a little that sort of the in sun hold. i'm gonna view the shooting in guy. check
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the box between me costler 9. see the get a color. know kimmy mcgee, i checked on attend the buses on monday and then at the present the extent was, am i to live in for the supplement of la, drastic towards the session? i can make that a little less again, again, bad, good, that is in that and he said that's been investigated. can bank in that in so last. so is this my last part of luck? is that a couple that that i shall on my possibly be allowed to avoid a lot put on us the slick. yes. so the man you're on the slot to then cut our last year to purchase land and that's possible. so cost low to look beautiful and lamp and see i'm getting the
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big trauma which is difficult to stay away from your home to a meal country from your home, you are leaving everything behind and starting a new life. it's depressive. and we have the right to be depressed, i guess, and be sad and hopeless, maybe one day either watching tv with my wife and we so our house. and they were breaking some parts of the house destroying life on tv. and they were showing its of course, intentionally. um, and of course it's touch as well. i mean,
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watching something like that, something that you created for the last 4 decades by just walking, looking in writing and all of a sudden it's not yours anymore and you have to watch it from afar. i can see my mom fare for you just now. and we can only took on form, and most of us don't know if you'll be able to see your parents again. this is the hardest part, i mean, forget about the property house, country, but i mean a daniel family. so imagine that you're not to love to so let's see your family who and there's a close up. no, it won't. the excel community schools. busy face time, funeral face time, funeral means you're watching one loved ones,
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funerals on facebook. and i guess this is the set, this thing to life needs though because you are not even able to go to the funeral and what you need to look for. it's really the hybrid does that gives us
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the or i'm not home 6. my country it's 6. when you think that's your friends are still in jail and suffering. this gives you a burden and responsibility and disputing. never leave you alone.
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so choose a country will be debated, sue will leave it. the dispute, the in the beginning there was a huge interest about 2 key human rights issues, press freedom issues and this faded out. so fortunately, i guess the 1st reason is the refugee from the government's realize that they need to stop the reputation and to acute was not on the agenda anymore. but unfortunately took use in worse conditions. so we need more supports and some of that to you from the general public and the government, the the case of my it on, on the 10th, which i mean the domain kind almost to get you to put on the color of the one the, all that and the internet and then they didn't have it inside of it and they
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were in the settlement duplication. e, me sorry to us on the carpet to the lodge and on to the level of the snare. that's why my name is ashley young. i'm currently listed as a mobile user. no, i never sat in data any into time. so and it says in that age and she has seen that, i mean it's sending things they need to be check. lamson says that this is going to let them, this is the season. i asked him and that you guys didn't dance on. i asked them via to me. they be today how she interesting that gave them the highest coverage, the
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little sign in to look to notice the loan above us and left the human. so there's that was, that was good to do that, or is it the know who to try to fix it? has zillow kits tell you below is the, then it's got a bunch of things the, the, the and i could buy slaten, whose remedy into the son who we bought. screw put this cornerstone and saw notice found the thing that land um on is this donald will call and let them do that because of the lunch caprock about the shipping. so across the line you'll do this one.
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yeah, take 2 because the mess and they took off the miss johnson and son got sick to the company. oh yeah. and it done made this shouldn't make even getting, you'll get that activity level so they shouldn't innocent this to of to and it was like somebody to say a liberal to be she is, are you the man cut on? so yeah, and you just get to the left side, the most of the song big. so nation of them be this, the, for the 1st thing i saw was the gave in boy of the fall of the cars that in the, in the section that they've changed. and they said that, you know, and even to good condition with the shakeela show us the can zoom, is that the, the books, the guy you'll do, they may have less of let in the, i think the initial need you a couple of them, mister west and i took lots of,
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oh yeah, and the cheek you saw the j lane, c seats is our lead old mother. you need to put anything you want you to do. this was sent and since i want to each cut out to build this little band to really be those points the she like your met yet. you'll notice it, you know, i'm thinking that i need to look into that much them what it's for me then. okay, well i guess i'm on the, the was the deadline 15 when we finish in that 20 and a half. we've been building this was sort of a lot of the latest. you know, some, it's a little slow now. other than tables and make sure that things carpets like has a lot of fun. there is a color node. it just the combined noted teacher with the name and but so called the meetings division. so so that so that kind of, it's live of school getting
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a little because most of them good luck list or a sofa. that was just the name a let us go remember. and gander. yeah. and because then she'll sit with the 2 to send a notice and they get you did call included in the shipper, showed me i gave me, but to, you know, gave me, does filica items have only give me but to give me them, but soon they is near the openings, i'll go there have been that you can take, give it a big news the
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career that took off with the bang, the percussionist viva feel of us. a passionate musician bursting with energy. and she's conquering, seemed to all the world. it's what i always wanted, and it's just a dream come to know that i can play with the most wonderful orchestra, conductors dw, listed as gina mazda, i mean, in september 2022 iranian women. their fight for liberation. also being done
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on the big screen. now, there are 3 new films by 3 courageous female directors, their tribute to iranian women and their revolution. the exam. in 90 minutes on dw, the killed in progress. a tough calls to everyone who wants to know more about the topics that concern us. about the stories the on the headline was back inside in depth interviews and see the world in progress. the w
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the race has long begun later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything changed. it's all about in the age of artificial intelligence. in 5 years, it was in china, the us. oh europe. to control the technology that will shape the future of humanity, the small, it's new world, the a i race starts march 16th on dw, the some people don't care about me because they don't see my beauty. some people don't care about me because they think i have nothing to do but
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to be due to them. i am everything at home. they have food and livelihood that day by day i do so. and so does everything 92000000000 people care about me. me, me and now, i mean the the,
7:00 am
this is the daily news live from berlin. germany investigates a leak of secret conversations about weapons, fort ukraine. the government confirms the authenticity of a recording from russia. it features german generals talking about potentially supplying teeth with cruise missiles and how those weapons might strike the bridge, thinking russia too occupied premier. also coming up. the united states begins air dropping desperately needed supplies into gaza. palestinian children rushed forward to receive the aid and the you in a.


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