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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 3, 2024 9:00am-9:15am CET

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the, the, this is dw news life from berlin. germany investigates a leak of secret conversations about weapons for ukraine. the government confirms the authenticity of a recording published in russia feature senior german officers talking about ukraine. potentially striking russian occupied crimea with a german weapons. also coming up a decade after on malaysian jetliner, mysteriously vanished over the indian ocean. loved ones of those on board are still searching for answers. the son of one of the missing passengers. tell his story. the
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melissa chan welcome to the program. the german government says russia wire tapped a conversation between senior german officers as they discussed the war in ukraine . the officers talked about whether ukraine could use german made cruise missiles to attack the bridge linking russia to occupy crimea. chancellor, all our shows is calling the league quote, very serious. and the authorities have opened and investigation is an explosive leak. not just sending short waves through germany's political and military establishment or recording of a conversation between high ranking and forced offices. as they talk about this taurus, a long range, cruise me style, capable of taking out to bunkers and over $45.00 facilities. the officers speak about sending them to ukraine. they also mentioned possible targets,
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including the touch bridge. they can cry me a river russia seen by ukraine as a symbol of wishing occupation. one officer allegedly sites this. we've looked closely at the bridge. it is unfortunately like a landing strip due to its size. that means it is entirely possible we would need 10 or 20 messiahs. it's a major embarrassment for german chancellor, olaf sholtes. he's permits to get to the bottom of a leak. that's desktop evicted web design. what spring reports it is very serious. that's why it's necessary to begin a very thorough intensive and rapid investigation. schultz, how so far, refused to send towards me. so i was to ukraine to the stray sion of many little maid cuz he's concerned they could be used to hit target some questions. soil the recording was posted the social media by marguerite to simone young. ahead of which in state broadcast a r c. credit and officials are clearly enjoying the moment,
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so it's simple, it's latham was this. i didn't know how to describe what happened and i was like no of the nato colleagues obviously involved. and so, and then i don't know how they will explain that to their own population. what is the venue blue? so he's got a sliding, listening in germany's ministry is scrambling to pluck the leak and wondering whether any more of its conversations could have been taped. the united states carried out its 1st air drop of aid into gaza on saturday. 3 planes delivered around 38000 meals into the territory of more than 2000000 people. washington says the air drops will be a sustained effort and that israel supports the operation. the 10s of thousands of ready meals add dropped to a population that the united nations size is on the brink of famine. the us size is
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the stop as a border campaign with the budget administration, trying to prevent the humanitarian disaster. and well, agencies welcome the drops. they say it's nowhere near enough. the united states just dropped 38000. you know, it's not across the control inputs. it would be much better and much more meaningful to make sure that the crosses work more effectively and the more trusting through so are $28000.00. uh um, you know, that's probably less than one full truck. so for summing gaza dropped feels almost like a token gesture, considering the scale of the humanitarian crisis in the united states as part of this crime against gaza. today, america is trying to buyer silence by sending his aid. it's better for us to live in war then to get
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a from america president by didn't approve to the mission of, to more than 100 palestinians were killed during a couch encounter with a trucks and the is right the last week. he's under mounting pressure both at home and the boat. ivan, his response to the west in humanitarian crisis in gaza. the situation in gaza tonight can only be described as catastrophic. the humanitarian needs are obviously the 3, the roof. families are struggling to meet that day. the needs to increasingly difficult to find clean food, uh, clean water and access to basic health care. there are increasing reports of illnesses linked to mountain nutrition. we are seeing an increase in the prevalence of diarrhea as well as other types of illnesses as well as such as scabies which are very concerning. well, the meals will be welcome from any of those. you can get them. it seems unlikely to
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have any real lasting impact for the people being hit ta, just by this bull. some 500 relatives of people who disappeared with flight and h 370. have held a remembrance in malaysia ahead of the tragedies, 10th anniversary, 239 passengers and crew. most of them chinese were lost in 2014. after the most extensive search and aviation history, the place disappearance remains a mystery. even though the official search ended years ago, some victims relative refused to give up. the hello jane way has spent a decade demanding on says his home is full of mementos of the loan search for his mother on the plane. she was on the 7 year old was returning from holiday when she disappeared along with everyone else, a bold, malaysia airlines flight m
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h 3701. so i'm kind of thinking that the final results we want is to find our relative specialty. but fastly, of course, we need to find the plane, but the width of its looking file relatives over plain. nothing can be accomplished by sitting down and doing nothing for jitsu up with our fossil beneficial search efforts ground to a hold. years ago. malaysia airlines flight m h 370 was heading to beijing from quantum pool. when it took off on march 8th, 2014, only to turn west before disappearing from radar over the indian ocean. investigate . just believe it flew on. i need to crash in to the see somewhere west of australia. but the wreckage has never been located.
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while pieces of the aircraft have washed up on the franchise into reunion and elsewhere on africa's eastern coast, australia, china and malaysia suspended the joint search in 2017 a private u. s. company hired by the malaysian government to scour the sea bed. also came up empty handed in 2018 malaysian authorities say that open to renewing the search if new leads arise. but if a now it remains suspended. jang is heading back to malaysia once again, the 10th anniversary of the plains last. despite everything, he's still hopeful he'll some day know what happened to his mother as well, i'm still quite optimistic about finding the plane even sorry, the journey over the past 10 years. as left is wanting to cry. what's having notice left. even after a decade,
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jang isn't giving up. on finding on says joining us now is stephen wright, a professor in aircraft systems, strong temporary university in finland. thanks so much for coming on the program. at 10 years on. are any investigation still running even unofficial ones? well, there's some, there's always some, uh, privately sponsored research going on. so that could be see by store, it could be data based where the, the, the limited information that's been collected is, is being analyzed. and sometimes those are uh, bringing up small pieces of information, which is quite interesting. now you researched this case for a book. what was your major takeaway about this disaster? well the, the sad part for myself was i'm not just it, it might use 37 say, but i how tech to from the very earliest days of flight. and the sad part for me
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was that this isn't the 1st occurrence with similar types of things that happened. it's been going on for a very long time. was even less is stuff like this has been happening. has happened oft, which is just that the media doesn't always pick it up. if it happens in other continents, do we have a sense of what those last moments were like? i mean, it just seems like there are lots of mysteries and, and questions very few definitive answers. are those correct? um, the, the, the very last moments if we're talking about the, the aircraft landing in the say, the consensus, the thinking is the, it was a controlled bitching. so the aircraft didn't go in both clear and then shattering to millions of very small pieces. it was bolted and it was like controlled and landed on the site. and then it sank. the actual dimensions of the passengers. that's something quite different. and that was possibly,
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when the croft turned around initially when it was a overflow malaysian a spice because it climbed to a very high altitude above the aircraft surface ceiling. now. uh, it is a tragic story. i wonder since uh, that accident and other events afterwards has there been changes in international piloting procedures in the way pilots and their crews are allowed to work together? that's probably something a lot of people are curious about. yes, that's very much the case that since this particular event and also the german wings. and then the next stage is the operation lee, you know, allowed one flight crew member and the flight the cable because the flight back is a secure environment. it's bullet points and so on it's, it's independent triple of the main tool so that, so that's highly problematic. so it means that both crew basically comp leave. so
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if one person needs to go to the boss or may need to get another staff member into the flight deck, and it's for that reason to stop this potential talking to them from occurring. steven, right aviation expert at temporary university in finland. thank you so much. thank you. so here's a look at some other stories making headlines around the world. thousands of anti government protesters have rallied in cities across israel. they're demanding early elections and that prime minister benjamin netanyahu step down. nothing. yeah. who's popularity has plummeted since the october 7th from aust terrorist attack. protesters also called for the release of hostages still held in god's up in the us primaries race. donald trump has won the republican nomination from 3 more states. the caucus boats in idaho, michigan and missouri and were all quickly called for the former president. he's
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won every state so far said of setting him well on course to be the parties. candidates in november's presidential election. a cargo ship attacked by who the rebels in the red sea has sunk. it is the 1st vessel lost since the yeah. many group began targeting commercial shipping, that it says is linked to israel. the british own ruby mar was caring over 40000 tons of fertilizer. humans, official government is warning. the sinking could cause an environmental disaster. the doctors in south korea are protesting and sole against the government's push to boost medical school enrollments. critics say the doctors are against the increase to limit competition and keep incomes high. the doctor say they want the government to 1st address their pay and working conditions. and finally, pop royalty has hit the red carpet in london for the biggest night in british music
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. at the annual brit awards, kylie minogue was main to this year's global icon to a lisa one best hop act. but the big winner was the singer songwriter, re rising star one song of the year and set a new record for the most wins in a single night. the, his reminder of our top stories, germany is investigating a least conversation about ukraine, potentially using german made a cruise in the south to attack the bridge thinking russia to occupied crimea. the discussion between senior german officers surfaced on russian and social media. the u. s. has begun air dropping humanitarian supplies into gaza. the pentagon says air force planes carried out the 1st drop of 38000 deals, joining existing efforts by jordan and other nations. that's it for now,
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doc film is next with an effort to explain how far the went from a plastic stereotype to a symbol of inclusion. melissa chance, thanks for watching the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate. change all due, rising temperatures, change our report from the internal heat, march 15th on dw.


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