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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is eatable use live from berlin. their new hopes for a girl is a truce. come off negotiators arrive in egypt for talks, while israel is reportedly willing to make a deal, but is still pressing ahead with his operations in the south of the palestinian territory. also coming up pakistan's, parliament, jesus, your boss or reef is prime minister, ending and impasse following and election marred by accusations of vote reading while members of the country's most popular party are sidelines. and it was the
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biggest night of the here in british music. i'm in love with music when i have a wonderful fee was an odd rising young star, a damsel, the assembled luminaries getting up in 6th grade for the marietta evans team that's good to have you with us hopes for a cease fire and the gaza war are growing with the arrival of a hamas delegation for talks in cairo, us officials say israel has broadly approved a deal that negotiators are presenting to come off, which carried out the october 7th attacks. but for the moment, there is no lit up in the finding. israel has stepped up operations in the southern
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gauze and city of han, eunice. the army says it's destroyed dozens more, come off targets, pressure for a truce as mounting as the united nations warrens of a looming famine and gone. some last run health ministry says more than 30000 people have been killed in the territory since the war began. i as journalists, kareem, i'll go over harry, in cairo, who exactly is taking part in these talks. well, we know that the dedication of how much arrived here in cairo for the negotiations . there is no, is really the delegation yet to quite some of the 3. 036 sounds from i'm us. one of the options says that there might be a deep within 24 or 48 hours, but this seems to be all kinds of last minute conditions and to some minutes ago. and the companies won't even that the, because usually cairo might break down. well, as we mentioned um,
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according to the u. s. israel had already accepted the truce conditions that were on the table. so what are the sticking points for for us that they agreed to the framework. the framework is a 6 weeks at tusa ends to the release of for several 1000 to the board to set 40 is ready the hostages. in exchange for the 10 full number of students, our team is ready, the presence, but the, i think there's several, something somebody goes here right now. one of them is that the israel is presented and this off a prison us they have, they are not willing to release. that's the 1st of the know the 2nd is that the insurance is demanding this from us. and who are they going to reduce exactly who is a life we step? and it seems like how much this thing that they prove going to provide this is only
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it when there is a ceasefire. so another somebody broke seems to be moved out of the way. there's also been loss of talk about getting to a breakthrough before the start of the muslim holy month of ramadan, which begins on march 10th or 11th depending on the lunar calendar. how likely is a ceasefire deal by then what it is, a big pressure on the old site said that this is happening, of course the starting the end of next week. so, and we have to see, i mean, as i said, optimistic solves at the beginning from the u. s. and also from us that there is a framework, but the definitely the year it seems to be in the details and to attend. now this is not is ready to negotiate that arrives to here because they think that conditions have to be meet, met 1st, that tip or how much provides the list of the houses just to be released released. so that's been
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a lot of work to to eat and kind of that wasn't journalist kareem algo hari in cairo for us cream, many things indeed for your reporting as well. the cairo talks follow the 1st aaron drops carried down by the us as part of an international operation to bring supplies into gods by plan. washington says the air drops will be sustained effort and that israel supports the initiative. tens of thousands of ready meals add dropped to a population that the united nations size is on the brink of famine. the us size is the start of a border campaign, the budget administration trying to prevent the humanitarian disaster. and while agencies welcome the drops, they say it's nowhere near enough. the united
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states just there dropped 38000 yields, is not across the control input. it would be much better and much more meaningful to make sure that the crosses work more effectively and the more trust came through . so are 28000. uh um you know, that's probably less than one full truck. so for summing gaza dropped feels almost like a token gesture, considering the scale of the humanitarian crisis. in most the united states as part of this crime against gaza. today, america is trying to buyers silence by sending us aid. it's better for us to live in war then to get a from america was the president by didn't approve to the mission of, to more than 100 palestinians were killed during a kind of encounter with a trucks and the as id. i mean, last week, he's under mounting pressure both at home and the boat is response to the west and
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humanitarian crisis in gaza. the situation in gaza tonight can only be described as catastrophic. the humanitarian needs are obviously the through the roof. uh, families are struggling to meet that day. the needs to increasingly difficult to find clean food. uh the water and access to basic health care. uh, there are increasing reports of uh, illnesses linked to mountain nutrition. we are seeing an increase in the providence of diarrhea as well as other types of illnesses as well as such escapees which are very concerning. while the meals will be welcome from any of those, you can get them. it seems unlikely to have any real lasting impact for the people being hit ta, just by this bull of pakistan as newly formed parliament has elected shabazz sharif as prime minister for a 2nd time. this follows last month the general election,
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which was marred by allegations a vote, rigging violence, and to the disqualification of the country's most popular party. sherry's return to power has resolved a leadership impass font political attentions remain. and joining me in the studio is dw is being his java ed who is covering the story for us and who was in pakistan recently to report about the elections get to see venus . so why don't we start with who exactly? sure, boss shareef is marianne, how good are 2 things that we should know about the new and coming from and have sort of buckets, non domestic politics on community sparking. so share boss city is brother of 3 time prime minister, nevada cities, and he has so as to when is there a focus on the most populous and politically important funds of problems multiple times? he wouldn't mind hasn't brought the work. i think the country and he has also surface
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prime minister focused on. and now when he fixed bowers again, his niece and daughter of nevada cities has already been appointed. the chief minister, friends up romans for the family, has back to allegations of promoting dentist, the politics, and many backend it's taught. and it's believed that should ease is. they can disposition with the backend of buckets, an offer for military that has to work on different 70 tickets. but these are allegations that they have to night. well, we mentioned that these elections that took place about a month ago were marred by allegations of vote rigging. but why else is this votes now in parliament so controversial? for mariana, these allegations of war tricking mix, the scar, this deswartz going to go should, but also the indications of people are rigging. so one of pocket stones most popular political drop body headed by him gone on wheels in june. the party accused that they were not given
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a level playing fee to dump in before this elections. i wouldn't have gone honda senior leadership was sent to jail, but wanted to get a quote of the political party says that they were sent to g. as on particularly more debated. this is many of the top the to ship. i left the party this the under duress and let go to the symbol of 50. i bought the boss beacon, which meant that they are candidates, ran as independence. and despite all of this, a allegations of states, oppression, and track down it was be the i backed candidates that was the most faith, not the should have spotty, but your boss should eve me, deals with other political parties and is now forming equation government. and this background mix a d, a sport contribution that was the w's the news. java administer. thank you so much for breaking it down for us. the german government says russia wire tapped
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a conversation between senior german officers as they discuss the war and ukraine. chancellor, all of schultz is calling the leak very serious and authorities have opened an investigation. it's an explosive leak. not just sending short waves through germany's political and military establishment or recording of a conversation between high ranking and forced offices. they talk about this taurus a long range, cruise me style, capable of taking out to bunk, has an over $45.00 facilities. the officers speak about sending them to ukraine. they also mentioned possible targets, including the coach bridge. they can cry me a river russia seen by ukraine as a symbol of wishing occupation. one officer allegedly sites this. we've looked closely at the bridge. it is unfortunately like a landing strip due to its size. that means it is entirely possible we would need 10 or 20 messiahs a it's a major embarrassment for german chancellor or life sholtes. he's problem is to get
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to the bottom of a leak that's, that's not protected web design. what's being reported is very serious. that's why it's necessary to begin a very thorough intensive and rapid investigation. schultz has so far refused to sudden torres, me. so i was to ukraine to have a stray sion of many little may cuz he's concerned they could be used to hit target . some russian soil for recording was posted to social media by marguerite testimony on the head of ocean state pool. acosta. oxy. cremmit and officials are clearly enjoying the moment so suitable by them was this. i didn't know how to describe what happened and i was like no of the nato colleagues obviously involved . and so, and i don't know how they will explain that to their own population. what is the venue booth? so he's got a slight and listen in. germany's ministry is scrambling to pluck the leak and
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wondering whether any more of its conversations could have been tight. will pop royalty has hit the red carpet in london for the biggest night in british music, the annual brit awards kylie minogue and do a live up of picked up prizes. bonds. the big winner was the rising young star re a historic night for the british. singer songwriter, 6 bridge awards for re including songwriter of the year. the 1st award it to a woman to make an emotional moment for the londoner who finds success after parting ways with her record label in 2021 and working as an independent artist. i'm so proud of this album i'm so proud of is alvin. i'm in love with music when i have
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a wondering to see you as an all is the among the other winners to the british albanian artist was named best pop act. at the ceremony in london here, you guys gave me this like radical bond pop icon. kylie minogue, who has sold more than 80000000 records across the world, right. and who's had a number one album and 5 consecutive decades was awarded the global icon accolade. the it's been a long time 36 years and counting of, of experiences together. and the thing that really gets me is a love of music and connection with people
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a memorable night at the brit awards with female or non binary artists winning them . georgie of warrants the m. s. the latest on the delay. you use this hour of next is our tech show shift a marion. i haven't seen from me and the entire news team. thanks for watching the secrets live you discover new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage selling d. w world heritage, 360 mount. this shadow stop jumping. these costs and video shed light on the donkey street. devastating colonial har is


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