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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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the, the, this is dw, use life from berlin as gaza. truth jobs, proceed in egypt, us vice president, carmella harris ops, the pressure on israel to act. there must be an immediate faith fire. meanwhile, is rarely forces that populations in southern gaza, also on the program. germany blames the kremlin information war for the leak of a secret conversation between german generals about possibly supplying ukraine with german christmas files. on pakistan's, parliament chooses shabazz sharif as prime minister for the 2nd time. you take silver following an election bar. accusations of both breaking
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the amount of human walk into the program negotiators from how mosque that's are on the us have been holding talks aimed at securing a truce. and the 5 month for in golf u. s. officials have said israel has broadly approved deal, but sticking points have emerged on both sides. these include details of hostages, held by him us and the number of post indian prisoners israel might be willing to release the times of israel reports that israel is not willing to join the talks with such a list of hostages, who are still alive for the moment. there is no less up in the fighting. israel has stepped up operations in the southern gaza city of han, eunice. the army says it has destroyed thousands more, have mass targets, pressure for a truce as mounting as the united nations warns of a looming famine and gaza to the territory is run by him off which card at the
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october 7th terror attacked to us vice president campbell harris has called for a cease fire and casa, and has urged israel to a low gaza aid. her comments were among the sharpest, yet by senior us leadership. and given the amends scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire. the select which is what is currently on the table. this will get to husky just out and get a significant amount of 80 in. earlier i spoke to georgi oka funeral, i'm at least analyst in washington, dc. asked him if this statement from harris is assigned that washington is trying to distance itself from his rarely leadership. well, it's
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a good question and i think it's important to realize that of course, us domestic politics are in the way on many of the 3 basic voters, if you will. and the democratic party are very upset by the new ministration for being so incredibly supportive of israel's war on cause over these past few months . and the by the end team certainly does not want more progressive voters sitting at home in november or in terms of the us is real relationship though. i mean, what we've seen over these past few months is that the buying the administration is always voicing its opinion, explaining what it prefers telling israel, what do we like to see happen? but we never seem to bite it in ministration. you know, actually condition age is we all set in red lines or ultimatums and with our any of that, i'm always skeptical with this rhetoric. and these statements really have anything to do with the body, move ministrations,
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actual policies that have some real sense to them. to me. okay. i'm looking at the region itself. what kind of a ceasefire deal do you expect if any, in the coming hours or days? well there obviously is the stock right now. i'm about in arrangements that the us egypt and called are to be working to secure whereby we have a ceasefire for 6 weeks. there would be a swap of captives and prisoners, some humanitarian aid. let me in. it seems that her moss is sort of setting as a condition, not just to cease fire that might last for 6 weeks, but rather a permit. and the more there's also demands a mazda is making about letting palestinians return to northern guys and expulsion of the departure of these really occupying forces on the ground in the besieged
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enclave. so. ready whether or not, uh, the negotiators from don't har, cairo in washington, are going to be able to bridge the gap. i don't know if it's going to certainly require quite a bit more work. i think on really seeing is believing in them. i'm not so convinced that there's going to be some sort of an arrangement the 2 sides are going to agree to. i certainly hope that's the case, but again, seeing is believing me. um, so it clearly seems like there are so many sticking points here on a while, these tree socks half, and these really army is stepping up attacks in southern gaza. so it was all that in mind. do you see any chance of israel agreeing to a long term ceasefire? so i think we're going to get to that point. awesome left out of these discussions is the fact that continuation is war imposes a huge task and is really economy. there's also the domestic politics in israel,
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and we're talking, you know, about the influence of the role of the fairies of the hostile jews who have been held by how much in gaza for a number of months. so obviously this conflict, this war cannot continue for ever. there's going to come a point when it does eventually sales in gaza. but i think it's very possible. yahoo government is we can send you a raging this war for a longer period of time. unfortunately, missouri, silas georgia, here in washington dc. thank you so much for taking the time. speak to us. it's a pleasure. let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. in the us, nikki haley has won the republican primary and the district of columbia is the 1st win for haley who has lost out to her arrival, donald trump in all other routes. so far, the sea is one of the most democratic leaning jurisdictions in the country.
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thousands of inmates have fled haiti's, main president after armed gang storms, the facility ages suffering from worsening gang violence designed to remove prime minister arial henri from power. he's currently abroad trying to gain support for un back security for us to stabilize the country. el salvador ends went to the polls for the 2nd time and a month on sunday. this time for local elections. over 6000000 people were eligible to vote and erase described by some as a formality following the line slide re election of president night. okay, last month a kind of teenager has been arrested in stopping attack of an orthodox jewish man in serious police. say the 50 year old victim was critically injured and the suspects anti semitism. as the motive local authorities have stepped up, security at jewish institutions here in germany, officials are demanding far reaching consequences for a link to conversation about
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a possible attack on the bridge linking russia to occupies crimea. the discussion between german generals was published by the russian state broadcaster r t. the officers discussed the potential use of german made long range torres missiles to attack the courage bridge. germany's defense minister boris stories has accused russia of conducting an information war aimed at creating divisions within germany. tickets i'm boy, this is clearly about undermining our unity because it's about splitting our domestic politics a part time. and i very much hope that putin doesn't manage that link does that we remain united despite any disagreements over the taurus issue and all the questions that need to be onset to the point in the end. it's crucial that we remain united and not allow us selves to be divided by pollutant. that's exactly what he wants. and we need to stand united against that. earlier dw correspondent jack patrick and brussels told us how germany's allies are reacting to these revelations. i
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restarted the nato earlier today, and they said simply as expected, frankly, we do not comment on intelligence. clearly what was recorded in these recordings that the russian state pro cost a r t. i published intelligence conversations and that is extremely difficult for nato. and obviously the german government to, to look into because of how sensitive this information is we, sol, so they'll cover all of the russian foreign ministers. clear that this plays very much into the hands of the russian narrative of surrounding the war in ukraine. so nato is unlikely to make any public statements clearly about the details of the base of this meek. but what they will try to do is try to isolate, to support the german government in order to try and find out where this came from . and what happened, but they will not come inside the, on the actual details inside of this because because of the,
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the war of narratives that exist between nato and the russian government. and staying in germany, police have conducted a large scale operation in berlin, in the hunt for 2 members of a far less terrorist organization. the man belonged to the so called red army faction, also known as the bottom line health group, which committed murders and robberies over several decades. police suites in the early hours of sunday, we'll do 100 inside the offices chasing a new lead in a case such as decades old. they detain 10 people to check their identities, but it turns out to be a dead end. it just comes out and does, i can say that the people who've been temporarily detained have been released on the $1.00 to $12.00. as a viable 100 offices was searching for a book called gobby and ends to follow, to shed out members of a left wing terrace. group called for red army faction will already f. it was
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founded in 1972 you by until you a spider or we combine whole and go to an insulin. said goal was to change the political system, even 3 violence, or even move in 20 years. the already asked committed dozens of marriages, bank club risk and bombings. in april 1998, the group said it was desponding for search wished open. gov a seemed to be going nowhere until last week. when police arrested done, you elect letter. she'd been on the run with the to use for 3 or suspected of attempted murder, and a series of on to upper is collect as a rest has re ignited was search for her accomplices. yeah. then but continued to pursue your crimes, you will not be safe. the rule of law will not let up missed law call us police left sundays, right empty handed,
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but they say they are closing in august august. parliament has elected ship as sharif as prime minister for the 2nd time. last month's general election was marred by allegations of vote, rigging and violence. and the most popular party was disqualified. sharif is returning to par with political attentions still unresolved. a fresh, a boss should he is old said to the country and he has made big promises and we want to bring revolutionary changes to the system. we will make pack has done great will make text on proud as we lead fluid aldosterone by cities. the brother of 3 time brian minister, nevada cities, has won his new job, but the board from majority of focused on lama goes, it's far from a mandate to go one feeling. the drivers beat the i bought the dude former prime minister in brown hon has accused should each party under collision partners of
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winning several of the seats toward tricking b. d. i see if the work done for stanford with by buckets on sponsor for the military in favor of the coordination. and then addition, they denied yet chevy politic assembly has consistently bachelors production allegations and for promoting done a big politics. share boss cities has served multiple times as the chief glenn is still focused on the most populous and politically important funds of problems. when his brother was heading the country. as he now stepped up to the prime minister's office again, his niece has taken over as chief minister has been job leadership. student often considered a stepping stone to fidget well. she is the daughter of nevada city. she had boss city forth also in was in the state of oregon con to a new confidence boat in 2022. the coalition government. ethan presided over as prime minister was a y d and buffalo. with emerald on han on the streets. the country plunged into an
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economic and political crisis. a, b, d i is the domain to challenge should have a government over the war checking allegations, quite skyrocketing invitation because of hardship for millions in this environment . ship boss, city spaces, an appeal back to, to convince buckets danny's that he once again does the foot jones to lead and finally at quarters like homebrew volcano on the glass because our archipelago has begun erupting. the government says that it pauses no immediate danger to human life because the island where it is located, where, where it's located is uninhabited. it could, however, threaten an array of the islands unique and the most. b, c's is the 3rd times in year 1500 meter volcano has erupt it since 2017
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and that's you all up to date coming up next for its life. with the story of a mexican olympic diver who's trying to online gaming to finance for supporting 3. i'm out of him a and for a lin, thanks so much for watching. take care and staging the we are all set with what seemed close to him to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information for 3 months. i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks. trace amount, but there's no actually of, i'll know join us just.


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