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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2024 4:30am-5:01am CET

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the treasure map for modern globetrotters describe it as some of us wriggled, bragging sites on youtube and also into the driven by passion. percussion is the vice of labor and her energetic performance is made with love. the rear and elaborately produced passed us to feeling due from virginia and done by desire germans and their love of cycling. these stories and more coming up on your own, maxed the libby bus and leave us passion is percussion. to professional musician discovered
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her love of drumming on a beach in bulgaria as a child. and since then has dedicated her life to music, we caught up with her as a solar performance in vienna. the . this is one of germany's rising stars in the classical music world, german, mo, gary and percussionist v vi. seen the past for me, life and very, very big energy that brings the most intense emotions from inside of us. already at her young age, she's reached the pinnacle of her career. she performs around the world as a soloist. here in vienna's concert house, she's rehearsing for a piece for percussion by austrian composer friedrich sir in the beginning, it was challenging for,
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for me to find the connection to this music because it's very, very intense. um, and quite aggressive also. my 1st impression was because of some kind of must clean energy, must calling aggressiveness that, that i don't really feel how, how i was spend on the stage and, and interpret this music with all this convincing and depression. and every conductor martin also appears performing this piece for the 1st time with her it's, you've been testing the experience to conduct with the d. s. o s. i see so energized and dramatic and into the music. so it's a matter of trying to get everybody in that same zone. it's really fun city of us and leave a, comes from a musical family. her father taught her and her siblings to play violin for her. another profession is unimaginable. it's what i always wanted. and i always worked for this and it's just
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a dream come true. now that i can play with the most wonderful artist through the most wonderful conductors. and this really amazing pieces that there were only some 10 percent of classical percussionists or female, including one of her role models whose paved the way for her career. the 1st percussion soloist was a woman for the 1st person who went in front of the orchestra and was evelyn glennie. she's still premier im works and yeah, she was the door opener back in the concert hall, the doors are beginning to open for tonight's concert. i practice everyday musicians have actually no holidays and i practiced all day probably to up to 10 hours are playing percussion. definitely keeps me in shape each probably 3 times more than all my friends around me. and i still can't get enough
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it's. we use our whole body when we play for a movie, practice is up until the audience takes their seats. a career highlight occurred in 2023 when she received the prestigious leonard bernstein toward worth 10000 years money. she's already spent on some of the instruments used in tonight's performance . the yes, fantastic. and the audience reaction you can feel it was on fire and she's such a not just a wonderful percussionist, but such a performer. i'd love amazing. it's when you're in the flow and your loving every, every moment and, and you feel, now's the time you had the rehearsals and,
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but in the concert to you always give like 50 percent more and yeah, it was, it was amazing. it was a, is very intense and what is the future holds? i have a lot to finance of for new pieces. what keeps the composers for different different projects like for of course, for orchestral, a lot the new works are waiting for us in the future. and nice concepts and projects. and with that confidence, dressing leave is showing the world how she marches to the beach of her own drum. the do you think you know about every type of task out there? well, we've discovered another you probably haven't heard of yet. ringback you won't find these noodles in any supermarket in the world. they're called
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a suit pending day, the threads of god. these noodles are sacred, aka. what makes them special is that very few people can make them. why is that the sure lead thumbs up at the end? so it takes a lot of patience and will power to learn it. well, if you want to, if you think you can learn this here in a snapshot and then master the technique to all done that, it'd be, you'd better not come up anything practices into the menu on. but there's just one city where these noodles are made up in the mountains on the italian island of sardinia in the mediterranean. here 2 families guard the secret of this cost. but one man is willing to show us how to prepare it. child welcome. i'm lucca, florida is video. i'll show you how to make soup and in day or is it the ingredients that make it so special?
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water, salt, semolina, they're pretty simple actually. however, the 20 thought that the 1st law you have to do a lot of testing. you need the right proportion, you should, i say more lot say, and you have to understand how the symbol lean. it reacts to the humidity or heat of the see me because it can absorb a lot of water or release. again, i lost this depending on the temperature in the 5th of the last chapter, the video is worked by hand not using a machine while needing it. luca can feel if it has the right consistency, and the last specific there's more to take into consideration. the question, and i think we this is the phase when many people make a mistake, if they think the dough is done. now, that kid from that gent that been such, you know, if i could, but it has to be really smooth and keep getting needed. so there was
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a lot of to the cavities when he gets a lot of work. it's quite tough, tumbled. you can see within your elbows to go through because you know, we lift the dose, stand for a while, and then a few hours gets ready. next comes the real challenge. how many strings can look a pull from this role? what's the job one? okay. what now to last 4 of 816, then 32642128250 6, c. a number of threads doubles each time. a wicker wheel is used to drive the cost of threads. it takes a long time to learn the technique, and there's some extra challenge to it. we're going to see that you have to do the beginning in the end as fast as possible because while i'm still working, the sto here, it's already starting to dry seal and you can't stick fresh dough to dry though. so
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i said well, on hold and check back on the 3 layers of threads form a sort of match at the end. the it's shortly looks impressive. but how are you suppose to eat these noodles any way the? yeah, the during the course of in fall temperatures, it takes a few days for it all to dry. here. i have dried. yeah. soup in a day. you i made a few days ago. i'm feeling good and i'm bringing it up. now. if i get into a new file and get more specific time to watch, after all that careful crash thing, it's simply broken apart from faxes. that's part of the art that we have to break it into pieces so we can eat a 50 breakfast that look for you. but this pasta isn't served on just any ordinary
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day in sardinia. not fast. the constant is sacred to the sun dedicated to st. francis, when we celebrate and twice a year in water miss. oh no, yes. oh, oh, no one makes it on a different day. lockbox that is just pasta is linked to our religion and spirituality really joined their religion. but how does this specialty actually taste in the end? and how's it served? it gets cooked for a few minutes and this mutton brought before lots of sardinian cheeses, added pecorino. so in the end, it's a sort of noodles to the suffering. it has a strong taste and from the mutton brought up so that you can feel so much of work has gone into it, and that makes it even better. let's see. my mother always said you should enjoy. so for the day, like any other meal, with respect in doing what are the people anyone who wants to try so feeling day
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with themselves needs a lot of luck. you can't buy these special noodles and stores not even in sardinia . just one more reason this sardine and specialty is so extraordinary. when it comes to banking, germany is way ahead of other countries. but dw reporter shop non 30 to didn't know how to write a bike when she moved here from india 7 years ago. it wasn't long, however, before she took up the challenge. are you even doing that? if you don't know how to write it by claiming when it comes to this new episode of meet them today, we talk about germans on back, which may or may not include people watching to find out. before moving to germany, i had no idea how important cycling was determined. don't blame me because everyone always told me that germany is the ultimate land of cars. rachel clause is still
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very true, but the now let's say that today germany has around 60000000 registered motor vehicles, whereas there are 83000000 bites here, which means statistically, almost every gentleman has a by today who promoted by germany is one of your stopped 5 bike friendly countries also according to service. the gentleman city of minster is the was 2nd most bike from the city behind utrecht in the netherlands. the city has hundreds of kilometers of by us and state of the art infrastructure develop just for bites. a gentleman, i think is more than a whole b or a sport. it is a life. maybe that's why a 97 percent of german from know how to write it by. and so the 3 percent who don't, they're not gonna put you on a do not even as a does. this is great for me because i never learned how to ride to basically back home in india. so now after living in germany for 7 years, i'm finally learning how to ride advice. i think that's when we're at the german cyprus club. i took a to do cycling course for adults here. and not only knowing how to balance myself
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on a bike, but also some important sites mean in terms of like finding the perfect bike for you. reading the correct let's using proper life. checking if everything on your bike was and reading this 3 times correctly. but don't expect to take your bike out on the streets the very next day. it's not that easy. we're almost there. but why did you want me to slow bicycle so much? she for many reasons. i like being out in the fresh air and it's healthy and you want me to add on to. so you can also quickly get to the woods and up the hills or doors and doing something for yourself. and you don't have to look for a parking space. i'm fine of what i like about cycling is that i can get it from a to be easy, but i do support at the same time smoke i like riding around on this whole. it's also good for the environment, so i'm, we don't have to buy gas in the parking tickets and so on. something that i think cycling is really good. let's talk on the tools i get it. durham is really loves terabytes, but the gentleman stay on the other hand, has been reducing its cycling budget over the past few years. that's why the
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gentleman cypress association does fees a lot of room for improvement business vision. essentially, we need to improve the infrastructure. we have far too few backpack and the ones we have are not white enough. i can or they're not continuous. those. those are the biggest shortcomings, just to improve this. we need major investment just for much, much more funding for cycling infrastructure. and we also need investment in research and development because to establish what biking in general can contribute to society of, to the transport transition device and whereby capacity to be built in october. and we currently only have around 400000000 for cycling. if we combine all of the budget, yeah, the goal is a 1000000000 euros a year for cycling. that is the problem, yada, yada, as so why did i learn cycling not only is biking cheap, fast and eco friendly, extra me. it also has a sense of equality and control. here in my neighborhood, in germany, i always see women of all ages cycling, no matter what time of the day or night it is or how far they are traveling. i see
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them be confident, feels secure, right on both sides. and i also wanted to experience that. so this is how i face my fears and finding learners to psycho am i to confident after this? i'm not a 100 percent right now, but i'm hopeful the how does it decide in your country the needs of people making your red top speeds? just follow also on instagram experience live styles, traditions dining and the on set along with the local people. so
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you will get up close and personal join us become a part of our community at dw and just go your we move on now to draft and for capital a villa styled as a palace located near the western city of bon dw reporter daniel pin year those winter on a discovery tour and on covered some interesting facts about the structures past, the east german castle nukes this trade, i would offer it to, but it has a dodge pump. and that sees 3 years of connected in a former owner with eccentric taste. let's explore the history of secrets of throw him forward. the dragon castle. yeah, i feel a special here but i can
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see according to for your german hero, 6 feet, one slate, a truck on here and says name can book or drug and castle thousands of people from all over the world. the stuff in board every year. the castle was located at a 20 minute drive from born, was still between 18821984. it's 3rd shore and a here with a commanding view of the river. right. and the castle is also a popular fuel relocation parts of bobby numbering, germany's most expensive television, serious worship here to our guide, gabby, but any is waiting for me. she has been working here for 14 years. so let's start from the beginning, who decided to view these castle and why? oh, very interesting person court shepherd's auto. he was in keepers some
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and so he came from the applause family to shop to success at the power stock exchange by selling shares developed is always canal. and with the new money, he bought the whole folly to build his a private home. nice. no, but all the steps on the phone started died in 1902, she had no children. the castle was sold of several times and transformed into a summer resort. christian school. and even on up to college in the forty's, they auto pay the school move in here for how long they were here. and what exactly happened? well, for about 4 years until the end of the 2nd world war and well, there were some fortune to 6 a year boys appeared with the military training. and for this he has indoctrination as well as you can imagine. we don't have much information about that time because
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of the holidays. some eye witnesses who could tell you what happened to your so they threw away everything but destroyed all the fields and all that because of the main entrance and the stained glass windows were damaged in war war 2 after the war, the castle was used as a shut there for refugees, and then as a training center for the rate of 40 piece, it was supposed to be demolished in the early 19 sixty's. the counsel of change your own are several times and then it was abandoned 10 years. right. tell us about as well as kind of little place, very effective for the 1st people dealing with drugs. this kind of all can take to both realities of old fashioned. nobody was interested in. so that's the reason why it's to them to, for 10 years, because nobody was willing to buy that and to use that. this was
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a wonderful venue for romantic 1st consumers and all that. yes. in 1971 will stand up into a publish be now the book doesn't books and had extensive proofs are bushman and work done. she was well known for his fancy cars, queer keep personality and eccentric, tast interior design. the come here. what do we have here? yes, sitting on. oh really? so yeah. so the one of the pieces of furniture from the time of pulse financial the not and to, well, he always told the visitors of us that this was the throne of the week of tools.
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but of course, that's what it was definitely, and that's the reason why our guest has the chance to sit on the throne and feel like a queen or a can we head to the kitchen. it was restored by the state of north drawing westphalia, which has been in charge of the head board sealants, 1989. great attention was paid to every last detail. oh god. oh my god. is a kitchen. next gallery shows us some secret places inside the castle, like the servants their case, and the rest of the building to it underwent 30000000 euros worth of restoration work. highlights include the ground marble staircase, and many beautiful are works for you. with paintings of news, this room was once the gentleman's chamber. i saw the costs of itself is
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a mix of different styles. it is interesting to see how each owner left their mark here. and you have you ever visited a customer, tell us which ones the, the smoking is harmful? no question about it. but smoking a pipe is one of the oldest habits and traditions in the world. although the demand for pipes has been declining for a long time, the craft of making them is still alive in some places, such as in the french town of sunsets, where one of the last 5 makers, besides the tobacco pipe plays a vital role in the little french town of centerville, its being considered the will of capital of pipe making since the 19th century. since 1865 b a t h m o has be making pods that a 9 will want to bust. chapel is a mazda pipe makeup. he took over the company in 2006.
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the you are telling me that this is where we turn the head of the pipe. that's the basic material is would get a different part is finished on each machine we produce in the series, which means i set up each machine to make a specific model like this one. this is the 1st time you end up from this or lock. i make the pipe bowl the inside and the outside value. i don't so the, this is the job with the chips flying the woods condition and quantity play a dishonesty pro every time is too simple, the to send it on. i think this is a root of a tree. heather here, so it's the only one type should be made up because it doesn't burn easily and has no taste. our pipes are made of that. what was that like you on the we it takes a total of 50 production steps to turn it into applying the 10 years, you know,
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for juices around 2000 of them to yeah, the best chapel exports a 3rd of them to the usa. the sold in france and a 3rd in the rest of the fedex. we work with what we have. it's important the wood blocks are well cottage, so we have as little waste as possible while while new bit hold on the history of the pipe is represented throughout the town. its importance has greatly diminished over time. and so as to demand are about $3000.00 times thrown display in this include pipe museum, including many rarities hancock specimens. museum director antoine bruno is this so upon makeup some of that done? yeah, until t is the we are the last company with more than 20 employees that produces around $50000.00 pipes a year. okay. that's known to mean event on demand
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a vendor. but this is ridiculously few compared to the early 20th century, my boss, when san cloud was still producing 30000000 to types a year. and well, if i like the company, going to fall back into the best samples to the office around half. now the cost is finished, then it's impulse with the company stem, the pipe and make it was optimistic about the future. if he's croft, since i suck him into something, i don't believe this craft is threatened with extinction. huh. we also train young people on the pipe is an object that people like it may not be as fashionable as it was a long time ago, but it still finds favor it through on the be keeping the pipe has to buy the centuries and some variations. and will most likely continue to fund myers and sen claude, and beyond the powers that we wrap up another edition of your max. we hope you enjoyed the show. be sure to follow us on social media for
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more from the world of culture and lifestyle in europe. thanks for tuning in and till next time. it's the, the, the
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but no one has good explosion. why is the ice melting more rapidly in the ice fields? unknown? patagonia, the 1860 minutes w. the . the conflict crises around every single connection mapped out shows the do you see the on the board is what makes things the way they are. all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube,
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the race has long begun. later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything change. it's all about tillman and in the age of artificial intelligence, in 5 years is going to literally be china. the us who will control the technology that will shape the future of humanity. we may only find out, you know, what the arms and and malign uses as a weapon against democracy or when it is too small. it's new world. the a i race, starts to march 16th on dw, the
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. this is the to the news line from our list as guys latrice talk to proceed in egypt to us, vice president cumberland harris, up to the pressure on israel to act. there must be an immediate faith fire. meanwhile, is rarely forces step operations in southern guns. also on the program, germany blames the kremlin information lease information war for the leak of a secret conversation between german generals about possibly supplying grain with german christmas files. and pakistan's parliament chooses to boss or raise as prime minister for the 2nd time.


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