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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the, the, this is dw dues coming to line from berlin, as truce towards continue for guns. a us vice president, come with the harris ups, the pressure on israel to act. there must be an immediate faith buyer. this is really forces step up operations in southern guns are also coming up us cream cortex is expected to route on whether donald trump can appear on a state pilot. it's just one part of the legal trouble facing the republican presidential front drug. and germany blames a kremlin information more for the leak of
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a secret conversation among the german generals. discussing supplying ukraine with the german cruise missile. plus dw new speaks to congo is people who were born during a war one. they're still trying to escape from today. the hello and jerry martin, thanks for joining us. us by his present couple of harris has called for an immediate cease fire in gaza for at least the next 6 weeks. are comments are the strongest by us administration official on israel since the war started the election terraces hosting many guns on monday, a member of israel's more time cabinet, and a political arrival of president benjamin netanyahu. guns will also be meeting with other senior us officials, including the white house national security advisor,
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jake sullivan called so big a judge or a coffee, or is a middle east federalist in washington, dc. we asked him earlier if the statement from the vice president is a sign that washington is trying to distance itself from israel's gaza policy. i think it's important to realize that of course us domestic politics are in the way of many of the, the basic voters, if you will. and the democratic party are very upsetting, providing administration for being so incredibly supportive of israel's war on cause over these past few months. and the fighting team certainly does not unwinds um, more progressive voters sitting at home in november. or in terms of the us. there's a real relationship though, i mean what i'm seeing over these past few months is that the buying the administration is always voicing its opinion, explaining what it prefers telling is really what do we like to see happen? but we never have seen the bite in ministration, you know, actually condition aids,
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israel set in right lines are ultimatums, and with our any of that, i'm always skeptical with this rhetoric. and these statements really have anything to do with the, by the ministrations actual policies that have some real sense to us . supreme court is expected rules shortly whether donald trump can appear on the ballot. and the colorado state primary in colorado. vote is one of 16 being held on tuesday to help decide the republican and democratic party nominees for the presidency. trump also faces a series of other trials that could affect his chances of a 2nd. whitehouse term one former president for criminal cases was a total of $91.00 charges, an unprecedented situation in american history. and depending on when these cases happen, a potential game changer in november's election. let's look at the cases trump,
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faces of federal election interference trial, a business fraud case in new york. a federal case about trumps holding on the declassified documents and the state level election interference case in georgia. the federal election interference case is led by special council jack smith. it covers trumps efforts to stay in office after he lost the 2020 election including his encouraging a crowd to march on the capital building the attack on our nation's capital. on january 6th, 2021 was an unprecedented assault. the seat of american democracy is described in the indictments. it was fueled by lies. but the u. s. supreme court agreed to hear trump's case that since he was president at the time is immune from prosecution. it's on clear when they'll deliver a judgement the new york state attorney general's case against trump 34 charges of
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filing false business records. that's based on payments he made and allegedly miss reported to a point, a graphic film after a stormy daniels before the 2016 election, allegedly to buy her silence about an affair. trump has reacted as in each of the cases. by attacking the prosecutors the then there's the federal case claiming that trump took the classified national security documents with him when he left the white house. that case is scheduled to begin on may 20th, but the judge has so far been sympathetic to the trump legal team's efforts to delay the proceedings. then there's the state election interference case with 13 charges based on actions. trump talked to try to change the results in georgia,
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a state he lost the case has been thrown into turmoil. however, by revelations, i'm an alleged romantic affair between the lead, prosecutors and trumps legal team as move to have them taken off the case. trial code started in august. they're also separate efforts by legal scholars and activists to keep trump off the ballot in various states based on his actions after the election. but the supreme court has been skeptical of those claims. the. the big question is whether trump will be able to escape reckoning until after the election. if he wins. when he becomes president, he could instruct his justice department to drop the federal cases would also be much harder for state prosecutors to convict him in office. the w reported william blue croft has been following the story and joins us now. william thing us pre and court could issue a ruling as early as today on trump's eligibility to hold office. what can we
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expect? right. we just heard from that fantastic wrap that ralph gave us. there's just so many things coming at us right now and the trump defense team. we don't know for sure what's going to come out of the supreme court today. they just made an announcement that there will be something coming out. but the speculation is quite strong, that is going to deal with this colorado ballot case. and we of course don't know how they're going to rule, but based on the initial proceedings and what court justices are on the record of saying, they seem pretty skeptical that colorado to keep trump off the ballot without any kind of conviction in the civil in the criminal court, so i should say that would basically, uh, notify not only colorado, but any other efforts around the country. we get, the supreme court will almost surely speak for the entire country, which means at least in that one particular way, trump would be safe and would be able to remain on primary pallets and then going
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forward on to the general ballot in the, in the general election going forward. so a lower court has already ruled unanimously that trump is not immune from prosecution. why would the supreme court want to review the decision? so it's a great question because a lot of people are saying this is a done deal. a constitutional scholars, legal scholars across the board are almost all saying there's no way that a president has complete immunity. does that would make a president a dictator or a king, which is exactly what the united states was founded to avoid? so no one's really saying that there's any case that the trump, that trump is making or is defense team is making that makes any sense under us law or the united states constitution. nonetheless, this is a matter of national import. this is a, this is a and it's a matter of, it's never really been dealt with in this way before. so there are of course, and they say, or is it a supreme court that say it's a conservative bench? several of the justice had been appointed by donald trump,
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himself. they want to take things in the favor of donald trump. but i think into english, there's some evidence to that claim. the more likely scenario is that the supreme court wants to weigh in on what they see as a massive legal matter for the united states as a whole. now trump is on track to clinch the republican parties. nomination is presidential candidates, but could he not end up being disqualified? william? and of course the good this is, this is a race against time for both sides. now the defense team is, is doing their job defending their client, taking every advantage. they can just slow things down to make things go in donald trump's favor as they should. they are his lawyers, as he is facing crimes. and he is innocent until proven guilty. so they're doing their job, and the courts are doing their jobs as well, by weighing the evidence by making decisions that they feel i prudent. now of course, you have parties on both sides who are saying it's in terms favorite words and or it's against him. as you like, none the less,
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the if anyone is upset about the timeline here and how close this is coming to the election, it really is the us justice department. joe, by this justice department, could have pursued these cases, at least the ones at the federal level. they have jurisdiction over much sooner after the 2020 election when they came into power with joe biden. so the fact is, is it running up so close running down the clock against the election, which has a number of legal and ethical implications that really is on the us justice department, not the circuit court, not the lower court, and certainly not trump's team. that is really just doing their job defending donald trump, their client williams. thank you so much. reported william blue cross sketch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. nikki haley has won the republican primary in the us district of columbia. it's the 1st win for haley who has lost to her arrival, donald trump in full other road. so far,
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dc is one of the most democratic leading jurisdictions in the country. thousands of inmates fled haiti's main prison after armed gang storm. the facility 80 it is suffering from worsening game violence designed to remove prime minister earlier only from power is currently abroad trying to gain support for un back security for us to stabilize the country. the el salvador and went to the polls for a 2nd time in a month on sunday. this time for local councils, over 6000000 people were eligible to vote. and erase described by some as a formality following a land slide re election president night. ok. late last month and the space fixed falcon rocket has launched for astronauts to the international space station. the mission was launched from s as kennedy space central sunday. they will oversee the arrivals of 2 other capsules during their half year stand
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upon their arrival. the crew will take over duties from the crew that's already their german officials for demanding far reaching consequences for elite conversation about a possible attack on a bridge linking russia to occupied crime. a discussion between german generals was published by the russian state broadcaster r t. the officers discussed the potential use of german made long range torres missiles to attack the co bridge. germany's defense minister boris victorious, has accused russia of conducting an information more aimed at creating divisions within germany. tickets, i'm boy, this is clearly about undermining our unity because it's about splitting our domestic politics a part time. and i very much hope that putin doesn't manage that link. does that we remain united despite any disagreements over the tourist issue and all the questions that need to be answered? in the end, it's crucial that we remain united and not allow ourselves to be divided by putting
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that's exactly what he wants. and we need to stand united against that, you know, with more of a spring and our chief political editor and mckayla. interesting to be kayla, the german defense minister there says the eaves dropping as part of the kremlin information more. do we know how russia was able to record such a confidential conversation in the 1st place? we don't know yet, but a, an opposition and politician is cited as suspecting that somebody was potentially able to dial into what was the video conference, a webex conference and potentially be able to record this. but we do not know this for now. this is just a theory, and this is now seeing particularly all physician is cool for an investigative committee of the german parliament. so we're seeing that this is already feeding into domestic politics. what we have seen as far as the story is the german defense
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smith. so we just saw in that clip vowing as swift and so our investigation, we're expecting results on that this week. but the question of course hanging in the air is what else has the rest inside been able to record it so far? and will this also come out at a strategic point in time because for us, but stories is alleging that this amounts to a hybrid wolf as a particularly because this week came on the day that the full, my, why a cod executive, a was alleged of being or basically exposed of being a russian spy, and what we're seeing is a potentially a communicative counter measures. so you can tell from my wording that this is all still in the room of speculation. but what we're seeing from 4 to this morning by the russian agency task, is that the drum and bass of the has been summons by the russian foreign ministry
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in moscow. so we can expect that there is also now a diplomatic fall out between germany and russia from this. so we were seeing calls for a, for an investigation here in germany there. it's also ruffling some feathers in, in moscow. but the brothers also here in berlin, could we see broader political repercussions from this mikayla as well. this came at the end of what we're ready was a very difficult week between western allies that started with french president emanuel. my call not ruling out ground troops that sparked the germans, hans, the ruling that out completely and also into the future, which has been criticized as being a strategic mistake to rule out a potential measures for the future. and. and now german credibility is really on the line as a defense nation, despite the fact that it is the 2nd largest support of ukraine in terms of military
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support. so what we're ready is seeing a full out this is feeding into let alone that domestically is. this is seeing the taunts that his coalition once again accused of not handling defense very well to say the very least. so expect more of a full out to come here, whether that will be resignation that so in an open question, but we would expect some kind of measures to be taken within the german military for sure. because of the thank you very much. that was our chief political editor, mikaela christopher. now germany police have conducted a large scale operation here in berlin, in the hunt for 2 members of a far left terrorist organization. the men belong to the so called red army faction, also known as the bottom line, hall groups which committed murders and robberies over several decades.
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police sweep in the early hours of sunday will be $130.00 offices chasing a new lead. in a case that is decades old. they detain 10 people to check their identities. but it turns out to be a dead end comes on. i can say that the people who've been temporarily detained have been released on the one to 12 as a viable 100. the office was searching for a book called gobby and ends to follow the stove. members of a left wing terrace group called for red army faction will already f. it was founded in 1970, you bite until you a spider, or we combine whole and go to an insulin. said goal was to change, we political system, even 3 violence or even move in 20 years. the already asked committed dozens of marriages, bank club risk and bombings in april 1998. the group said it was desponding
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for search for stipend. gov. a seems to be going nowhere until last week. when police arrest it done, you elect leta. she'd been on the run with the to use for 3 or suspected of attempted murder. and a series of on to upper is collected arrest has re ignited a search for her accomplices. yeah. then, but continued to pursue your crimes, you will not be safe. the rule of law will not let up mister low, carlos, police left sundays raid empty handed. but they say they are closing in though to the democratic republic of congo, where a president felix tissue. katie has agreed to meet his rewan and counterpart poultry gully for talks and gold, which is mediating between the 2 sides. so as the aim is peace in eastern d r. c. there's been heavy fighting between the congolese army and m. 23 rebels,
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which is again driving displacement and regional tensions. the archie and others have accused rwanda of supporting the m. 23 rebels. rewan to the nice the allegations. the seas east is rich in resources from gold and diamonds to coal ton, but there are now fears that the situation could escalate further as united nations peacekeepers begin withdrawing this week. the r c government says the un forces have not done enough to protect civilians from armed groups and militias in the area. the latest fighting broke out close to the main city goma in the neighboring town of saki shutdown and amanda. hundreds of thousands of people headed for goma in the hope of finding food, water and shelter. when claudine arrived at had 2 children at the discount on the outskirts of goma, she felt relief. but only briefly. she's one of the newest, internally displaced persons here. the un estimates of the fighting has driven
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800000 people to seek refuge in this city alone. despite claudine being a fresh face that's come, the 20 year old is not new tool. she was born into the conflict and it continues to rob her. her loved ones, i saw them killed my friend. we were on our way to massage, and there was a lot of gunfire. that's when my friend got shot in the head. so he, claudine is running from the m $23.00 rebels. who's resurgence in recent years has fueled violence and too many tavian crises in the area with the ripples gaining more and more. ground inland becomes further east of buckling under the pressure and the advance mix towed in fearful that it's only a matter of time before the conflict catches up with her. you know, i'm scared when i hear that m. 23 is getting closer. i feel that things are not ok in my body. in the capital kinshasa,
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the focus is on diplomacy of to previously accusing rundle backing up 23 rebels comedies president felix just security has extended un only branch saying he's now open to meeting the rundown counterpart to gandhi has consistently denied any links to m. 23 talks between the 2 sides have failed before a civil society groups and not optimistic that diplomacy can do much to change. we and you see that it guy you see here in the comes every day. there are 6 deaths for either because of the war like is the or famine as such. but do you want the congolese people to keep dying is really critical. would be sometime in the battlefield or some guy because they have nowhere to sleep. i think he may, others are dying because they're in the comp, you know, but yet they're fleeing therapy because they're afraid of me to ask you to about it . but here to think it's the same thing. the most base you'll see slippers and obviously the us typing is ation mission. one new school admits that the dsp crisis
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is one of the most neglected in the world. the mission will leave the country by the end of the year and leaving most security questions open for this cause, the protection of the cdn at the heart of its mondays. it's greg, your departure would certainly have an impact on you might need tell you on a bare reasons, especially internal boxes for those in the camp. the biggest challenge is a clear way out of the conflict either through diplomacy or military action. the empty tray rebels seem determined to take over more time between meaning one. think for claudine and have family things could get even with here. but let's get more on this now from journalists. petite you on? she's in government in eastern congo. patrice, what has president jessy? katy agreed to talk with his rewan encountered park. now as you're watching these
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because the late january feelings, she's the kids you said were those tools with president or male brenda. so had you been saved the news, diana would take place with equity story for brenda, as long as it's up to pay so far, it does come good to reach reach. so what has changed now when she's sick, he is under an increase pressure because this fighting near go mad, the capstone of those people of fighting that has intensify in the last few weeks. and there are both, i'll know, only about 20 kilometers from go miles due to of 2000000 people. so the threatened to take control of the c t, but the m. so um, blocking the main supply road to the city. so that's putting pressure on the, on the economy. oh, you see, then another element is that recent you do us, the department code doesn't run that. you immediately withdrawal or run the defense
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force. these person on from d r c, that's a strong statement that is likely to put pressure on run and, and floor seats president maybe to the negotiation table. so a lot of political pressure, diplomatic pressure. uh, there's also a political instability in congo itself. it's the last election in december was marred by obligations. a boat rigging in the prime minister has step down. how is route is d r c's political instability affecting the conflict in the east of the country as well? the ongoing war of the sea weakens even more, the position of physics to security and his government. so bringing peace to the east was already one of its promises when he was 1st elected as oswald, named as a president in 2019. so instead, well, the situation has gotten much worse,
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less than the months after, of felix to security has been invested for so long term. well, the, the company's head up state is undermined by the incompatibility off his army to stop g m 23. and so new recent to your, to before the last election, felix to security has play the necessary course, meaning that thousands of young belong to you're putting deadly so such rewards have responded to the president's court to fight against the m 23. so the consequence is that they are meant carrying guns, know everywhere on the road, even among disobedience. indeed, if you can, where, where people are sheltering and militia, man a, pete. so there were, so i keys of various human right. but your nation in just briefly a patrice, you, can you tell us whether the departure of un peacekeeping troops in congo will leave
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the, the country more vulnerable briefly if you can. well, yeah, probably, i mean, no new york, he's looking for other park there. um, they are troops small from so, so i forget and then yeah, and i, we but it seems very, very unlikely that those troops and the congress he's mentioned the army will be able to, to ensure the security of the population and civilians. after the departure of many sco patricia, thank you very much for speaking with us. that was during the list but need to, you know, and gama. it's now to ecuador, and that country's luck, cougar volcano, on the galapagos peninsula, or archipelago rather, has begun erupt hitting the government says it poses no immediate danger to human life because it's located on an uninhabited island. the lava, however,
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could threaten some of the islands unique animal species is the 3rd time volcano erupted since 2017 to the watching dw news up next to 77 percent. looking at how young liberians feel about gender equality. i'm terry morrison. thanks for watching the,
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the 77 percent. howdy, young african spiel about jerry quality. can you talk to light periods and on ruby about how they approach relationships are assess them? relationship expert cars breaks it down for us, where african women of course have been conditioned into believing in traditional gender roles within relationships. and this 77 percent next on
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d w. so the, in the doctors why does that mean? because like i'm lisa and the new host to join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between. the most is a video and audio production by d w. i hope that you will tune in this shadows these costs and video said lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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good farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today? history, we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. dom your boss and you'll base and tell them that a 77 percent is on. today. i want us to talk about our relationships and how we treat each other. if you're not in a relationship, still keep watching. there's something for you to mike, let's see your host for today. and to show you find off what young people see about gender equality in relationships. in liberia we ask young 7 to 7 percent is how the outputs relationships, classic or mode. and then we hear what our sex and relationship experts cause how.


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