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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin is truth talks for guys or continue us, vice president, couple of harris pumps. the pressure on israel to fact there must be an immediate faith fire as rarely forces step up operations in southern gusts. also coming up us praying core to expect its rule on whether donald trump can appear on a state balance. it's just one part of the legal trouble facing the republican presidential front runner. and looking for clues on where china is headed at
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a major policy, gather plenty of problems, face the ruling party, and the chinese be the little. i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. us, vice president campbell of harris has called for an immediate cease fire and gaza for at least the next 6 weeks. are comments are the strongest by us ministration? official on israel since the war started the unlike heiresses, hosting many guns on monday, a member of israel's more time, uh, cabinet, and the political arrival of president benjamin netanyahu. guns will also be meeting with other senior us officials, including the white house national security advisor, jake sullivan, was listening to what harris had to say about cease fire and goes up and given or
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the immense scale of suffering in gaza. there must be an immediate cease fire or at least the next which is what is currently on the table. this will get the hostages out and get a significant amount of a. well, our middle east at all is shawnie rose on his joins be now in the studio for more on this story. shortly we've heard some of the strongest language yet from comma, la harris, the strongest language, yet from an in a top us official. concerning is real regarding the cause of war is the us distancing itself from israel's does a policy to a certain degree. i mean, 1st of all when to see the difference between harris and barton. i mean she's, i may be paying good cop bad cop in a sense of bite and is far more cautious with what he's letting himself say that we know that in a back channels we hear a constant report about his dismay of these really
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a conduct this is one thing and we know that the bite and administration a conduct with israel has been under a lot of scrutiny in the last uh, weeks growing scrutiny. i mean, in the lot of a reason for comments also from within the democratic party. and harrison may be in a ways trying to sort of media mediate that in a, in a way, try to show. she has a strong, a stand on the point. try to say, we're not, you know, we hear you. we hear the criticism. we've seen what happened in the michigan a vote for the democrats last week with, with great support of the american arabs. you know, that our opponents of the war saying we will not support a bite. and if this goes on, so the demo democratic establishment understand the needs to be something done and harris seems to be the person to be executing, it now says valued and is to tainted with his support to israel. so many guns, a senior member of israel's war cabinet is traveling to washington today to meet to
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with you there he arrived. oh okay. yes. meeting was coming to harris tonight the later today. correct. and he is there apparently without the express approval, without the authorization of his boss uh, benjamin netanyahu. how united is the, is really government at west point? correctly said he's technically he's boss, but he's also his biggest political opponent and arrival. and if you look at the polls coming from israel and the last weeks we see guns has unbelievable a support comparing, you know, he's going and support and nothing else. support is diminishing. and i think this is a, an unexpected, thoughtful move from guns who has been seen like the clean guy who is not playing. politics is not going behind an attorney, i was back and so for so for being very supportive of an attorney, i was official stand. but we understand there's a lot of friction, is that there's a lot of tension in the war cabinet was being these 2 as they are political rivalry is growing isn't the always seems to be weaker and weaker in the polls. and it's mostly worth we're seeing with this message is a clear with this visit is
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a clear message by the american administration by the byte, into ministration. shane, trying to maybe signal to the israelis we find better allies within the is really political sphere that we can talk to. we don't will be believing it to now. and that's, that's a and a message with. and you always very much, you know, and disapproving of, and we gotta remember this were started at the back from a very, very strong relationships already between washington and jerusalem. the support that by and gave was a bit of a break out of that. but what we're seeing now is basically back to the same circle of, of a lot of a city, a lot of mistrust between that and joe and his people and biden, and his administration. negotiators are meeting and tyro tro, hoping to hammer out some sort of deal for a cease fire and the release of hostages that are being held by us in gaza. but is real apparently is not even at the table it at these talks. how can progress be
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made under these circumstances? yeah, it's no, it's a very tough negotiations. each side wants to seem that he's tougher than the other is real claims. there's no point in going back to cairo because what they asked for is to know the number of, out of the $130.00 plus people held. and also the one is, you know, the number of people that are still alive. how much refuses to give that number? we also share this morning reports from the wall street journal, but some officials and homos say it's probably not going to happen so soon. we don't need to rush from it. that is not a deadline for us. so we'll see, we'll be seeing a lot of back and forth. next phase. shelly, thank you very much show. there was honestly nobody's middle east of us. supreme court is expected to rule shortly on whether donald trump can appear on the ballot in the colorado state primary. colorado boat is one of 16 being held on tuesday to help decide the republican and democratic party nominated as for the presidency drop also faces a series of other trials that could affect his chances of a 2nd. whitehouse term one former president for criminal
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cases with a total of $91.00 charges, an unprecedented situation in american history. and depending on when these cases happen, a potential game changer in november's election. let's look at the cases. trump faces a federal election interference trial, a business fraud case in new york. a federal case about trumps holding on the declassified documents and the state level election interference case in georgia. the federal election interference case is led by special council jack smith. it covers trumps efforts to stay in office after he lost the 2020 election, including his encouraging a crowd to march on the capital build the attack on our nation's capital. on january 6th, 2021 was an unprecedented assault and the seat of american democracy, or described in the indictments, it was fueled by lies. but the u. s. supreme court agreed to hear trump's case that
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since he was president at the time is immune from prosecution. it's on clear when they'll deliver a judgment. the new york state attorney general's case against trump 34 charges of filing false business records. that's based on payments. he made and allegedly miss reported to point a graphic film after a stormy daniels before the 2016 election, allegedly to buy her silence about an affair. trump has reacted as in each of the cases by attacking the prosecutors. the then there's the federal case claiming that trump took the classified national security documents with him when he left the white house. that case is scheduled to
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begin on may 20th, but the judge has so far been sympathetic to the trump legal team's efforts to delay the proceedings. then there's the state election interference case with 13 charges based on actions. trump talked to try to change the results in georgia, a state he lost the case has been thrown into turmoil. however, by revelations, i'm an alleged romantic affair between the lead, prosecutors and trumps legal team as move to have them taken off the case. trial code started in august. they're also separate efforts by legal scholars and activists to keep trump off the ballot in various states based on his actions after the election. but the supreme court has been skeptical of those claims. the. the big question is whether trump will be able to escape reckoning until after the election. if he wins. when he becomes president, he could instruct his justice department to drop the federal cases would also be
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much harder for state prosecutors to convict him in office as the w. a report of william blue cross, whether the us supreme court is likely to issue a ruling today on trump's eligibility to hold office. right. we just heard from that fantastic wraps that ralph gave us. there's just so many things coming at us right now and the trump defense team. we don't know for sure what's going to come out of the supreme court today. they just made an announcement that there will be something coming out. but the speculation is quite strong, that is going to deal with this colorado ballot case. and we of course don't know how they're going to rule, but based on the initial proceedings and what court justices are on the record of saying, they seem pretty skeptical that colorado to keep trump off the ballot without any kind of conviction in the civil in the criminal court, so i should say that would basically, uh, notify not only colorado, but any other efforts around the country, that the supreme court will almost surely speak for the entire country. which means
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at least in that one particular way, trump would be safe and would be able to remain on primary pallets and then going forward on the general ballot in the, in the general election. going forward. sketch up on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. nikki haley has won the republican primary in the us district of columbia. it's the 1st win for haley who has lost to her to rival donald trump in all other vote. so for the cd is one of the most democratic leading jurisdictions in the country. according to the russian news agency task, a railway bridge near the russian city of samarra has been rocked by an explosive device. russia has in recent months, reported a series of attacks on this infrastructure, which it blames on ukraine. no casualties have been reported, but the traffic over the bridge has been suspended. still in india,
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3 men suspected of gang rape of a spanish tourist have appeared in court. the woman was attacked on friday night in the eastern states, chuck cause she and her husband could camp their police say they are on the hunt for more suspect. the incident is cost, an outrage over women security china is annual parliament meeting will take place this week in beijing as the country faces a slew of economic problems. nearly $3000.00 communist party delegates are gathering for china is highest profile political gathering, the national people's congress, the meetings layout, the government's policy blueprint for the year. ahead and we'll be closely watched for any signs on what really communist party might do to re energize trying this economy. this year the event will last 7 days. the w reporter, clifford coon and has more on what we can expect that this year's gathering due to
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start on tuesday. it's chinese political theater at its finest ties. as a communist party, delegates gathered beneath red flags invasions, great hold of the people for china is the annual legislature. the national people's congress is basically a rubber style parliament. but the event does offer signals of had the ruling communist, at least the balance. the need to kick start to flagging economy would leader she jim ping's focus on security and expanding the parties role beijing stance on self. and the taiwan always attracts attention, while no one expects meaningful policy changes at the end p. c. recent weeks of scene china reiteration supposition to any us support for taiwan, which beijing claims as its own. the tools on china has always firmly opposed the united states engaging in any form of official exchanges with a taiwan authorities and family opposes interference and type loans affairs in any
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way. speculation squirrels around the face of chin gung, the former foreign minister and she proffer jay has not been seen since last june. after rumors of an affair. ex defense minister lead sean crew also vanish last year . she is serving on president of the 3rd term is leader. his rule has been cars rise by a focus on national security, even at the expense of economic growth or business confidence. the world's 2nd largest economy is losing impetus as the government tightens its grip on companies and debt level search. after bursting of a real estate bubble, she has prioritized security on foreign policies. that filled ties with russia and the global side will take no more aggressive tone against the west, especially the united states. now the china is trying to ease relations with the west because it needs foreign investment. the m p. c will also reveal beijing's plans spending on national defense,
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which is likely to keep increasing. but this is primarily advisor display of power . the real decisions have already been made behind the scenes, as you're watching dw new who's coming to you from berlin. i'm terry martin's. thanks for being with the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change how the report from the internal heat march 15th on d w the
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