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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the the, this is the, the you news live from berlin as truce tops from gaza, continue us, vice president cala harris up to the pressure on israel to act. there must be an immediate states fire this as is rarely forces step up operations in southern gaza. also coming up date, if you knew, speaks to kids from ukraine raising awareness of thousands of like themselves, force of the relocated to russia, plus germany denies as in baset or was summoned by the kremlin. russia says that the onboard was called over
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a leak to video call among german generals discussing giving you frame german cruise missiles the sierra kelly, welcome egyptian state media has reported a significant progress toward a cause, a truce between homos mediators, katara, and the united states. they have been holding talks in cairo, in the hope of securing a truce in the 5 month war between israel and come off, which is seen as a terrorist organization by several nations. us officials have said israel has promptly approved the deal. meanwhile us vice president, cala harris has called for an immediate cease fire in gaza for at least the next 6 weeks. or comments are the strongest by a us administration official on israel since the war started. paris is hosting pentagon, so on monday, a member of israel's more time cabinet,
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and the political arrival of president benjamin netanyahu. guns will also be meeting with other seniors, us officials. let's have a listen now to what harris said about the ceasefire. and given the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire select which is what is currently on the table. this will get the hostages out and get a significant amount of aid and with addiction, media reporting that significant progress has been made and the cease fire talks. i asked journalist cream alcohol ray in cairo for the latest quite a bit. so 1st of all, very, very sketchy news. we don't have any refresher statement says we know that the how
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must integration egyptian intelligence, the cut that immediate us into as intelligence of sitting together and chiral. now we have to egyptian state media reporting that there is significant progress. was all the need for the substance of defense, what this process parenthesis might entail. but one of the problems yesterday, one of the sticking points, why that is really didn't cation did not show up in cairo, was that the x rays demanded. and this is from a home us about to who is going to be released, the names who is still alive, who is injured, who is that they want to have more details about the hostages. and how most refuse to give this the test. they say this will be given when there will be finally a ceasefire. and the other thing which is also may be important, but also not confirmed is so that's it from these really media. there are reports
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that the, these right is a no, not any longer demanding this list and the, that the modeling just the number of people, the number of hostages, who us the life. but a very important all this reports are not really officially confirmed. and that was kareem alcohol right. in cairo. elsewhere in the world, a group of ukrainian children had been visiting the united states to help raise awareness of mass abductions by russia. ukrainian authorities estimate that at least 19000 children have been forcibly relocated from ukraine to russia since russia's full scale invasion 2 years ago. using us pull reports from washington dc . so i saw you on clear all victims. so 1st on some more in ukraine, of the 3 children were adopted by russian soldiers during the royal siege of murray you pull, 2 years ago, off to most of the parents were killed in dia,
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tech. i travelled to washington to share their stories and seek support from lawmakers to continue funding ukraine. why we're working very hard with one dress and the wife house and everyone on the additional supplementary budget. this issue kids and especially having their voice as a having brave 11 year old, 13 year old saying i wanted to go back home. i am ukrainian, i didn't want to be turned into russian and they, they were holding me again my, my will, this is such a powerful message. the organizers hall trying to avoid re traumatizing the children by having them repeat their stories multiple times. they have provided pre taped interviews for an event at the ukraine house, or say, i know what to say. i'm, i'm in the book a but so so that the pretty almost and you or she will hear me
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in the go in when you pull 1st such as lovely. this is the bush you do. most of mama plead among the police already knew plays on e glues available separately. you hello, you have what is 0? 21, and here's a girl. it's a few moments later. we talked with a 13 year old sa shaw, and the 14 year old kiera outside too young to be sure, and i've done it, but i hope for victory and for my mazda to return your money. i dream of becoming a firefighter, somebody i dream of helping people and the most difficult situation for me at the shop. i mean, i remember lying in the hospital with injuries. uh they told me i might be taken to north for natural rights of the dome to a grandfather managed to rescue her. but i was very relieved because i was afraid
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it wouldn't be possible for them to bring me back to me. as of right. the grandfather traveled with her to washington due to the should it listed in the digits of with his children, another future over any country, the children of the future of our ukrainian and my opinion by taking away children from our country. there is simply trying to deprive our country over the future with issue. so i am seeking help to assist in bring back our children. no longer there was a ship nationality. at least 20000 ukrainian children are still being held hostage . these 3 are among the $300.00 which was being rescued. they are using their voices to help free those who weren't as fortunate as you crave. authorities estimate that at least 19000 children have been forcibly taken by russia. i asked the software the pull to pro coffee of from save the children
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for his assessment. sort of the short answer is that there is no resort to the sort of very flight or, and to secure number that we can operate with. somebody have different estimations provided by a russian and by you create a government government. but in stock, the short answer is that's we don't know. and this brings so much complexity to the issue because we're not able to properly praise those children as it. and as a matter of fact, rental table to 100 percent uh, fully facilitate the return. anyway, if occasion was that families can you give us a window into what happens to some of them? this is one of the talking about the children that the beans that have been separated from their families. there is so much upheaval and uncertainty for them because they are being put to an area and environment. and
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often they even have not an chance to put you in that see to be able to contact the parents or relative or maybe even to know what they are afraid to use. and it makes them so vulnerable on so many levels. the level for home abuse, ex rotation, or even a being trafficked, and to say the children, our main concern is of course, children smell, be as this, we all facilitating the insurance rel, local partners here and ukraine. we have been able to witness this atrocious often mazda, the children, have a problem being returned to their families. and we know tysons when children could not spend a minute to wait from the parents. upon being returned, legible and required weeks of psych, a social support and psychological work before being able to interact with other children again, and do simple things as just go to school and you know, the 10s of thousands believe to have been abducted. we have to mention that only a few 100 actually have been returned or rescued. so far. you mentioned that you're
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working with partners, give us a sense of, of how you're partners, how ukraine as well as going about finding some of these children and then bringing the back so it looks we have seen so far just to serious of sporadic returns and the most effective vice, as far as proven to be just parents going, they, i'm taking their children back, been facilitated by civil society organizations. and some major does what we really see is that the search party diplomacy is also playing a very success control. and this, judging by the returns that caught off, for example facilitators. but when we're talking about thousands of children being forcibly taken to russia, we need some sort of a structure, some sort of a mechanism. and when we can not expect any sort of
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a diplomatic panel being established in the near future between ukraine in russia, it is important that search parties engaged into this situation and facilitate this approaches process as well as international doing us and we as child why and from resorting organizations are involved into tackling the optim us essentially pro coffee, if with saves the children ukraine. thank you so much. here are some other stories making headlines. nikki haley has won the republican primary in the us district of columbia. it is the 1st win for haley who has lost to her bible, donald trump, in all other votes. so far, the sea is one of the most democratic leading jurisdictions in the country. ukraine has claimed responsibility for blowing up a railway bridge and rushes narrow region. it says the bridge was being used to transport military cargo. russia has in recent months, seen
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a series of attacks on its infrastructure, which is blamed on ukraine as the madison launch about sheriff, it has been sworn in as prime minister of pakistan. the ceremony and islam abide followed last month's general election, which was marred by allegations a vote ringing and violence, in which the most popular party was disqualified. shareef is returning to power with political tensions, so unresolved to, to the german trade union. verde has called for love tons, airlines ground staff to strike on thursday and friday, this week. verity wants pay rises of at least $500.00 a month. the g d l train drivers union has also announced strikes to coincide with deal of tons of action talks with rail operator, do i to bond broke down for better pay and a shorter working week. germany's for an office has denied russian media reports that berlin's and bassett,
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or had been summoned to court the kremlin russia's tasks, news agency has said that the ambassador was summoned after a recording was late in which senior german officers discussed weapons for ukraine being bassett, or arrived at the ministry in moscow for what for lynn says was a plan meeting not a summons. he refused to answer questions from russian journalist in a lease reporting, published by a russian safe broadcaster r t. on friday. german officials discuss the potential use of german made taurus missiles to attack the cartridge bridge in occupied crimea. and germany's defense minister, of course, the story is, has accused russia of conducting and the information war aimed at the stabilizing germany tickets. i'm boy, this is clearly about undermining our unity because it's about splitting our domestic politics a part time. and i very much hope that putin doesn't manage that to link does, and that we remain united despite any disagreements over the tourist issue and all the questions that need to be onset intended for in the end,
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it's crucial that we remain united and not allow ourselves to be divided by putting that's exactly what he wants, and we need to stand united against that. you know, the w 2 political editor, michelle. the customer has more having listened to the tape and i cannot detect that if it's out there in the public domain. everybody can listen to it at the tape essentially. i mean, it is a very embarrassing the, for the german military with high ranking offices, basically debating what they can propose to german politicians that would exclude this being able to be seen as durham and direct involvement in the selection or operation of tockets of the towers a missile system, which is a very advanced system, this all of this, against the backdrop of the german tonsils, who has a funding ruled out any german boots on the ground,
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but also for now he's ruling out providing this very system that was in question in this very conversation. so this is very much a russian confusion that fits into the russian narrative. and that's all for now the, the innovation green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime would probably be extra care assignments all subscribe to those channels. every friday, subscribe to plan is a the we live in a well.


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