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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin, us, vice president, pamela harris, up to the pressure on israel to agree a truce in gaza. there must be an immediate cease fire, but it's really forces intensify operations in southern gaza. also coming up the u. s. supreme court expected to rule on whether donald trump had appear on a state ballot. it is just part of the legal trouble facing the republican presidential front runner the
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i'm sarah kelly walked into the program and judgment. state media has reported a significant progress toward a gauze of truth between her moss and mediators, guitar and the united states. they had been holding talks in cairo, in the hope of securing a truce in the 5 month war between israel and mos which is seen as a terrorist organization by several nations. us officials have said israel has brought the approved deal. meanwhile, us vice president campbell harris has called for an immediate cease fire in gaza for at least the next 6 weeks. her comments are the strongest by a us administration official on israel since the war began. harris's hosting benny guns on monday, the member of israel's war time cabinet and a political arrival of benjamin netanyahu. guns will also be meeting with other senior us official searches. for sure. let's have a listen to what harris has to say about
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a possible ceasefire. and given the immense scale of suffering in gaza, there must be an immediate cease fire select which is what is currently on the table. this will get the hostages out and get a significant amount of 80 in and with addiction media reporting that quote, significant progress has been made in c. as fire talks, i asked the journalist kareem alcohol right in cairo for the latest quite a bit. so 1st of all, very, very sketchy news. we don't have any refresher statement says we know that the how must indication egyptian intelligence, the customer immediate us and us intelligence. substituting together in cairo, now we have to egyptian state media reporting that there is significant progress
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without any from the substance or defense uh, what this process parenthesis might entail. but what are the problems yesterday, one of the sticking points, why that is really didn't cation did not show up in cairo, was that the x rays demanded. and this is from a home us about to who is going to be released, the names who is still alive, who is injured, who is that they wanted to have more details about the hostages. and how most refuse to give this the test. they say this will be given when there will be finally a ceasefire. and the other thing which is also may be important, but also not confirmed it. so that's it from these really media. there are reports that the, these right is, uh no, not any longer demanding this list and the, that the, the modeling just the number of people, the number of hostages,
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who still are life. but a very important all this reports are not really officially confirmed. and we're also getting reports and this, this is what the united states are saying is that israel has already agreed to a framework for a proposal. and they are saying now that it's up to him off to respond to that proposal. so you know, how does things now progress and move forward to yes, we know that all the sites agree to the framework and the framework is a 6 week tools and the, and there was a sense free about 40 is reading hostages in exchange for the 10 phone number of policy is, is really presents. we have about 9000 policies and design the presence of many of them. at children's 3000 of them was august. any former try it so it's no one of the points. this is a point where they both sites are not agreed. this point is going to be released on
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the policy inside exchange for the is there any hostages? these red yesterday presented a list of place to stay out. not willing to is it sets free. so i think that's one of the main discussion points in this position. so that how much is also asking for guarantees that this process of assessing 3 more hostages and then later possibly even more should end up in a permanent future ceasefire. basically in the end of the war, that is something that is right is not willing to accept that. i think this is one of the main contradictions in this whole negotiations. we have have 2 sides negotiating, eh, it basically is one that is regression thing with home us, who at the same time, one of the pointed to the goals of this war is the destruction of, from us. and this is something, of course, this is decisive for all the decisions both sides make note within this negotiation
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process. journalist kareem alcohol, right in cairo. thank you. you're welcome. and here are some other stories making headlines. so show us shareef has been sworn in as a prime minister of pakistan. the ceremony and his lama bod follows last month's general election, which was marred by allegations of vote, rigging, and violence. the most popular party was disqualified. shareef is returning to power with political tension, still unresolved. in india, 3 men suspected of gang raping. a spanish tourist have appeared in court. the woman was a tax in the eastern state of johnson and she and her husband were camping. their police are searching for further suspects. nikki haley has won the republican primary in the us district of columbia. it is the 1st when for haley who has lost
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to her arrival, donald trump in all other votes. so far, dc is one of america's most democratic leading areas. the german government has denied russian media reports that berlin's in bassett, or was summoned to the kremlin. now, the claim follows the leak of a conversation between german generals about weapons for ukraine. berlin says that the ambassador arrived for 8 planned meetings, not a summons. he refused to answer questions from russian journalist, and believed reporting published by a russian state broadcast or r t. senior officers discussed with a potential use of german made taurus cruise missiles. to attack the purch bridge in occupied crimea, germany's defense minister for us to story us has accused rush of conducting an information war tickets. i'm boy, this is clearly about undermining our unity because it's about splitting our domestic politics a part time. and i very much hope that putin doesn't manage that to link does that
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we remain united despite any disagreements over the taurus issue and all the questions that need to be onset telephone. in the end, it's crucial that we remain united and not allow ourselves to be divided by boots, and that's exactly what he wants. and we need to stand united against that. you know, the us supreme court meantime is expected to rule shortly on whether donald trump can appear on the ballot in the colorado state primary. colorado vote is one of 16 being held on tuesday to help decide the republican and democratic party nominees for president. now trump also faces a series of other trials that could affect his chances of a 2nd. whitehouse term one former president for criminal cases with a total of $91.00 charges, an unprecedented situation in american history. and depending on when these cases happen, a potential game changer in november's election. let's look at the cases. trump
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faces a federal election interference trial, a business fraud case in new york. a federal case about trumps holding on the declassified documents and the state level election interference case in georgia. the federal election interference case is led by special council jack smith. it covers trumps efforts to stay in office after he lost the 2020 election. including his encouraging a crowd to march on the capitol building the attack on our nation's capital. on january 6th, 2021 was an unprecedented assault. the seat of american democracy, described in the indictment, was fueled by lice. but the u. s. supreme court agreed to hear trump's case that since he was president at the time is immune from prosecution. it's on clear when they'll deliver a judgment to the new york state attorney generals case against trump. 34 charges
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of filing false business records. that's based on payments he made and allegedly miss reported to point a graphic film after a stormy daniels before the 2016 election, allegedly to by her silence about an affair. trump has reacted as in each of the cases by attacking the prosecutors. the then there's the federal case claiming that trump took the classified national security documents with him when he left the white house. that case is scheduled to begin on may 20th, but the judge has so far been sympathetic to the trump legal team's efforts to delay the proceedings. then there's the state election interference case with 13 charges based on actions. trump talk to try to change the results in georgia. a
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state he lost the case has been thrown into turmoil. however, my revelations, i'm in the less romantic affair between the lead prosecutors trumps legal team has moved to have them taken off the case. a trial could start in august. they're also separate efforts by legal scholars and activists to keep trump off the ballot in various states based on his actions after the election. but the supreme court has been skeptical of those claims. the big question is whether trump will be able to escape reckoning until after the election. if he wins. when he becomes president, he could instruct his justice department to drop. the federal cases would also be much harder for state prosecutors to convict him in office. and dw reporter william glue croft told us what he expects, the u. s. supreme court to say about trump eligibility to hold office. right, well what's expected is we don't really know the supreme court is very tight lips
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as always as the most secretive of the branches of the federal government. but all points indicate that there will be a ruling on this colorado ballot which effectively is a ruling on a nationwide ballot. that is why the supreme court essentially took up this case, not just a rule on one state, but the supreme court is the highest, you know, overlooks the highest law in the lamb us constitution. so whatever rules will most likely apply to the entire united states. and we don't know how it's going to, how the justices will react, but based on what they've already come out in public. and in terms of the hearing that led, that is probably gonna lead to this ruling. or they seem very skeptical of kicking . donald trump, at this stage, and in this way, at least off the colorado or any other ballot, especially in the primary season. and the lower court we understand, has already ruled unanimously, the trump is not immune from prosecution. so why would the supreme court one to review that? right, constitutional scholars,
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legal scholars almost across the board are saying that of course, the president does not have absolute immunity. a crime is that he or eventually she may commit. that would turn a president into a dictator or a king, which of course is the exact opposite of what the united states was founded on and try to get away from 250 some odd years ago. the question of the spring quarters dealing with as to what extent is the president or is a president potentially immune and that has far reaching effects nationally, not just for donald trump and not just for this moment, but also going ahead. so it's plausible to think that the supreme court wants to wait on this as the highest court in the land to set a standard for exactly what is and is not a president liable for awhile. and office trump is on track to clinch the republican party is not a nation as presidential cat candidate, but i mean, you know, with all of this going on, he could be disqualified. blame. what would that mean? right. it's, it's a precarious situation, right?
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the, the, we have a legal track, the cases that are unfolding, we have the electoral political track and these things are unfolding at their own speeds, but also inter related. and the justice system in america tries to keep out of politics are actually firm rules about not influencing elections in this year. it looks like one way or another. it's going to have an impact on what people think about their, their choices and about donald trump. so it looks like they can't get out of even to their best if they tried big to their best ability to not impact the election and politics. the fact that the supreme court is now taking up this case pushes these cases down the road, which has many people seriously heard and ralph's report, that these cases might not be actually adjudicated until after the election of donald trump will have a lot of leeway to basically avoid them, so he's playing for time in his defense team is doing their job representing him to that effect. william blue cross, thank you. coming up next. the show her portrays 3 women whose lives in asia
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have been significantly shaped by technology. stay with us. you can, i'm sarah kelly and for land, thanks for watching the, the race has long become later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything changed. it's all about in the age of unsuccessful intelligence. 5, you see, i mean, it was a.


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