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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is due to the news live from berlin. china opens as national people's congress with a value to transform it struggling growth model. thousands of delegates gather for the highly choreographed event. it's already offering glimpses into how the communist party plans to get the world's 2nd largest economy back on track. also in our program, france and trends the right to abortion into its constitution world 1st intended to prevent any roll back of abortion rights in the future. and us supreme court sides with donald trump justices unanimously,
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rejecting colorado is good to block the former president from its primary ballot quashing similar attempts in other states. the hello and welcome to our show. i'm seeing beardsley in berlin can trying to find answers to it's pressing economic and demographics. challenges? well, that's the question. as thousands of delegates gather for the highly choreograph national people's congress in beijing, leaders have announced the target of 5 percent economic growth in 2024. it's far below the double digit growth that once power the chinese economy, they also plan to increase defense spending by 7.2 percent. the same as last year. the annual week long gathering is mostly ceremonial in nature. all key decisions have already been made behind closed doors by the communist party. right,
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bob being customer is live in big sink at fabi and 5 percent growth target. we heard there that is much lower than in those years of, of tory growth in badging. and we also saw that premier lead strong begin this meeting by saying that the china essentially needs to transform its growth model. are we seeing that that period of growth above all else? is it essentially over what i think that's too early to tell um, so if you look at the number around 5 percent growth target for the g d p. m. uh, for 2024. that's much slower than uh, for example, just 10 years ago when china was, you know, almost a reaching double digit growth every year. but on the other hand, given the recent circumstances and you know, the problems that the economy is facing, the real estate prices, which is basically still unresolved, the high youth unemployment rate, etc. then actually around 5 percent is a rob and vicious goal. and he chung in his speech that he just gave you at the great hold of the people um,
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said that it would be tough and we'll be happy to achieve. and you know, when you talk to economists. so some told me that they were hoping that the government actually would script this tradition of giving a concrete g d p growth target. why? because the more room you have for implementing reforms, the better for the economy on the long term. but of course, on the short term, those reforms will be painful and will also slow down growth. and i think the 2 young tried to find a compromise. he also set about the needs to transform the economic model. but of course we have to see whether that will be implemented or no problem. so what are badging priorities that we're going to see in these meetings over the coming days? so basically, a badging is following 2 goals, which conflicting itself on the one hand, this, the priority of a national security and on the other hand, best the priority of you know, economic well being and also economic growth. and you cannot have it both, so to speak. um,
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the national security is slowing down the economy. i give you one example when for example, the government is implementing but restrict empty is we go nice. last it is, you know, um, uh, breaking the trust and you know, uh, scaring away um, uh, international investors, etc. and um, but uh, in the last us we could see that national security was always number one priority and it wasn't against the economic echo economy. so to speak. now i would say i'm a little bit more optimistic the speech that meets young gave was rather um, you know, the realistic and he had been honest, a lot of the problems that it's really not. um, it's quite rare that you know this a lot of self criticism and the need to transform the economic model then what's a good knowledge? so that is actually what the country needs. the question is whether it will be implemented or not. you mentioned lead chung, for the 1st time in 30 years, the chinese premier, currently the chunk will not be hosting a closing press conference at the end of the national people's conference. what
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should we make of that? that? yeah, that really came a shot. so many of us, i mean, the press conference that the prime minister always gave during the national people's congress. that was a big tradition. that was one of the rare occasions to ask non scripted critical questions towards the prime minister. and that has been the case. i think since the late 980, so uh, yeah, 35 years. and now the government is ranking with a tradition, and i think the best several explanations of the official one is that there's no need to ask them questions because there are other forms to ask to get that information. but of course, that is not a satisfying. and so i would say that on the one hand, it's a downgrading of the position of the prime and to so that you know that the focus should be more on the seating thing on, on the head of state to you. but on the other hand, i think it's also, yeah, a paranoia, i think the, the prime minister during those press conferences sometimes gave a little bit critical. and so it's a little bit through a poor elliptic and says that, you know, diverted away from the director of that,
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that seats in ping was implementing. so i think um, maybe he doesn't want to give the prime minister the chance. but of course, this is my speculation, encroachment and badging, thank you very much. over to europe now, where france has become the 1st country to enshrine the right to an abortion and its constitution. that's after lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in favor of the amendment. public support for the change filed the us supreme court ruling in 2022 over turning the right to an abortion in that country. as the license dollar was lit up in celebration with the message, my buddy, my twice. that's bronze. me double auction. a constitutional right it is very moving disease, such a fundamental liberty written into the constitution. it'll make us feel more
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recognized and protected. it's historical. we are all as you see very happy in for us and so from then on. so right. and he has to be in the constitution because you can always change the law to adults. you said, don't get to the dba all to do with it and see the french parliament. but the result of the vote was announced by a margin of $78272.00. no make goods from across the political spectrum made from the only country in the world to explicitly in trying access to abortion. and it's for institutions to deal with our book today. we recognize the fundamental human right of abortion, because the threat of regression is waiting heavy on women. because the right to abortion always reappears on the list of things. the extreme right wants to attack
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from what abortion has been legal in front since 1975 some critics say the revisions was therefore unnecessary. the key was president new model and macro of using it to boost his popularity. level them with these out, it took this whole, it is a abortion is already legally and friends and i don't understand why we need to put it into the constitution because it's already allowed. and i don't want this to encourage even more women to take the lives of the unborn baby. so i thought the like to do for tv and the woman's rights activists. it started the push to get into the right to abortion. last year, off to it was rooted back in the united states. finally, they have to you giggle and hope other countries will follow from lead.
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the us supreme court has cited with donald trump in the bid to disqualify him from the 2024 ballad. unanimous ruling strikes down colorado's effort to barge from from its presidential primary duty. his efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeated joe by that states top court removed him from the ballot in december, starting a constitutional ban on insurrection is running for office. and it's ruling supreme court said only congress could enforce that rule. trump, welcome to ruling i want to start by thanking the supreme court for its unanimous decision. today, it was a very important decision. we're very well crafted, and i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together, which are countries. here's the w corresponding with benjamin alvarez gruber with more on what that supreme court decision means. so this is indeed a major victory for donald trump when we just heard the appraising the supreme court is important to remember that he himself nominated 3 of the justices that
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have republican majority, 6 to 3. but as you said, all of them decided that it's not up to states to decide to one of which of the candidates it should be or shouldn't be on the ballot. they decided that is not up to states to decided but up to congress. it to see and to look into this section 3 of the 14th amendment, that has been in discussions. and it's a pretty important case. what they said here because it does not only close the dispute between the supreme court of colorado and the us to people, but also other states like it may and, and also like, you know, they tried a to try to bear at donald trump. it from the decision they said so all of them it was a $9.00 to 0 decision, said that it's not up to states to decide keeping him on the ballot for a super tuesday that will happen tomorrow with 15 estates will people in 15 states will have it to the ballot to decide to will be the republican a no mean need it for the upcoming presidential election. benjamin alvarez group are there in colorado. here's
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a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. a new report by the ones envoy for sexual violence says there are, quote, reasonable grounds to believe rape and gang rape occurred during how mazda is october 7th terrorist attacks. the report also said there was convincing information that hostages were subjected to sexual violence during their captivity . administer. more than 40 governments are calling for an international investigation into the death of russian opposition leader alexis of all, any countries including us and e. u. member states express their outrage before the you and human rights council. they accuse russian president vladimir putin of being responsible for devonie stat. the argentine, as government has suspended the country state news agency to alarm workers protested to move outside to alarms. panels are as officers, calling it and attack on press freedom. suspension comes as a right wing populace president. have you ever le announce who was shutting down?
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the agency which he accuses of spreading left wing propaganda with the government of haiti has declared a state of emergency as violence in the island nation escalates. armed gangs have attacked to prisons following, allowing rather at thousands of inmates to escape. the armed gangs of setup road blocks in many parts of the capital, the whole price following an explosion of violence. gunfire was reported in several neighborhoods. the people drive and walk by bodies lying in the streets, some with their hands tied behind their backs. police officers are among the dead. overwhelmed by coordinated attacks, orchestrated by a former officer, turned to gang leader nick named barbecue, who says he won't stop until teddy's prime minister. and yet all he is gone. we
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should national police and the military to take responsibility and the rest are you under the once again, we not against the people down to groups on north your enemy. a risk of the under the, for the countries liberation. these weapons that we have a not to hotel for all those who come from the same you as we do the port, they trust us. these weapons are a symbol of freedom. with these weapons, we will liberate the country. it's believed more than 3500 prisoners, fled into the general population when the government stormed to prisons, 8 is main penitentiary in the capital. and another in nearby claudie bouquet of the some inmates decided to stay in their cells. afraid of being caught in the crossfire, others too old or disabled to flee. prime minister off, he was away drumming up support for multinational military mission to haiti. under
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a political deal, he was due to stand down last months, but planned elections were never held and he remains in power. violence has reached unprecedented levels since the assassination of president chosen and marie at his home in 2021. it's estimated games now control as much as 80 percent of the capital. and finally, think of a tumbleweed. and you may think of old hollywood westerns. we'll take a look at this. strong winds have pushed the thousands of tumbleweeds into several towns in the us west. the 20 bushes have even blocked roads and surrounded homes, reaching as high as the roofs of some buildings the are, has a lot of tumbleweeds. and here's
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a reminder of our top story. the thousands of delegates have gathered in beijing for china is highly choreographed, national people's congress, the annual week, long gathering his most important events on the chinese political calendar. this year's meetings are expected to be dominated by measures to reverse china's economic slowdown. right. that's it for me in the deed of the news team will see you soon with more headlines. the name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. next, would it be nosy bay like good, everyone to king. check out the award winning called com. so hold back


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