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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin. china opens this national people's congress with a bound to transform its struggling growth model. a highly choreographed event offers glimpses into how the communist party plans to get the world's 2nd largest economy . back on truck. also coming up the u. n. a agency for palestinian refugees fights for its survival. its head says israel is out to dismantle on rob. 2000000 thousands have been displaced from their homes. many of them are now facing firemen and disease, and native conducts its biggest military exercise in europe since the cold war. we
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call 31 allies as well as they to partner sweden participating the hello. i'm terry martin. thanks for joining us, can trying to find answers to his pressing economic and demographic challenges. that's one of the questions facing thousands of delegates. as the gather for the country is highly choreograph national people's congress invasion. layers of announced a target and 5 percent economic growth in 2024 that's far below the double digit growth. that once powered the chinese economy, they also planned to increase defense spending by 7.2 percent. same rate of increase as last year. the annual week long gathering is mostly ceremonial in nature. all key decisions have already been made behind closed doors by the
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communist party journalist probably and trach mount is in beijing. i asked him earlier about the government's plans to keep the economy moving. so yeah, that's the big question, but uh let me just give you a little bit of context um around 5 percent to to the p target for this. yeah. might sound not too high. um, given that china has its cheap, as you mentioned, higher growth targets before, but for this year actually this is a really a business growth target because the economy is facing a lot of pet vince, you having a real estate crisis. you have a really very sluggish domestic demand and so on. so the economist a wondering how is china going to achieve it? and also, the average chinese is wondering can the national people's congress, can't the government deliver any response to the, the, the really sluggish grove. and i would say almost a crisis in terms of economic and growth. and i would say based on what we've heard today of from the prime minister who gave the long walk report,
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they just basically the giving the paradigm, giving the direction of the future economy. i would say um, we don't see any bold plan of both reform reason. um it's bought the same and more of the old you can say maybe some many steps. for example, it was quite remarkable that leach young, the prime minister, acknowledge that um, china has to prince farm its growth mode with it, but how it will achieve that that is really quite left in the open. that could be the option of making a big stimulus package, but just based on what we heard today, i don't see it. the defense spending fabia is set to grow faster than the economy as a whole. why is defense such a priority for beijing right now? so yeah, that is actually quite extraordinary. already for 3 decades, the defense of the increase of this defense spending in china has never gotten below 6.6 percent. and this year will be 7.2 percent. on the one hand it was to be
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expected. we already knew it would be in this range, but it is um, most significant given the economic situation, that's a lot of type belt and then um and you know, reduction and costs, but the military obviously enjoys the priority. and i think it's obvious that when you look at this, a speech has of seating thing or also the sound, the prime minister, then there's a lot of mention of the extra 100 environment. and the crisis has into the, you know, um, potential threats. so you can guess that, you know, china place a lot of emphasis on national security. but of course this is also not um, it was quite concerning. for example, when you look at it from a perspective from taiwan, for example. um, because uh, recently the tensions according to crossed across the taiwan strait has been increasing. so i think this is something that the intent and international community really so to pay attention to and that was journalist probably and crouched in beijing speaking to me a little earlier. now
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a new report by the united nation says that there are quote, reasonable grounds to believe that rape and getting rape occurred during the october 7th terror attacks led by hamas against israel. the un mission interviewed survivors and witnesses and examined hours of video footage and thousands of photographs to arrive. at this conclusion, special representative on sexual bonnet said she, and a team of experts had found clear and convincing information about rape and sexual lives. torture report also said that some incidents of rape could not be verified, but there was convincing information that hostages taken from is real worst subjected to sexual violence during their captivity, october any day off tomorrow. well, the head of us post the refugee agency owner all has warned of a deliberate campaign to destroy the agency following a funding for used by donors. speaking at the un, general assembly really loves the really distressed that the agency was vital to
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support what he called a c of displace palestinians in gaza. village the is fairly government was trying to undermine the agency for political ends. israel has repeatedly choose one role of employing staff links to from us and other militant groups. that's led many countries to suspend funding. as reading war and that the agency was being pushed to the break. we are functioning, hung to mouse without additional funding. we will be in on top of the territory. we service implications for global peace unset creating the faith of the agency. and the millions of people who depend on it hung in the banners. excellence is only one is facing the deliberate and concept as compared to undermine its operations. an ultimately and does that
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dw correspond? atanya kramer's in jerusalem. i asked her about israel's response to the claims that there is a deliberate concerted campaign aimed at ending on route operations. and gossip well, i think it's what has made it clear repeatedly that they don't see any roll anymore . put one row in garza, but potentially also in the region that one was also taking care of palestinian refugees. and these where the military released last night, an audio file allegedly a linking to employees, a to the october 7th attacks. and that also said that a $450.00 employees of rough um would be uh, have links to militant groups uh in garza, without providing any further evidence to that not what do i have said. i mean, hard also can even, that's a really last night that they have not been presented with clear evidence but that
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they are investigating those claims. there's also an audit with regards to the screening process of recruiting employees. but at the end of the day, um, what is the biggest a provider in gaza and with age organizations? no also warning of a separation in time. and especially in northern garza, it does tempo. of course not just the, the organization itself, but the laws of palestinians. right now they are the recipients and those health care of food packages of from and other health. so it impact of course directly on gaza on, on palestinians in garza. tony cramer there in jerusalem. let's catch up on few other stories making headlines today. the supreme court has unanimously rejected the state of colorado has been blocked. donald trump, from the 2024 presidential ballot ruling applies nationwide proposed it will
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contest 15 state primaries as part of the super tuesday building key scene as a key to confirming his republican candidacy in the philippines as a choose, china is coast guard of carrying out dangerous maneuvers that lead to a collision between its coast guard ship and a chinese bustle in the south china sea. beijing claims sovereignty in the region. despite the un permanent court of arbitration funding, those claims have no legal basis. and ukraine's air force says it's managed to destroy 18 of 22 drones launched by russia targeting the odessa region. no casualties were reported. 2 days after 12 people were killed by another. russian groaned. assault on the city. say to it was staging as big as military exercise since the cold war called steadfast defender several military scenarios will be played out until may of this year. $90000.00 soldiers from all $31.00 nato allies
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in sweden will be participating. poland is one of the countries where the drills are taking place on the best the river. troops are testing their ability to move military equipment in difficult conditions. are brussels bureau chief, alexander phenomena reports now from poland. moving nato forces towards an imaginary frontline, 300 meters across the vista lot river. this exercise commanders here tell us this. men's 2 tests need to a strategic planning and logistics. river crossing operations like the one we are witnessing here are on the undertaking is absolutely necessary. and that is because there are so difficult to plan and execute. you have to consider many different sectors, like the characteristics of the terrain and river conference. and of course, in case of a real war, all these challenges would be negative 5 by enemy fire. so the ones to be ready in
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case bridges are destroyed and they needs to get across the river. an important exercise, especially for countries such as poland and the baltic states, which are crossed by numerous rivers, british and german, come by the engineers or among those in charge of transporting battle tanks and other equipment across the beach to the river. they said it took them just a few minutes to put together a fairy like this one. but every day has its own challenges. the river is quite high, the moment is quite hungry. a few weeks ago, the areas where we loan shown where be phoned up with the traits across was actually underneath the water. so by see the part of the shipping outstanding, the bank preparation to ground works as simple as and then and a to further what to maintain that with some 20000 soldiers from 9 nato countries participating. this exercise led by poland is also a demonstration that the alliance is ready to deploy its pure had forces wherever there are needed. i would argue it's the right exercise at the right time,
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because it sends a unified message, unified message to potential enemies like russia. at force pertains letting me slide dresser, you know, nato is preparing itself against, choose fritz, it's russia and it's terrorist threats. but i would argue that this message is also going to own audiences. we need to prepare ourselves. we need to be better and to spend more on drills like this one and on defense in general, need to officers say, but apart from these more general concerns, they are happy which day one of the training i asked the ws alexander for no one who filed that report whether these exercises could exacerbate tensions with russia . slow terry, you writes that to rest a has been criticizing this exercise, the steadfast defender as yet another proof of nato's aggressive behavior. and i confronted nature commanders here with this accusation,
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and they told me they're only goal is to improve nato's defense. and the turns push to so they want their troops to train to be able to defend need to us territory. it's not about attacking russia, it's not developed provoking anyone. however, they also say that, of course, the fact that a decision was made to have a such a large scale exercise is due to russia's war in ukraine. because of course, this war raging on europe, stores step is saying that russia is behaving aggressively, and according to the assessment of some intelligence agencies in europe in 3 to 5 years, russia codes attack nato territories. so their goal here is to make sure that nato forces are ready to defend its territory if it is needed,
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which germany is role in this military simulation. alexandra, stephanie is contributing to many of those exercises in the reports. we've heard from one of the generals who are in charge of organizing of planning those exercises steadfast, defend, it's not just one big exercise. it's a serious of many exercises that are taking place across a need to a territory. and there will be one of them starting soon that will be led by the german bonus vera. and the main goal of this exercise will be to be able to train deploying troops to nato's eastern slang. so we have to understand this to stab for us to find this. and this is like a big umbrella for many different exercises led by different nato countries. you're watching dw noticed, just reminder of our top story. china is national people's congress has announced
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a target of 5 percent economic growth in 2024, far below the double digit expansion. beijing once enjoyed the rubber stamps. assembly also plans to hike defense spending by 7.2 percent for the 2nd year in a row. i'm terry margin. thanks for watching. the can you see is what old cars tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the really indeed the snow on youtube the
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