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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin. germany is defense minister in the hot seat. for us, the story is planes, human error for the leak. that's what secret military conversations about german weapons for ukraine and to a russian have. also coming up, china opens its national people's congress with a focus on tackling, wrote, the event offers glimpses into how the communist party plans to get the economy back on track. and the u. s. agency for palestinian refugees fights for its survival. it's heavy says the israel is out to dismantle fund rock. 2000000 dozens have been displaced from their homes. many of them are now facing stineman and
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disease. the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. days after the damaging admission that taped conversation between high level german military personnel was leaked into a russian hands, germany's defense minister says that the blame for the incident lies with simple human error. 4 days after the revelation started making headlines, the story is stepped before the cameras to explain in further detail exactly what went wrong. he says that a single port in color dialed in to join the discussion about the use of tourist missiles and ukraine without taking the necessary security measures 5 for the story as was unable. however, to explain how the recording of the call made it into russian hands on time, are now calling the league
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a hybrid. this information attacked. the story is expanded on russia's attempts to influence the narrative in germany was lumped type. russia is constantly trying to drive a wedge between us, between the domestic political forces in germany, between the policies, between those for a, for or against, for more or less support for ukraine. it's all up to 50 is getting, the tutoring has came here and we must not fall before it the most often line that's called over now to to political editor and make sure i look up now who has been following the story. so one more information do we have about this leak and its security implications as well the details of the leak that we heard about today. and so that there was one member of the cool who was at the time in a single pull at a conference and the drum in defense, when the sub stories said this demons member of the military. a piece of used a,
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an insecure line. and there's a belief here in berlin that the russian intelligence was siphoning off communication, free flowing communication during that particular conference, knowing that there are lots of military personnel in town. so the durham inside seems to believe that this was pretty much a lucky find on the russian side. having said that, and the german going to said the military is now also reassessing. it's the security of its own lines, but does stress that there was no hacking into any system and the, or into any server at the same time, everything is now being reassessed. for now, the 4 people involved are under investigation, but we also heard from boys the story is determined defense minister saying that he was unwilling to sacrifice any of his top offices for watching gold putins game. so that we are in this game of communication in what is described as
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a hybrid wall here in germany. but you know, it still doesn't put germany's military in a very good light. what has been the reaction absolutely, and it also comes at a time of very heated debates here in germany over whether or not the weapon that was being discussed, the towers and missile system is supposed to be sent to ukraine or not the government, hans, that is complete the against that he says that this could be read by the russian side as the german involvement in this conflict. and this is since, really been confirmed now by moscow that it would be seen that a particular way, despite the fact that the french and the brits are deploying or have already sent similar a weapon systems. so, and this was quite something that the opposition picked up on here on the damage is the credibility of the germantown slit in a very heated debate over this weapon,
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which reading runs even within his own party and his own governing coalition. so moscow clearly minus to hit a press a point both in relation to ukraine was desperately needs more weapons, but also in gem and domestic politics. where the demons, hans, that is already on the defensive to political editor and we have the consumer. thank you. that's. that's a china in our delegates to the national people's congress are trying to come up with solutions for the countries pressing, economic and demographic challenges. the highly choreographed and national people's congress event has just kicked off in beijing. leaders have announced a target of 5 percent economic growth in 2024. far below the double digit growth. that one's power the chinese economy. they also planned to increase defense spending by 712.2 percent. the same rate of increase as last year. the annual week
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long gathering is mostly ceremonial in nature. all key decisions have already been made behind closed stores by the communist party. being crushed, brown joins us now from beijing. so, and you know, china is economy used to grow so much faster? what challenges does the countries growth model face? yeah, i mean, i think you have to look into a long term perspective. when china opened up a starting at the late seventy's, it could to cheap a lot of rapid economic growth, for example, by, you know, increasing the up in ization. right, right. the young workforce moved into the city. they produce goats. um and you know, uh, goods that could be exported also there was a lot of, you know, investment from fulton country so it was attracted and then you know, a put into place by also. um yeah. building lots infrastructure projects um uh, airports um high speed railway and uh, real estate. uh,
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so all those things that have generated this very rapid growth of those recipes has been used up to some degree. and now the government is really urgency looking for a new growth model. the one um, you know, um yeah, idea would be that the domestic consumption could be a driving force for a future growth because of the consumption. he is really at a historic low and this is something that, for example, economists have been hoping for, but so far they have not getting those signal. it's by the work report that the check, the prime minister has given today during the opening a ceremony of the national people's congress. how is the government planning to achieve 5 percent growth? so yeah, that is really the big question. uh, 5 percent growth. as you mentioned is actually much lower than what a china is. the chief just let's say 10 years ago when the economy was to basically, i'm growing double digits every year. now, 5 percent is actually quite ambitious. when you look at the predictions of the big investment banks, they would predict that china would grow roughly around 4 percent. so,
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and the government has to deliver something to a cheapest growth of 5 percent. and uh, what are some economists are expecting? is that, um, that could be a stimulus package, but i would be cautious because the signal to that we have been getting today was that, you know, there's not really a bold vision for reforms. there's not really um, anything, no liberal reservation. um, no big stimulus package in the making, so we don't really know yet because um the vault report today like the those critic code details. and i would say we have to wait to see how the government will implement the mattress to achieve this growth. what has been the wider reaction to the prime ministers were report of the so i would say, especially from an economist, it was robert underwhelming. they said they did some off the, you know, same of the old rest of the piece. they did not see any big vision, but i mean, you can also look at the markets, how they responded. the stuck index of shanghai was mildly positive. it grew
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by 0.3 percent. but in hong kong, for example, the hunk thing index was really falling. i think roughly 2.7 percent, so you can see that the markets didn't by the way sion of, uh, leach young, the prime minister here. um and in general, i mean, you put us here for example, some signs of self reflection acknowledgement that you know, we need to find a new growth model. we need to work all way up into production while you're saying and develop a future technologies. um, also for exports, but i think the crucial details have protecting and what's not really a consistent strategy, but rather mix sick notes that the encroachment envisioning. thank you. well, even though defense spending in china has been rising, it's still spends less than the united states on the military. no one's as a defense expert from the international institute for strategic studies in london,
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dw, after of china, could never overtake the u. s. military. in terms of overtaking i mean, you can think about this in cost of terms or quantitative terms. and in quantitative terms, the p l. a, a certainly building a very large naval or maritime fleet. that comprises of the p o, a navy, the purely coast guard, or even maritime ballistic, comprising of pushing vessels of using things like civilian capabilities. uh, so it just varies to transport military, other military capabilities. our troops across the sky one straight in the event of a taiwan contingency. so in terms of numbers, the police certainly catching up, as i said before, in qualitative terms and capabilities and equipment, it's also catching up. but what i think the real drawback here, or rather the, the right, the obstacle at the moment for the p l. a remains the fact that it hasn't talked to or since 1979 when it faced reporter skirmish with vietnam. and so for the purely,
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it's currently trying to train its military and realistic combat conditions without actually having that combat experience. furthermore, there. 2 efforts and signals within china at the moment that the purely in certain branches like the navy, is facing some struggles and being able to recruit the highly skilled talents in sufficient numbers that it needs. so i think in terms of the personnel in the training side, there are some liking and here now as are some of the stories making headlines around the world, the philippines has accused china is coast guard of carrying out dangerous maneuvers that lead to a collision between its coast guard ship and a chinese vessel and the south china sea, beijing claims sovereignty and region despite the un permanent court of arbitration finding those claims to have no legal basis. ukraine's military intelligence says that it has destroyed a russian naval patrol boat on the black sea near the crimea in peninsula. the patrol ship is called the surrogate cut off. the ukraine says that it destroyed the
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vessel with maritime drones. russia has not confirmed claims. the print therefore says that it managed to destroy 18 of 22 drones launched by russia targeting the odessa region. no casualties were reported. 2 days after 12 people were killed by another russian drone assault on the city. heavy rains have caused a river in bolivia to burst its bank. submit a devastating weather pattern that has killed at least 43 people. the civil defense ministry says that the region will remain on red alert for another week. a new report by the united nations says that there are quote, reasonable grounds to believe that rape and gang rape occurred during the october 7th terror attacks led by him off against israel. the un mission interviewed survivors and witnesses and examined hours of video footage and thousands of photographs to arrive. at this conclusion,
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the special representative on sexual violence said that she and a team of experts had found, quote, clear and convincing information about re complex and sexualized torture, including the report also said that some incidents of rape could not be verified but that there was convincing information session that hostages taken from israel more subjective to sexual violence during their captivity any day off tomorrow. and the head of the us posted in refugee agency on raw, has warrant of a deliberate campaign to destroy it. following a funding fries by donors speaking at the un assembly to you and general accent assembly, excuse me, for the plaza, really stressed that the agency was vital to support what he called a c of displace palestinians and gaza. he alleged that the, as really government was trying to undermine the agency for political and israel has repeatedly accused on row of employing staff linked to her moss and other
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militant groups that has led many countries to suspend the funding less reading warrants that the agency was being pushed to the bank, we are functioning hung to miles result additional funding. we will be in on top of the territory. we service implications for global peace unset creating the faith of the agency and the millions of people who depend on it hung in the balance. excellence is only one, is facing the deliberate and concept as compared to undermine its operations. an timothy and does have a spring and dw correspondence here. that's tom. so it has joining us now from jerusalem. felix, the head of the u. n. posted in refugee agency. we just heard him speaking there, claiming that there is, quote, a deliberate and concerted campaign and aimed at ending its operations in gaza.
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what is the is really the response to that? well is that hasn't responded directly to the accusations, but at the same time it's no denying that is right. and its representatives have been heavily criticizing the un and other entities belonging to it since the october 7th terrace attack, specifically on rubber. uh uh we have seen these ready for the ministry side cuts. uh, staying recently, that always position in the postwar guys. uh uh, society is untenable. uh, so we're only expecting that's what happens in such a tax to such a verbal and criticism movies of these read against the un and it's institutions to intensify. and this is the organization we have to mention that has the bulk of the responsibility or the bulk of the weight, actually of, of, of the, you know, getting a delivering aid to people in gaza. tell us
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a little bit more about the humanitarian situation. right now. as well at the moment we've seen, we've seen in the past few days, several countries are cropping air dropping age to gaza. but 8 organizations have been saying it's far from being enough. uh, there are quite a few a trucks waiting to enter the gaza strip with israel and 8 organizations babying each other for the supplies not entered into the strip. just yet, what's clear is that the situation guys are, is only getting worse. i'd also to far to report that and one hospice on one guys a hospital 15 children have died as a result of matthew attrition. this is a problem, hunger and thirst is a problem that's only getting worse. and the goal is to ensure that agreement is not to be reached on help reaching this eve of population in gaza. this is
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a program which is bound to only get worse. we've heard the international calls for that, you know, temporary ceasefire agreement to indeed be rich talks were underway in cairo. what's the latest from their that's what we've just heard this morning. the to the conversations in cairo have ended with out in the corner without any breakthrough. meaning that we're the time and see the rama dawn we're talking about 5 days is only getting shorter in the hopes of getting a ceasefire between both sides before i'm in dunn's begin is only is becoming less and less and less probable. compet, how come us representative said that is red is the is injury any chance of reaching a cease fire agreement is ryan on the other end. says according to reports here by is really need the uh that uh before. um that he wants
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a list of all living hostages before such as the could be struck. uh so at the moment the situation is the steel, i would say, and uh, conversation our volunteer and pet, intensifying the coming days. but at the same time, there is no break through insights. as of today dw correspondence felix tom. so thank you. it is super tuesday in the united states, the biggest day so far in the 2024 race for the white house. when states across the country choose who they think their parties nominee for president should be 15 states from alabama to alaska and one territory. american samoa will hold these primary elections. races already dominated by 2 candidates presidential 5 into the democrats and his predecessor, donald trump, where the republicans, nikki haley is still trumps. only competition,
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but poll show that he is on course to when we i'm good cross the there is william go golf. has some more analysis for us now. how important is super tuesday in terms of november's election? it's normally it's pretty important. um the super tuesday is finally a chance. 4 states across the country that are bit more representative of the population as a whole to vote and have their say. where is before you have these one off states like new hampshire, south carolina, the iowa caucuses that are both small states, not very representative and have this unfair impact on the course of the election. so super tuesday is often a chance for candidates that maybe haven't performed very well up to that point to really make a splash, or at least for show us the got take some 1st place positions that lead to strong 2nd this year. as you just said, of the top, it's almost a foregone conclusion. buying some massive surprise. donald trump is going to continue his sweep across the space. is there any chance of
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a mass of surprise from nikki haley? what would it take for her to be able to break his momentum? it would take the polls to be massively wrong. i mean, some of the polls are rather dated because when it comes to state level data, you don't get a lot of grand new will pulling data in some of the smaller states. somebody is further flung places. a poet poll searches aren't on the ground to do regular updates. so you might have some polls that go back all the way to january. none the less, if you see enough poles with donald trump, with a massive lead, let's say 60 percent 70 percent. even in some cases, 80 percent of students who nikki haley, 302520 years sometimes only in the teens. that paints a pretty dire picture for haley and a pretty confident one for donald trump to be, to be moving into a what he already is. the fact though, but officially other hallway and candidate for president 2024 as he was rerunning in 2020, and in 2016. okay,
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so that's on the republican side. when we look at the democrats. meanwhile, tell us a little bit more about the voting on there and what it tells us about democrats enthusiasm for joe biden and his candidacy. all right, so joe biden is running more or less uncontested. there are some very small, almost i would say, protest candidates running against them in some states. they don't have 50 state representation because they don't have enough support. but so joe, by that is for all intents and purposes, running on a post as the incumbent, which is normal when you have the incoming president, there's a party has very little interest in competing with the incumbent president of the income and has those kinds of advantages being in office already. nonetheless, you know, as we saw in michigan for example, there's a non committee or yeah, sort of just, you know, people who are distaste for joe biden either because of his age and they don't think he's really fit to be the president or continue to be president job, i don't remember himself hinted back in 2020, it may be just being a one term bridge to something else has some kind of future,
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some kind of younger candidate that of course has not come to pass so well. joe biden will surely sweep these primaries for the democrats, and he will be the strong winter by, by large margins, if not almost a 100 percent. there is a, an unspoken, or laura, or, or, or considerable minority of voters. we're just unhappy and how that translates in the general election when the margins are raise or state or an election can really spin on a couple of 1000 votes here in there. that small amount of people could be a danger to jo biden's re election in november, william how long until we get the results. how, how late, what night we have to stay up tonight. hotel, because the states are happening across the country multiple times. for example, california, uh they are uh, 3 hours behind the east coast there 9 hours behind where were sitting here in the center of europe. nonetheless, in relation to the times of the day or in those results should come out fairly
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quickly as we seen in the, in the primaries. so far, relations are these primaries are called almost within minutes because this statistically speaking even if only a few percent of the actual votes have been counted statistically. so you can make it a pretty clear determination of results going one way or another. of course, the losing candidates always say that they have to wait to see all votes are counted, but statistically speaking, we can know very quickly who will come out on top, across the country reset the way, given the time zone. william blue cross. thank if france has become the 1st country to enshrine the right to an abortion and its constitution as after lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in favor of an amendment, public support for the change follow the us supreme court ruling in 2022 over turning the right to an in portion in that country
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the eiffel dollar was lit up in celebration with the message, my buddy, my twice or as friends made the boss and a constitutional right. it is very moving to see such a fundamental liberty written into the constitution. it will make us feel more recognized and protected. it's historical and we are all, as you see, very happy. and for us, it's a fundamental rights. and it has to be in the constitution because you can always change the law to adults. you said sound good because of the also do but and seen the french parliament been the result of the vote was announced by a mountain of 78272. no, make goods from across the political spectrum made from the only country in the world to explicitly and try and access to abortion. and it's plus the fusion
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to be with our vote today, we recognize the fundamental human right of abortion. because the threat of regression is weighing heavy on women, because the right to abortion always reappears on the list of things. the extreme right wants to attack. from what abortion has been legal in front since 1975 some critics say the revision was therefore unnecessary. the accused president new model and macro of using it to boost his popularity, level them with these uh, it took this whole, it is a abortion is already legally and friends, and i don't understand why we need to put it into the constitution because it's already allowed and i don't want this to encourage even more women to take the lives of the unborn baby. so i thought the do do put to vivian this woman's rights
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activists. it started the push to get into the right to abortion. last year, off to it was rooted back in the united states. and finally, they have a to you giggle and hope other countries will follow france lead a quick reminder of the top stories here on data view news. germany's defense minister has blamed human error for the leak of a secret military conversation. 4th story, a set that one color joined the discussions about the use of the tourist missiles and ukraine without taking the necessary security measures. he did not say how the call ended up in russian. hans china is national people's congress has announced a target of 5 percent economic growth in 2024. it's far below the double digit expansion station once. enjoy the rubber staff assembly also plans to hike defense funding by 7.2 percent for the 2nd here in a row. next it is in good shape taking
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a microscope to worms that kind of in your brain. see what this is. sarah kelly in the,
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