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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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the, the, the, the news long from berlin that germany's defense minister plays down at damaging wake forest, the story is, blames human error for the interest at that point. secret military conversations about german weapons for ukraine interruption, hands also coming up. jordan and the united states. the air drops more aid into gaza, but with a situation on the ground growing even more desperate critics day, the supplies are just a fraction of what is really needed and it's super tuesday in the united states. the biggest day so far and the 2024 race where the white house brings the latest from our correspondence in denver. the
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goal for at least welcome to the show terminix defense administered forest. the story is says, human error was to blame for a conversation between the highest level german military personnel being intercepted by russia. 4 days after the revelation 1st made headlines for as the story is, has stepped before the cameras to explain in detail exactly what went wrong. he says an officer who was visiting single board dialed in to join the discussion about the use of taurus, missiles and ukraine are the potential use of taurus missiles and ukraine without taking the necessary security precautions with land type was calling the league a hybrid. this information attacked. the story is expanded on russia's attempts to influence a narrative. here in germany. it will slant type, russia is constantly trying to drive a wedge between us,
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between the domestic political forces in germany, between the policies, between those 12, for or against. for more or less support for ukraine, it's all up officially is getting the tennis king, henry must not fall before it. the most often lime game. i asked our correspondence on young short while ago what he made of a story is explanation. well, this is clearly a damaged limitation exercised by the german defense minister. he was offering this explanation, as you mentioned, that to one of the people on the coal whizzing single pole and appears to have used a non secure line. and perhaps, you know, that was the weak link. that was the spins of exploited here by russian intelligence. perhaps it was just the lucky shot that they were able to get. they said eat record this. cool. so the defense minister is cooling it to the individual era, as you mentioned. and uh,
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and indeed to use this non secure line would have been a gains gem and military rules and procedures. and he's announced an investigation at and on the whole, i think the defense ministers of pains to down play the significance of this lake, perhaps rather in the same way that the russian propaganda machine has been at pains to play a top. bazaar is also said that the german government, and i'm quoting him here, had not made a political decision on sending towards cruise missiles to ukraine. does that mean? so i'm not the matter isn't yet off the table. that's well, that's one of the things i think this lake shows, it clearly isn't off the table is being discussed at a pretty senior level within the military. but of course also among politicians as we know, john. so the old i've shown it is strongly opposed to supplying they said torres, long range missile system into crime. the fee is that it could be interpreted by
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russia as a direct involvement have by gemini in the wall. and if it is an escalation, because of that, on the other side, you've got opposition. politicians, christian democrats, but also others in parliament. as saying, no, we must continue to discuss. this is a weapon that ukraine wants and needs and would make a significant difference on the ground that opposition politicians of also have been trying to point out that the, the link to the link to coal seems to show that i felt as argument that, that delivering taurus to ukraine would also inevitably main sending german troops to ukraine. that, that argument to is not true. so there's a lot of political material here still to discuss. and i think the debates about taurus for ukraine. yes. so know that i fall from mobile and that's the w political correspondence. simon young. thank you so much, simon. and the french president,
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the money on my call has called on ukraine's allies to not be, quote, cowards in providing support for the war against russia. he made the comments on a trip to the check republic where he discussed plans to boost that munition for you crate. my call and recently faced a backlash from his western allies out for you, refused to rule out sending middle ground troops to ukraine. he said he still stood behind those remarks. it's not forgiveness, but it's like, is it or is it not along the political she did and we look over and let the things i'm driving us so i don't think so. i don't good good for us to do so, and that's the invite for leaves us. then we need to be realistic about the situation that's unfolding in europe on the up, the risk that exist. and what we need to stand for assuming another strong message from my calling to his european allies. they are d. w corresponding rosie richard told us earlier,
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what the french president is trying to achieve. well, president, my con, certainly had caused a stir last week with those comments about not ruling out boots on the ground in ukraine. but if you saw therefore, that he might be sort of apologetic or trying to walk back those remarks, some remarks, most of them don't. on the contrary, you'd be wrong. he certainly stewed by that. but i should say, he did not say anything specifically about troops by any sort of deployment of soldiers into quaid from other countries, as for example, from front. but what he did talk about more broadly was the idea of showing limits of setting red lights. he said, the nature of country shouldn't be setting limits or showing limits, talking about them when russia, he said, seems keen not to show any limits from it side at whole. know this is something which is likely going to spark a bit of control proceed as it already did. those initial comments sparked a quite a swift rebuff from several of nato allies. fish, i should say, comes at a time where fonts has faced some criticism or accusations that it's not provided
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ukraine with enough military support compared to frances g p. so emmanuel macro here, really saving to prove that he's being a mover, moving things forward when it comes to european support to ukraine. and this is also likely to spark some debate, particularly in germany, which i'm a country to what my court is saying here has been came to show red lights and say that there is a limit here. and then when it would be sending and cried troops to ukraine. it sounds like ukraine's european allies are quite divided. how much so as well, we've already heard from the german decides minister saying that, comments i thought i like being cowardly, for example. so alluding to those comments by my annual annual macro, don't help you create that they are not helpful. and then instead, what should it be focused on is unity. although of course, the criticism from the german defense minister shows this unity in itself, among these nato allies and among ukraine's western allies. so they will have a chance to get back on the same page soon enough because we're expecting fonts to
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host a video call to follow up in a meeting last week. and the cup in the coming days were expecting that on thursday . and what's likely to be discussed there is try to get a munition to ukraine quickly because of course, well, there is all sorts of philosophical debate going on at the red light and sway to show them what not to show them. you creating soldiers? well, they're saying we're trying to defend our territory here, and we need to meet some quickly. as the w for responded, rosie bertrand and brussels. thanks so much. and a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world today. russian independent media, se authorities have arrested several people for attending memorial events. dedicated to leads opposition leader alexander, vomiting science group of d a. v d info says those the teen were identified using surveillance cameras. thousands of nevada and supporters showed up for a funeral on friday. the group says more than a 100 people were detained on that day. users of facebook, instagram and thread say they have been locked out of their accounts. the problems
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are being reported across the world, suggesting that the outage could be global platforms. parent company meta has responded on x a competitor, and formerly known as twitter, of course, saying it is looking into the issue as low as europe and car factory near berlin has halted production after you suspected ours and attack shot down its electrical supplies. german local media has published a letter, allegedly from a far left organization, claiming responsibility for the incident. has lucio eli mazda has called the suspected attack, quotes extremely the us presidential bible says he's hoping for a cease fire deal between israel and tomas before ramadan. the muslim holy month starts on march 10th find says it's up to a month, which is considered a terrorist group. i multiple countries, whether there will be a 6 week truce in gaza in exchange for the release of is really hostages.
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the deal is in the hands of homeless right now because they're gonna offer a rational offer to it and see what the hell is going to be a see as far as ramadan. and there's not enough aid and the we have the willing, this inability to bear it up. but is there a father in the world who can see his children riding in hunger in front of him to remain silent? even if the price is risking his life? just like all these people who risk their lives in order to obtain what is not even enough for a criminal flower or aid or canned food. rid of yesterday, some expired canned goods arrived containing mold and fungus. but we are not animals, as they described us. the most important over the weekend work us from the u. s. m,
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the w h o rushed in to provide supplies to hospitals, medicines and fuel a running critically low. the and this is costing children headlines so unfortunately, yes, we have lost 2 babies here. they had pneumonia, but they died because of the power cut. the power went off at 4 am, and at 8 am we were out of oxygen, the one that many others have died from hunger, according to the visiting team from the w h o l. i love that there is no milk or anything. well, the situation is bad. indescribable. we're not able to get them anything. these deaths come as the bone being outside continues and bodies, philip flores, somewhat so young. they barely have the chance to live
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and in the united states, it's super tuesday, the biggest day so far in the 2024 race for the white house. when states across the country choose who they think their partners nominated for president should be 15 states from alabama to alaska and one territory american samoa are holding primary elections. the race is already dominated by 2 candidates that as presidential bind from democrats and his freed assessor donald trump for the republicans. nikki haley is still donald trump's only competition, but falls show he is on course to win our course bonnet. benjamin alvarez is in denver and i asked the why super tuesday is such a consequential day on the electro account. it's a consequential day indeed, more than a 3rd of the delegates will be decided today. 15 states, you mentioned the number that will, how to head out it to the polls today to decide who will be their candidate. but to be honest, this year compared to other years, it will not be the political lifting or that super tuesday and was and also like
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traditionally because there are only 2 candidates on past, due date, 270 delegates that they need with donald trump. we have a joe biden, so we don't expect many a surprises today. but the thing, and the big question is, of course how big the martin will be between on the truck this benjamin alvarez. i'm moving on to japan now we're a new food delivery system is set to roll out in tokyo, felt driving robots will soon be sharing the sidewalk with pedestrians making food deliveries in select areas of the city. the tiny vehicles move at speed of 5.4 kilometers now are using sensors, flashing lights, and chirping noises, to navigate people and traffic lights over. it's is partnering with mitsubishi, electric and robotics company cards can to launch the new service in japan. so far it's been limited to a few cities in the united states and the 3rd time. thank you so
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much for your company. the . the in charlotte the currently move people the on the world wide in such a hassle. jessica admitted absolutely. gosh, find out about rubinez story info, migraines. so not the life i want. i don't like the copier. it was so much logging full that ours and so forth through like.


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