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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm CET

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the the, the, the we news lines from berlin, super insurance, a is in full swing in the united states. it's the biggest day so far and the 2024 race as millions of dollars for their candidate to run for the white house will bring you the latest from our correspondence in colorado. also coming up, jordan and the united states air drop more aid into gaza, but with a situation on the ground growing even more desperate. critics say the supplies are just a fraction of what is really needed in germany's defense minister lambs, human error for the interest that stuff with secret military conversations about german weapons for ukraine into russian hill. the
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article fairly to those of you joining us on p. v. as in the united states and to all of our viewers around the world, welcome. it's great to have you with us. it is so rich, who is a in the united states, the biggest day so far in the 2024 race for the white house. when states across the country choose who they think they are, parties nominated for president should be 15 states from alabama to alaska, and one territory. american samoa are holding primary elections. the race is already dominated by 2 candidates, such as president joe biden, from democrats, and it's free to send through donald trump for the republicans. nikki haley is still donald trump's only competition, but polls show he is oncourse to win at all. and our correspondent benjamin alvarez is in denver, colorado covering this super tuesday for us. just explain to our viewers,
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benjamin what is so super about super tuesday. this is you mentioned 15 states a heading to a poll to decide who will be there? no, i mean, neither republican or the democrats know many more than a 3rd of the delegates are at stake today. so that's why it's important that we have so many states in the us voting today. although a super tuesday is known to be a political clip thing or but this year we are not expecting and many surprises because there are indeed only 2 candidates it on top and reaching those 270 delegates that they will need for the nomination. we have to abide and we have donald trump. the big question today will be how big the margin between nikki haiti and donald trump will be on the republican side. and on the democrats side, who many of the voters going out will vote and committed it, criticize, and joe biden, say guys are policies at that? let's look at those uncommitted motors because among democrats, we've seen many vote that way in recent primaries, mostly as
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a sign of rejection for the us as middle east policies, how much of an impact will protest voters make on super tuesday? so it will signal that more than 100000 people in michigan the recently has the primaries voted a uncommitted non committed. that's 12 percent of the total definitely. and rang alon balls and the white house with vice president come over hire is recently saying that a ceasefire for at least 6 weeks is needed. so if they feel the pressure they feel that many people are not happy with the way that presidential biting in edmond is administration happened dealing with garza happened a dealing with a is riley government. we're hearing it is seeing also the pictures of, of georgia and of the us and also dropping age is dropping 8 into gaza. so that might be interesting to see today how many people said that they prefer to vote uncommitted, instead of as a potent joe biden is the democratic candidate. benjamin let's talk about nikki haley. it's not looking good for her, but she is holding on. is she likely to drop out after today?
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what is there a strategy here? it's definitely not looking good for her and even speaking to supporters, they say that t c has no chance to reaching donald trump to one. recently, the republican primary in the district of the district of columbia in washington, dc, off the donald trump colt of the queen of swamp. and, but she has not been pulling a brave. i am looking at the results also, it's nearly possible that she will still manage to get something to get close to the wi tells the important thing here is and just sector homepage it to see if there's any event scheduled for today. there's no event scheduling the, the big question will now be the trucks. you will, will see do loose, you drop out 2 days. you always quite just stay until super tuesday that's happening today. but the big question, no, of course, will be in if to will endorse donald trump. that might be on like what would happen afterwards about that might be the big question now. well, what you do after today was from colorado, our corresponding benjamin. ours,
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great to get your take. thank you so much. i and you as president joe biden says he is hoping for a cease fire deal between israel and homos before ramadan. the muslim holy month starts on march 8th finds this. it is now up to a month, which is considered a terrorist group by multiple countries, whether there will be a 6 week truce in gaza in exchange for the release of is really hostages. the deal is in the hands of homeless right now. it doesn't offer a rational offer to it and it's got to be a see as far as ramadan we get into circumstance for this continues to ramadan. israel very try that as you as president job. i'm talking earlier today now. meanwhile,
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the united states and jordan of air drop more, a packages into the gaza strip. the u. s. military says almost 37000 meals were dropped into the territory in a joint operation on tuesday. but we're thinking monetary in crisis nearing the catastrophic levels. critics say the amount is only a tiny fraction of what is actually needed and the u. n is calling on the international community to quote, flood gaza with a panic and k o. as men and gaza city run around in a frenzy to find food countries such as egypt, jordan fronts. and now the us have been dropping aid from above. but there are too many people in need. and there's not enough aid. the we have the willingness inability to bear it, but is there a father in the world who can see his children riding in hunger in front of him to
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remain silent? even if the price is risking his life. just like all these people who risk their lives in order to obtain what is not even enough for chrome, a flower, or aid or canned food, rid of yesterday some expired, can goods arrived containing mold and fungus. we are not animals, as they described us. i remember the most important over the weekend work us from the you went on the w h o rushed in to provide supplies to hospitals, medicines and fuel running critically. no. and this is costing children headlines unfortunately, yes, we have lost 2 babies here. they had pneumonia, but they died because of the power cut. the power went off at 4 am, and at 8 am we were out of oxygen. the one that many of those have died from hunger, according to the visiting team from the w h o l. i love that there is no milk or
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anything. well, the situation is bad. indescribable. we're not able to get them anything. these deaths come as the booming outside continues and bodies, philip flores, somewhat so young. they barely have the chance to live on a quick look down at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. suppression independent media, se authorities have arrested several people for attending memorial events dedicated to late opposition leader. i'll explain of all me, find screw over the info says those detained were identified using surveillance cameras. thousands of pneumonia supporters showed up for his funeral on friday groups as more than a 100 people were detained on that day. 3 us astronauts and a russian cosmonaut have arrived at the international space station for 6 months,
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mission, the rotating in mid to replace that a part in crew. as part of an astronaut exchange program between nasa and the russian space corporation, the program has been maintained. the spinal div tensions over the war and ukraine, but we are targeting. how sharpening about users of facebook, instagram and threats? say they have been locked out of their accounts. the problems are being reported across the world, suggesting that the outage could be global. the platforms, parent company meta has responded on x, formerly known as twitter, and the big arrival of himself saying is looking into the issues germany's defense minister voice, the story is, says human error was to blame for a conversation between the high level german military personnel being intercepted by russia 4 days after the revelation, the 1st made headlines for as the story is a step before the camera to explain in detail exactly what went wrong is as an
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officer who was visiting single board dialed in to join the discussion about the use or potential use of taurus, missiles and ukraine without taking the necessary security precautions. loan type was just calling the league a hybrid this information attack. the story is expanded on russia's attempts to influence the narrative. here in german, it will slant type, russia is constantly trying to drive a wedge between us, between the domestic political forces in germany, between the policies, between those 12, for or against, for more or less support for ukraine. it's all about 50 is getting the tennis king, henry must not fall before it the least often lime game. a short while ago i asked our correspondence, simon young. what he makes of the story is exploration. well, this is clearly a damaged limitation exercised by the german defense minister. he was offering this explanation, as you mentioned, that to one of the people on the coal whizzing single pull and appears to have used
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a non secure line. and perhaps, you know, that was the weak link. that was this been sort of exploited here by russian intelligence. perhaps it was just the lucky shot that they were able to get this in the record, this cool. so the defense minister is cooling it to the individual era, as you mentioned in the end indeed to use these non secure line would have been a gains, gem and military rules and procedures. and to ease announced an investigation at and on the whole, i think the defense ministers at pains to down play the significance of this lake, perhaps rather in the same way that the russian propaganda machine has been at pains to play a top. bazaar is also said that the german government, and i'm quoting him here, had not made a political decision on sending towards cruise missiles to ukraine. does that means
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i'm not the matter, isn't yet off the table. that's well, that's one of the things i think this lake shows, it clearly isn't off the table is being discussed at a pretty senior level within the military. but of course also among politicians. and as we know, john, so that all i've shown it is strongly opposed to supplying they said towards the long range missile system into ukraine. the pain is that it could be interpreted by russia as a direct involvement at by germany in the war. and if it is an escalation, because of that, on the other side, you've got opposition. politicians, christian democrats, but also others in parliament. as saying, no, we must continue to discuss space is a weapon that ukraine wants and needs and would make a significant difference on the ground level position, publications. and also i've been trying to point out that the, the link to the linked cool seems to show that all i felt is argument that the
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delivering tourist ukraine would also inevitably main sending german troops to ukraine. that, that argument to is not true. so there's a lot of political material here still to discuss, and i think the debates about taurus for ukraine. yes. so no, that is fine for mobile. and that's the w political correspondence. simon young. thank you so much, simon. french, president. the money on my call has called on ukraine's allies not to be quote, cowards in providing support for the war against russia. he made the comments on a trip through the czech republic where he discussed plans to boost ammunition for ukraine. mccall and recently faced backslash from his western allies after he refused to rule out sending data ground troops to your brain. he said he still stood behind those remarks forgiveness, but look like, is it or is it not along with the political she did and we look over and let things
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i'm driving us so i don't think so. i don't good good for us to do dig surgery and this to invite felicia to assume. then we need to be realistic about the situation that's unfolding in your own window up the risk that exist. and what we need to stand for. assuming another strong message from a crown to his european allies, the w corresponding rosie bird church, and told us earlier what the french president of the french president is trying to achieve. well, president michael and certainly had caused a stir last week with those comments about not ruling out boots on the ground in ukraine. but if you saw therefore, that he might be sort of apologetic or trying to walk back those remarks, remarks, most of them don't. on the contrary, you'd be wrong. he certainly stewed by them. i should say, he did not say anything specifically about troops or by any sort of deployment of soldiers into quaid from other countries, as for example, from front. but what he did talk about more broadly was the idea of showing limits
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of setting red lights. he said, the nature of countries shouldn't be setting limits or showing limits, talking about them when russia, he said, seems keen not to show any limits from it side at whole. know this is something which is likely going to spark a bit of controversy as an over the date. those initial comments sparked a quite a swift rebuff from several nato allies. fish, i should say, comes at a time where fonts has faced some criticism or accusations that it's not provided you crating with enough military support compared to frances g, p. so emmanuel, my quote here with the saving to prove that he's being a mover, moving things forward. when it comes to european support to ukraine, and this is also likely to spark some debate, particularly in germany, which i'm a country to what my quote is saying here has been came to show red lights and say that there is a limit here and the limit would be sending in, cried trips to ukraine. it sounds like you cranes. european allies are quite divided. how much so as well,
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we've already heard from the german decides minister saying that comments about i likes being cowardly, for example. so alluding to those comments by my annual annual macro, don't help you create that they are not helpful. and then instead, what should be focused on is unity. although of course, the criticism from the german defense minister shows this unity in itself, among these nato allies and among ukraine's western allies. now, they will have a chance to get back on the same page soon enough because we're expecting fonts to host a video call to follow up in a meeting last week. and the cup in the coming days were expecting that on thursday . and what's likely to be discussed there is try to get a munition to ukraine quickly because of course, while the results are, it's a philosophical debate going on at the red light and swipe to show them what not to show them. you creating soldiers. well, they're saying we're trying to defend our territory here, and we need me to ask them quickly and see they'll be for a spawning, rosie bertrand and brussels. thanks so much the china now we're delegates and the national people's congress are meeting to come up with solutions for the country's
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economic ends. demographic challenges at the opening of the highly choreographed event. amazing leaders announced a target of 5 percent economic growth in 2024 and that is far below the double digit growth. that one's power and the chinese economy. they also plan to boost defense spending by 7.2 percent. the week long meeting, as mostly ceremonial, as all key decisions have already been made behind closed doors by the communist party. now addressing delegates, china is premier needs young warren, that achieving this year's target will not be easy as well. what is the foundation for china sustained economic recovery and growth is not solid enough, as evidenced by lack of effective demands, low public expectations, and many lingering risks and hitting dangers. and for more at al has i'm now joined by neil tom is he's a fellow on chinese politics at the asia society policy institute center. and it mission by lead to young that it's not going as well as the party with like neil
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how deep is china's economic price is really right now, china is short. some economic challenge is really all about confidence. so it can seem is on consuming enough produce, is producing enough, and investors on investing enough and lead chance government, what support they delivered earlier today, john? it's on really so to address best by setting a relatively ambitious growth target, announcing a slight uptick in fiscal stimulus for this year, and sending out a message of reassurance to the private sector, the end of front investments that china stories are open to business. but what, there wasn't, was any sign of new thinking on the, the longer term structural issues that have confronting chinese price trajectory. so how is beijing planning to get back on track to
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so in the short term, it's, you know, pursuing this uh, uh, fiscal stimulus package announcing new kind of old for long uh, software and debt. slide uptake in a local uh, government infrastructure bonds. uh and yeah, again, this kind of more encouraging message that, you know, china is gonna make life easier. gonna make markets well better for private business. um, but the reaction from a markets to the government web report has been, you know, pretty music and even somewhat negative because there will hopes that that could have been some announcements on either a much larger stimulus package or some movement on long term issues such as your local central fiscal relations, new more efficient tax is an increase in transfer payments and social welfare.
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so really boost consumption and decentralized resource allocation. and there's a small possibility that's coming at a communist party meeting at the platinum light of this year. but the moment it seems that the dental secretary staging paying is committed to his economic strategy of trying to re focus china's economy and not on consumption and markets, but on investment in, in next generation technologies that deliver innovation that lead to productivity gains and to try and address some of these desks and demographic issues. uh that undermining sign is great that way. yes. and were you surprised at all to see leach young? be so upfront about the fact that well, it's not all smooth sailing at this moment. i wasn't particularly surprised. i think it is important that he said that to acknowledge the difficulties, but if you read a lot of the agent pain, speeches,
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and the speeches of all the chinese leaders that usually bailey forthright about the challenges that confronting the communist party and, and trying as governments and so we're really looking for what are the solutions that are going to put on the table. and we did get some, uh, you know, solutions and mines expectations, but none of the big changes, but many people were looking for. thank you so much for your insights. i was neil thomasville, on chinese politics at b is a society policy institute center the national people's congress in china is being closely followed, of course, in type pay because tensions between china and taiwan have spiked and recent ways due to a recent incident which took place in the water surround, named in man, a group of time when he is controlled islands, just kilometers from the shores of china. in this incident time, when east coast guard pursuit of a chinese fishing vessel lead to the death of 2 chinese fishermen,
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china's coast guard has increased patrols around jenman. tony's officials say that is raising the risk of an accident spiraling into conflict. our correspondent james cheater reports now from the islands from the beach is high ones, doman items chinese skyscrapers a well with the nice side to man. to play with these to the comes in home can seeing as long walks to narrow stretches of what's a separate thing, the 2 sides. but since 2 chinese fishermen died in a recent incident with ty, once coast guard, he's been much more crowded. when heading out to see the table and do it, i don't know the full we used to go over there, but we can't anymore it because the chinese coast guard is controlling an oven. we used to come across them quite often and there wasn't a problem. and now we just do our best not to go there we go to you since a deadly capsizing videos on chinese social media, show the coast guard, pressing ahead with more patrols around seeing that sometimes even using the hakim
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language comedy spoken in taiwan typeface of several chinese vessels events that prohibited horses during those patrol badging, which claims solvency over taiwan that says, such restrictions don't exist. it's not fundamental disagreements which has raised fees a spot to could ignites why the conflict of hygiene being here. you appreciate just how small the margin for error is. this land behind us is the chinese city of charlotte with millions of residents, the why invest so in the distance over the if the chinese coast guard and this land right here is controlled by taiwan. now with china sending more coast con patrols into these voices type pay faces the dilemma. do nothing, can they risk china replying, even more pressure, their react to strongly and as risk of escalation of this is comic key political moments to both of aging. in taipei, taiwan goes to new, great since new presidents,
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a man who badging openly dislikes and in china this week is the national people's congress. the, the country's leaders, height, the defense budget by more than 70 percent. and to shoot tough words on what they call re unifying taiwan with china by military force. if necessary, gentlemen, still wears the scholars of value or conflict with china, which continued to show the group of islands well into the 1970s. local counselor don't send bile says that may explain residents muted response to more frequent chinese patrols. but he's quick to add. the fundamental tension still exists. now it just looks different. it's something that you can type with. well, can be more than just a horrible. so it's not just about rocket guns and arms, you cancel this diplomatic was trade was cold, was once you go ahead. so that kind of situation does exist here, but it's just an everyday people's perception of water is still tied to things like cummins as well. so they aren't as deeply impacted by the recent events. escalation
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has been avoided for now, but with ships from both sides, continuing to walk insults close proximity here. it's like, can you, the french all stalemate across these voices will soon be tested again. now the sent me australia where women of the bond, i beach serv, bathers life saving, club or training the next generation of rescuers. they also raised the rescue boats to hone their skills and head of international women's day on march. 8th, the volunteers of the pink patrol are raising awareness about how women can contribute to safety on the water. it's a sunday morning on sydney's iconic bondai beach veteran live savers. next he cried, and christy smith, sprint through the surf and leap into their inflatable rescue boat, or i r b as quick as they can. they were passing on their experience to the next generation of women, rescuers in the case of christie and her daughter shar,
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quite literally it's a really lovely experience to watching kids, what you and mental you'll keep. and then ogden upholstered. so she said to me one day, oh and i want to do it and i love it. and she recently told me that feeling it is like no of that. i mean, it means everything really establish a relationship with her, and i feel really women were excluded from australia serve rescue force until 1980. now they make up almost half of the volunteers. after 12 years on patrol, nixie cried says the only difference between her and her male colleagues is that she can cut corners when it comes to her craft. we have to work a lot more on that technique. if something
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that the women have to get that taken, they were technically in the lead up to women's day, the bondai beach crew ran its annual pink patrol to highlight their brave work on the choppy waters and to inspire more women to follow in their sandy foot steps, so that's it from the news, but stay with us after a short break. i won't be back to take you through the day now because either the
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non consensual or women are falling victim to artificial intelligence, which is being abused by anonymous perpetrators to create deceptively leo pornography known as the takes. and it's become a nightmare for thomas when in those in 45 minutes on d w, the
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systems can be used to cuz different geographies. the real china itself has needs to be an incredibly scarce way. heck, us and transforming business is onset. the real media. let's just green washing. what's now on the race has long begun. later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything changed. it's all about german and in the age of artificial intelligence in 5 years. see, i mean, it was in china the us. oh, you're up to control the technology that will shape the future of humanity,
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the small, it's new world, the a i race start smaller 16th on dw october 7th of 2023 was a day that marked before and after for them at least the last her attack called israel off guard. the brutality of the onslaught shocked the world. among the alleged crimes committed by the attackers, rate of women, it has been difficult to document these crimes of many suspected victims killed. others traumatized. now un mission has established that there are, in fact, reasonable grounds to believe the mazda attacks included rape and gang rate, and called for an investigation. for the hostages still held in gaza. they suspect the ordeal might still be go.


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