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tv   Choices - Dare to dream  Deutsche Welle  March 6, 2024 7:15am-7:31am CET

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it's the last has to run to several $100000000.00 euros. and with that now you're up to date here and dw news coming up. next, it is choices following the struggles of an artist who overcame a brain tumor and titled depression. the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. as soon as i was saying it loud and you guys would have been nosy bay like get everyone talking to me. check out the award winning called called the called back. this is not the life i want. i don't like the copier. it was so much logging full that ours and so forth through like
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you have to visit if i and once it was like, i didn't know what to do. and my mentor has was kind of sad at the point that, you know, i was just a big, not in a good space as an artist. i just wanted to be fee. like that's my choice to make the, i saw his work and that's amazing. i hope i can give him some sort of direction view of creating office or district. i'm excited to see when he comes up with the hectic i'm. i'm sure it'd be hectic the
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as a kid i was like, yeah, i grew up in me and are dishonest like being for millions they were off and then in the family, the ones that fee is over once here in order to get anymore. and then you know, like intellect, late high school, the ok science or, you know, what do you want to do the, i don't remember. not knowing what i'm doing and just following orders kind of
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the and i knew i lost my creativity because i didn't know who i was. the i've been to depression and i don't know. then as it grew up, i can go to was actually a 100 have couple of years to be honest. so i am signing and visual very also known as sandy or sensitive. i consider myself an artist. okay. um my name is alicia. i'm an illustrious outpatient bank. lo and i have a long company manufacturer
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product, but i also taught so many companies that have a free, lots of lots of fun. the hello nice to read to you the person i'd like, you know, you all the i like it has to be. how are you wrote on the lovely face time here? yes. hi i he was, he was really like, it was not moving the door. what do you think of like, career wise or commercially? what will do you have to much? yeah, i think um, getting design studio. oh you already. oh okay. yeah. i think once i be my portfolio is decent enough to what we're going to give is antonio. i think that what do you, what is holding you back from just looking on your thoughts for you? nothing. i'm actually working on it. okay. i sort of think of, of my like the station we start as like an amateur,
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and i want to improve and nobody, but i can just look at my art and music. i did a good job on that, just of what happens. it just doesn't. i'm the improving thing is literally just over time, what is your inspiration? probably was says an expression, okay. at the most basic point, the best thing with best buy. i like a brand new. oh, and i found out and then i was 20 but also it gave me like a really like this up if any. yeah. in life. yeah. i'll say everyone's so tiny and like you all know so. but had the good thing in the universe. yeah. like, by the way of a design use of things as the, as one you got the anxiety like i was hired for. that's like a doctor was in a me, you know, not you what i live like you want. okay. that's what i thought it was a fun thing. do i love that you put in a lot of experience in your wilkin? you already have a direction the
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julie says where i knew of course, so down, and that's definitely given. uh, but i'm also really excited to see what she comes up with and what we do in the next few days. um yeah he's, he has so much life experience and the sad ones. those are happy ones and ones that you know of since white self awareness. i think i think it's amazing. i thought flushed as a flash challenge would be to then those die rolls out as a memory of but in an awesome, it's just to see how he works and, and what we yeah. and what the way he speaks experience is interesting. hello. how are you? i'm good, how are you? i want to hear a rebate and they dialed the gap between the hours of sleep. so oh yeah, i was going through the night i did size all the 9 blue and the blink. oh, that's what i'm just saying. i love it. so i'll call my cellphone. okay,
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that's fun. so it's still got present. yeah. have you ever asked me also to to see oh, finger in the yeah, i the yeah. yeah, the more do you good? i can go see see the so either you know, this is really good. well, i think of a i, i really love it. surely. i well the, those are good. let's see. oh, well, we'll deliver it and what i thought he was in that time, there's a lot of storytelling that happens in his off book and he's very aware of it. and it's also very therapeutics man. so are you excited about the 2nd challenge? yes, hopefully you're getting more sleep, but yeah, well it's happening now. certainly most people know, you know, all right, my boss. no, i'm sorry. he basically handles my online store and logistics on. yeah. and all we work together to sell products and um, he is going to be the klein for you today. oh man. so let me go to i,
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he's to him. i can just know the, the, i don't know if the, some of the lifestyle brand called happy lagging of the brand is all about, you know, the product is designed by independent artist like yourself. and it's all about people who buy this article like young people. yeah, um, so we're looking to introduce a range of laptops because something that people smile on someone's face. the the
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oh my god, i totally will get me because this so cute. i love the yellow top. oh, this is very cute. cute. which one is the p like from these he like the binders, but i was like yeah, those for my favorite side of the cool. okay. yeah. so next time it may have a little more challenging, but also an open kind of emissions using over time just because it's a was an o and you get the things you want. and you will have a bit of an audience because you won't be being in a public space. yes. but that will be fun. the weather is amazing. yeah. so, uh, and this is going to be a great experience. i just know, and i think everyone's out is going to appreciate it's going to be fine for me to even go over the books and work with materials has northwood before on the canvas,
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which is a one of the cheese not work on the for the the thing was, if indeed my biggest enemy at this point would be best buy's, buy it every day and look at it and have their own thoughts. just agreed and i love that so happy as i can of the
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hi. hi. how are you? i'm good. how long? how long have you been here? i was, i think was like a big deal, a lady very like dock in venice. quite a nice so and i'll be entering this for you. if there was happening, you send me that. i look at the deficiency or just think about mental health. okay . and there's this guy who has lots of hold and he's just constantly over thinking in enough space and i'm supposed to be getting those, looking along this thursday to tell you that guy. yeah, uh the actual guy, uh, uh, one guy had been the other guy off thing. but people like the ideas of uh, okay, vision of like the mentor has i i, i love this, the only thing would be,
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you see right. there was like a timeline. yeah. which was during the holiday, and if it was by the time subject idea, we just schedule that. yeah, i mean from the beginning from the sketch time it says no, you'll be able to block out things and what that was, what i don't have any expectations which was great because it all reads pieces and i feel like i'm really hopeful on like i said, it's because he still is such a young artist on this so much put that in, show your vehicles, you fix it. i had the, i didn't know who i was and i'm still, you know, like sorting that chart back. i've gotten quite close to, well as a person now,
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then i would expect them to go to a lot of anxiety. not social anymore. so. and so plus always in the way i would think. i mean it's absolutely up to them. it says life and stuff . i have but i feel like if you could take it has, you know, with that to me, you know, make a whole life from this. i can a lifestyle and livelihoods. i think that would be the us. and that's i mean just this that i've got to meet the associated list, eto and someone i like as my own was like great, definitely like one degree or more of the these few days of just like knives, ration working like that, thinking a lot and i love as a dialogue, sometimes very excited to family, a,
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a bit anxious list of names are stocks and miles on it. but at the end of the day, i think of the dates that are to be quite, quite an experience that i kind of will remember. and you can forget this guy and think i did do it because i already have that, but i thought of chips like in the 7 you see the of the very fast and make that of it. cuz then notice, but it's a challenge for me to do it. so the send up on your boost outage for me to call go and they kind of get it. so it's kind of part of my sense of that. just hiring that set of that mindset of what card on this boss i need to finish it. that's gonna help me get through a bunch of things that i was just i keep spending time guarantee, the process to a blank do lots of applications. i don't even get
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a for investigation and to give isn't what i'm doing that right now. the can so you like being alone. well, listen, not your never alone there, lurking everywhere tx and bed box mosquitoes and full liens, worms and allegiance, all of them out for your blood. but hold on a 2nd. some creatures do have our interests at heart, so don't take to your heels. and that way you also won't miss in good shape the .


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