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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the lin, nikki haley drops out of the us presidential race. the foremost south carolina governor n's hub page. so the white house of the law says to donald trump in tuesday's primaries, but she does not endorse her full arrivals. also coming up on the program were trying to save a rustling could lead to action. this land behind us is the chinese city of charlotte, with millions of residents, the y best. so in the distance over the, if the chinese coast guard on this line right here is controlled by taiwan, all corresponding visits, a taiwanese island where a deadly confrontation and beijing stepped up patrols
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a foot local fishing crews on a lot. and tesla's european assembly plump, near berlin grinds to a halt. police of blaming austin. i fall left militant group says it was behind the attack. the money group is mckinnon. welcome to the program. we begin in the us when nikki haley has suspended the presidential campaign, leaving donald trump as the last republican in the race. haley was the last of a dozen major candidates, the former president zine president and vanquished in a republican primary. her announcement follows primary elections in 15 states, note a super tuesday in which trump one but one state. now this sets the stage for a re batch in november's general election between donald trump and president joe
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biden biden has no real position in his democratic policy. speaking from a home state of south carolina haley congratulate to trump, but stopped short of inducing him to. i am filled with the gratitude for the outpouring of support we've received from all across our great country. but the time has now come to suspend my campaign. in all likelihood donald trump will be the republican nominee when our party convention meets in july. i congratulate him and wish him well. i wish any one well, who would be america's president? our country is too precious to let our differences divide. i have always been a conservative republican and always supported the republican nominee. but on this question, as she did on so many others, margaret better provided some good advice when she said, quote,
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never just follow the crowd. always make up your own mind. it is now up to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it, who did not support him. and i hope he does that. now it was a wave of losses to donald trump on super tuesday that ultimately finished off hailey's campaign. here's a look at how the day unfolded. super tuesday. this time did not come with big surprises. as donald trump cemented his hold on the republican presidential nomination, he says this is one of the finest run campaigns that anybody has ever seen. that's pretty good, right? as for the real estate, and we have no choice because november 5th, right around the corner. november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. donald trump's lead
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means and in timothy hayley's campaign. halley has won 2 primaries, making her the 1st republican move in to do so. but it's not enough to win the nomination in a statement or spokesperson said today, and stays after state the remains, the large block of republican primary voters who are expressing deep concerns about donald trump. stuff is not the units the are parsing needs for success. addressing those voters concerns will make the republican party and america best or for the democratic nomination. president politeness the leading contender until he has no substantial primary challenge. so the trump bite and re match in november looks quite likely that many american folks are say they would have preferred new options this year rather than a rematch. oh, i'm terribly frustrated with this country. i mean,
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the fact that we have biden and trump to choose from it's disgraceful, is disgraceful. we don't need to octogenarians in office running for office. there's plenty of other people who were earlier in their careers who could run and do a better job than those to me, a lot of my friends would be outgoing, like you, my girlfriend has and bother voting, and cheese hasn't missed a single one. how come our best choices to abide and his candidate? he hasn't done anything yours and held up any of his promises. so no, i'm just, i'm just not happy with the the, the to binary choices. and they're both with super to stay behind. always will be on the election in november where americans will pick their next president and they don't use washington bureau chief and his pull joins me now. some on these super tuesday result. so in this, hailey has now announced that she's dropping out over the race. so tell us what all of this says about the republican policy of today. i
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it is telling that during suspension speeds nikki haley renewed her call for a return to conservative principles and a warrant against annihilation is foreign policy that has taken hold inside. the republican politician explicitly stated that the us has to stand with its allies, and that, of course, is the opposite of what donald trump stands for. se, continuously a threat to it needs to leave nato. and even in cars, it's loading you're putting to do whatever he wants to nato members who don't pay the fair share. so the remaining question really is, is nikki haley, is the cost of the republican party, or if she could be the future. donald trump, of course, dominated the super tuesday, winning 14 out of 15 states in these contests. whatever nikki haley said,
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what do you think? will trump looking ahead to november's election? will trump be able to continue the level of success that we've seen so far? you know, the election is still a long way ahead of us, and many, many things can happen. but what we know by now is the drum indeed shows some weakness is mainly in the suburban areas that already costs in the wind of the 2020 election in these areas. so it's interesting are where nikki haley has her, a supporters and during my coverage of a couple of primaries, some weeks ago, i could talk to those who were not in favor of donald trump, but of nikki haley. and they told me that there may not vote for trump if he's not changing his policies when it comes, for example, a to abortion,
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but also to international affairs. so it didn't be, it has to be seen if he will be able to win over these cultural uh votes in these areas across the united states. as he said in, is this still several months ago and will be watching place? they will have to leave it there for now, but they don't you washington bureau chief and it's pull. thank you so much for that. now with another set of trump primary victories, the likelihood of a 2nd donald trump presidency is looming lodge and that has made european lead is novice and vigilance. the possibility of a return to america 1st policy in washington, and even the lack of support for ne, so as forced officials on the continent to prepare for a future without the most powerful ally when he was previously president of the united states. donalds, trump describe the european union is a folk and threatens to make you a p and pay for us protects. now his america 1st policy could once again,
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we shape transatlantic relations. for many european politicians, the possibility of donald trump's return to the white house is a nightmare scenario. even though they don't like to speak about it in front of a camera, surely. and you're not inviting me to interfere and the internal affairs of the biggest ally, it's um the people in, in america who, who had the right to choose the president in private. however, one diplomats describe the atmosphere to us as a mixture of desperation and resignation. and it seems pretty clear that's behind closed doors. officials in your pm capitals, a working on contingency plans. should there be a 2nd donald trump presidency? i'm sure that there are contingency plans. i'm not going to wait until the last moment. the advantage that they have is some trump is not anymore unlike what was the case in 2000. 162017 is not an unknown person
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anymore of the present during his 1st term in office, trump imposed terrace on trade with human doors. he pulled out of the paris climate agreements and in what was the biggest shock he repeatedly question, do you ask commitments to the nato alliance now he's delivering the same messages on that companion trail. one of the presidents of a big country stood up said, well sir, uh if we don't pay and were attacked by russia, will you protect us? i said, no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. you got to say, so could a 2nd, trump presidency mean the end of nato. it's not just about whether the united states is in or out. i mean, almost certainly the united states would stay in, but there are, there are levels of being in and the other allies on occasion have, have salt, lower levels of involvement with nato, withdrawing from the integrated military command, for example. or simply simply focusing on areas
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outside of the european security orbit, which would leave europe in a position of having to sort of somehow fill that gap. could you fill that gap? not into short term experts say, nate to without us, would it be weak? you ups, nuclear deterrence, without american nuclear weapons, inconceivable, at least for now and supporting ukraine without money and arms from washington would be much more difficult. so what can even leaders do? no matter what will happen in us year of has to be able to do more on our own and in a corporation with our allies. this is a wake of code for, for everybody in europe to do more for, for european own defense. doing more for you or p and secuity you could help, but it will take time for countries to be able to do that. and you are p and the union army 1st discussed decades ago is still
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a distant endeavor. and in the meantime, if one looks at the experience of the trumpet administration that we had, clearly he views the world, not just through nation states, but through individual leaderships, individual leaders. i can say not so much alliances, not so much. agreements, sometimes not even states but, but individuals. and so those individual relationships matter. building relationships, stepping up on defense, europeans bracing foot from $2.00. and they know that a new face and a transatlantic relationship might be looming anyway, regardless of who will win the race to the white house. the national people's congress in china is being closely followed in taiwan capital type. pay tensions between china and taiwan, have spikes in recent weeks because of an incident that took place in the war. so surrounding can man, that's a group of tie when these controlled islands. just
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a few kilometers from the shows of china in the incident, a tie, one east coast guard was chasing a chinese fishing vessel. and that resulted in the death of 2 chinese fishermen now trying his coast guard, his increased patrols around 10 men tie when he is official. say that is raising the risk of an accident spiraling into conflicts of correspondent james chase. a reports now from jenman. taiwan from the beach is as high ones, doman items chinese skyscrapers a well with the nice side to man, typically will use to the content home can seeing has long walks to narrow stretches of horses separating the 2 sides. but since 2 chinese fishermen died in a recent incident with tie one's coast guard, he's been much more crowded when heading out to see the table and do it. i don't know the full we used to go over there, but we can't anymore it because the chinese coast guard is the trolling an oven. we used to come across them quite often and that wasn't the problem. and now we just
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do our best not to go there. we go to you since a deadly capsizing videos on chinese social media, show the coast guard, pressing ahead with more patrols around seeing that sometimes even using the hakim language coming be spoken in taiwan typeface of several chinese vessels. events that prohibited which is during those patrol badging, which claims solvency over taiwan says such restrictions don't exist. it's not fundamental disagreements which is raised fees, a spot to could ignites why the conflict, some hygiene being here, you appreciate just how small the margin for error is. this land behind us is the chinese city of charlotte with millions of residents, the why invest so in the distance over the if the chinese coast guard and this land right here is controlled by taiwan. now with china, sending more coast con patrols into these voices type pay faces the die. lemme do nothing. can they risk china replying, even more pressure,
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but react to strongly. and those risk of escalation of this is common key political moments to both of aging in taipei, taiwan go. so you know, great since new presidents, a man who badging openly dislikes and in china this week is the national people's congress. the, the country's leaders height, the defense budget, by more than 70 percent, and to shoot tough words on what they call re unifying taiwan with china by military force. if necessary, gentlemen, still wears this call is the value of conflict with china, which continued to show the group of islands well into the 1970s. local counselor don't send file says that may explain residents muted response to more frequent chinese patrols. but he's quick to add, the fundamental tension still exists. now it just looks different. it's something that you can type with. well, can be more than just a horrible. so it's not just about rocket guns and arms. you can tell the magic was
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trade was cold, was wanting to head, so that kind of situation does exist to you. but it's just an everyday people's perception of water is still tied to things like kind of as well. so they aren't as deeply impacted by their recent events. escalation has been avoided for now, but with ships from both sides, continuing to walk insults close proximity here. it's like can you, the french, while stalemate across these voices will soon be tested again. i spoke to james chase early as his follow that report for us, and he told me how taiwan and other asian countries are responding to china's increase spending on defense. well, as with all situations like this in taiwan, there is some was of a distance of course people in gym and they used to these types of chinese friends you saw are in my or pulled back just how close people all to the chinese may not. and then so, um, of course, as i mentioned also in that report there is some people, engine, men who have lived experience of haul confidential in china,
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was showing these group of orleans in the 20th century. and so to some extent, it does, it is a bit harder for these more recent tensions to come through. so people, but of course, the officials recognize that the situation is precarious. they, of course, want this situation to be cast from the managed. but from the perspective of everyday people, of course, they can't really go on living their lives in this perpetual sense of crisis and say. and so when you will kind of approach in these stories about tensions rising between time and, and showing that those 2 realities are really what's going on in people's minds, have been taiwan trans trace and reporting that from taiwan. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world and the ship has been attacked south of yemen in the gulf of aidan and naval operation is currently on the way to rescue the crew of the barbados flags vessel evans, who the rebels have launched a flurry of strikes and the red sea that they say is in response to the war,
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and garza, julia novell, naya the widow of russian opposition leader, alexei, novelle. ne, as called on russians to join an election day, protest by voting against president vladimir fuson. natalia said she had drawn hope from the huge crowds that turned out last week for the funeral of her husband, who died suddenly in a rushing prison. on february, the 16th now police are blaming austin after a suspect to the attack on tesla's european plant. nibble in the fall left millicent group is claiming responsibility. the electricity supply was cut off. i'm put that some production shots down. now this coincides with environmental lists efforts to stump tesla from expanding the factory. c o e little mosque tweeted the activists. all i the, the dumbest e co terrorists on us, all the puppets of those who don't have good environmental goals. stuffing
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production of electric vehicles rather than fossil fuel vehicles is extreme don't. now and i'm in english. that means it's really dumb. spokes person says the german government strongly condemned a tax on infrastructure. the police ends near the desk left land just outside the german gap between berlin. a fire broke out at a high voltage electricity pylon, which led to up our failure. authorities believe it was an act of sabotage from the today criminal police or investigation on suspicion of ours are investigating all needs. and then on a far left 1000000 group has claimed responsibility and the message posted online. the power outage force tested out to halt its production and evacuated workers who owns this specifically for us. this really is an attack on this industrial side here and find the book. and we have up to 12000 employees because i work at the moment. the sensitive gums of the electric car maker is facing protests against its
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expansion plans at the blonde environmental activists are occupying a nearby forest, putting up dense and building 3 houses as part of the stop dessler movement. diesel vipers that's. we've occupied this forest because tesla, which is building electric cars here and it's big a factory for us to also wants to buy unclear this area of forest or, and done off these advisory board and awesome. we've occupied the forest just of this. that's the environmental activists have issued the statement distancing themselves from the suspected arson attack. tesla says production board presume before next week, and it expects the losses to run to several 100000000 euros. dw use political correspondent hands brands is at the tesla plant. and he told me more about the group. that's claiming responsibility. yeah,
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they call themselves the vault group, which is a reference to the mythological god of fire because there are a tax there on. yeah, a tax, i guess the, on the quote that i always performed with fire in this case, to the set fire to a pile onto a and electricity cable exchange at a place where the cables were getting on the ground to where it says factory applies. that's about a 1000 kilometers on the sides of his factory somewhere in the, in the countryside. in their statement as i say that, that i feel that test destroys the environment to the old. so on an anti capitalist group. so they are against these kinds of large factories in general. there's also some sentiment against it on musk involved. um, uh, and that talk about code test that caused with all the cameras being a surveillance instruments for the capitalist system. it's a very,
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very long statement ended refers to a whole lot of different issues and it's not very cogent. they argued positive behind it. there is a militant group that has uh, a tech several times, especially cables, network cables, electricity cables, for instance, info. then for the underground system, they're all full railway systems. so that has been heard off before. but they're not a group that is active every yeah, it's been a couple of years since with us attack, i think. okay. now that has been growing process, haven't there against plans to expand the test laplant. can you tell us more about that and how that might be linked as well? they were always protests against as long as even when the plans to build that were made public at the time. the discussion was a policy around the forest that had to be removed. the thousands of trees have to
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be solid for the sector to be built. and so the environmental, this one to push to tech that's for us as also there are issues of water here. this is not an area that is very well supplied with water, but the factory needs a lot of water, especially also apparently for the battery production that also takes place here. and now there are plans to expand the factory in the far as just on the road here. this purchase account has been set up because another 100 hector has a for us would have to be removed for the factory fees to be expanded. that is some sentiment, apparently, also a nice people living in this area that has been some polls against expanding the factory in favor of protecting the water supply. and the part has done uh, but these practices, i've said that, that back on then this the violent attack on the electricity supply and that they have had nothing to do with their hands. thanks so much for that updates. that's dw, use political correspondent tons from reporting from the tesla factory. it's all
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right. we're going to take a look now at some more stories making news around the world. and california is across west africa, suffering the effects of plant diseases that are runing crops and pushing up global trucks. that price is ivory coast and neighboring. gonna together supply more than half of the world's demand for kick. how most of witnessed, unusually heavy rain full. this harvest season and haitian gang leda jimmy, it's real easy. it says the country would plunge into a civil war. that will end in genocide if prime minister and only remains in power . she lazy is better known as ball, but you was formerly an officer of the haitian national police force. he says he will fight to the prime minister to establish a new system in k t. the
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right here is a reminder of the top story today. the fullness south carolina government nikki haley has suspended a presidential campaign off the donald trump's big victory and the super choose date primaries and pays the way for an election. re match this november between donald trump and president joe, by the german government has strongly condemned the suspected austin to attack the costs of power to electric call make a tesla's european plot nearby. lin, unless this group has claimed responsibility for the incident, production of the facility has been temporarily voltage. now, don't forget, you can always get, need a lead use on the go. just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the license news from around the world, as well as push notifications for any breaking news.
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and remember that there's lots of sports business and the entertainment. that's all we have time for coming up next eco india diving into the issue of protecting on divorce the eco systems for the sake of both c likes and c series. so stick around so that if you can, i'm any kids in the kitchen on behalf of the whole t test data medias. thanks so much for watching. and we'll see the,
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ice, cold b, c. at the end of the plastic, i need an expedition ventures on 2 places that no one has. so why is the ice melting more rapidly in the ice feels unknown past the in 60 minutes. on d w, the one is main kinds, oldest ambitions could be within reach. what is it really is possible to reverse the researchers
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and scientists all over the world for in a race against time? they are peers and rivalry with one daring goals to help smart nature. the boy likes watching it on youtube. dw documentary, the dates around to fish, and they might just mtv ocean. hello and welcome. i'm so i think everybody and you are watching the world why life organization tells us that would seem to be and people across the world rely on season. i'm. this isn't


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