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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  March 7, 2024 12:30am-1:01am CET

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floyd to school farms and destroyed sides. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today? history. we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the hello and welcome to focus on your. my name is, let's show this month the russians will take to the polls. critics called the election of fars because boston has basically extinguished most a position. recently in moscow, thousands chatted. the name of kremlin critic, i'll exceed the bone me. they paid their last respect lane down flowers at a funeral that took place under heightened security measures of all these life
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called on law makers at the e u problem. and to investigate those, helping put in and his friends hide money in, euro rushes, president, letting me a puts in, doesn't seem impressed by that show of defiance in his recent state of the nation address, he even warrant the west of a new cri award win russia the world's largest country holds elections. they'll be 3 days avoiding, but it's a foregone conclusion that to put in will, once again emerge victorious. his most prominent critic lost his life under very questionable circumstances and the remote part of russia. but will his spirit of feel as a position live on what really happened behind this fence may never be known. alike scene of all the rushes most vocal kremlin critic and best known opposition politician died in the polar wolf prison camp. 60 kilometers north of
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the arctic circle. now that number on these dead, vladimir putin, no longer spaces, any meaningful political opposition in russia. put in spending power for 24 years. when the bodies we've worked hard and the chief a lot to deal with. many of pollutants critics are dead behind bars for an exile, like dmitri good costs doesn't evolve. these just mean the end of the russian opposition. we ask a one time to my deputy. now one of the kremlin sphere says critics. we should be more angry. we should have more rage to fly against these uh, corrupt and and uh create your resume because um we have no choice the receipt when when it kills is opponent. it means that the resume is is too weak. no volume is wife. julia has made the surprise announcement that she will continue
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her husband's work from exile in a speech in the parliament. she attacked president putin personally and blamed him for her husband stuff. and they just said he, so you're not dealing with the petition, but visa belie didn't monster, you know? usually there's a clever, charismatic, and strong woman. you would perhaps that's exactly what russian needs know to structure the opposition. female voice as a protest pulled over those who she lives really productive. it won't be easy. mourners from all over russia, risk arrest to pay their last respects and evolving. president putin is very popular with most russian. the russian economy has not collapse despite western sanction. moscow is, metropolis sparkles as if the war had never happened. we enabling the stable development of our society and the prosperity of our citizens. gosh. but once you leave the metropolis, the sparkle vanishes. in many places,
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rushes infrastructure is dilapidated, dating back to soviet times. this winter pipes burst in several large cities, leaving thousands of russians. freezing in their homes were sitting here without. he's saying, i don't know what to do next is the children have them. how to hotmail for ages. the. so please give me there's a common hot water everywhere you can't get past the health center. patients can't get through some have already birth their feet. but these days hardly any one dares to openly voice their grievances, let alone to publicly protest against putin's war and ukraine. most people choose not to risk a 10 year prison sentence on grounds of discrediting the military and many believe pollutants propaganda. he claims that in the so called special military operation,
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russia is defending its independence against nato glowing the most. i mean, you know, the most important thing, united thing is, is the fate of a country who book a mentor, deep understanding of this crucial milestone in motion history. he's got a hold of the great goals that our society is striving for, that yet they don't trust them. despite the mobilization of young men and the fallen soldiers, many russians are still behind. moscow is war plans which includes the ability to listen to the majority is behind to to go out yet adults don't you but 80 percent support his plans. what i see. but there are still 20 percent to disagree. they've got the 2nd year, so that would be $20000000.00 or even more, who oppose the war. you'll have to look for to, to avoid any like these women determined to retrieve their men from the front. they've been demonstrating for several weeks in front of red square, lang, flowers at the grave of the unknown soldier. not as a ritual,
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but in protest is used by law. it's more i need to know. new people are dying simple civilians on you. are the men who are cold up as part of the mobilization? we come pretend that they're not dying the deal with these. so i need some new and i and this winter they queued for hours in the cold to cast their vote for the only presidential candidate to publicly criticize the war forest mondays. and he needed at least 100000 signatures to get on the balance. he got even more, but was disqualified. the election commission claimed there were irregularities in the signatures. all other candidates are considered loyal to the kremlin. some are completely unknown to the voters. and that is exactly what president putin is counting on, says opposition, politician. good cost. yeah, the, there was a comparison was like no names. but in case of like
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a real competition, i think the printer would lose, but real competition is non existent. and for many, any dreams of reform have died with alexi novel. and the, the poland has always been a strong supporter of ukraine and the invasion launched by puts in. but now polish farmer is like my tail step. real ski are concerned that the decision by the you to import ukrainian culture, a product with almost no controls is harming the local food market. also in his region of project school that escaped recently, thousands of farmers has been voicing the frustration in the capital war. so and also at the ukranian polish border the deacons. shane, the border crossing between poland and you crane. this is not the usual traffic nationwide. farm is processed in poland. have come to this
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a blockade at the border. this ukraine, you drive a has been stuck on the postage side for more than 2 weeks. you can't get back into your crane body more. a link to be there is no room in the car while you're standing on the side cooking and no, i'm going to wash the dishes. farm is in poland. have been in result of a low prices and bad conditions. they recently took the protests to the capital, was mateusz the products, the supports, the protest. he is an apple funding business, just guessing tampa. and then last is at stake for his family, which is my that's my problem. all right, and one of my brothers tomeka with me now for many generations of family has been involved in food growing. and you know, it's been over a 100 to use a for production as a family for the father brothers wives my in laws. we all deal strictly with apple production for books. we produce over
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a 1000 tons annually and does it cost for the women? uh, not including a could i organization who injected short of in the ship, pulling around. we are a farming family. my grandfather was a fruit grow, my dad and all of us went into this production because we loved working in the orchard. it brings us satisfaction. but i see that from an economic point of view, the situation is getting verse because production costs a very high and food prices, a low food prices to 11 or 15 years ago. production costs have increased over these years. in the pharmacy, the european union is responsible for the crisis because of the environmental regulations and the open for the policy for ukraine in poland. the prices is a challenge for the new pro e u government, which saves it'll, do all it can to protect polish farm is from unfair competition. the 2nd thing is, does this affect the top left of the arrow?
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the landing ukraine belongs to our gro holdings the largest acura, holding comprises of more than 1000000 heck, because of land, little such farms cannot be compared to any other firms in the european union of what we see with the inputs from ukraine. step disability maybe slightly in balance . there's no good idea on that. most of the examples on as a show of solidarity with ukraine following russia's invasion, the european union agreed to allow goods from ukraine to come into the block with a missile to no restrictions. the farm is in poland. say this, suppose cannot come at the cost of their livelihood. what's that? won't they go these protests and not against the citizens of ukraine. okay. and ukraine was the punch is cool. i think the majority of that holistic palm us the support continuing to support ukraine buckets with the military. the like, oh you minute, terry. and the 1st 2 years ago when we welcomed them,
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when there were a lot of refugees are being so especially women and children's, of a dynamic game, i think give someone a photo of the situation and for an media for money that they saw that important there was this willingness and openness welcomes them, different quotes of texts and with most jacob, and i emphasize this because this is about the future of that goldfish. agricultural my desk that i use needs to be jo. uh, if post ac change, the timing of the proteus as well as radical views expressed by some demonstrations, have arouse suspicion that outside forces may be exploding. the farm is, is anger for different ends. the major question re, what they have is what happened the just now and the such a mess this case, these folders absence and here we can we can expect this. no that's it can be also manipulators. and it can be also few. oh, you know, it's like to advise somebody else we. i'm absolutely sure rush. i can use this
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protection as well to create tensions within that you can please also in including for us. miss hayes, debowski and mary polish farm is all prepaid to put more pressure on the government . meanwhile, negotiations between mosul and t ongoing. now, while that trial is going on, people in ukraine are still dependent on all kinds of aid from foreign countries. convoys deliver includes food and other basic necessities to bills ravaged by war are still allowed to cross the polish border. yet, 2 years after russia's full scale invasion began, german volunteers like have a fish, a are noticing how support for ukraine is waning. so he's determined to keep helping people like 16 year old julia was very grateful for the kindness of the volunteers . from the time to freshen your color. 17 volunteers
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settle for ukraine into the wars. are there a mr. deliver supplies to a children? so, 2 days earlier, a transport coordinator, how fisher was busy organizing the supplies, kinds of goulash medicines, toys. he has to declare everything to avoid problems at the border. this is the 12th e combo. he's organized, but it's still a stressful work. the shrieking, it's frightening to know so many people are dying and eastern ukraine. the situation is like world war 2. that's unbelievable possible. will this run the house last? the question, ways on his mind. some of these dates, supplies are being transported into the commission. fire engines deleted by various cities, the electrical onto the front. like many 8 organizations, hot, all those new test, it's getting much harder to raise funds. is it just to be able to try it? it's a difficult time, everything's getting more expensive. dodge, germany has donated a lot of public to feed somebody understand if at some point they say it's enough
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for me, is also staying after 37 hours on the road. the eat conway reach is the police ukrainian border. their contact, the answer to the frightened dog is waiting there to meet the group. he make sure the convoy can cross the border without holdups. t 2 is here as a volunteer to condolences and i won't abandon the children. i won't stop. i'll keep fighting with them either. can. the bad weather has cost a group too much. time panel decides the complex, it splits out. the fire engines will continue. e squared with a police escort. the rest will make their way to come to your 10 appeal to the children. the next morning for breakfast, a rena is preparing for nicky, traditional kurt dumplings around the table. children who have lost their mothers and fathers to the war. the snow, someone might be sad or might not have slept well for their late. you have to find a kind word for everyone. support them. perhaps just by making sure they can lean
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on me. the convent disclose to turn appeal, a city in western ukraine last year. a rocket straight killed 5 people here was a look at the very beginning. when the attack started, we got a lot of support from the polish side, different people, volunteers. they supported us out of goodwill. thanks to them. we were able to help the children you and your last name. impressive. this is a nobody. she says it's only the germans helping volunteers. bringing relief surprise. they go to children like 16 year old julia from eastern ukraine. her mother has died. her father is missing. she and her 2 brothers have found a safe place here in the company. yeah, that's why some of the things that good for me here, i'm well taking care of this, this does a good role models for me. so my life and i'm very grateful to them that were hair and not somewhere else. i do my best to show my gratitude to help where i come to
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wait for the food guys. at the end, the sisters invite everyone to pre indicating the face of the smiles of the children and sisters. or did they mean more to me personally than anything else? would often suffice. same goes for all the drivers who were able to experience that emotionally here in the conference. so yeah, shortly before departure. how college degrees he will find a way to continue driven by the impact of his health. can you create the it happens every day and still gets talked about to a little bullying is becoming more and more widespread, especially among young people. and in this digital age and friends, teachers and parents are taking steps to make sure that even the youngest learn how to stand up to bullies and how to express their emotions. it's a community effort with even some rather unlikely groups taking part with
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gloves on an helmet secured these unlikely heroes fire up their trusty steeds. before the day's work, the 5 bikers arrive in style, but taking a stand against bullying. arrived from the school yard is a hit, the, the urban bull dogs are a motorcycle club like no other with big bus felipe at the home. today, the bikers will be the ones teaching the lessons the children make their way into the classroom. sleep sorts as material for the day. these children are in the middle school between 11 and 12 years old because all you want to be, we want to talk to you about bullying. young they me here. we'll start as office and code is for the nice man cloud and heavy leather jackets really make an
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impression on the presentation is relevant for everyone here. pretty sure what's the definition of really what is it? yeah, it was a bullying means discriminate against a person or constantly insulting someone via a cell phone. it can and really badly she even with suicide. that's exactly the topic. the bikers are more than familiar with. every one of them has encountered bullying either 1st hand or his father's brothers or friends. their advice to the children is not to let themselves be put down, fight back if necessary, get help from levels step in to help others to see more people. they react to a bully. you give them the satisfaction of knowing they've hurt you. that's what
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they're looking for. they want to hurt you. they will come or the consequences can be faithful. which i'm lucas is mother in northern friends of march being held in his memory. the 13 year old ended his life after being bullied for being gay. and it's by no means isolated the case. no refresh founded the association let my son demarion, named after her daughter who took her own life 10 years ago. it supports young victims of bullying and their families. talking about bullying could be difficult and uncomfortable. see ya know, for the day a child on summer in life then we just don't to fail. okay. just give us a how can we change it? is that ok we have to talk to children kind of move. where's the problem? well thank you for bonnie. a couple notices, you know, we have to do it very early from the age of 4 or 5 us to not. it's not sponsor.
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like because i didn't i put to someone pushed me, but marianne helped me like i don't kick on purpose create. okay. you've a push to get the ticket. does anyone else want to say something to check? tell us what you want to get into it and it just keeps getting julia and helped me get off again. so he took your hand when you were pushed. how did you feel sad but true as the children in practice expressing their feelings and treating each other with respect to role play. it is in coma to now is a pilot school in paris one day. that's what this end of the course is held 3 times a week. well, the kinds of anti bullying training for children of all ages. show shift. yeah. i lost internet that they used to be
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a master as he pushed me. know why no explanation this because now when they were come fixing class, so we discussed them and i'm trying to find a solution to gusta on that he's at this could do the bikers presentation was drawn to the close. the group spent the last 2 hours talking about bullying. yeah. if i was being bullied now, i would know how to react and i will use less social media. to man are happy with the days progress. felipe, he used to work in prisons also spoke about the legal consequences of bullying. for him, it's important to make the presentation interactive so it has to have discussions with the children to exchange ideas rather than give lectures. otherwise it just goes in here, a note here for the bankers,
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it's time to hit the road again. after all the day isn't done yet. they're on the way to the next mission and the fights against bullying. so what's on your bucket list? many europeans dream of one day seeing the northern lights. it's a unique spectacle that can be witnessed in many nordic countries, like finland. in fact, the region of lapland has a lot going for it as an in. so where the wedding location might say now, and john are not the only ones who travel to this remote part of the world to create unforgettable memories, amid freezing temperatures. oh, when visiting the solitudes of left plan, be sure to dress warm up here above the arctic circle, it's normal for temperatures to hover around minus $25.00 degrees celsius. none the less, it's exactly where these are in tulsa as the want to be. resorts like this can be
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we loved this couples in particular are drawn to the north of finland to sleep beneath the northern lights were really hoping that they'll come out for us tonight so you can definitely snuggle up in here. so it's really cosy. the arctic temperatures aren't just perfect for smuggling. some light to make things more formal in this chapter, need of ice and snow. the rudy amy tells us that couples come from all over the world to tie the knot here. a couple from the netherlands are about to get married and who is taking care of the finishing touches. this is totally unique. you come as a recreate best. it will never be the same 2 years in a row. and it's just a beautiful place and just outstanding the photographs on advertising,
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mama shifting open for shortly before the ceremony. husband to be. john is visibly nervous. but not because of the wedding. it's more a question of whether his thermal underwear will fit under his wedding suit. within the he is so much cool. they are best to it so. so now i'm, i'm actually quite hot now so but um we'll see how it turns out. sorry about this, but the clothing, it's a little bit distance. and here comes the brian not seen a being pulled alone by a reindeer. she too was fighting the cold, freezing no matter how brightly of a flame of love need be burning. things have to go up so fast here. the ceremony and the ice chapel less than a quarter of an hour. no one could have stood the tool with much longer under some
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relief when the rings are finally slipped onto the frosty fingers. until it was a great moment for the kids and their friends. but it was extremely cold and there you go. how many do you have on the next one? the visa, impossible, on the other hand, have a few more layers on they are heading out tonight to look for the northern lights. these huskies are setting out into the dark with them and the couple are in line. they do get to experience the unique play of colors that draws so many levels to the arctic. the beautiful. well that does it for us here at the focus on your of thank you for your
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company. i'm live, show by and see you next time the the, the
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conflicts with sarah kelly, 5 months into the war and gaza and deadly chaos around and aid con boy has glaringly highlighted the desperation and climbed the desk for a month civilians. my guess is sweet on complex phone is not responding, form egyptian foreign minister and long time diplomat. at what point is egypt have no choice but to consider opening its border to thousands onto monetary and ground conflict. in 30 minutes, d w t minus the team of the line is the most dangerous animal and we're
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the brave women of the world. so we call ourselves lionesses. this was the women from teen. mom is to change our culture and we can do the same hard work and then our time is come over tonight. kenya's 1st female. my size range in 75 minutes on d w. the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change out the report? the internal heat, march 15th on
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d. w. erase has long begun. later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything change. it's all about dominance. in the age of artificial intelligence, in 5, you see, i mean it was in china, the us. oh, you're up to control the technology that will shape the future of humanity, the small, it's new world, the a i raise thoughts most 16th on dw, the frankfurt international gateway to the best connection, south road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers
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and strongly alice services. be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd, managed by front, bought the the this is the, the, the news and these are our top stories. western officials say to sailors have been killed and a missile attack on a commercial ship off the coast of young men with the rebels have claimed responsibility. these are the 1st ads reported since the i ran back group began it strikes and the red c. rescue efforts were under way to save the rest of the crew. united states politician nikki haley has suspended her presidential campaign, leaving donald trump as the last republican in the race for the white house. both trump and president joe biden have made their pitch for haley. supporters primarily
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asked what moderate voters aly.


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