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tv   Team Lioness  Deutsche Welle  March 7, 2024 5:15am-6:01am CET

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lee more flexible working hours, was it for me? and the dw news team will be back soon with more headlines. in the meantime, find this online dw comp. i'm seeing here, it's invalid. it's watching the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade. can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change how the report from the internal heat, march 15th on d, w, the wild animals room at the foot of mount kilimanjaro. courageous women are defined
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traditions to protect some timberline and the team lioness west of the team of the lionesses that the lion is the most dangerous animal, and we're the bravest women in the world. that's why we call ourselves lion. it said it was after all, we are women. if we can't say we are lying, the it's monday morning. the rangers begin the new week, searching for tracks and traces of wild animals. no matter. they came this way. what are the tracks? okay, the that's a zebra who print fixed. it went this way similar to as the resolution aren't close
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and they're like donkeys have got to come and that's why they're easy to recognize . so isn't differentiate that i've got 345678 a to get on. because this does, i have 123 purity has been on the job for 4 years. 3 miles got sadly from the my problem, a bank calling and most i think i cindy sees supervisor, the purity and leah had to fight hard for their jobs. training was only opened up to women 4 years ago. the area they cover is around and basetti national park. it's on the border between kenya and tons. and the, the, the park itself is
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a reserved almost 400 square kilometers in size. it has the densest the population of wild animals in east africa. the of course, the wild animals repeatedly make their way into the neighboring messiah villages. and so that causes conflicts will not be my one best buy. i could tell you we've had to face many challenges, some of the why number of people and animals live here side by side of the book a. it's clear wild animals because accidents again and again m. so listen, i never come especially the lions and elements wake of somebody in the front of the
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somebody mess m w is the most important thing for us is to protect the wild animals and ensure they're doing well and not being threatened by poachers. even though i know my body not yet cubical. me tell them that she could not how i know my for people and animals should live together here peacefully. she without getting in each other's way. let them not be left. yeah, they know them to some boy and then my body lia comes from one of these beside villages. she's been a ranger now for 6 months. a new modest amount for somebody who is it will not come on. we know this is a very dangerous place. mean, wild animals could be hiding here anywhere. campbell, if they pick up here, send most of the time to disappear into the bush. a new, but they can also attack you before you even realize they're, they're actually to success. the rangers risk their lives at work daily, the height 25 kilometers to the savannah, the habitat of elephants, lions,
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and eat us during their patrols. they've counted as many as 2000 wild animals in 6 months. so most of our hurt or they have the most trouble with the wildlife because they come across the animals again and again. the reason why not when did the lions protect your call night last week? the lion little will know yes with her teeth. but with close, watching so on, i will. yes, he's old and we that he's already a touch my her twice as the be just attacks but can't really get the way you heard some with as well as actually has a way i got a lot more love happens to the cough i find on this hill, this head was to and i'm never home page,
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you sleep on this hill you'll put in at the bottom of it is, are you going to how many animals have you lost already? have them got, i don't know what all in the loads. it's the same good. how do you deal with the number on the side? but what can i do against me? not to kick out when i get it. it's not easy. one, a lion shows a call that the owner is furious and no one would like to kill them by end yet because it killed his call. i am a ranger, but i am also a teacher for the community to manage and become a trust to me and is not in the act on my lease or now. yeah, me, me, i teach them how to deal with the wild animals. what's the level community, what i'm taking the opinion off ones i did them before the from i don't know. i know my party it's important to team line is that they have close contact with the surrounding villages. it's funny. we for the,
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the stairs will hold it in front of your face, hold it really tight and take the model. i'll show you that you can do it. you know, i always do it at home when i go and that's what i mean because the women trust us to chat with them when we visit. oh, we just couldn't get oh, can i? what does that mean that they asked them if they noticed anything? well, they were collecting firewood, which animals did they say yeah, look at the guess study what to magical doesn't meant. they're usually the best informed about what's going on around them now on the way i can then the
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nice that you visiting again. given one of the while, you're always very welcome the noah, did you make them yourselves? aren't they heavy? you know, we don't know them saying that is that a james and the know it would be too short when it's finished or close it into a bracelets usually let me see them well developed the buffalo, let's say one comes to a watering hole then goes back into the bush and then the father, you know, we don't fetch which every day i really do with the women in the messiah culture, have little to say, and don't work for pay someone to book when the and i was 10 years old and i understood it wasn't easy to be a woman in the must die culture lice. i watched my mother has been among how she
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worked every day. like you. she got up and mailed the couch or does she let? and then she got us ready for school and heard the cows out, degrades the young man in the much a. she fetched water and brought the cows back in their shelter. she was responsible for every thing that goes to glen just off. she worked from 4 am to 11 at night, and then the mean and the custody shall go. i'm furious that the men looked down on those women clout and i'll have a feeling and they say, we don't do anything. he doesn't do me a fun. they say we can't even do housework, right? a daniele anika z, a zulu or find a job findings like we have on the line. is that because the new um 4 meg? did you come on related, some say last, the
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during the work, week purity and the as the that kept limo together with their mill colleagues. they relax, sleep and eat under one roof. normally, the messiah's daily routine separates the genders the to the messiah of maine in the camp. living together with their female colleagues took some getting used to at the start, and their culture flows contact with women is limited to family members. you always have to be informed about what's going on. that's right. could you stand up so i can move forward? well no, no, no community. the men in our village are very different from our colleagues because we live closely with our co workers. so i'm not like with siblings mixed and that's
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why the people in the villages don't have a very good opinion of o n a to not to want to give you feedback and they look down on us and also about us. it's really not very supportive focused in the end even to come by that, but i is when getting the pre is can do true. send to the hopefully god will send you twins. let's just pray. i'm sending calloway, protect the government, and the everyone should pray for that. you are blessed that you may god send us luck. may he guide us when we walking in the bush, may he protect us with his lovely fragrance, the purity being allowed to see the dinner time prayer is a small child, because that's traditionally a male domain. she and lee had to apply to the village
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elders to get their jobs on team lioness. they also had to prove they were physically fit and well educated was on me quite a while now when i come a at the start, the others thought we would just have a good time with them. and i have been all alone with them in the bush, but people had really dirty thoughts for over time. they came to understand how good we were here for work. how about a no other reason you owe on this? give us it's february. the sun rises at 6, 45 am. it's time for roll call. good, go, dead. don't be done. running on the bus monitor went to you went to the
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old ones. but can you find the quest? oh no, not the beginning of a male rangers didn't believe we'd be up to the challenges, encore and the newcomer had to go is that the job is so hard? well, but we have to hike through the bush for our and i came there might ask them sending you the thought we'd never coupon because we were women. is the single one, the funds of they didn't know any women before. so did this type of work i have on the we are the 1st all fund south is i believe, as i would do when i as i was looking to speak louder, leave you straight on your leg due to i don't was abo down the i'm not sure,
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it was well own of the more than 800 elephants are living in the region at this time. there are no national parks boundaries for them . they migrate from park to park and regularly across most side territory. the female rangers are called out again and again. a herd of elephants says approach the village. the elephant cows are restless because they are young. with that, it's a dangerous situation for the female rangers to combo santa can you find the funds on one of my 1st patrols we were attacked by a buffalo and some were injured. yeah, i was quite frustrated and wanted to quit the job show up on our colleagues were so
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encouraging and my part of the name was, you know, from those 27th day, i know that these are the challenges i have to face on one the look on way now among the attending to somebody as well after that some i never thought of getting up. somebody not nice. dangerous missions make for strong bonds. liberal yeah. yeah. because of the name on the how i love this works. i'm having it pleases me where you what do you think purity and you the longer that and the i think of this job without this job and then we must die when i wouldn't get any recognition in our community in a lot of my side. i so saw the work has improved our personal situations, middle models, you know, my, the if and the, and the, the well, i mean i have a question, how do you want to have a future? and we are making it possible for you to nag them. and we are also aside from the global, our women and think of other stuff. so yeah,
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i got an outlet out on the on. i want work like you do the money i bring home and share with my husband invested together in our children's education . who do you? oh sure. the tcs isn't opportunity. the hard time has car will over the years. finally got a few days off after 3 weeks of really hard work. she's visiting her parents in of the just 10 kilometers from the can't. the a grew up with in the in siblings here. her mother is always the 1st person she greets my mom and how are you? gives me a buy a home at last.
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yeah. yeah. i am tired. i say hello. how are you? good. how are you? good. hey, we don't have anything to worry about. anybody in there, we took part of the hud into the forest for a regular boat, whether you could leave finished high school 2 years ago or 5 sisters only have a basic education. early on, leo was determined to fight for her education. her parents supported her decision to have a career the, the is the only woman in the village who earns money. the
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when lia is with her family, she lives the traditional life of the messiah news quarter folk taking them some of them at home. i'm a completely different person. i started giving me a cousin difference. my obligations in the village are very different from those that work then says franco, most people have a bad opinion of my work. because my side women normally don't move out of their family homes. so i'd please work as a level, send us the said i change too much. by the end i blew side of my goals team up into what do the 442 more thing done by delete to know what time you know. so this is a one into heels po and flow and i've seen him up on the i don't care when you see my mia the way they see it. an independent woman only causes problems to succeed because she's too dominant. that's something that she can feed herself to,
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to her as her own money, and i get to and is independent of her family. the actually should have already been married some time ago. many, most women, though betrothed to men, when their children, the price of a few goats or sheep blade to equal i your to be our traditions destroy young people's dreams. especially those of women whose dentist, i always wanted to be a veterinarian said love we. everyone here just made fun of me and said, no, you want to be yvette and you know, you ski a flight, you're just a woman. you can become a vet, death tale. you should get married. you have children, start a family, you know, fuck window cornell, and that could be a well, not for me, but i understood them. yeah. that they wanted to destroy my dream, the pool. me go on that one on so cool. let me out of
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the education is the only way to develop a new level of consciousness among the children to know now ro school was opened to a short time ago in the sy region, 200 girls and boys are being taught in mixed classes. that should reinforce together this hello children. that can can i what do you think when you do this uniform. a range. oh, that's right. yeah. a ranger community. my name is charity. i've got of charity law car. i'm just, i'm a ranger, so you must e mail ranger and assume this is a 40. mm hm. so what do you do when you find a deadline?
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i think the one that miss levan set the flyers and i tried to find out why she died . not that i wasn't a natural death or was he poisoned? i mean it was, he smeared or stab or caught in a snare to make us nest. you take breaks or do you work all the time? so let the plug in got took off. do you see us often in the bush after lunch, when we get a short break, then we have to work on weekends too. we work the whole week was only when i'm sitting there or very exhausted, and then i can have some time off and as i should let him watch, but the missile man and i went to a remote school just like this one, had why? and today i'm standing here because i work hard for what guys. i'll tell you nothing. everything is possible long as we're boys mange and girls. and as long as you make the effort, you to walk out. thanks for listening. god protects you. be disciplined and keep on
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working hard. thank you very much and see you later about the purity as an example for the school pupils a role model, they can follow sharon's money and can determine the course of her own life. the leo didn't have any role models in her youth. no one who had dared to lift the way she dreamed of. most of the women around her are dependent on their husbands. via has turned down all offers of marriage up to now. she simply bumped the goats
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and sheep herself from her salary as a ranger. yeah. does this nanny have a kid? yes. and where is it? zillow here. did you milk this one? no. no, no, don't spilled a little bit. we have the nama hold onto her. she has lots of milk let's give his 9 proud i own goats and sheep. because an arm assign culture unmarried. women aren't normally allowed to own animal level now. so i've been the once you get married, you get animals has yes. can you say, hey, can you possibly, but i already have some now. you'll be known,
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you sent me an email from one of that and he's respect in my family, so funny. not in the oh no, probably i'm no longer powerless that i that one i can ask my siblings for a favor. so you can even when i'm not here when you, when they help me because i can pay them for it. i have something to pay or the she gave me to them. plenty of them. so when me, when i found the little boy, oh fast, you'll still young. yeah. and you don't know how to grew up. see now. yeah, i know how it works. the is mother wasn't allowed to attend school as a child and she's always supported her daughter's dreams for exactly back reason.
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the more i rather than the from ivy. i love how for and i you were you know that she went to school illness. i hope she'll still retrieve, even though i thank god she worked so hard and has reached out yet so much. i've always prayed for the by when i'm not, i'm not going to let you down by the lead, still dreams of becoming a veterinarian working as a ranger is paving the way to that goal. the work of team lie, and this is also paying off to the animals despite government bands, poachers still hunt elephants. so legally the each year in can you alone? $100.00 tons of ivory are confiscated. the price for test guy every can be around
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$1000.00 euros a key low the in the meantime, there are hardly any poachers and the female rangers patrol area. the team's daily presence has frightened off many a criminal in our culture. a man is only a real man when he is hills alliance lesson by me and people only respect him when he even killed the 10 lions that will make for the 9 today. don't kill lions anymore. so that's like a, we protect the line and get together with the man. man does not invalidate the
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cause of the man. i've been part of the same lie and assign it, but there been lots of positive changes. so i know that we're placing so much more value on protecting animals and there aren't any cases of poaching anymore in this area. i do sometimes i cannot condone. will. can do go to come. i you what sometimes someone feels like a zone, but not for economic jane to laugh at it because people are hungry for food to fulfill my show or know if these cases are very rare that the cases of the over there are it is like a tortoise scenario that is
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a sleeping yes. yes. again i realize and the other one on the police has blessed. the only reason i'm letting my say we believe it as those more kids with you internet and the bed for a refund. the need the, the been always drive away from purity and lee is, can, there's a small town with almost 1000 residents. it's called to keep on their shopping opportunities, a clinic schools and businesses keep on a is a commercial center for them aside. the
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tuesday is market day. the women go shopping for ranger camp supplies. we come in the p. ryan could tom boy, every one lovingly cause mama esther has set up a commissary here. this is the food we're taking with us today. hasn't been weighed. not yet. here those beans including me or she'll get an oil is back to you. mama esther was one of the 1st people to campaign for the rights of messiah women. she can vince think international fund for animal welfare for supporting lion this as a pilot project.
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i'm so happy when i see all goes from the messiah villages, learn from the proves, they don't have to get married to ok. i'm can work independently in glanville their own line. that's how you deal with these. of them cutting in 2 ways has to be right. fill it up some more left, lifted together, the good we were wrong for a long time, but now we can except that all children must go to school. then most of these young people will lead us into the future. the
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cartoon is coming to the women from team lion. this can change our culture. we can do the same hard work is the man kwanzaa. we've got to make the young generation aware that it's a good job, the gen and you can make yourself independent by doing it and they say upon the india and that's something good with the new to new issue. and what key at that t o e or life? so we're enriching our culture to fuck it. those who to sign up for the remainder to india. india. we lock on the the women make time to chat between the afternoon shift and dinner. they talk about all sorts of things, fashion men, but also about their cultural burden. many messiah are subject to painful rituals.
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the drum well, when you get branded, you'll always hutch and they become red. and supposedly me and your family can well you can stay at hills faster. and if it bleeds, the little community that was true for me. but what i really had is the removal of the bottom 2 front teeth. i hate that too. i comp pronounce some words, a tool anymore. let me say to them out, even though you didn't want it like the more violent be taken out when i was for years only just because i can still remember the day is in. they used a nice susan there, allegedly doing it for beauty, maybe say, oh, that's what they can see your messiah from the brand. unless you get to a new my say to some people, believe you must have food with a donkey. if you'll tease, don't take them out. is that true? follow is less a hey, mike, you, you share with the dog. right? but the magic is out there on tradition that we've got to get rid of like females
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or composition and some of those i, you didn't have a say that doesn't help anyone who the case was. it's torture for the women and denies. oh, they're right. come across to us and the party is mutually to the use of the me says and so forth. yeah. are there long term consequences in your mind? you're going to ask me as uh, what's the worst that can happen inside the center in an, in no one that you can get diseases like cutting them from the rusty razor blade for a couple and giving birth is difficult so we can do good to me the only way, no one e e s or not even in my budget and that's doing there are already positive changes in our culture because them but, and the younger generation is reading. unfortunately, i try to come up, but the good messiah cultural tradition to him. but most recent get read office
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that can you say good? what stop by militia? female genital mutilation shows how long the process of change can take. it's still being practiced as a matter of course and remote regions. today, the giraffes, news and elephants move through regions populated by them aside as they forage and search for water. the predators like emails approach the villages to the messiah's, goats and sheep are easy prey. but village residents lives can be threatened as well. when people are attacked, the female rangers are always called the
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of the readings that i see. mm hm. i'm wondering, my name's lot of time. we spent the whole day out with the goat some sheets. we were leading them to water whole night. i watched them carefully until the evening until we got lost in them. hygienist showed up all at once and scattered the herd. new to the nickelodeon they found the boy ran one way and i ran the other all of them. okay, what sort of a lot i do not only mean what are you most afraid of when the wild animals nothin down the about it
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and when the hyenas and elephants came closer, my boy started to cry. i thought i was going to die. the medicaid, and don't be afraid. we're here for now or the mazda, or letting me know what happened to you, and you'll help to get over it and make i would run into like a mega you. god, hope she protecting off oregon 9 meg. i mean, we work into the night time law. this is nicole muddy funds. i was trained for situations like that and i handle people with understanding to get up. i didn't get them. yeah, they is the same. i mean,
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yes of the pile of male colleagues often react with roughness and toughness. when they speak to villagers depaula. so the venue on on got no one on can to come up with now i a cheese my and by handling them with sensitive and all of these and never reacting aggressively as amanda. i'm see you soon. goodbye. the, the rainy season ends in february, then a great many animals come into the female rangers area. the, the water holes are full, the
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that means really long working days for purity, the, and the rest of the team. the use the opportunity to observe the animals up close the do you still know what he's cooled? no, i've forgotten some water buffalo. we're getting really close to move 0 bowls the this is their small. they've just come out of the water quite the way. you might decide that one is aggressive. you're right, a fighter for the us. if you guess how now
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the through the a and when i talked to purity or speaking from experience once she was the li, charged by a water buffalo, she only survived because she played dead the resist. i'm going to be in my work. we continually get really close to wild animals, going to say dangerous animal sofa level. it could do if this elephant charges full speed. yeah. at the food in my life is in danger. we see here laser lights that god hasn't noticed us because he's eating
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a new look at it. may he then say didn't you come to was that you can only study the animals behavior and then find out how they're doing, what, by getting close to them, you definitely know the animal is getting used to me is in my uniform angle, not that reinforces our connection, she said previous, most of the day my last time and i sued sound good being something good maple so mean
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my food have moved and also me families. so yes, a most of these can go to, i would like to do something good the because the thinking, you know, what involve my experience is that the role of women is becoming stronger. and i'd like to encourage girls to go their own way. a cooperation on and living together with a man works well. you and you and there's nothing objectionable about it quite a while now. it doesn't mean we don't respect our culture. meaning the quite the opposite, the country i would like our culture to change. do cool. what, but yeah, morality upon my new suitable funny because you felt more yeah. the cheap light and this goes out brimming with
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confidence and energy or to play soccer with their male colleagues after a full working day and even if they lose their still winners. meaning uh when yeah, cuz it doesn't mean i hope with our work we're able to secure animal population. he goes up by trying to find the assistance for their cars and at the same time get our community to reconsider if you had them yet to today. by the addition that i'd like to work hard to support women need these present, they should get further education and build up a strong network. if one does, it was up and you say no, we knew it was a visual after player 2 team, lioness marks the start of changing the time. it's a new one. so what is the down by the yes, the
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big hot dogs make a strong case against smoking in frames because health is needed. the constant harassment can even lead today and when the little ones that have to defend themselves, they can focus on in 30 minutes on d, w, people and trucks injured was trying to feed the city center. so
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the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people us we ask mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw, may 4 mines caused about is not why does that loser? because like i'm lisa and the new host to join us for an exciting explanation of everything in between
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moses the video and audio production by d w. i hope that you will tune in the this is the news and these are our top stories. western officials say 3 sailors have been killed and a missile attack on a commercial ship off the coast of young men who the rebels have claimed responsibility. these are the 1st ads reported since the iran backed group began it strikes and the red sea rescue efforts were underway to save the rest of the crew is united states politician nikki haley has suspended her presidential campaign, leaving donald trump as the last republican in the race for the white house will trump and president joe biden have made their pitch for haley supporters for nearly athletic moderate voters.


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