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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 7, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from bell in war and devastation still gripped israel and gaza, off to 6 months of fighting. only a trickle of 8 is reaching people in gaza. youtube perio, the blockades by israel millions are going hungry. when bones of imminent risk of famine, also coming off, attacks on international shipping turn deadly. jem, and scoop the rebels. strike a commercial vessel in the gulf of age and killing. 3 people survivors, abandoned ship while awaiting rescue by the indian navy. and travellers faced cancellations as well. cuz as the german is flagship outlined,
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and the national train service go on strike people across the country, it could be looking at a week of transportation. kyle: the gal that is welcome to the program of the 6 month of conflict between israel and homos. the u. n. is wanting that at least one quarter of gauze this population is at risk of famine. since the hamas attacks on october 7th, israel has periodically blocked the flow, assuming the terry and into the gaza strip. the one says it is trying to find a way to deliver more supplies using in is really military road bordering cause the us egypt, jordan and the united arab emirates ad dropping a into the territory. but official site drops a last resort and simply not sufficient to prevent starvation of
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waiting for food to fall from the sky. this is what an e drop and gaza looks like. each one sets off a race and there's no prize for the losers. since the morning the plan has been dropping a and a brand after it. we went to the sea to the east to the west. we went through, although i got nothing. according to the you in israel has blocked 8 north guys in gaza. city for more than a month, this puts hundreds of thousands of people at risk of famine, and they say a drops are far from the best solution. we have to have a plan that allows us to, you know, prevent funding that need to significantly scale up the humanity of assistance in this. and we have to get up at least 300 trucks a day, right? know we're lucky forgetting about a 150 you and experts are calling what's happening in gaza. a flower mask, or it's a word that has left many with just enough to hold them over for another meal that
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may never come. then the sputter. when we eat breakfast, i bring each of my daughter was a piece of plain bread to make them literally full. we can't eat anything else. there's no healthy food. all our food brings us diseases. i'm going up the, i don't see a number if there is no food to enable me to breast feed my child. and i can't by whom no other that i should be the heavy of women. according to the gods, the health ministry, the palestinian death toll has now reached more than $30000.00 without a rapid humanitarian solution for masturbation. that number could soon climb us. meanwhile, south africa has made a new application to the international court of justice, asking it to prevent found that in the gaza strip south africa seeking an emergency order to compel israel to allow more aid into the territory. israel has launched and offensive in gauze on the 2 routes out how most militants following the turbo
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tax of october, 7th, south africa has urged the course to order both parties over to seize hostilities and release all hostages and detainees. earlier i spoke to the police id and as a journalist, intel a beef and he's been talking to people in gaza. and i often what they were telling him about the situation that to say that the situation is very well on the statement because of the lack of the human to be an a, the, the food scare set the all over goes up. it's also telling me the prices have jobs for foods and medicine. finally to 600 percent of what was and one struggle is now $600.00 is riley shekel. so some people actually they all but they have in order to buy some food. as for the family, he's also telling me that people are literally killing each other. they're attacking each other with knives,
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wildfire the older flower and food. and that situation actually made some sort of, uh, gangs, all of regardless of groups of people, certainly to get up to steel as much as possible of the aid that comes in. because there's not many for everyone. and to secure the food and the medicine for their own group, but so also are filling that in order to have some money to buy uh for the future. so families that were suppressed by almost doing the rules. we were talking about the cloud. uh, julie from us as root was the press button. now, because the mazda is not print the back a game, each one does he go food and medicine for the own people, and the latest air drop that was a, from the, a you, sorry, from the you the, it was fine. that's what they're telling me. but the previous one, we're talking about the air drop from the us up on a partnership with they jordanians. they didn't know why the air dropping was on
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the see. sure. this is telling me that many of the 8 was actually carried by the wind inside the c a sarcastically, they're saying that the fish embassy got more of what we have got. and so the situation is backed by a bad and decimal just south africa. and that has filed a new request to the international court of justice. what have they reactions been from inside as well? it will not make decisions. thoughts about this, but we've seen that the deeper and ministry actually asked the court to dismiss that request. um uh, as we see that this is the 2nd time that's not money. uh, you know, uh, titles here it talks about what south africa's trying to do in the the, hey, because this room may be knows right now that the courts can actually have any ability to stop the attack rough our, uh, code for a ceasefire. uh so right now we have only before a ministry s t v i c j to just dismiss this request,
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something that's probably going to happen. generalist blake's letting that until the for us. thank you. be sort of how mazda war has also drawn in the, who's the rebels in yemen, which i suppose is by ron, they have now launched the 1st deadly attack on dimensions. and these 3 sailors were killed and 4 others wounded adoption and 2 ship missile hit. the cargo vessel in the gulf of agent on wednesday, ships operate to say it was left drifting on on 5 survivors were picked up by india is navy the us military says it as a since carried all the strikes against to ariel drones and who's the controlled area of admin that presented an imminent threat. the attack on the bob aid, those registered true confidence marks
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a significant escalation by the who these as well as the depths the surviving crew were forced to abandon ship days earlier came the 1st sinking of a vessel in the red sea as the who is the spied miss solves the bridge is shown freight to ruby ma. the ship went down with $21000.00 tons of fertilizer on board racing phases of an ecological disaster. the, the who's the say they are attacking shipping in retaliation for israel is offensive in gaza. the group which is backed by ron, has disrupted traffic in the red sea and go for of age and one of the world's busiest shipping routes. so the old crews of targeted ships must quickly leave after the 1st strike. the many armed forces will continue to fulfill the religious, moral, and humanitarian duties in supporting the oppressed, palestinian people in us and strikes on who's the targets in yemen of
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sofa failed to the, to the rebels. who these have continued to launch these reckless attacks with no regard for the wellbeing of innocent civilians who are transiting through the red sea. and now they have a full, unfortunately, and tragically killed innocent civilians. and so the united states will continue to hold the cookies accountable for their attacks. the big fear is that the who these campaign against shipping in the red sea could have a significant long term impact on the international trade. leading to supply shortages and pushing up global inflation as have a look. now, some of the other story is making headlines around the world today. india is prime minister and the rand remotely, as traveled to caution is main city of trina. it's his 1st official visit to the cities since delhi strip, the dispute in the region of its autonomy in 2019 bodies visit comes the head of
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india is national election expected to be held between april and today is monday to instant a goal of the government has announced that the delayed presidential election will take place on the 24th of march. synagogue has been rocks by protest since presidents mac yourself postponed to vote last month. the country's top election authority ruled on wednesday that selves attempt to delay the po was unconstitutional. the us security consultant has expressed concern over the violent attacks and haiti was prime minister aria, all the powerful gang leaders behind these attacks say that he has not stuck to his promise to resign in february instead forming an alliance with the opposition until new elections can be held lawmakers in alabama and
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have passed a bill to protect invito fertilize ation. it comes weeks off to the state supreme court issued a decision that frozen embryos have the same rights as children at least 3 foot to the, to clinics with forced to hold procedures. the new law will allow the clinics to resume services. i'm here in germany of thousands of flights and train services across the country will be canceled this week as ally live tons of those a bon go on strike. it's the latest in a series of full costs across different sectors, intuitive transport. the civil service and supermarkets was demanding higher wages to cope with shrinking purchasing power. around 200000 passages will be affected by the to day stripe, as well as millions of train travelers delays on cancellations are expected to last until saturday. and the earlier i spoke to w reports like
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a bell cab, who is following that story for us at franks, international and fulton the off to why there are 2 single chain use strikes in germany to well, in this year alone, germany, germany has been hit by a number of strikes not only transport strikes as we are facing today, but also different sectors such as farmers in germany, unions are very strong and what they are using as leverage right now is the fact that inflation is still high and that there is a shortage of skilled workers, so they are using this to push through their demands. what are they asking for the asking for an increased pay the asking for an installation compensation. and in the case of the g d o, the german trained drivers unit to also asking for a reduction of working hours. now do travel is in the german vill must be a very and we do have any understanding any sympathy left for why these strikes are happening. we talked to some of the travelers here at frankfurt airport. you might
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be able to see in the background the display that way. usually it is a listing the slides. so it's completely black right now because it's only chance it's lights and arrivals, lights happening today. we talked to some people who are here, never the less who are, who are stuck in limbo. and they said their frustration on the one hand confusing because they don't really know how to get to work, how to get home. and uh, this is what they told us. i understand my options are quite limited at the moment, especially if there's no trains eh, car rental places are all empty as well. so and yeah, we're still going to get home at the moment. so when we landed here, we get this application 2 days before we go home to the strike it was may be gone, i haven't, but we didn't know the so and we took the flight and when we landed here, we get to the notifcation the day of nice was cancels we, but we have appointments in the u. k. u for peace mason on friday that we have to cancel and get back whenever we can get back. so as you could hear, it is quite some confusing people are struggling to get places. we also talk to
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some people who set they have understanding for the fight for labor rights, but of course it hits defend when you're a person personally affected. also, this is just the beginning of the strike, which is set to last until saturday morning. after that, we will see where the next round of negotiations will and this wave of strikes for us on our balcony. i thank you very much. laura lessons from me and the news team for now have a world news update for you at the top of the but we're going to leave you now with an example of the animal kingdom reclaiming a very schumann domain. here is what one australian golf a managed to catch on a small phone as a huge mob of kangaroos took over a golf course in melbourne. enjoy. and thanks for watching on the
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you'll see about the baby. oh, there it goes to the medium, a google google. i've got that done by get other stuff into that and i'll give you the order. would you, are you able to go to that? i'm jo, media dog, currently more people than the eval on the world wide in search of a. did you have you ever used a minute the accounting method, the godaddy? how do you guys find out about on the story in from icons the.


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