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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the business dw news line from valid war and devastation griff cause up of the 5 months of conflict. only a trickle of 8 is currently reaching civilians due to periodic blockades by israel millions are going hungry. the un wants of the imminent risk of funding. also coming up, ukraine is struggling to recruit soldiers as rush and makes gains of the front line keys now hopes to boost the number of combat troops with a new strategy and travelers. phase cancellations, as well as a german inspection allied anthem national train service go on strikes. people
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across the country could be looking at a weeks of transportation titles. the god is welcome to the program of the sized months of conflict between israel and thomas. the one is wanting that at least one quarter of guns us population is at risk of famine. since the how mazda attacks on october 7th, israel as periodically it blocked the so a few minutes harry, an aide into the gauzy strip. b u n says it is trying to find a way to deliver most supplies using an israeli military road. bordering garza, the us, egypt, jordan, the united arab emirates ad dropping age into the territory now. but officials say add ropes are lost result, and simply not sufficient to prevent starvation waiting for food to fall from the
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sky. this is what an a drop in garza looks like. each one sets off or race, and there is no prize for the losers to since the morning, the plan has been dropping a and a brand after it. we went to the sea to the east to the west. we went down so i got nothing. according to the you in israel has blocked some humanitarian aid sent by land to gaza. they say a drops are far from the best solution. we have to have a plan that allows us to, you know, prevent funding the need to significantly scale up the humanity of assistance in this. and we have to get up at least $300.00 trucks a day, right? know we're lucky forgetting about a $150.00. the few resources that are getting in are not enough to feed the millions who are in gaza. at least 20 children have died of famine in the territory
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so far. then this better less up. that is when we eat breakfast, i bring each of my daughter was a piece of plane bread to make them feel a little full. we can't eat anything else. there's no healthy food. all our food brings us diseases. i need the preventers, no food to enable me to breast feed, my child, and i can't by whom no other that are you the heavy of women? according to the mos run garza health ministry, the palestinian that's whole, has now reached more than $30000.00 without a rapid humanitarian solution for starvation. that number could soon climb south africa has made a new application to the international court of justice. oscar to prevent simon in the gaza strip. south africa seeking an emergency order to compel israel to a law more aid into the territory. israel has launched an offensive and gaza roots out from us following the terror attacks of october 7th. so the advocates urge the
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4 to or the old parties to see so still it facing the internet and release all hostages and retaining refugees to the towns and villages. the ukraine continues to urge its allies to boost supplies with russia having made advances on the front line. after long style nights, ukraine withdrew troops from the t town of of difficult last month. moscow says it has since taken control of several villages around is keith is trying to bolster its forces and has a new approach to mobilizing volunteers through the use. sonya funding come reports and appealed back to not just to keep fits, but to prepare for the very real one sleep other think of as an english teacher in keith. he's decided to join the ukrainian army. i have lost the meaning of my of civil life. civilian people died like every day. and it's not
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a joke. once a month i wake up, do do to explosions, all flashing messiah was born being key. and in this case, learning programming or becoming a developer or grades in your family, it feels like you're a, i'm line to myself. felipe wants to become a soldier and who defend this country. instead of waiting for the drop notice that would assign him to a random military unit. felipe is chopping his own thoughts, as bob forbids to boost recruitment, ukrainian controls that own military tools. she wants to serve in the dubbing. she was the prestigious unit, only accept volunteer. it's offering jobs in the infantry and for meetings, but also in logistics and to know patients. often an initial 5 day camp applicants
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can sign the contract and get advanced reading. as a time when you create a needs more soldiers, see what people are willing to fight. many do want to help the war effort, but not only on the front line. the government has done to the market to help flood his lovely z hits a major online recruitment agency that works with the defense ministry. the advertised pauses of jobs with hundreds of military units, provide information and help with the recruitment process. here's different forces around forces, navy air forces, div received over 70 full causes application so far for positions ranging from tribals mechanics, communication and i. t specialist engineers to sort soldiers and even don't train us. the whole process is voluntary for society, for people,
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it's very important to control the future as much as possible. people want to trust the future colemander. they want to know that it would be professional. but this flexible approach has not been enough to address the actual problem of boosting. coop numbers at the front lot is love admits the biggest vacancies in the infantry and medical call back the recruitment same to the deepest happy. and how was it to be when he hopes to sign up soon and split on others to do the same? it's difficult to imagine how horrible war is on the line unless you leave in ukraine. i want to in cottage, my friends with my own example that you put in young people have to join army, otherwise we will lose our country. phillips is being able to choose, the unity trust was the reason he bought into a soft approach that helped him make
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a hard decision. this and onto the us now by president joe biden. if he is ready for an election, remax this november with donald trump bought opinion, polls indicate and majority of votes, us think he's too old for the job. and it goes more than 60 percent of those who voted for by the last time. joe biden is in a bind, i'm it low pulling numbers and a series of public golf. widespread concern over the age and the fitness of the candidates does not appear to be fading away. yes, i worried about as a to the so because it's of them, of the democrats will be more likely to win if somebody else has to nominate. i do think it's time for younger people to finally have their say. a recent poll conducted by the new york times and sienna college shows that a majority of voters who supported biden in the 2020 elections say he's too old to be an effective leader. and the 2nd term, his republican rival, former president donald trump. so only
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a few years younger and also prone to confuse statements has fewer voters saying they're worried about his age. now that the super tuesday primaries are in the rear view mirror delegates will soon officially hand the nomination to bite. and in august at the democratic national convention in chicago. a search, the polls are worrisome. as are biden's, public stumbles, appearing to embody voters concerns. if even lives on to ask, could there be an alternative to buy that and this late in the game, how would that even work? well, an alternate candidate to the president could materialize with cooperation from well by that you wouldn't have a lot of political science as larry cyber cho explains that theoretically bite and could step aside and make way for another candidate. here's how it could happen. if a candidate withdrew the candidate receiving the majority of the convention, delegates withdrew them. in essence, the convention would have to decide what the rules are. they would at least start
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out with a lean toward complet, here as toward the vice president. but i'm sure there would be other candidates there is of course series, and then there's reality biden is unlikely to ever step aside. he has spent his entire life trying to get to be president and incredibly incredible at the age of 78. he made it, do you seriously think that he would step aside, willing leave the for the constitution requires to have to do so. if democrats had an obvious, very popular nominee, then maybe there would be some pressure from the people who count on biden to withdraw. well, there is that, and therefore there is, it is the question of replacing biden is a non starter and a keyboard or concern centers around something that bite and cannot possibly change . it begs the question, what can the democrats do?
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the board and campaign appears to want to limit and control public appearances to decrease the likelihood of missteps. but media specialist dan kennedy says they can only convince voting americans by letting them see as much of biden as possible. they have to convince them to get out there and meet voters, give speeches, sit down for interviews with the porters, which he's been very reluctant to do. and you know, if he performs well, i think that will answer the questions if he doesn't perform well. well, i suppose that doesn't solve the problem, but i don't know that it makes it any bigger a problem and they have all ready. so i think they need to take the chance and get them out there with the general election now in full swing. the biden campaign has 8 months to do just that. to get the president to show what he is still capable of at $81.00. despite the risks of slips along the way. i'm back here
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in germany. it's thousands of flights and trains across the country. it will be canceled this week. i love tons and torture bond stuff going on strike. it's the latest and the service across the different sectors, including transport, the civil service and supermarkets was won't hire wages to cope with shrinking purchasing. around 200000 passages will be effected over 2 days as well as millions of train travelers delays and cancellations. i expect it to last until saturday and the and i spoke with the w result, a nova cabell guy who was following the story for us upfront for the international airport and the off to why there are 2 single tiny is transport strikes in germany . well, in this year alone, during any germany has been hit by a number of strikes, not only transport strikes as we are facing today, but also different sectors such as farmers in germany,
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unions are very strong and what they are using as leverage right now is the fact that inflation is still high and that there is a shortage of skilled workers. so they are using this to push through their demands . what are they asking for? they're asking for an increased pay the asking for an installation compensation. and in the case of the g d o, the german trained drivers unit to also asking for a reduction of working hours. now do travel is in the german vill must be a very and we do have any understanding any sympathy left for why these strikes are happening. so we talked to some of the travelers. you had funds for the airport. you might be able to see in the background the display that way. usually it is a listing the slides. so it's completely black right now because it's only chance it's lights and arrivals, lights happening today. we talked to some people who are here, never the less who are, who are stuck in limbo. and they said their frustration on the one hand confusing
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because they don't really know how to get to work, how to get home. and uh, this is what they told us. i understand my options are quite limited at the moment, especially if there's no trains eh, car rental places are all empty as well. so and yeah, we're still going to get home at the moment. so when we landed here, we get this application 2 days before we go home to the strike it was may be going to happen, but we didn't know the so and we took the flight and when we landed here, we get to the notifcation the day of nice was cancels we, but we have appointments in the u. k. u for peace mason on friday that we have to cancel and get back whenever we can get back. so as you could hear, it is quite some confusing people are struggling to get places. we also talk to some people who set they have understanding for the fight for labor rights, but of course it hits defend when you're a person personally affected. also, this is just the beginning of the strike, which is set to last until saturday morning. after that, we will see where the next round of negotiations will and this wave of strikes for
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us on our balcony. i thank you very much. all right, and that's it from me and it is team for now i will have a work is updated for you at the top of the auto stay with us for a documentary about how the legal team to trade is attracted, organized by them for me on the team, thanks for the floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change our reports? the in fennel here march 15th on dw.


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