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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 7, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm CET

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the, the, this is the deputy news line from time and do you and was i'll be imminent, risk of famine in gaza if just to check all the volume regions civilians because of periodic use, right? the blockades, millions a going hungry, or hear from the humanitarian n g a that's just arrived in the temperature. also on the program, ukraine struggles to return soldiers as russia makes gains on the front line key. if now hopes a new strategy able to boost the number of combat troops the control galle. welcome to the program. after 5 months of conflict between each
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route and her mouth, but you and he's wanting that at least a quarter of gauze as population is at risk assignments. and so how much the tax of october, the 7th, the israel has periodically blocked the flow humanitarian a into the cost, the strip you and says, agent is trying to find a way to, to live moles supplies using on his right the military road. fortunately baton, retrieve the us egypt, jordan and the united arab emirates and dropping aid into the territory. but officials say add drops are on the last resort and aren't enough to prevent starvation waiting for food to fall from the sky. this is what an a drop in garza looks like. each one sets off or race and there's no prize for the losers. since the morning the plan has been dropping a and a brand after it. we went to the sea to the east to the west. we went down so i got nothing. according to the u. n. is fail, has blocked some humanitarian aid,
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sent by land to gaza. they say a drops are far from the best solution. we have to have a plan that allows us to, you know, prevent finding the need to significantly scale up the humanity of assistance in this. and we have to get up at least 300 trucks a day, right? know we're lucky for getting about a 150. the few resources that are getting in are not enough to feed the millions who are in gaza. at least 20 children have died of famine in the territory so far in the sputter. when we eat breakfast, i bring each of my daughter was a piece of plain bread to make them feel a little full. we can't eat anything else. there's no healthy food. all our food brings us diseases. i need the preventers, no food to enable me to breast feed, my child, and i count by one hour as of the heavy according to the mos run
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garza health ministry, the palestinian. that tool has now reached more than $30000.00 without a rapid humanitarian solution for starvation. that number could soon climb right. so being found to be humanitarian aid organization, team humanity. it joins us on the line from casa, welcome to dw, i understand you arrive at just over 24 hours ago. would it be seen in that time? this yeah, i mean what i've seen is beautiful asking for help everywhere where we go today . we've been in dropbox. we're in 30, but are we were there near the north garza and we've seen children like without shoes. most if you don't wanna shoot with some people asking for 5 years, a lot of children each baby know like this hold 2nd beats everything that is
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possible to have this deep and what have you brought with you 2 guys or how are you helping so we have sent folks with age from egypt and phenomena of since 120 trucks. trucks is on the way trucks arrived, and we're doing our best to distribute the food today. we brought cities hygiene packs. there is uh, maybe mailed all kinds of help. uh there is needed in the us. uh right now are you in estimates at most of kansas population? that's around 2200000 people are on the brink of finding some trucks. i say i'll getting through the us in egypt. jordan, then you'd be united out of amaris, federal ad dropping humanitarian aid into the tapestry. why isn't that enough?
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or because there's a lot of people's, like i said, there's over to 1000000 people that really need help with everything today. uh, we saw how people were asking, we're just walking the inside of the ridge that you can and people are begging us for like everybody came and just ask and we need this. we need to just, we need this. so i understand that the need is very huge here. and of course it's not enough to say the payment is we need trucks, they need many, many trucks. uh, we need the, the, the platform to get going through the date. um, its the situation is horrible, like we saw a 6 toilets, 6 toilets for the whole roof. it you can, whether it was over 18000 people, 6 toilets is not enough. so people are, are, are making the alternate. so it's,
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it's harder, but i cannot even explain the situation. it's really, really bad on how were you able to get access to, to gaza when so many other organizations have been turned away and as you say, and one of the reasons that isn't enough is the onto enough trucks getting through . so one thing is sending trucks, the other thing is receiving and distributed. it's in a normal way and human weight. uh, as you heard when trucks going inside cause our w 2 and things disappearing. and what we are trying to do is help as much as possible that those trucks will be delivered to the age will be delivered to the people that is in eugene. and as we go, you can also send folks from egypt from other countries. you don't need to be here and the only way we did it is just officially and ask for for approval. and the is
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really government gave us approval to get inside and just do the dates. so thank you for joining us until his uh, through that side of the situation uh, selling out dean from the humanitarian aid organization team. humanity is for helping members of the october 7th. how much time attacks are still roll yet despite the continuing costume is somebody's writing. these are returning to the community says that what hottest dictates in those attacks. the village of net to the facade is just a 100 meters, from the gauze of board. it was the 1st community to be stormed on that day. the w is tonya kramer has been beating some of the people who are returning. he loves fedloan is back for good. she plans to rebuild her life and the chief hospital and is ready community on the border with guys are back on
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say that when i come here with night that don't close twice before i oh, i don't live twice before and you know, going to a greenhouse but it's something that it's fading away as long as, as time goes by, but the 2 never go away completely. there's a october 7th. we will always stay part of what happened. the timeline is toharma, she crows, vegetables for seats. her green houses were damaged by real good fire from garza and travel from isabel's defense system. she's confident you can rebuild the green houses, other things. so the more difficult they manage to kill a 20 members of our community and young people policy for families conflicts. some of this was advantage an india many, many of this. and we were in a situation that with our homes,
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were invited by terrorist for 12 hours and, and, and they just did whatever they want. and where they wanted was to full bladder on the land. the new chief i saw was the 1st community to be attacked by him. us militants who breached the border from dallas on october 7th. somebody was killed in this house. jewish fedloan hid for hours with the family in the safe room of her home. today she tells me she feels safe enough to come here because i was on the other side of the fence in the distance, the palestinian town of b to noon, lice, and ruins. sometimes you can hear the boil being fort over there. so we can help them get rid of hum us, but we, we are here waiting for them to do that. if the every day feeling does a one to have better life, they need to make sure this come us. we cannot control them and we're not control
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of the region anymore. and then the future will come for them. and for us, as with rocket fired from garza has become rare, but most residents, us do not allow to return to their homes. fedloan is one of the few who stays overnight. when your family are full time pharma. so for me to overcome what happened was to continue with as much as a family the life we had that me full full of hope because of all people can together are these rallies of each other out there is together united in times like this. and this is my hope. remembering october seven's will always be important, she says. but she's now trying to focus on the future to a sweden has formerly joined nato as the 32nd member of the transatlantic military alliance and doing decades of postwar neutrality. at a ceremony in washington,
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swedish prime minister of crystal, i called a victory for freedom. not they'll come join the alliance and meet concerns about russian aggression following the full scanning face in a few cranes. 2 years ago, both president biden and his russia makes advances in ukraine. keith is continuing to urge its allies to boost um, supplies it right and finally withdrew its troops from the key town of the hour. from, excuse me, ukraine finally withdrew its troops from a key town of a discount last month following along stalemate. moscow says it's a sense taking control of several surrounding villages. that's key for times to both the true numbers that's come up with a new approach to mobilizing volunteers, the w sonya found the count reports and appealed back to not just to keep fits but to prepare for the buried real one
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sleep of ankles is an english teacher in keith, he's decided to join the ukrainian army once and once i wake up, do do to explosions, all flashing messiah was born being key. and in this case, learning programming or becoming a developer or grades in your family. it feels like you're a law. i'm line to myself, philip wants to become a soldier and who defend this country. instead of waiting for the drop notice that would assign him to a random military unit. felipe is dropping his own thoughts as a spot is a bit to boost recruitment. ukrainians can choose their own military tools. she wants to serve in the dumping. she was the prestigious unit, only accept volunteer. it's offering jobs in the infantry and for meetings,
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but also logistics. and to know patients. often an initial 5 day camp applicants can sign the contract and get advanced reading. at the time when you create needs more soldiers feel people are willing to fight. many do want to help the war effort, but not only on the front line. the government has done to the market to help load his lovelace eve hits a major online recruitment agency that works with the defense ministry. the advertise pauses of jobs, with hundreds of military units, provide information and help with the recruitment process. here's different forces around forces, navy air forces, div received over 74000 applications so far for positions ranging from tribals mechanics, communication and i. t specialist engineers to sort soldiers and even don't train us to the whole process is voluntary. people want to trust the future colemander,
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they want to know that it would be professional. but this flexible approach has not been enough to address the actual problem of boosting. coup numbers at the front lot is love admits the biggest vacancies in the infantry and medical call. back near the recruitment center to deepest happy with how was in to be when he hopes to sign up soon and split on others to do the same. it's a decent goal, is to imagine how horrible war is on the line unless you leave in ukraine. i want to in cottage, my friends with my own example that you put in young people have to join army, otherwise we will lose our country. phillips is being able to choose the unity trust was the reason he bought into a soft approach that helped him make a hard decision. this happened like that. so take
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a look at best with ministry on list uh, marina miriam from kings college of london, small studies department, a welcome back to the w excuse, who felt good back to the w. what does ukraine need more of now? you nation, so mind. so, good evening, phil. well, that's a good question. it seems like there is a dire shortage of munitions on the front lines. and the problem is that the ukrainian forces need, or tillery shells, in order to be able to stop the russians from advancing. and we have seen some advances in the past weeks after the, the full of up to, you know, main power is another huge problem. however, it will take time to recruit a new people into the military and presidents. the landscape also needs money in order to pay for these people to train them. so i would say the, the more realistic needs that could be satisfied right now would be munitions.
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however, given to these 2 crucial problems, i think you crazy needs to start working on a solution and it's already considered rings in you mobilization law. and of course, it also needs financial help from european partners in order to be able to finance the problem with the has seen that heated debates over that that would be, lives ation low. and it seems that no one really wants to push it across the finish line. i'm what's holding that up. a major problem was that human, those ation law has started already in december of 2022. when there were discussions about increasing the age range for those who were mobilized also uh, changing the penalties, making them more severe for people who want to avoid draft. so there are
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a lot of points which have been slowly polarizing the population. and this is problematic because one of the things that was for seen in order to keep trying and seeing the miller to results who pay a lot of taxes would be expend, meaning that from a civilian population perspective, the rich would stay at home and the portable have to go and fight. and so this is a huge problem and people are also getting tired of some more on the one hand and onto the other hand um precedence wednesday, sometimes over states ukraine successes that creating the impression that maybe that ukrainian armed forces can win without the need to for, for specific people to be sent to the front lines. so it is very difficult then of course, it will be a huge blow to the reputation of presidents lensky especially, was now the new commander general, like sunrise service you who's not very well liked in the military and amongst the
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population. he doesn't enjoy the same amount of support and does you kind have any other options but to force a more ukrainians? defies the ones to win or at least not lose this for as well. the options are very limited in the sense and we have seen that the previous video is that most people they want to go serve, but they don't want to go to the front. and so this will be within the refinement of the military in order to balance the front and the rear. and so i'm ukrainian officials have said that we have a fat. we are meeting a lot of people doing logistics doing those kinds of jobs, but don't want to go and fight. and so it might be possible to somehow balance the front and rear in the short term. but again, um, in order to, to make people side to, to make some want to go to war and ask for the coordinated effort by the government
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needs to be made. and as i said, the presidents will ask you, made a very unpopular choice was choosing a new commander was for his or made the switch to go served. decline amongst the population. okay, frontier, correct ministry on the list that marina middle kings college love. thank you. so thank you for having me. lots of us for our president by and we'll deliver these types of union address this evening. it's an opportunity for the president to last as agenda had of november's expect to the election re match with donald trump. it's also an opportunity for him to reassure the growing number of voters who were concerned about his age. opinion polls indicates a majority of versus thing that at $181.00 is too old. and that includes more than 60 percent of those who version for him last time. well, joe biden is in a bind on his lo pulling numbers and a series of public golf. widespread concern over his age and his fitness as
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a candidate does not appear to be fading away. yes, i worried about his agent. yes, i think he should step down. the democrats will be more likely to win if somebody else has to nominate. i do think it's time for younger people to finally have their say, a recent poll conducted by the new york times and sienna call, it shows that majority of voters who supported biden in the 2020 elections say he's too old to be an effective leader. and a 2nd term, his republican rival, former president donald trump. so only a few years younger and also prone to confuse statements has fewer voters saying they're worried about his age. to know that the super tuesday primaries are in the rear view mirror delegates will soon officially hand the nomination to bite. and in august at the democratic national convention in chicago, a search the polls are worrisome. as their biden's public stumbles, appearing to embody voters concerns. if even lead sound to ask, could there be an alternative to bite it and this late in the game, how would that even work?
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well, an alternate town to the, to the president could materialize with cooperation from wealth. by that you would have a lot of the new political science as larry cyber cho explains that theoretically bite and could step aside and make way for another candidate. here's how it could happen. if a candidate withdrew the candidate receiving the majority of the convention, delegates withdrew them. in essence, the convention would have to decide what the rules are. they would at least start out with a lean toward complet harris toward the vice president. but i'm sure there would be other candidates there is of course series, and then there's reality biden is unlikely to ever step aside. he has spent his entire life trying to get to be president and incredibly incredible at the age of 78. he made it. do you seriously think that he would step aside
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willingly, the boy, the constitution requires him to do so. if democrats had an obvious, very popular nominee, then maybe there would be some pressure from the people who count on biden to withdraw. well, there is it. and therefore, there is, it is the question of replacing biden is a non starter and a keyboard or concern centers around something that bite and cannot possibly change . it begs the question, what can the democrats do? and the board and campaign appears to want to limit and control pub appearances to decrease the likelihood of missteps. but media specialist dan kennedy says they can only convince voting americans by letting them see as much of biden as possible. they have to convince them to get out there and meet voters, give speeches, sit down for interviews with be porters, which he's been very reluctant to do. and you know, if he performs well,
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i think that will answer the questions if he doesn't perform well. well, i suppose that doesn't solve the problem, but i don't know that it makes it any bigger a problem than they have already. so i think they need to take the chance and get them out there with the general election now in full swing, the bite and campaign has 8 months to do just that. to get the president to show what he is still capable of at $81.00. despite the risks of slips along the way, our report come janelle demo, who joins us now from washington a welcome. janelle, so if the majority of americans consider a present by them to all for a 2nd to one of the democrats, non biting options as well. so there's what's possible, and then there's what's plausible or likely, and obviously one of those categories is wider than the other. if we're talking about what's possible,
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then it makes sense to look at the next natural candidate in line, vice president, pamela harris. but seeing that she's pulling even more on favorably than joe barton, at this point, that doesn't make her a feasible non biden option. you know, there are any number of names and the democrat party that could be considered as potential errors to bite in michigan. governor gretchen whitmore, or transportation secretary p with a judge, the governor of california, galvan newsome. what's the effect of the matter is any one of these people would have needed a lot more run way at a much earlier point. and in and electronical tradition where the incumbent almost always puts himself forward as a not many, almost always runs for re election. i guess the real answer to whether there is a feasible non option biden is, is really no, unless of course he steps aside, which we've established he is, i'm like me to do. okay. i'm, while we're having this conversation about donald trump, who's only 4 years younger than joe biden. i mean,
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this is a fair question. so trump has had his fair share of mental stop stumbles and public as well. i would say they make a comparable number of gaps. so if biden would confuse that, the leaders of mexico in egypt, trump would confuse a bite and an obama, for example. but perception is reality here, and no voters, they really do perceive of joe biden as a much older then donald trump biden walks and talks lower. trump just seems more robust and fairly or unfairly biden's age is a problem for biden, in a way that trumps age. is less of a problem for trump, but that isn't to say that the electorate doesn't have issues with the trump. in this the gallup poll that says that a majority of americans would not vote for a candidate over 80. that same poll says they would also not vote for a convicted felon. so seeing that donald trump has $91.00 charges across 4 cases,
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you also can't consider that a non issue for the electorate bided and trunk fall into either of these categories . but it would be too simple to say they simply cancel each other out quite well then about the present by the state of the union address. that's an heights. i'm guessing he will try and convince suppose he's still fit for office. uh what, what are we expecting to here? yeah, so this is going to be the last 8 of the union address thought before the election . so the fact though it's a campaign speeches expected to highlight as you can nomic record the defense of democracy. the democrats saw efforts to safeguard reproductive rights, but of course, it's not just as message but his delivery that will be key here. folders need to see bigger and energy at so that he can dispel notions that he's no longer fit for office. thanks to now to know a demo in washington. so that's it. so up to date. so we'll have more world news at the top of the our
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d. w. use africa is next news available around the talk for some d, w dot com or on the dates of the,
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the new year. happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on dw, the team of the month is the most dangerous animal and we are the brave women of the world. so we call ourselves lionesses. the women from teen monuments can change
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our culture and we can do the same. hard work is to man our time is come over tonight. kenya's 1st female, messiah range. in 45 minutes on the w, the increasing and recent medium donna watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost. at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 tons of plastic. why is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible.
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make up your own mind dw, made for mines. the . this is dw news, africa coming up on the program. how should the world deal with african countries that are on the military rule? germany's development minister visits but cannot fast. so despite prior condemnation of the military take over that, we asked co, why is this an all the countries in this a health method to germany also coming up and gone a few among l. g, b, t, q people, as a country, get even closer to adopting a new bill criminalizing their lifestyles to get a closer view from across on the implications of as low. as the rising cost of living in many countries threatens to stoke social unrest, the african.


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