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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news line from the and then the potential new lifelines of the people of gaza with just a trick of aid reaching civilians. us president joe 5 is to announce the establishment of a point on the cause of coast to facilitate the delivery of essential supplies also on the program. as in 5 and steer through database that state of the union address, hoping to sell a votes his on his agenda has a likely election pre match with donald trump in november. and it travels across germany, face cancellation, and so as of work as the countries flagship line and on national time services
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going strikes, people could be looking at a week of transport. kyle, the i'm so glad you're welcome to the program us present. joe biden is to announce a plan to build a temporary posts on the goss a coast to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. white house officials say the president will make the announcement in his annual state of the union address this evening. it would involve a maritime cargo to bring age from the mediterranean island of cyprus. us ministry would help sadie talk, but all thoughts of stress that us troops would not be on the ground in gaza. my residents are in desperate need of food, clean water and medical assistance is waiting for food to fall from the sky. this is within a drop in gaza, looks like each one sets off or race. and there is no prize for the losers.
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since the morning the plan has been dropping a and a brand after it. we went to the sea to the east to the west. we went out though, um, i got nothing. according to the you in, isabel has blocked some humanitarian aid sent by land to gaza. they say a drops are far from the best solution. we have to have a plan that allows us to, you know, prevent funding. you disagree typically scale up the humanity of assistance in this and we have to get up at least 300 trucks a day. right? know, we're lucky forgetting about a $150.00. the few resources that are getting in are not enough to feed the millions who are in gaza. at least 20 children have died of famine in the territory so far, then this better less up and when we eat breakfast, i bring each of my daughter was a piece of plain bread to make them literally full. we can't eat anything else.
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there's no healthy food. all our food brings us diseases. i need the number of vendors my food to enable me to breast feed, my child, and i count by one hour as of the heavy. according to the mos run garza health ministry, the palestinian that's whole, has now reached more than $30000.00 without a rapid humanitarian solution for starvation. that number could soon climb. well, so um i'll do you know if your monetary an 8 organization team, humanity arrived in gaza a short while ago and asked him what he saw that to. yeah, i mean what i've seen is beautiful asking for help everywhere where we go today. we've been in dropbox, we were internally, but we were there near the north cause. and we're seeing children like without shoes, most issues aren't gonna shoot. wasn't people asking to 5 years?
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a lot of children, even though like this hold 2nd beats everything that is possible to have this piece and what have you brought with you 2 guys or how are you healthy? so we have sent folks with age from egypt and phenomena of since 120 trucks. trucks is on the way trucks arrived and we're doing our best to distribute the food today . we brought cities, hygiene packs. there is uh, maybe mailed all kinds of help. uh there is needed in the us. uh right now are you in estimates at most of kansas population? that's around 2200000 people are on the brink of finding some trucks. i say, i'll guessing through the us in egypt. jordan, then you'd be united out of amaris, federal ad dropping humanitarian aid into the tapestry. why isn't that enough?
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because there's a lot of people, like i said, there's also a 1000000 people that really need help with everything. today we saw how people were asking, we're just walking inside the ridge that you can and people are begging us for like everybody came and just ask and we need this. we need to just, we need this. so i understand that the need is very huge. here and of course it's not enough to say the payment is we need the trucks, they need many, many trucks. uh, we need the, the, the 5 hundreds to get going through the date. um, its the situation is horrible. like we saw a 6 toilets, 6 toilets for the whole river, which you can, whether it was over 18000 people. 6 toilets is not enough. so people are, are, are making the alternative. so it's, it's harder, but i cannot even explain the situation. it's really,
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really bad on how were you able to get access to, to gaza when so many other organizations have been turned away. and as you say, i'm one of the reasons that isn't enough is the onto enough trucks getting through or so one thing is sending trucks, the other thing is receiving and distributed. it's in a normal way and human weight. uh, as you heard when trucks going inside cause uh uh the new to it and things disappearing. and what we are trying to do is help as much as possible that those trucks will be uh, delivered uh the age will be delivered to the people that is in eugene. and as we go, you can also send folks from egypt from other countries. you don't need to be here and the only way we did it is just officially and ask for for approval. and the is really government gave us approval to get inside and just do the dates. well,
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thank you for joining us until his uh, through that terrible situation. uh, somebody out dean from the humanitarian aid organization, team humanity take a look now that's the most though he's not making headlines around 12 southern sweden, which is probably joined nights are as a 30 seconds member of a trans atlantic ministry alliance ending decades of postwar neutrality at a ceremony in washington, the swedish prime minister of crystal son called it a victory for freedom stuck. i'm joining the alliance and concerns about russian aggression following the full scale invasion of your cries, you with the exception. the manual macro has applied to the waiver and support from old dove. i made the mounting tensions between the country and pro russia separatists. the french president answered his multiplan count upon my son to sign the defense. according to boosting mulder of a sovereignty and security. i called on russia to withdraw its forces from the trunk from the break away a trunk mystery at region. and the sea farms in the czech republic of disruptive
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traffic in the house of prague with hundreds of tractors, protesting against austerity policies of low prices for funding projects and excessive red type problems won't lower taxes. that grinding of the imported projects from the tribe. a homage the market may stopped market index in paris past the 8000 debach for the 1st time, driven by strong company earnings and slowing global inflation. europe stop markets are at breakfast highs. the low many economic indicators, a low billions of travelers, here in germany are facing mass disruption of a dual transport strikes staff, a national airline, lufthansa and rail. right, to deutsch about, i've worked off the job that demanding bachelor party to cope with a high cost of living, or hardly any planes are taking off at frankfurt, germany's largest tub, the reason,
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a warning strike by security personnel. in hamburg for a late and other airports, ground staff are also on striking, demanding more money and flexible working hours. many passengers have little sympathy for their cause. they all want to work less and have more money the video eventually, the economy will collapse. if you want to distribute something, you have to that 1st homework. passengers are not only stranded at airports, but also a railway stations train drivers on regional and city services of germany's main rail operator are on strike. an emergency plan stipulates but this means just one train an hour on some regional routes and the impact is not limited to travelers and commuters flights. automotive since this morning, my mother was good strains have been waiting at the w cargo. many rail fried customers are waiting for their deliveries and waiting for raw materials. new young,
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so test and just traveling lot going through bonds, pest them just services. also affected by the strikes, the 12th and the economy is suffering according to calculations by consultants. economic trends research, a rail strike coasts companies between $60.00 to $100000000.00 euros per day. when 5000000 regional travelers are affected and arrive late to work, the confederation of german industry says the wave of strikes could not come at a worse time. production is being hit, just as companies are dealing with extreme pressure, high energy prices, for instance, or hiking production costs, and making it harder for german firms to compete in the global market. in the manufacturing sector, the backbone of the german economy, orders some 5 more than 11 percent in january, according to national data. and for the year as a whole, the german economy is expected to stagnate. according to economic research
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institutes. they believe widespread strike action is strangling growth. it's joe biden. states of the union address tonight is an opportunity for the us president allowed his agenda had of unexpectedly election pre match with donald trump. it's also a chance for the 81 year old to reassure a growing number of voters who are concerned about his age. joe biden is in a bind on his low polling numbers and a series of public golf. widespread concern over his age and his fitness, as a candidate does not appear to be fading away. yes, i worried about as a, to the certification said that the democrats will be more likely to win if somebody else has to nominate. i do think it's time for younger people to finally have their say. a recent poll conducted by the new york times and sienna college shows that a majority of voters who supported biden in the 2020 elections say he's too old to be an effective leader. and the 2nd term, his republican rival,
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former president donald trump. so only a few years younger and also prone to confuse statements has fewer voters saying they're worried about his age. i know that the super tuesday primaries are in the rear view mirror delegates will soon officially hand the nomination to bite. and in august at the democratic national convention in chicago, a search, the polls are worrisome. as are biden's, public stumbles, appearing to embody voters concerns. if even lead sound to ask, could there be an alternative to bite it and this late in the game, how would that even work? well, an alternate candidate to the president could materialize with cooperation from well by that you would have a lot of the new political science as larry cyber to explains that theoretically by didn't, could step aside and make way for another candidate. here's how it could happen. if a candidate withdrew the candidate, receiving a majority of the convention, delegates withdrew them. in essence, the convention would have to decide what the rules are. they would at least start
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out with a lean toward complet harris toward the vice president. but i'm sure there would be other candidates there is of course series, and then there's reality biden is unlikely to ever step aside. he has spent his entire life trying to get to be president and incredibly incredible at the age of 78. he made it, do you seriously think that he would step aside willingly the for the constitution requires him to do so. if democrats had an obvious, very popular nominee, then maybe there would be some pressure from the people who count on biden to withdraw. well, there is it, and therefore there is, it is the question of replacing biden is a non starter and a keyboard or concern centers around something that bite and cannot possibly change
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. it begs the question, what can the democrats do? the board and campaign appears to want to limit and control pub appearances to decrease the likelihood of missteps. but media specialist dan kennedy says they can only convince voting americans by letting them see as much of biden as possible. they have to convince them to get out there and meet voters, give speeches, sit down for interviews with the porters, which he's been very reluctant to do. and you know, if he performs well, i think that will answer the questions if he doesn't perform well. well, i suppose that doesn't solve the problem, but i don't know that it makes it any bigger a problem then they have all ready. so i think they need to take the chance and get them out there with the general election now in full swing, the bite and campaign has 8 months to do just that. to get the president to show what he is still capable of at $81.00. despite the risks of slips along the way,
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all right, that's set you up today. so i'll have a world news of the top of the next on the w business reports on how governments and employees in the world. well here's countries is trying to make working more attractive. good luck with that. the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on business. so really indeed the snow on the cheese rush hour in amsterdam, statistically about one out of every 2 of these workers is a part time employee.


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