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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, this is deal of the news live from berlin, a potential new lifeline for the people of gaza. us present, joe biden is set to announce the establishment of a humanitarian port on the gauze in coast. an effort to increase the amount of 8 entering the territory is expected to outline the plan in his upcoming state of the union address. ukraine struggles to recruit soldiers as russia makes gaines on the front line. keep now hopes of new strategy will loose the number of combat troops and travelers across germany, face cancellations, as new strikes the countries, flagship airlines, and its national real service. the
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hello and welcome to our show. i'm seeing goodly in berlin us present. joe biden is set to announce plans to build a temporary port on the gauze and coast in an effort to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into the gaza strip. white house officials that the president will make you now shortly in his annual state of the union address. the plan is set to involve in maritime cord or enabling a deliveries from the mediterranean island of cyprus. u. s. military is expected to help set it up, but authorities have stressed that us troops would not be on the ground in gaza. residents and the territory are in desperate need of food, clean water and medical aid. or washington bureau chief unit poll is covering biden's address for us. and us what, what can we say about binds planned to boost a deliveries to gaza? what more do we know?
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there's to be no over here that it's present biting billing data. now it's the construction of this floating p are off the guys for to provide 8. the peer that's what we're hearing, will be built using u. s. ships, and we'll connect to, to a temporary cost way. the project will involve hundreds, maybe even thousands of us troops and will probably take around a $30.00 to $60.00 days before it can be used as for now, the specific method for transferring of aids from the coast to gaza has not been revealed. a president biden's mention of israel in the speech in a couple of our ours is of cause aims to address concerns from a growing number of democrats who have criticized his is riley politics. and he knows that if he wants to win another term,
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he needs to get back to critical arab americans. but also black and 1st time voters in november. you know, this will be biden's, final state of the union address of his 4 year term before and the final one before this contested election, which he just mentioned. where else we expect him to focus tonight. now it will be the present. biden's last speech in his 1st maybe his last term, but it will also serve as his 1st major speech for hold the 2024 election come paying off the simple to state donald trump is the presumed frontrunner for the republican party. so tonight's address, i think that's fair to say marks the beginning of the battle for the white house and a bite and faces the challenges of appearing presidential. but he also has to demonstrate it really his ability to challenge a donald trump. so therefore,
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is he's expected to also highlight tonight the potential negative consequences for human rights. also of course, for foreign policies, as we know it for the economy and for a democratic one in the united states. if a donald trump would be re elected. and we also expect president biden to offer some optimistic vision of the country's progress over the past 3 years when he was an office. and also his pledge to continued economic improvement if he will be re elected. but we've seen him polls that one of the biggest voter concerns about binding is his age. how can he convince voters with the state of the union address that he's still fit for office? is that correct? this is kind of in the core, or at least one of the main questions people have regarding his performance tonight
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. i mean reading surveys really have shown that there are a concerns about biden's mental ability to serve as a president again and 36 percent. sorry, 63 percent of americans do express is a little or no confidence at all that is fits a for another term. i think it's worth mentioning that donald trump, uh, his challenger is only 4 years younger. and he also has had some or some major kind of play goal. it's during a couple of speeches lately. however, we shall see how he addresses his age and, and how if he will do that. and what we hear from some walk close to him at the ac,
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the speech also as an opportunity for him to kind of refute thoughts about his mental shopping is to a forceful and our particular delivery. so we shall see, we will no more in uh, a couple of hours i went to it just highlighted one more thing. i think it's notable that the republicans have chosen some of the cage. the boy brits, she's the youngest republican woman ever elected to the senators 1420 years old and she will deliver. the parties officially responds off to bite and speech of course to make him look even older. all right, our washington bureau chief in his paul talking about the upcoming state of the union address. thank you. it's us of the world celebrates international women's day on friday. a day meant to highlight the issue of women's rights across the globe. women, gaza say they've been deprived of even the most basic ones. do you and estimates about estimates about 1000000 of gauze has displaced people or women and girls most
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are now living in 10 camps in the south of the territory, trying to survive with what little they have. cleaning, attend, that can hardly replace it last whole cooking with a thoroughly to full time and caring for sick children with no medicine to treat them. the life of displaced women in this makes shift kemp. and rafa has turned into what seems to be a never ending. 5 pussy. by the time, most of the women have disappeared. there is nothing left to cool women. we are suffering in every man. we have been destroyed. we suffer from everything from poverty, from sadness. there is no food, nothing to drink, no water, or close to 1000000 women and girls. some garza has been displaced according to the un since israel's war against how much the gun off to death till the 7th. tyra tex
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for students. i don't have a house full of my children at you yesterday. i wasn't feeling well either. i couldn't find medicine. i had to beg for it because of the flies i had to get up to clean and disinfect the place. oh, there are far from modest garza facing a daily challenge to keep themselves and their children live with the very little they have to cope with desperation, as there is no end to this war inside. i was just wondering what have we done to have done this like this? now i have lost the year of my life. what have i gain from this war? is this what have we gained? we have been destroyed among our schools are gone. our families are gone hunting. i wonder if we gain from all this war have questions, but so many women in gaza, us every day and that continues to go on. so
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let's have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. he's government is extending a state of emergency and the night time curfew in an effort to curb coordinated attacks by criminal gangs, groups have been attack and key infrastructure as police struggles contain the unrest, they're demanding resignation of prime minister audio and the government have attacked a primary school in north western nigeria and abducted at least 200 pupils. authorities are still trying to confirm the exact number taken into town of courage in kaduna state. abductions of students for ransom are common in the region. in 2014 extreme is kidnapped more than 200 girls. from she balked village 3 military rules, rules, west african countries have announced plans to set up a joint forces to fight as long as terrorist groups share molly and burkina faso
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have seen numerous attacks by the groups in recent years on the military's promise to end insurgencies. in the salt hill region, violence has worse and under their machines to sweden has finally as formerly joined to nato as the 32nd member of the transatlantic military alliance. in seeing decades of post war neutrality. at a ceremony in washington, sweetest prime minister old christmas, and caught at a victory for freedom terribly in stockholm, join the alliance. and it concerns about russian aggression following the full scale invasion of ukraine, as well as russia makes advances in ukraine. keith is continuing to urge its allies to boost armed supplies. ukraine finally withdrew its troops from the town of, of dietrich, dietrich a last month following along stalemate. moscow says it has since taken control of several surrounding villages. let's keep attempts to bolster troop numbers. it's come up with a new approach to mobilizing volunteers. dw sonya found
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a car reports an appeal back to not just to keep fit, but to prepare for the very real one. sleep of a golf is an english teacher in keith. he's decided to join the ukrainian army once and once i wake up, do it due to explosions or flashing messiah was born being key. and in this case, learning programming or becoming a developer or grades in your family, it feels like you're a law. i'm lying to myself. felipe wants to become a soldier and who defend his country. instead of waiting for the drop notice that would assign him to a random military unit. felipe is dropping his own thoughts as bought, forbids to boost recruitment. ukrainians can choose that own military tools.
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she wants to serve in the dubbing, she was the prestigious unit, only accept volunteer. it's offering jobs in the infantry and for matrix, but also in logistics and tune operations. often an initial 5 day camp applicants can sign the contract and get advanced reading. as a time when you create needs more soldiers, fewer people are willing to fight. many do want to help the war effort, but not only on the front line and the government has done to the market to help. flood is lovely. z hits a major online recruitment agency that works with the defense ministry. they advertise poses of jobs with hundreds of military units, provide information and help with the recruitment process. here's different forces around forces, navy air forces. they've received over 74000 applications so far for
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positions ranging from tribals mechanics, communication and i. t specialist engineers to sort socials, and even don't train us towards the whole process is voluntary. people want to trust the future colemander. they want to know that it would be professional. but this flexible approach has not been enough to address the actual problem of boosting. coup numbers at the front lot is loved admits the biggest vacancies in the infantry and medical call back the recruitment same to the deepest, happy with. how was it to be when he hopes to sign up soon and split on others to do the same? it's difficult to imagine how horrible war is on the line unless you leave in ukraine. i want to in cottage, my friends, who is my own example that you put in young people have to join army, otherwise we will lose our country. phillips is being able to choose,
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the unity trust was the reason he bought into a soft approach that helped him make a hard decision. this to over to germany now were thousands of flights and trains across the country have been cancelled because of strikes and move tons of android . siobhan. it's the latest and a series of walk outs and different sectors. we can transport the civil service and supermarkets. workers want higher wages to cope with drinking purchasing power around 200000 air passengers are affected by the current strikes, as well as millions of train travelers delays and cancellations are expected until saturday. and here's a reminder of our top story. us present, joe biden is set to announce a plan to build a temporary port on the gaza coast to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid white's. the white house says he'll provide details on the plan and the coming hours during his date of the unit address. right, you're up to date now,
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but we'll be back soon with more headlines. in the meantime, check us out online dw, dot com and see if there's like joining the, the the is it is someplace hiring tea more people than ever on the move world wide. and such are based on life. i suggested in cardboard, backs on the left side of the image and find out about bailey story. info, migraines, rush, hour and amsterdam statistically about one out of every 2 of these workers is a part time employee. in other words, as your capital.


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