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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 8:00am-8:30am CET

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the, the, basically the, the news live from the land us president joe biden promises a massive increase in humanitarian aid for goes up the night. i'm directing the us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean on the coast of gosh, i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temporary shelving bite and makes a place during his stay for union street trying to settle a vigorous vision of american leadership, the skeptical voters. and there was also coming up in,
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out of east jerusalem a, some of the move dominates. i had the problem with on we look at the situation that i made fear as of renewed violence of the ox almost plus to keep their rights full nato countries are trying to recruit more women. but cotton service members say ministries must do more to combat sexual harassment and discrimination to retain, but the, i'm british manager, welcome to the program. us president joe biden has announced he is directing the us ministry to been attempted to report on the guys that cost if can be used to deliver aid to the palace, stating, instead of draped by an outline, details of the plan. in the final state of the union address office for your presidency, he also plates to keep on supporting ukraine in its war against russia and
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underlines the importance of the nato military alliance in a speech lasting over and and touching on multiple policies by them essentially made a pictures to american voters, as he hopes to wait a 2nd. tom in officer was on the march. yeah. and here's what you have to say about israel and gaza. the toner is really isn't whole previous wars and gaza combine. or the 30000 proud a citizen, been killed, most of whom are not home off. thousands and thousands of innocent women and children, girls and boys, also orphan. nearly 2000000 or palo cities under bombardment or displacement problems, destroy neighbors and rubble. cities are known, federal, drought, food, water medicine, his heartbreak, united states, and the lady to the national office to get more humanitarian assistance. because
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tonight, i'm directing the us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean on the coast of. gotcha. i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temporary shelven, or no us boots will be on the ground. a temporary peer will enable a massive increase the amount of monetary assistance getting you guys every day. all right, let's get more on this with the, the, with him hook off who is one of the the, those us unless william, good morning, president biden has been on depression from his critics over his administration's handling of the war in gaza. does this announcement asked wage those critics? i would doubt it. i think the only thing that's going to assuage those critics is a ceasefire and doing humanitarian a. the old fashioned way of attracting throughway giving trucks and which every humanitarian relief organization, the un says they're, they're,
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they're ready to go. and it's an effective way to get 8 in. and israel has been dragging its feet on that. and now we're going to plan be planned, see these air drops that we've seen the last 3 days, which experts in the field, se is not in effective way to get aiden. and then a lot of questions about this appear. how is it really gonna be bill, how long is it going to take? how much it can it really get in coordination with these rarely military. it's a complicated situation and, and as you say, it's probably not going to assuage critics cause the fighting. it doesn't, it doesn't, it, doesn't that address be it, but the core issue of the fighting and the die. the go to model those, these 5, the people who i think were holding up lack of this. well, the thing inside the, the chamber, you know, let's just bring indeed the correspondence, tanya kramer, who joins us now from jerusalem to good morning to you as well. has there been any reaction to this announcement from president biden? you know, so far we haven't heard any reaction from is really officials, but uh, are we understand, you know, for this to work uh, the security uh,
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establishment here, security agents would have to be involved, of course, in all this process potentially then, and the screening process where those ships would leave for the goods to gauze. it's quite an remarkable announcement though, because a garza has a very small port in any in which is located in northern garza in garza city in the remote area. that's the center of garza and this house being reportedly heavily damaged. no, of course, in the course of this war and any attempt over the past 17 years or so to expand this port has been rejected by as well of to him us as these power. the in ga so, and fisherman, you know, which they're very, very important trade and goals that they were only allowed to go up between 6 to 50, know, to call them us. and then you have to is really navy actually closing the area of depending on the political a situation or we don't know yet the logistics of this. we don't know whether the
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peer, what has been talked about would be in the area where the old port is. but all these questions are, you know, how then of these large ships would actually incur in the area and also how this age would be distributed then on land. lots of on lots of questions at this point. but tanya does this announcement by president by them to also represent a total divergence with its ally user out of the when it comes to the humanitarian situation in gaza as well. i think it's seeing here as you know, the united states, as you said, the closest other of israel has some difficulties to pressure israel on the issue of humanitarian aid. that has been some told that another crossing which is crossing in the north the arrows crossing which was also, as we've been told to about officials heavily damaged. but you know, you many,
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terry, and have said, you know, this crossing needs to be open to have a direct way into a north and gaza. and as we said, you know, the land and distribution is still the, the optimal way of distributing into goals of that sofa. this hasn't happened. and the it's community has been tearing community, has resorted to this as a dropping and age of from a from play ins, but old is of course and not enough to to match the needs. especially in northern garza where you might determine organizations has one of the vision and funding where you live that the for the moment is done. yeah, thanks so much for joining us this morning. we're gonna do the pause, other issues that came up in the state of the union that people like to look at on one of those issues was what the president had to say when it came to support for ukraine. missed us having listen to what you have to say on that. what makes our
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mama rare is a freedom and democracy are under attack of both at home and overseas. at the very same time. overseas put in the rushes on the march invasion ukraine and selling chaos throughout europe and beyond. if anybody this room, snakes, poodle, stop, or you crane, i assure you he will not remember. is that warning? unlikely to bridge the bipartisan divide, the partisan divide that exists in congress or funding for you when i think i'm talking about that $60000000000.00, right? the $660000000000.00. exactly here. that has been just hanging out there for months now. how many months has it been that i, i mean, i believe i was here talking about this thing in november. it was, yeah. and then it seemed like a foregone conclusion. that the, at some point they'll be their normal wrangling. so this money would go through and now it's looking like it really might not. there is still support on both sides of
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the aisle for ukraine. it is an election year. so any way to score points to make sure the other side doesn't look good is of course helpful for domestic politics, for people's individuals. you know, campaign chances, especially for the president and the ukraine funding. it's not so much like being against the ukraine funding is what is getting tied to right, the immigration situation. and that's what's really being held up. i think if you just isolate the ukraine situation on its own, you can probably do find a lot of support on the republican side, but it's getting, it's getting lost in this cosmic radiation background of us politics. i mean, i mean, you say that, but it looks like we are now in a heading into a 2 host race, essentially, as we head into november of it's looking at donald trump versus joe biden read on of the previous election. but even in this fast, um donald trump was himself not too keen when it came to supporting ukraine against russia. down terms, as is a, is an interesting case as, as he is in many different aspects. he actually was the 1st u. s. president to approve legal aid to ukraine,
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sending javelin missiles. now i don't want to overstate that commitment, there was a lot of conditions attach that delivery, but he was the 1st president on record. we must say to give legal aid. there are other types of security system stuff, the obama administration delivered. but of course then we know the much bigger story of tying security for ukraine to his political winds back home that it was impeachment. so that's the much the much bigger story. and that is what is at stake for joe by the right now, trying to make that case. he said, we will not. i'm paraphrasing, we will not let ukraine fail. we will not leave ukraine, and they said i will not. so that's his pitch to if i am re elected, please re elect me because we need to stand by ukraine. but how much support is that in the american public to continue this funding support for ukraine? we're seeing more rear war. reread this in the polls. the words dragging onto years and what, what supporters of ukraine will say, i was just talking to ben hodges retired us army general, often on dw, and you're saying the problem is no clear strategy, no clear vision from people like joe biden. we're hearing in support,
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but he was very strong at the top of the state of the union talking about supporting ukraine to stop who and but he won't actually clearly say what that means. and that's part of because of those red lines that rushes put out when it comes to escalation and especially the question nuclear weapons. another issue that has rankled donald trump, in particular, has been nato. and joe biden was speaking about the, the nato in his, a state of the union address as well. let's just listen to what you have to say about that. how my predecessor, a former republican president, tells food quote, to whatever the hell you want, that's a quote of waterfront and actually said that boeing down the russian later, i think it's outrages is dangerous and it's on acceptable. the family member of nato, as the military lies of democratic nations,
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created after walmart to prevent, to prevent more, to keep the peace. today, we've made no stronger than ever walk on the federal into the alliance last year. this is lori waiting, officially joined, and our minister is here tonight. the, the funny when you, that a ringing endorsement of nato from joe biden. is that a sentiment that is a bipartisan sentiment? it's, it is yes and no very, it's the, the, the anti nato sentiment that we're hearing from donald trump is much stronger coming from donald trump. then from the republican party,
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there is still bi partisan support for nato and an understanding of the importance the transatlantic relationship for us security interest. but again, as i said, it's an election year and people looking to score points and not make the other side look, go not give victories the other side. so things are getting held up and everything is about and they're looking party. everything is about donald trump. so what donald trump wants is what the republican party tech trends to, regardless of what other sentiment there might be in congress. i don't think we should panic too much about nato. donald trump cannot just staff his fingers and pull the united states out of nato, or bring nato down. um, it is a treaty organization. there's a lot of legal aspects that congress would have input in there. be there be massive challenges. we are a long way off from the simple the never demise of nato, even if donald trump becomes president. yeah, but it doesn't have to be incomplete, extreme action like that. i mean, could it not be the case that need to lose as its relevance for the united states under donald trump? well, they say necessity is the mother of innovation. we've seen a lot of renewed energy on the european side of the nato alliance saying,
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we need to get our act together. we're seeing is in the you're going to the european union coming of the european commission, having its plan for more coordinated policy, defense policy, defense planning, defense procurement at the european level to basically make up for any potential risk of the us. stepping back from age security commitments to europe. so this could actually be a boon for european security. and it's commitment to nato, not necessarily a demise story to be continued. nonetheless, we didn't blue cross, we will leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for coming in this morning, splinter of the by the administrator and had been pushing is right and how mos do reach us these fighting does before the most and holy month of ramadan. but that looks off the cards for now in, out of east jerusalem, grandmother and preparations are happening in the shadow of the war. need to talk to people that about what they expect for these from a don east jerusalem's old city. it's usually festive at this time. of year,
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but the war and gaza has left many here and a somber mood. now shops are open, but there are no decorations or lights. there are no stupid eaves this. you don't feel rama done. and there are people who have food to eat. but there are a lot of people that want to be able to eat because there's no food liking garza and then i'm going to go. this is not ramadan. it's more like a funeral home to pay condolences in with them because in the situation is very sad . we just when we can't even think about what will happen and we can't even comprehend what is happening, but bring them to a 100 a month. there is no sense of anything festivals. there is no ramadan when the funeral dawn beyond the depressed mood. there are also worries about the alex, a mosque. one of is moms holy is places also known as the temple mount the holy
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site in judaism after her mos called on palestinians to visit in great numbers during ramadan. right wing members of israel's cabinet called for severe restrictions on visitors. but earlier this week, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said israel would met a similar number of visitors as in previous years. this was welcomed by the islamic custodian of the holy site. and almost when you're done, we are very delighted that there are matters that have started to become clear to muslims in this bless edmunds regarding the opening of the doors of alex on mosque to all visitors without age restrictions, according to the decisions we have heard. and learned about them. i mean, i mean up or there is one bright spot, special ramadan suites hotel. i have a field folded pancake matthew on the, on the line with them. there is no rama done without so tell you every one will have it and bring it home to alias man law for you. some traditions into your no
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matter what, as muslims in east jerusalem and around the world prepare for their holy months. a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world gunman have abducted at least 200 nigerian pupils from a school in the northwestern town. of course he got in the do not states of thought of these austin trying to confirm the exact number taken in the incident, abductions of students for rent, some common in the region in 2014 extreme escape. not more than 200 goes from 2 bucks. village, 3 minutes for your old west african countries have announced plans to set up a joint force defied islamist terrorists groups, new jersey, molly and book enough also have seen numerous attacks by the groups and recently as the military's promise to end the insurgency. using this i had region,
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but violence has was and under the regimes eighty's got mondays extending a state of emergency and a nighttime co fuel united efforts to cub coordinated attacks by criminal gangs. so groups have been talking key infrastructure as police struggling to contain the unrest. they are demanding the resignation of prime minister, oriental arial, andre uh, united airlines flight headed for japan last time mid air following take off from san francisco. the tie, a fellow in an airport parking lot, and the boeing, the triple 7 later made a safe landing in los angeles. the airlines of the plane was designed to land safely with missing or damaged tires. and australia as great barrier reef has been hit by mos caught on a bleaching for the 5th time in just
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a t. as scientist said, the bleaching is driven by global warming. and the n nino assignment the contract, they also want that the southern reef is at high risk of losing its goals. a vase international women's day irish waters are voting in a referendum to decide whether or not to switch out the language that is deemed sexist and old fashioned. in the constitution. if approved, the new proposals would largely be symbolic, but they have still cause control vesee. and a lot of confusion during the government plan campaign and women's duties in the home. this is one issue irish participating us to consider as a vote on 2 proposals to modernize the language and then 1937 constitution. the so called cat amendment would change wedding in the car and door to coal, saying a woman may be neglecting her duties in the home if she goes out to work. and
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that's a woman's role within the her missing support of the state. women have been challenged the whole life and we're seeing her place and society isn't home and looking after our children and our husbands and you know, we've moved from us both the constitution kind of moved from the us and the woman pays anywhere. she wants it to be. yes, campaign is want to replace what they call sexes. outdated language with phrases that reflect the fact that care can be provided by any family members. not just women you know, campaign is are against the removal of the words mother and woman from this part of the constitution that's being portrayed because this a days that this is the meaning. i don't consider that the work when the doing home is the meaning of the realities. women are still the ones that is also worried.
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members, if the disabled community and the elderly to question the governments promise to support family care is much bigger than just family care. and it also is not strong enough in saying that they are just going to support chairs in the home. it is stuff 2 weeks, it's very clear that the government is obligating, its responsibility to it cares in general. the other vote is on whether or not to extend the meaning of family from its current constitutional definition as being based on marriage to include what the government is cooling, durable relationships, such as unmarried couples with children. prime minister le, veronica says that the changes are necessary to reflect remote in irish society surveillance, another mashanda session for in p to show that women to do the same job that the
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flight was organized by a women's initiative team created it. germany is going to be an air base to promote gender equality address short and highlight role models. we are looking for the next generation to follow in our slides. so i am really hoping to address that 10 year old girl somewhere who has sees that this is an initiative that nato pro promotes diversity equity and inclusion and wants to potentially come here and fly as well. but speaking of their flight suit, kept in beatrice, who asked us not to use or last name says e mail. aviators often have to where is sitting men's uniforms. to do less supplies . we don't have female slice sewage nor maternity flight suits, which isn't something that is talked about a lot, but there's still a need for it because women to get pregnant, right. and we need to make sure that we have for our safety reasons on the aircraft still of savings, flying equipments. lack of supply is partly due to lack of demand across
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a needle. military's the average female participation was just 13 percent and 2020 . according to the latest available statistics that range from almost 20 percent in hungary to 0.3 percent in turkey. germany is that 12.6 percent. the german government has made it a priority to boost womens and listening to 20 percent. that ambition will have to be matched by efforts to combat the factors to determine from seeking a military career, including difficulties to balance family, life perceived discrimination and sexual harassment. canadian lieutenant colonel lewis, who also didn't want to use the last name, says her government has made substantial improvements for military women and now encourages them to speak openly about past failures too often. we just want to hide the problems and we say it's not a problem, but it really was a problem with that such as contact for example. so these initiatives also
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a task those issues that we had in the past and make sure that there's gender equality and support for diversity for everybody. celebrating milestones like this might help them right. next, every do like like the women's initiative team success over the last year in establishing the 1st mother's rooms on the guideline for him base the mother they have to press something or breast feeding nursing in their cars, so that was unsafe environment for them. so now we have one that he sees secure and sound for them. attracting and retaining women has become even more crucial as many native nations suffer. both recruiting shortage is and due to russia's were a new crane pressure to reinforce their ranks. we are recognizing that there is these on top potential need a special representative for women, peace and security. irene saline is tasked with making sure gender perspectives are considered in everything the alliance does. she says this responsibility extends
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far beyond the armed forces if we want collectively to promote and advance gender equality, which is for nato. an important finder is a reflection of our core values and education is key on that education outside. and we see in the military, even though relatively low, 13 percent of women in nato's armed forces is double this year of 2 decades ago. perhaps by the time those 10 year old girls watching this special flight grow up, this kind of crew will be in need of norm. and after bought by the, the blues, teddy schultz. and here's a quick reminder of our top story of your following for you at this moment. us president joe biden has said that the us ministry will build a temporary p. yeah, off the 1000 coast for a delivery. he also wanted israel's need is not to use because as a bargaining chip fight and was speaking in his annual state of the union speech to the nation. that's it for the moment coming up. the next off of the break watched
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the likely biden crump presidential race means for the well, that's on a debates program. to the point i'm british mandatory in abilene. we continue back here in about half an hour from now i'll see you then by the, the, the,
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to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. following super tuesday, the us presidential election in november is shaping up to be a re match. trump versus buying isn't a race that poses worldwide risk. find out on to the point to the
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point. next, on dw, the new will tell here. we are happy, the boxing was the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories industries that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d, w, the a, a this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed the schools,
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farms and destroy nights. what is the legacy of this wide spread racist depression today? history? we need to talk about here the stories, shadows of german colonialism, the following super tuesday. it's looking ever more certain that the us election in november will be a re match pitting incumbent president job either against his predecessor and rival donald trump. 2 elderly white man vying to leave the us into the future with very different visions for that future on issues from energy to immigration, from abortion, to taxes, and on foreign policy. many americans are tired of acting as world policeman and pay master salvage choice. they make quick.


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