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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin us president joe biden from this is a massive increase in humanitarian aid for goes up the night. i'm directed us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean coast of gosh, i can receive large shipments kind of cool water medicine, a temporary show bite in mesa pads during his state of the union speech trying to settle a vigorous vision of american leadership to skeptical voters and the wild. also coming up in out of east jerusalem. a somber mood dominates. i had the problem with don. we look at the situation that i made fairs of renewed violence of the ox
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almost. and ireland is holding a referendum on whether to modernize the language regarding women in its constitution right now it recognizes women's coaching duties within the home and some don't want the wording to change the i dish vanity. welcome to the program president joe biden has announced that the us military. we built a temporary port on the gauze that goes to it's going to be used to deliver aid to the ballasting instead of treat. biden outlined the plan and his state of the union address. he also plates to keep on supporting ukraine and it's war against russia. the speech made off his vision for america's future. in contrast with that of the likely the public and presidential candidate donald trump. a high
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stakes speech for us president joe biden. his last state of the union address before elections with the us middle east policy under scrutiny binding announced american troops will build a temporary port on gas as coast to boost aid there. he also called on israel to protect civilian lives. leadership, this is real. i say this humanitarian assistance can not be a secondary consideration or guardianship. protecting and saving into some lives has to be preferred. as we look to the future. the only real solution to the situation is a 2 state solution over time. turning to the ukraine war by an appeal to congress to support the nation in defending itself against russia. he lashed out at ex president donald trump for encouraging russia to invade nato
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allies to didn't spend more on defense for the soul of our nation. how my predecessor, a former republican president, tells to quote, to whatever that how you want to quote the present actually said that boeing down to russian later, i think it's outrages is dangerous and it's not acceptable to america's oldest sitting president use the speech to address concerns about his age and whether or not he is fit for another term, the weather younger old i've always been known. i've always know what in doors, i've known our north star, the very idea of america zimmer, all crated ek, deserves to be treated equally throughout our lives. we've never fully lived up to that idea, but we've never walked away from that either. i won't walk away from it. now.
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republicans have criticize the address for being too political, but bind supporter, say it's proof that he can handle another 4 years in office that they're both on the vault or william hill croft who is also one of the doctors us unless we them good morning that state of the union speech, it was like an election spiritual that it yeah, i mean we are in a campaign season and it is very much in full swing as we transition from the primaries into the general election where joe biden looks like he's going to be facing donald trump, once again, as he did in 2020 for the presidency. and it's kind of funny to hear republicans complaining that the political speech was 2 political. what else can they expect? this is politics after all, and it's not like they don't know their share of politics either. and he, he did like forward, you can agree or disagree with it,
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and that's going to be the content of, of discussions going forward. but he did lay out a strong vision that she wants to see going forward, basically saying to the american people, these are all the things i want to get done for the best for the, for the betterment of you for the country. but republicans are stopping me. that was essentially the message going into the selection. lot of those things that he wants to all to get done is to have this temporary construct and off the cost of goes out to bring him out of that in a, into the benefiting intent entry. is that something that is going to s wage? the critics of his policy on isabel and the the, and the war in gaza. i can't see how it will. i mean, we see here these air drops. this is as plan b, 4th, 4th of a delivery. now are to have this talk of appear. these are all back up plans to what aid agencies the united nation say, is just the good old fashioned way of getting aden, which is trucks far more effective, cheaper, better way that israel has been dragging its feet on. as we heard in that clip from joe, by the accusing or criticizing these really government of doing,
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critics want to see a ceasefire. and even joe biden, in his baby union address, kind of walk that back and only said a 6 week ceasefire. so that might be good enough for the israeli side to get the hostages out. but what happens after 6 weeks? we're at 30000 dead palestinians right now. more or less, what happens every 6 weeks to all those people to the people still in harm's way. so i don't see how well the plan that job i didn't put forward, which is a complicated one from the engineering aspect. if nothing else is going to assuage really anybody is this kind of hom in the polls moving forward. foreign policy usually plays a small role in, in campaign season in why voters vote ultimately for one candidate or the other. but elections in america, especially presidential elections are one on the margins. it really is less important. the 10s of millions of americans, they vote for you, then the few thousands here and there in strategic counties and stay to don't vote
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for you. and you do have significant populations of arrows, of palestinians, of young people who are far more critical of israel and older generations, according to polls, who don't necessarily have to vote for donald trump, but can register their protests by just not voting at all. and that is joe biden's, when as many risks going into the 202-020-2410. let's talk about foreign policy because the president did speak about nato. we had that in that the report, the, a ringing endorsement of nato she had in europe in europe and capital is do you think different method to be sure that well, the united states is fully behind us. and it does have the behind nato, particularly, and it doesn't really matter who wins the november election. it definitely matters who wins from their perspectives. he talked to a lot of the european officials. they of course, can't officially come out and take sides in the politics of another country, but they clearly want joe biden are very worried. what happens if donald trump comes back in the power given their experience and 20 in his last term 2016 to 2020 . and it'll be some comments about a lot of rush out and do whatever for us on the example. as one is just one example,
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we leave it there for the time being with in blue cross. thanks so much for coming into the studio for that. and the bottom administration has been pushing is relevant from us to reach us east fi and gaza before the most them holy month of ramadan. but that looks off the cards for now is from launched. it's offensive. and guys, gains from us when it ends after the october, 7th to attacks in out of east students in the drama done preparations are happening in the shadow of the war. need to talk to people that about what they expect for these from other on east jerusalem's old city. it's usually festive at this time of year. but the war and gaza has left many here and a somber mood. now shops are open, but there are no decorations or lights. and i saw the one there and noticed the stupid eaves. this was, you don't feel rama done. and there are people who have food to eat. but there are a lot of people that want to be able to eat because there's no food like in gaza.
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and i'm going to go, this is not ramadan. it's more like a funeral home to pay condolences and what that has in the situation is very sad we just have and we can't even think about what will happen and we can't even comprehend what is happening, but bring them to a 100 a month. there is no sense of anything festivals. there is no ramadan when the funeral dawn beyond the depressed mood. there are also worries about the alex, a mosque. one of is, loves all these places, also known as the temple mount the holy site in judaism after her mos called on palestinians to visit in great numbers during ramadan. right wing members of israel's cabinet called for severe restrictions on visitors. but earlier this week, prime minister benjamin netanyahu said israel would met a similar number of visitors as in previous years. this was welcomed by the islamic custodian of the holy site. and almost when you're done,
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we are very delighted that there are matters that have started to become clear to muslims in this bless edmunds regarding the opening of the doors of alex on mosque to all visitors without age restrictions, according to the decisions we have heard. and learned about them. i mean, i mean up there is one bright spot, special ramadan suites, whole tie of a field folded pancake may appear on the, on the line with them. there is no rama done without so tell you, every one will have it and bring it home to each man law for you. some traditions into your no matter what, as muslims in east jerusalem and around the world prepare for their whole a month. a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines around the world gunmen have abducted at least 200 nigerian pupils from a school in the northwest in town of good ega, inc. i do not state authority. is a student trying to confirm the exact number taken in the incident,
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abductions of students for rent, some common in the region. in 2014 extreme escape not more than 200 goes from 2 bucks. village for 10 years optimization flight imaged 370 went amazing families of chinese passengers have met with the officials in a desperate bid for answers at 370 took off and call them for with 239 people. but never landed engaging people in the laser and trying to have been holding remembrance events. they say their lives are stuck in limbo. australia is great, barrier reef has been hit by mosque or bleaching for the 5th time in just a 2 as scientists are. the bleaching is driven by global warming and the in the new climate time. they also, along the southern reef, is at high risk of losing its cuddles. now, these international women stay island is holding a referendum. folds of open for voters to decide whether or not to switch out the
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language that is deemed sexist and old fashioned in their constitutional. if approved, the new proposals would largely be symbolic. but they have student cost control per se, and a lot of confusion during the government led campaign and women's duties in the home. this is one issue irish participating us to consider as a vote on 2 proposals to modernize the language and then 1937 constitution. the so called cat amendment would change wedding in the current article, saying a woman may be made collecting her duties in the home if she goes out to work. and the to women's role within the home is in support of the state. the women have been challenged their whole lives and overseeing her place of society as in the home and looking after our children and our husbands, and nobody moves from us 1st. the constitution hasn't moved from this,
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and the woman pays anywhere. she wants it to be. yes, campaign is want to replace what they call sexes. outdated language with phrases that reflect the fact that cat can be provided by any family members. not just women. no campaign is are against the removal of the words mother and woman from this part of the constitution that's being portrayed. because this daisy, this is the meaning i don't consider that the work when the doing the home is the meaning of the realities. women are still the ones doing. the vote is also worried, members of the disabled community and the elderly who questioned the government's promise to support family care is much bigger than just the family care. it also is not strong enough in saying that they're just going to support chairs in the home. it is stuff 2 weeks.
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it's very clear that the government is obligating, its responsibility to it cares in general. the other vote is on whether or not to extend the meaning of family from its current constitutional definition as being based on marriage to include what the government is cooling, durable relationships, such as unmarried couples with children. prime minister le veronica says that the changes are necessary to reflect and mode an irish society, but those pushing for a no vote say to propose new wedding could lead to legal complications. a major party support a yes yes. vote in the referendum. and just hoping that confusion around the proposed changes doesn't put voters off and that's it for the moment, but coming up next off of the break, we check in with again as fast female mossey ranges, that's on
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a documentary series. i'm going to expand it in that building. thanks so much for watching the feedback again in about 45 minutes from now with more news. so you then goodbye. the do these do for fun via do gravitational waves, please all body. how do i the drums for the test page, and what's the perfect care for approx side? find the on says yes, with dw signs on the picked up channels. the wild animals room at the foot of mount kilimanjaro rages, women.


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