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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm CET

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the the, this is dw news live from berlin, us president joe biden promises a massive increase instrument of terry and aid for gaza. for night. i'm directed us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean coast of gosh, i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temporary shelving bite and mixed the pledge during his state of the union speech trying to sell a vigorous vision of american leadership to skeptical voters and the world. also coming up in error, east jerusalem. a somber mood dominates a head of ramadan. we looked at the situation where
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a mid fears of renewed violence at the out oscar box and ireland as holding a referendum on whether to modernize the language regarding women in its constitution. right now it recognizes women's quote duties within the home. and some don't want the wording to change the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. us president joe biden has announced that the us military will build a temporary port on the gauze a coast. it will be used to deliver aid to the palestinian territory. bite and outlines the plan in his state of the union address. he also pledge to keep on supporting ukraine and its war against russia. now the speech laid out his vision for america's future. in contrast with that of the likely republican presidential
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candidate, donald trump, a high stakes speech for us president joe biden. his last state of the union address before elections. with the us middle east policy under scrutiny binding announced, american troops will build a temporary port on gas as coast to boost 8 there. he also called on israel to protect civilian lives. leadership, this is real. i say this humanitarian assistance cannot be secondary consideration or guardianship. protecting and saving into some lives has to be preferred. as we look to the future. the only real solution to the situation is a 2 state solution over time. turning to the ukraine war by an appeal to congress to support the nation in defending itself against russia. he lashed out at ex president donald trump for encouraging russia to invade nato
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allies to didn't spend more on defense for the soul of our nation. how my predecessor, a former republican president, tells to quote, to whatever that, how you want to quote for the present actually said that boeing down to russian later, i think it's outrages is dangerous and it's not acceptable. america's oldest sitting president, use the speech to address concerns about his age and whether or not he is fit for another term. the weather younger old i've always been known. i've always known what endures. i've known our north star, the very idea of america has ever all crated equal, deserves to be treated equally throughout our lives. we've never fully lived up to that idea, but we've never walked away from that either. i won't walk away from it. now.
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republicans have criticize the address for being too political. the bind supporter say it's proved that he can handle another 4 years in office and let's get more on all of this. we were joined here in the studio by dw reporter william blue cross, who was also one of the w as u. s. analysts. and let's just begin with we're actually 5 began to speech, which was a very strong warning about russia and putin. and it's coming against the backdrop of this huge part us and divide over approving more funding for ukraine. right, right. it's, which is what i'm surprised that joe, by the didn't take the investment tax. there's been this push among ukraine supporters to sell more a to ukraine, not as a bad as some kind of gift or charity, but as an investment in the american economy. because a lot of that money that's going to your craner would go to ukraine, comes back to the us in the form of weapons right,
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by weapons from american manufacturers. which of course is a huge sector in the american economy. i'm surprised job. i didn't, didn't touch on that to try to make that economic case for the a to try to push it through this now installed in congress for so long installed. let's, let's remember mostly because of hang ups on migration, which is a massive political issue that the republicans don't want to relent on to give the democrats and joe, by them any kind of victory and this election year. it's not so much the ukraine a yay or nay to support for ukraine, because i think there is still trump of side support for supporting ukraine against russia, but it's getting lost in this campaign year. it's ok. let's talk a little bit about where he ended the speech in fact, and this is really been getting the most headlines. we have to say. he made this announcement that he was directing the us military to build this. was he calling it as a temporary pierre, to aid gaza? you know, he's come under a lot of criticism for his policies in the middle east. so tell us a little bit more about how this particular move now fits into that. we need to
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learn a lot more about with his peers. gonna look like we just from an engineering perspective . how is this going to be billed? how long will take a feasible is it? there's so many open questions also have the security um, the security aspects in terms of putting us troops at least not if not in harm's way close to harm's way with a lot of malevolent actors who would like to see harm be done to us assets in that region, there's a lot of questions here about how this so will work. and it's almost a tacit acknowledgement that us leverage over israel hasn't worked despite how much, how much political pressure that the us could exert on israel as, as close as we can for just to give to israel is right. and because anyone who's in the business will tell you that these air drops are insufficient. that, that a c port is insufficient. that the only way to really get 8 in the air is overland with the trucks. that is sort of the tried and true method of helping a civilian population, but israel's, and dragging its feet on to joe biden,
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himself pointed out and criticize israel for not doing enough on so it's almost like, okay, israel's not budging on this issue. the us will find another way in, but it's probably going to be too little and possibly too late in the real, for its part would say that it is actually doing a lot. so we just, just to say, there are a number of narratives that are out there and tell us a little bit more about, you know, what this means for the domestic public in the united states, especially with the election coming up in november. i mean, this was essentially a campaign speech, wasn't it? of course, where we are moving full steam ahead into campaign season, a re match or 2020 joe biden. donald trump, almost shirley and joe biden was in good form. he was energetic, he looked like he enjoyed sparring with, with the republicans with the public and heckler's foreign policy doesn't play a huge role in us elections. like in many countries, people are concerned about domestic issues. but these elections are spin on the margins and if there are a few 1000 voters in strategic areas of the united states,
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unhappy with the president position on anything, but specifically with what's going on a gaza that could turn on election. okay. plan through kraft. thank you so much and let's get more now on that. us port plan for gaza ship belonging to a spanish and g o will make a voyage on friday to test the c a core door of this ship. it's called open arms. it will depart from cypress european commission president ursula funder line, so that the e u. together with the u. s. united arab emirates and other countries will sponsor the route to deliver large quantities of age garza. here's more than what you have to say. and today we are facing issue many terry and catastrophe in gaza. and we stand by the innocent civilians in palestine. and this is why europe is financing a major issue. many terry and 8 effort, fault honest opinions in gaza and in the region. we're not very close to the
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opening of the car doing hopefully this saturday this sunday. and i'm very glad to see that an initial pilot operation will be launched today. and let's get more on that we are joins now by the w correspondent, tanya kramer, who has the view from jerusalem. what more can you tell us about this humanitarian cord, or from cyprus to gaza as well? we don't know much the to many details yet. how this will work, i mean, we understand the ship would be a screen with goods for so many terminated would have to be screened in cyprus by is really security to then be allowed to leave and said off to our guys, i know because i always had a port cost as an ancient of port as city, but the port and garza, i mean the is more it has been having the damage. it's in the remodel area,
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which is in garza city. we understand that has been a lot of of embarrassment in this area. and also this small port uh has never been extended. it has always uh, kept close uh on, also from the sea side from the mediterranean, uh, posting and fisherman has always been, uh, only allowed to go up to a between $6050.00 north dakota miles out to fish. sometimes that were not allowed at all. and that is where the navy close to the area or from the mediterranean side . now we don't know, of course, if this port will be reuse, there's only a, a talk about building off of here. and we also don't know how these, how do you many terminate them with get off from the ships because this port would certainly not be able to accommodate a bigger commercial ships. maybe a smaller boats will then take that you might determine it in all these are
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a lot of questions. of course, we understand that one of the ships now is this ship you're talking about will be sailing and be also heard from the president of the new commission was from the line. she said that she hopes that this corey door will be set in place by a sunday, and that this is now a testing phase, so to speak. and what to see is really government to make up this plan from, from the to us, ally as well. we haven't heard a really any reactions yet from the is really the government in a way that could see it. also, it would take pressure from them actually the pressure they have from all the human deterrent community. but also from the united states to open up more ways into gaza, to deliver more humanitarian aids. i mean is where it says they're delivering enough human determine a, but that there's a button that gets the distribution of the end on the other side of the borders.
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and we have a 2 border crossings, one from egypt. one i'm is i can show them, but that has been a lot of talk into humanitarian community to open the airs crossing which is in the north of the gaza strip. which would then, you know, let in directly into the north and gaza strip, where it is the most needed at the moment with many of the you in agencies operating in gauze of warning, of imminent as division and timing of the population that has been stained, tonya cramer, thank you. and here are some other stories making headlines. gunman have abducted at least $208.00, jerry and pupils from a school in the north western town of covey. good in kaduna state. authorities are still trying to confirm the exact number taken in the incident. abductions of students for ransom are common in the region, in 2014 extremist kidnapped more than 200 girls from tribute village. i
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hate these governments has extended a state of emergency and a nighttime curfew in an effort to curb coordinated attacks by criminal gangs. the groups have been attack and key infrastructure as police struggle to contain the unrest. they are demanding the resignation of prime minister arial henri australia is great, barrier reef has been hit by mass coral bleaching for the 5th time. and just 8 years. scientists say that the bleaching is driven by global warming and the menial climate pattern. they also warn that the southern reese is at high risk of losing its coils out of more than $400000.00 soldiers. currently serving in the ukrainian armed forces about 20 percent are women. the majority served in supporting roles, but some have gone to fight on the front lines and ukraine's ongoing war against russian and russia's invasion. getting that chance was
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a fight in itself as the the be is max santa reports, one shot, one kill. meet all the cassandra. she used to work in the bakery. now she's a sniper. today she shows us what she does on a 100 meter range. somewhere in central you cream at the front line for targets can be more than a kilometer away. or job take skill and a certain mindset. go to school. well, i see my enemy. i see the occupier who came to our land when to destroy our statements. are people not sure that there's nothing more? so this one to show elizabeth, she says many still question her ability to do this because she's
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a woman. the women have long served in the ukrainian armed forces. but few take part in combat. or who might you put it? the woman who shot this video is another one. it's last fall in the are of the ukrainian soldiers are holding against a russian or a slot. after hours of battle, they bring their wounded to safety. we'll meet alana and don't boss region. we're not fighting. she stays in the village. she says, joining the war, changed her life or to the job here i feel life on my tongue on my lips. you know what, i feel much more than i did in civilian life for 2 hours to remove it too. before
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the war, she was a common occasion trainer and keith. no. atlanta clears trenches with the infantry . she had to push for a front plane job. then to put down and she asked me, do you really want to come back position? it's difficult and not all commanders except girls and combat positions. i said, i don't care what's going on with the commanders. i don't care how hard it is. i know for sure that i can to personalize for young was she has been decorated for her courage by presidents lensky. yet it's not all bravado. this video was recorded after a battle with heavy losses. to be cursed, everyone who's behind this of the back and central ukraine. sniper, alexandro takes us to the temporary flat. she shares with her husband, who also joined up as a sniper, where you need to be invisible. she says being as small as she is can be an advantage. and women in general can be less emotionally driven than men. she
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suggests, too much of a sudden they are not only less aggressive, but also think more about each task. that is, but they do not do it suddenly, but try to think it over and analyze it and carry it out with a full head thinking more about safety and all those around fortune here. that's not a view shared by many in the military course. magical every woman in the army for the past to show that she is worthy to be in the same combat position and fight on an equal footing with a master. wonderful. that's something infantry soldier alana has also had to do. she says she has been accepted by her peers, but 2 years into the war. as the queen struggles to fill the ranks many women who
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want to follow her example have a fight on their hands to do so. and for more on that, let's bring into sabina frasier from steve. she is un women, country representative and new crime. thank you. so much for your time today, we have just been hearing that there are 60000 women serving and ukraine's armed forces, making it one of the armies worldwide, which has the most women. why is that? alright, thank you very much for having me on today for international women's day. yes, ukraine has about 60000 women serving including 6000 all for lots. and um, i think that this is because of the 10 years of aggression by the russian federation. and women have been disproportionately affected by the will. so we find that the number of displaced persons refugees, our highest amongst women. so it is quite natural that women have decided now to
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also joined the army and other security and defense for, since they are playing a very important role on, on the front line. and what we're seeing is that the ministry of defense has also engaged in significant reforms to ensure that women can access different positions in the army and actually reach out to the front lines. and that really the amount of discrimination inside the ministry itself has diminished. have you, i mean, how do you, you highlight a little bit of a theory, you kind of give us a little clue into it, but you know, how have you seen it changing the image of women in ukraine over these past years? i mean, we've definitely seen a dramatic change of the view of women in the military. it's become much more accepted, much more recognized both legally. so now women can in serve in all positions and they can serve as cyber as they can to serve as trans drivers. which was not the
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case at the beginning uh, several years ago. so there been institutional changes that have affected the include increased women's potential to serve in the military. but also publicly we see many more images of women in the military on tv in posters. so there's also been a more of a public acceptance, and i just want to mention one particular initiative that happens over the past couple of years is a preparation of uniforms. female uniforms. so that women conserve comfortably in the are. this was something that was driven by civil society by women's organization. so we've also seen quite interestingly is that women's organizations themselves have been trying to ensure is equal access rights to women, security and attempts. there are still reports, however, of discrimination. um, despite all of that, the progress in the past year is, can you tell us a little bit more about where things stand and, and where they are right now or yeah, i mean as your,
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your film also just suggested is that there is still work done there are still cases of discrimination, they're still allegations of, of, uh, harassment and even sexual harassment. so of course, there is still work to be done in the military to ensure that any kind of violations are addressed. i should say also there are still very few women in leadership positions in the military. and so this of course also takes time. so it's important to ensure that women have equal access to training that they have the same opportunities to rise up in the military. i believe that the ministry of defense in your brain is working on all this. i bet of course it is. it takes time to, to change the institution, both a structurally, but also mental in terms of the, the perceptions amongst the rest of the force. thank you. so much for joining us to share that perspective. some, you know, frasier un country representative you and women, excuse me,
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country representative and ukraine. we appreciate it. has a look at some other stories from around the world. 3 military ruled west african countries have announced plans to set up a joint. forced to find is la mic terrorist groups. share molly and for keen, a facile have seen numerous attacks by the groups. in recent years, their militaries promised to end insurgencies in this a healthy region. the violence has worse and under their machines. for 10 years after malaysian flight, i made 371 missing families of chinese passengers have met with officials in a desperate bid for answers. m h 370 took off in qual, i'm poor was 239 people but never landed in beijing. people in malaysia and china have been holding remembrance events. they say their lives aren't stuck in limbo to
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united airlines flight headed for japan, lost a tire mid air following take off from san francisco. the tire fell in an airport parking lot and the boeing 777 later made a safe landing in los angeles. the airline said that the plane was designed to land safely with missing or damaged tires. 6 couples in japan have suited their government for denying partners the right to have separate surnames. the 19th century law forces married couples to pick either the husbands or the wife surname. lawyer say that 95 percent of the time it is the men who get to keep their well this international women's day, ireland is holding a referendum. poles have opened for voters to decide whether or not to switch out language that is deem sexist and old fashioned in their constitution. if approved to the new proposals could large, we'd be symbolic,
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but they have still caused controversy. and a lot of confusion during the government to lead campaign a woman's duties in the home. this is one issue irish both to being us to consider as a vote on 2 proposals to modernize the language and then 1937 constitution. the so called cat amendment would change wedding in the car and door to coal, saying a woman may be protecting her duties in the home if she goes out to work and the to women's role within the her missing support of the state. the women have been challenged their whole lives and we're seeing her place in society and home and looking after our children and our husbands and nobody moves from us. first, the constitution has moved from the us and the woman's face any where she wants it to be. yes, campaign is want to replace what they call sexes, outdated language with phrases that reflect the fact that care can be provided by
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any family members. not just women. no campaign is, are against the removal of the woods mother and woman from this part of the constitution that's being portrayed. but because this is a days that this is the meaning, i don't consider that the work when the doing the home is the meaning of the realities. women are still the ones that is also worried. members, if the disabled community and the elderly who question the governments promise to support family care is much bigger than just the family care. it also is not strong enough in saying that they are just going to support chairs in the home. it is stuff 2 weeks, it's very clear that the government is obligating, its responsibility to it cares in general. the other vote is on whether or
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not to extend the meaning of family from its current constitutional definition as being based on marriage to include what the government is cooling. durable relationships, such as unmarried couples with children. prime minister le veronica says that the changes are necessary to reflect and mode an irish society, but those pushing for a no vote say to propose new wedding could lead to legal complications. the all major parties support the yes yes, vote in the referendum. and just hoping that confusion around the proposed changes doesn't put voters off. a quick reminder now of our top story, us presidential fight and said that the us military will build a temporary peer off the causes and coast for a delivery. he also warned israel's leaders not to use casa as a bargaining chip fight, and was speaking in his annual state of the union speech to the nation of next
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what the expected 5 and trump presidential race needs for the world that's on the debate show to the point, so stay with us if you can for that. i'm sarah kelly and for land. thank you so much for watching. take care the
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to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. following super tuesday, the us presidential election in november is shaping up to be a rematch. trump versus buying isn't a race that poses worldwide risk out on to the point to the point next on d w, you know,
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we are being chased and they are holding a lot of people that we ask to be very fast. check when you have reception based. we might have environmental lists are on the run from the to the mass. yeah. the illegal simba trade is a $1000000000.00 business with no regard for people. all nature in 45 minutes on d w, the winning the, we say never giving us the most exciting thoughts. stories
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about people that happens every weekend w following super tuesday, it's looking ever more certain that the us election in november will be a re match pitting incumbent president job either against his predecessor and rival donald trump. 2 elderly white man vying to lead the us into the future with very different visions for that future on issues from energy to immigration, from abortion, to taxes, and on foreign policy. many americans are tired of acting as world policeman and pay master salvage choice. they make clear.


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