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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the does it need to be news life from valen opening a new passport have to reach gaza. you chief, a sort of fund alliances. first ship delivering international aid. the gaza is to, to leave cyprus, to buy a new so you kind of know, months of will have left around $2000000.00 pricing. this rectify also on the program, us president joe bite and deal that was the states of the union address, getting an onset republicans hoping to assure adds up to 3 issue adapters that he's ready for on the election. v matching with donald trump to state media before the president vege of time around says upcoming elections at the end of this month will be his last
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the . i'm ok, welcome to the program. international efforts are taking shape to setup a path by sea to deliver urgently needed eights of millions of people in gaza. the chief sort of fund the lines that the commodore between cyprus and casa, could begin operating face. we can only a limited amount of night has been reaching gossip by land due to his reading the blockades. the land has won the millions facing the threat of funding you commission president us to live on the line visit site, press the starting point for new maritime age car door to gaza. and today we are facing issue many terry and catastrophe in gaza. us as we stand by the innocent civilians in palestine. and this is why europe is financing
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a major humanitarian aid effort, false honest opinions in gaza and in the region. we're not very close to the opening of the car you doing? hopefully this saturday, this sunday. and i'm very glad to see that an initial pilot operation will be launched today. the you will work together with the united states, the u. a. e and other countries to ship food medicine, an equipment for shelter, from a port in cyprus, straits to a temporary pad that the united states says it will build on the coast of garza. several countries continue to power, shoot food parcels into the goal is the strip as the risk of salvation on the ground to spreading these age convoys recently passed over the buddha from egypt. but others of blocks from crossing by his radio store to use or protest as
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any food that does arrive is hard to come by and is often a dangerous proceed inside the 8 and the and we've got some flour, pen god. as soon as he walked, because really shot us distraught does breeze good bullets hit my fingers. i lost them and i have a bullet in my shoulder. the new initiative to deliver aid by sea has yet to set sail the you and welcomes the effort. but says that land rates remain the optimal way to get all forms of aid into gaza as well. i'm at byron is regional media and communication advisor for the norwegian refugee council. i asked, it'd probably be less the content is that
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a new maritime congo. cut out this weekend. thanks for having me in terms of this being realistic? probably, i mean we help so nice that you know any age from any, any size of the food that comes in to god. so however, the question is, what happened to the, to the actual land troops that we have, or have we given up on those? have we give it not going, convincing israel to allow more age and have we give enough one diplomacy as, as a, to a bringing some, you know, some belief just people who are literally starving and it goes on right now. i mean this, the 1st this team is, is welcome because people are so desperate that security, knowing garza where you know, we are hearing reports of truth and try and get them on the attrition. however, what we need to see is, is uh, the reopening, the full reopening of the of the last crossings in russia and cut them
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a shallow. so i'm at the bottom from the norwegian refugee council. so it's for us, for our president biden has delivered he states of the union address in addition to outlining times to get more 8 into gaza. it. okay, donald trump had of november expected election very much. joe biden used his state of the union address to make the case for a 2nd term in office, firing several broad sides that republican front runner, donald trump, never referring to him by name only as my pre, the assessor. he opened his address by declaring democracy under threat at home and abroad, and criticizing trump for inviting russia to invade nato countries. if they don't spend more on defense hallmark further assessing. a former republican president tells food quote, to whatever that, how you want to quote. for the present actually said that
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boeing down the russian later, i think it's outrages is dangerous and it's on acceptable by didn't frame the upcoming election as a choice between revenge and decency. he vowed to restore the federal abortion rights re committed us support for ukraine, and spent a large portion of a 68 minute address on the war in the middle east and building plans to build a temporary port for a deliveries to gaza. fi see? trump kept up a steady stream of replies on this and the truth social site defending himself and blasting biting for what he described as quote, the angry, at least compassionate and worst state of the union speech ever made. trump attacked by an over border security, which has emerged as a central themes up to 2024 campaign. what's happened now is a harsh show. the country,
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our country is being laughed at all over the world. over the past 3 years, biden is actively aided and abetted the importation of millions and millions of illegal earlier migrants and resettle them into your communities at any time during the past 3 years crooked joe biden. and he is crooked as you can be, and the most the job for the president, we have a could have called off the invasion. but to this day, he is keeping the hordes of a legal migraines and the legal is pouring into the country. but the if elected trump is promising to launch the largest deportation operation in american history . poll show a majority of americans trust republicans, more than democrats on securing the border in his address by the accused republicans of playing politics with the border by stalling andy railing, a bi partisan bill on security reforms because his predecessor told them to
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the turkish president vege of time divine size, this month's local elections will be his last as president suggesting that he won't stand for another 10 is comments came during a visit by his ukrainian counterpart of allowing him is the landscape presence of a president out of and also said he was ready to host a piece, somebody between new pride in russia and that to keep would contribute to the reconstruction of ukraine. when the war was over. a typhoid alarm has led to okay for more than 20 years, winning more than a dozen the election since 2002. what is kind of the 5 year term in hotly contested collections in my last correspondence, dorian jones and based on both one tangled one, the president's report that you have said because at the end of elections at the end of this month, a local off of them presidential as well indeed, and why he has made the statement so it has proclaimed the law of discussion and
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certainly has rekindled questions about his health throughout his presidency. he has been told by room is all field health, but it could also simply be an electron employee because at the end of the month, we have very hotly contested local elections. not most of them here in the sample where odd one is desperate, the house incumbent, a crumb in my mobile. i'm back contests is too close to cold. so it could be in a 10 by ode one to consolidate his boat. he's base a heavy going ahead of these critical elections. you similar statements in last year's president until election? praying pricings heavily on the fact that this is his last campaign. and it will seem his attempt to consolidate his base and they did work then. but it has to be also, he said he's was a very careful he said, the reason why this is his last nothing to do with any questions of health. it's purely because of the constitution. and it's what we expect to the next year. he is expect to do trying to introduce a new constitution and is one of the room of that. the end of term limits could be one of those changes which was open the door from standing again. all right. okay.
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away from that, the president says, just how the press conference regarding his meeting with you training and peasants on demands and landscape. what did they say? well that was lawsuits would be discussing this meeting of one of the key things in the agenda was so landscape calling for a mall. um so is expected. uh, when he arrived here before he met with hood once you visit the shipyard where that was being built, a warship for the ukraine. the navy is also room at the mongol discussions he's pressing load, wants to delivering the larger amounts of the nations. if your credit is in desperate need of, uh, temporary shells and turkey possibly could be providing those along with that, there was also discussions about possibly renewing, well, trying to revive the grain export deal, which allowed you crate. export large amounts of grain to the world markets which did help to drive down to prices that ended when russia walked away from the field . and they think discussions about how to continue to explore grain of currently
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there, all these well cool to monetary and safe car. those are the 2 leaders are expenses of talked about. so for extending those, i'm increasing great next bulls. i'm also the question of peace talk. so old one is very key to position himself as a guy that can facilitate a positively to bring an end to this conflict. although that's also a piece fit difference between the 2 leaders. so let's keep you didn't show much interested in any idea of having a sit down meeting with these russian counterparts, which other ones is pressing for. instead he's quoting, for them to attend the peace conference which is excluding bruship. another one is not very few. the stick about that, so there was some difference between the 2 leaders. but this meeting certainly on the schools, how would one like to see himself as a key player in this conflict? thank you for that. the correspond to dining jones and stumble. the tensions between the philippines and china of the south china sea spiked again this week. mendota has summoned to patients deputy, i'm past the,
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i'm released footage of china's coast guard. following was a comment of filipino vessels. was that correspondence james che, to reports the class has raised questions for the fall of the philippines about how to deal with chinese, the directions in these disputed voices costing directly in front of this, philippine supply bugs, a white clothes, township of china. then the full filipino crew members were injured this week when the chinese volta cannon shots of the vessels, window actions, manila described as a legal and the responsible it's the latest escalation and maritime tensions between china and the philippines, which have competing sovereignty. claims in the south china sea, the encounter occurred near the 2nd told me to show one of at least 2 bottles claimed by both countries. they full within the philippines exclusive economic zone in yellow here, but also within china, so called 9 dash line. the area badging claims is it's on that's to spice and
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international court ruling in 2016 that it's claims have no legal basis. china as close cod fleet has now the largest in the walls and on, let's say, altercations like they show it's taking on a more aggressive role in pursuing pages, maritime interest. it recently runs how patrols around the time when these islands of june, the territory within on shots of the chinese mainland, which badging uses it's on so that's 13 phase maritime spots could spiral. it's a great power conflict involving the united states. the us as taiwan is most important to highlight and almost provide unfamiliar law as the mutual defense treaty with washington. the aging has repeatedly choose the us of using both taiwan and the philippines to push back against china's maritime claims. but to some be thing of regional leaders in australia this week. the philippine president fed 9 ball coast junior said great power politics went behind his country's response. he
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says he was protecting philippine and trust alone such and you emphasis tends to subsume the legitimate rights and interests of countries like the philippines, australia, and other asset and member states into the interests of the so called major concepts as if we are mere ponds with no such egypt agency, manila had stopped short for calling for the mutual defense treaty to be activated, but with maritime confrontations now more frequent. it's also becoming more challenging for each side to striking balance in these hopefully contested waters. this is andre reminder of our top story. this out, the chief asset of funding line says the 1st ship carrying international humanitarian aid is getting ready to leave cyprus from gaza via a new c condo. that's your up to date up next. on the w documentary about 10 years 1st, female mass size range is
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a good day and a great weekend. floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change every towards the internal heat? march 15th on dw, the .


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