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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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it's an island tell the constitutional referendum on whether to believe limit of their obligation to support the states to that lies within the how much progress on generally quality has been achieved around the well. but really, women's reproductive rights have also become a battle ground for just in the united states. but here in europe as well, i'm feel, go in berlin, and this is the day the fisheries watching. another song on the chief thing for a woman. that was me said on the few royal and you know, position in society is to take care of her children. we gave up what for a day to show once again the women exist in this country. there has always been a group in our country that is allergic to the concept of family and the price if
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anywhere say about $50.00. welcome to the day on international women's day. it was 1st celebrated more than a 100 years ago by women fighting for the right to vote in the united states. it was late to adopted by other countries and made a public holiday by many socialist governments. and the us and around the world, women are still fighting for their rights last night and he states of the union address us president joe biden made women's reproductive rights one of the central campaign arguments. and what was the, as i shante political speech, mister botton, who's expected to face a type of bottle for re election, blamed his previous assa, presumptive republican challenge at donald trump. for the supreme court decision, reversing a nationwide to boston access of what he called the legal chaos that followed the fisheries. watching another assault on 3 star state laws banning the freedom to
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choose criminalizing doctors, forcing survivors of rape and excess to leave their stays to get the treatment. they need. many of you in his chamber. i my predecessor, a promising to pass a national battle reproductive freedom. my god, what freedom else would you take away? those bragging about all returning ro, we right have no clue about the power women. but they found out what reproductive freedom was on the ballad. we want 220222200. and we went again to 20. 24 will also be here on international women's day, un secretary general antonio. good terrorist said women had made considerable progress towards gender equality, but they still faced many obstacles. he said that in some cases that progress was being reversed in developing and, and developed countries. billions of women and girls face marginalization injustice and discrimination. while the persistence epidemic of violence against women,
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these graces humanity, hardwell to reflect me, letting me of may go mean native follow relations. and prophecies under the tech, the fis backlash against women's rights. it's all good and the right legal equality is subsidy under the deal of the way. we must move much faster as well here in your upfront this month to international women's day by becoming the 1st country in the world to enshrine abortion rights into its constitution. and a ceremony in paris attempted by president mccarthy. constitutional amendment received the official government. see the changes passed by a wide margin last week including votes from farms, rights, lawmakers as the macro. so these country would not force to protect abortion rights across the european union. and around the world and many regions, especially in the global south women's access to abortion, has improved of recent decades. but there are exceptions. every year, thousands of women die from unsafe abortions. and next report looks at 2 countries
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where the procedure is practically unavailable. el salvador, where abortion carries penalties of up to 50 years imprisonment. life legally begins at conception here, and the state is ruthless and its pursuit even of women who have medical complications and their pregnancies, like lilian not her real name, who served 8 years after a delivery emergency status. i rested accused of aggravated homicide of my new born . the almost like i never left the hospital. i had a youth or into one of them. and when i were caught, my baby has done this and they said i was playing a good and will be a number. a human rights court has ordered el salvador to address laws that criminalize women who have such pregnancy complications. but that's unlikely to move the needle on legalizing a portion here, next door to and then there's a poland where a series of laws passed in 2020 by a right wing. government may divorce and illegal except in rare cases. but new
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prime minister donald task is government took power earlier this year, campaigned on a liberalization of abortion rights. the activists are pushing him to deliver. but squabbling between coalition partners has kept that promise from being fulfilled so far. let's explore basically it's off to on a qu, my o, c, e o of i, past sunset, global organization dedicated to making sure women have access to safe abortions. she joins us from chapel hill in north carolina in the united states. a welcome to dw, i'm looking across the world. would you say that it will terms? women's access to safe abortions is improving. i definitely would say that yes. over the last 30 years, we've seen 60 countries liberal lives there, abortion laws, countries as diverse as the democratic republic of congo, ireland, argentina. and in all of these situations,
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we've seen it more women get access to save services. so yes, i think progress is definitely being made across the globe. that is interesting, but what appears to be a trend can be reversed because these noticeable but they have been moved to rollback women's access to abortion. and countries like the united states, poland el salvador, nicaragua, and i wonder as you see this happening around the world, do you see any common factors in the drive to remove these rights in these apparently disparate countries? as i do, i think that there is a commonality of and the rise of nationalism. and i think the, the linkages between anti democratic and human rights forces. and frankly, miss andre is quite real and quite a, a present danger in europe as well in germany. but also across the world. and so one of the things that these right wing forces have in common is their attack on
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women. and particularly their attack on reproductive rights. but it's not just limited to reproductive rights and abortion rights. they're also interested in attacking the rights of immigrants, the rights of l, g, b t, q, individuals. so it's a broader array and it's really a incumbent upon us to become, to be aware of what's happening and what the broader goal and mission is here. well, today funds became the 1st country in the world to make a board and the constitutional rights in the country. that's where abortion has been legal since 1975. i wonder. do you think that move serves any purpose as of course it does. yes, definitely. it serves a many, i think, actually a couple of different purposes. first of all, by enshrining it in the constitution, they have made sure that it cannot be undone as quickly as it was on done in the united states through a lawsuit. and so they've actually taken moves to make it much more permanent,
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right for, for women in france. and 2nd of all, it's sense, a very powerful, single signal, symbolic signal to the rest of the world. that france values. it's citizens, all of its citizens and values. the human rights of the citizens. and so i think it does some of this very powerful message across the world and, and thinking definitely in europe about the value that and the worst that france places upon it's women. and so we'll go through your mind when you look at countries like the united states, where federal abortion lights and change that decades, only to save those production, those protections suddenly rolled back. yeah, i mean, i think that what's happening in the united states, it's really a tragedy. i think we are seeing the effects of that tragic decision already in the us. we have, we are seeing it increases them internal death, particularly among black women in the united states. the united states already had
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a very high level of maternal mortality compared to other wealthy countries. but now it's gotten even worse and is likely to get worse. a recent studies showed that something like $65000.00 women were forced to carry pregnancies to term as that were, it was a result of rate. so not only can you imagine the suffering of the women who have experienced rape, but then having to carry on that pregnancy. but then also we need to think about the children that are born from the, from those circumstances. so i think the united states is really a, in a lot of trouble in terms of reproductive rights. and it's gonna take, taking some time to get out of this. and you talked about the, the linkages. ah, that's awesome. saying between a right wing at nationalism and the attack on, on women's reproductive rights in your work around the world. where do you encounter arguments against abortion that are made in good faith,
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whether that be religious grounds. so all social on social grounds. i mean, i think many people who may disagree with the idea of an abortion for themselves because of faith or what for whatever other reason they have. i mean, my position is that it should not be a matter of public policy in countries where we have democratic institutions, where we have a separation of church or religion and state public policy should not be determined by a particular religious point of view. and so, you know, i think for, for i pass and for the work that we do, abortion as a matter of health care, it's a, it is a matter of human rights. and it is a matter that should be determined by, by people as they make their own decisions about what kind of life they wanna lead . as rich just hutton, in our report, the can base some pretty severe penalties,
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not only for women, but for a doctors who assist them. do you have a help of women or adults as a brag, zillow? no, we don't condone breaking the law. but there are ways that, that in fact, one of the things that people should know is that a portion of generally legal to save the life of the woman. and the also in many indications for rape or for health leave reasons. and so these are the many legal indications for abortion, and we want to make sure that services are available for people in those situations . good talking to you. thank you so much for joining us doctor. i'm gonna come from bypass. thank you very much for the new trade women account for about 15 percent of the 400000 soldiers and our surfing in the countries armed forces, most kind of out supporting roles. but some have gone to fight on the front lines
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in the countries ongoing bill against russia's invasion. we're getting that chance to fight off in some cases is a fight in itself. magazines and reports the one shots, one kill me look something. she used to work in a bakery now she's a sniper. today she shows us what she does on a 100 meter range. somewhere in central you cream. at the front line, for targets can be more than a kilometer away. or job take skills and a certain mindset too. so well, i see my enemy. i see the occupier who came to our land about to destroy our statements. are people not sure there's nothing more. so this one you chose illegal,
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but she says many still question. her ability to do this because she's the woman women have long served in the training armed forces. but few take part in combat or who might be the woman who shot this video is, in other words it's last fall in the are of the of the ukrainian soldiers are holding on against a russian or a slot. after hours of battle, they bring their wounded to safety. we'll meet alana and done, but when not fighting, she stays in the village. she says, joining the war, changed her life, or to the job here i feel life on my tongue on my lips. you know what,
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i feel much more than i did in civilian life for 2 hours to remove it too. before the war, she was a combination trainer and keith know atlanta clears trenches with the infantry. she had to push for a front plane job and then to put down and he asked me, do you really want to come that position? it's difficult and not all commanders except girls and combat positions. i said, i don't care what's going on with the commanders. i don't care how hard it is. i know for sure that i can get a personal slice for young was. she has been decorated for her courage by presidents and lensky. yet it's not all bravado. this video was recorded after a battle with heavy losses. to be curse to everyone who's behind this back in central ukraine, sniper, alexandra, texas, to the temporary flat. she shares with her husband who also joined up as a sniper,
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where you need to be invisible. she says being as small as she is can be an advantage. and women in general can be less emotionally driven than men. she suggests, or mr too much for her to say to you, they are not only less aggressive, but also think more about each task. that is, but they do not do it suddenly, but try to think it over analyzing and carry it out with a cool head thinking more about safety and all those around fortune here. that's not a view shared by many in the military course. magical every woman in the army for the past to show that she is worthy to be in the same combat position and fight on an equal footing with a master. wonderful, that's something infantry soldier atlanta has also had to do. she says she has been accepted by her peers,
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but 2 years into the war. as the queen struggles to fill the ranks many women who want to follow her example have a fight on their hands to do so. will we observance of international women's day in russia has also been marked by the countries invasion of your crime. political and military data is praised, the women significantly armed forces and mothers for raising their children to be patriots. last man and army fatigues, 100 flowers to women, and occupied pots of ukraine, including the coastal city of mario pump. russell sage of the 60 destroy, it is and costs thousands of civilian tests in 2022. the president pose, in praise. the russian women fighting in ukraine, well, telling them the highest task is motherhood. somebody blowing to deliveries is even thing for a woman who no matter what profession she chooses, nor what heights she reaches assistance, is to take care of her children. their health them lives up their education to strive to bring them up so that they grow up to be where the successful people who
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is the story. and then we'll see if maybe the as well into the women's dain island has also focused on the women's, traditional role of motherhood and marriage. folks, as have been deciding whether to change the language in countries constitution, it's critic, site sexist. an old fashion is approved, the changes would be largely symbolic, but that still costs control. obviously, i'm gonna fusion a jury, the government in that campaign a woman's duties in the home. this is one issue irish participating us to consider as a vote on 2 proposals to modernize the language and then 1937 constitution. the so called cat amendment would change wedding in the car and door to coal, saying a woman may be neglecting her duties in the home if she goes out to work. and the to women's role within the home is in support of the state. women have been
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challenge their whole lives and we're seeing her place and society isn't home or looking after our children and our husbands and nobody's moves from us. first, the constitution has to move from this, and a woman pays anywhere. she wants it to be. yes, campaign is want to replace what they call sexes, outdated language with phrases that reflect the fact that cat can be provided by any family members. not just women you know, campaign is are against the removal of the words mother and woman from this part of the constitution that's being portrayed. but because this is the meaning, i don't consider that the work when the doing the home is the meaning of the realities. women are still the ones doing the vote is also worried to members if the disabled community and the elderly to question the governments promise to support family care is
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much bigger than just family care. and it also is not strong enough in saying that they're just going to support cares in the home. it is stuff 2 weeks. it's very clear that the government is on the, gave them its responsibility to it cares in general. the other vote is on whether or not to extend the meaning of family from its current constitutional definition as being based on marriage to include what the government is cooling. durable relationships, such as unmarried couples with children. prime minister la veronica says that the changes are necessary to reflect in modern irish society, but those pushing for a no vote say the propose new wedding could lead to legal complications. oh major paul to support the yes yes. vote in the referendum. and just hoping that
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confusion around the proposed changes doesn't put voters off on mounting the call if is that direct to of gender studies that university college dublin as part of a walk. she's looked at the sexual violence in ireland revolutionary period. welcome to the w. i'm i wonder if i can be so impulsive impediment as to ask up if you voted. yes, yes, i didn't. busy i didn't size oh should yes, no. right, i'm in the end i decided to be a couple of sorry, are you sorry, we had a couple of technical problems that but the line is okay. now i'm probably going to give an answer again in the end you decided to use. no, i so the, the alternative wording for to, to be to replace the women in the whole market goes lessons as some disability activists. i've argued strongly enough in april with a, with a heavy heart that i did best because it is
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a historian. i knew the context in which the 1937 constitution was created. and the women in the home was really embedding the ideology of domestically and the natural role of women as only to be wives and mothers. so um i, i am not, not very happy both are today, right. i, i'm, which way do you think the vote will actually go it's very hard to tell um in the last hour the turn notes only seems to be heading towards 1335 percent. so what low voltage could mean, anything that it is very good for those who oppose. where no, no, or for yes, yes. or for the yes no, from the polls coming up to the boosting showed yes, yes, i haven't had a good lead. but the arguments in the last few days may have narrow that lead. i do think however is yes, yes, with it changes, right?
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and then low turn out. that sounds to me from looking at the outside like this is either the people didn't catch all this, but this was, this was not a particularly strongly fort issue. it always was a very strongly falls issue, particularly in the last 3 weeks. i think people were very confused. i think information. there has been the loss of misinformation and this information from the far ice particularly. and i think people are quite confused. a box for both the care and the family referendum seeks to do. and whether that's with deliver really change or symbolic change. and the final thoughts to people today who said this, a role of the vote for something they don't understand. they are not going to focus . but those who are approaching are very passionate, spacious. so that the both will reflect and the arguments of debates that have been going on in,
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in the last few weeks. i suppose people from outside of on and will look at this and think, well, why is this the states business? why annual constitution should you be talking about women, mothers, anyone else undertaking, carrying teachers in the home, or even i'm providing extra um, protections for families. why is that the state of the business? it shouldn't be that that matches the legislatures on through such a policy in law, in the carnival, but unfortunately in 1937, the framers of the constitution inserted these articles into the constitution of the section on the family. and they defines the family as founded a marriage as the cornerstone of the nation. they, they had a very prescriptive rules for women. although men's rules are just defined similarly at all, that prospective road was, was mattress, so domestic and reproductive. and so we have to obviously go back to the
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constitution and we seek to update that language to broaden the definition of family a wider than just the mattress with somebody which is through protective. but other families might be recognized in the constitution assignments because of the way it was written. i beg your pump, and finally, a brief, if you wouldn't mind, why did the push for change come from? oh, well that has been coming since the mid 19 ninety's. this has been moved since many times, so it could have happened any time over the last 2025 years from feminist, from the last, from progressives who wanted to see this updated. and indeed, a sexist language removed from our constitution to reflect a more secular mother and society. the 37 constitutionally this section with flex public, social thinking, and conservative social thinking all the time. and so that post has come from from
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sending us and back to this. okay, what's your uh, wait, come with interest. thank you so much for talking to set through that. mary nicole, that's from university college. thank you very much. thank you. to the finally to women in greece, what among the 1st to take advantage of a change in the law and not european country. a couple type of knots at austin city hall after research parliament voted last month to have same sex marriage law also gives l g. b t 2 couples, the right to adopt children. greece is the 1st majority orthodox christian country to legalize the same sex matters despite states opposition from the church. that was the day on international women's day. a good day and a great weekend, the
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based on big will not spoken about eco, india, celebrating women who make a difference. why are we insured in the, you know, financial as the time of change or environment. initially, we are ignoring the social or the underlying social thousands, the spacing, and that's what i need to do. you want eco, india? to get the next on d w, the mirror will tell you
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what the story we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 60 minutes on d. w. the people in trucks inject, when trying to feed a city center and more refugees are being turned away as the board families, planes on attacks in syria credit on entering this week. again, straight to people. excuse me, to focus on the round the world more than 100 and
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speaking. right. we should have the, the one thing that we all experienced during the month of march doesn't matter which part of the world do we move in? and what season it is, is the largest off messages say, is discounts. and in saying marketing or celebrating the into the actually women's day, but is this is really what women want. hello and welcome. i've saw that got the why the annual watching equal in depth. in today's episode, let's drive.


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