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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2024 6:30am-7:00am CET

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man, let's say together, nick always talks about community life on the service. the research is now on the hello and welcome to the 77 percent. my name is avis, the money, and we are in the beautiful city of jerusalem. here in tons and yeah, we're here to bring you another additional of the show for you africa view. this week we're focusing on the topic that's as africans we're always aware of. but don't always discuss in detail. we're talking about the impact of colonialism with a special focus on german colonial rule. this is what we've prepared for you. it sounds on. yeah, we'll look at the atrocities committed by gemini. i feel why so find me, leave us to in morning during our street, the bass, we'll find out how colonial history is that young people says maybe as well,
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show us around suckle, assisted with silver as some of the 20th century 1st genocide, most parts of africa except if you'll be unlike syria, what's taken over by your opinion, pure in these, by the early 20th century, the incident must violin conference in 18. 85 divided africa up, often in straight lines between the colonial powers gemini held more than the terms and the ones that were on the media to go and come a route. but the germans face via resistance. let's have a look fighter and colonialism. it's a story of african business then germany came territories, introduced tanzania, the one that in putting this in 80 a 5, the enforce 15th of a so called german east africa with find that several locators like appreciate in one the haley business that against colonial penetration at the swahili coast german forces responded with hang rafe and plan death by $1891.00.
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the east coast was fully under german control. many africans living inland, resisted as well among them. so why her leader mccollugh. he was a crate, military technician, in the way his even defeated kitchen is 18. by the way, most of human remains of those african freedom fighters taken by colonialists over a 100 years ago, a certain languishing in european collections. many was a which has a ruler around mom came and general in 1900. she was forced to supplement in cuba. finally in 19 o, 5 over 20 communities united and the spiritual leader conducted kelly wiley. and for the harsh german in what is now known as the g, but you will get lost it 2 years and cost the lives of over a $120000.00 applicants. the much in montreal is a big part of 10 sonia is identity today, and the resistance is a source of the national prize. so that was just
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a short overview. if you want to see more, you'll find what we do is like this. a broadcast and information from a series of shadows of german colonialism and believe we know so will same times india for now and on x ray will take us to moshi, which is at the foot of most can you montero and you might have guesstimates with taking a closer look at the history of monkey many a chief and lead to in the fight against german colonialism. who is the center a still alive today? the toner is moshi when the slips of mt. cute him in general is home to the child. good shape? the serial man is going for that was monday. many need of the chunk guy when they, for jim on economies bought last several years later, they do most 100 the mainland of those thinking. they are going to rebel again. they took several schools back to gemini bug, you made it then go a bundle. i look a there was you see, mean what was done to monkey really,
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to me and my family hug. we are not such aside. leave it to pull off with zip codes of fear into our lives. well, but they agree, lucille, this wasn't normally that they don't know what high school wasn't extra of great violence that was done to asked me if i do, i do a minor and that is why we have not lived in peace all these years because these museum tells monument is tory, his leadership of the check, a tribe, and his rebellion against the gems. the fact that the gym i was not on the excluded him, but to be headed him and 2 kids quote to building next in the graph would not be an option even if the school is returned. magnolia used to own all this land here as he was chief of the child, good shape. it is now owned by his grandson and he's generations that said there was where the gym and coordinators is high. him and 18 others like me to lose
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one for that was him on those killed here. he's cool. he's also in gemini, and the natives has confirmed their relationship fuel once more than just this cool . he also wants compensation player to an on back to the kind of we request that the 10s in the, in government take a firm stance to ensure that the german government pays us. if the government maintains vance and we could be paid even today, i do. i think you said we all went through jim, i need to take it in a test. but these officials, they're not signed is cool. are we sending his 50 year old site to find his grandfather's remains and bring them home, continues? i can't imagine what it's like not to be able to bury your dead, especially with a force as a task because assigned to putting those who pass to rest. maybe some of you have similar histories. if you do let us know. so i actually have the chance to talk to a defendant of the system. again,
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bundle was also executed during the months. imagine resistance john bundle was kind enough to join us for a street debates. and of course they wanted to know why the younger generation assume impacted by colonial history. the hello and welcome back to the 77 percent street debate this week. we are in tons on you and this country, if you know a little bit about your history, was colonized 1st by the germans before the british took over after world war one. but so many years later, the scotch of colonization is still felt in contemporary tanzania. today we want to find out how that head re as its head, and who better to answer this question for me. then turns on is we have, you'll be to hear who's an assistant professor of history. do you think that's done then? yeah, i mean the, the rest of africa is truly independent, attends on this stuff because it is not to the dependent because that we've been little cornelius and ended, but to know we have an, you know, the zip, where everything we do somehow is, is determined by the west,
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so before we move into new colonialism, which for sure will be touching on, i want to come to join bundle who is an as the start of one of the freedom fighters, i would say of this country, your great grandfather was unfortunately murdered in a horrendous way, he was home and parts of his remains. what taken with the former colonial masters? so tell me a little bit about why searching for keys remains is so important. we africans, we, we in the morning, oh, crying when we, we bought each and every part of the board for the past one. yeah. um and this such has taken you as far as berlin, where you've been able to speak to the state, minnesota, and most recently, when president for a photo each time i came, you spoke with him. do you think you will be successful? his visit, the glass was just as spoken before our healey and we took to resume friendly in a very private room and he promised as that she's been during that as
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a fence to bring back later minutes. okay. speaking of stolen things in opposite flux. nicholas, he is working on a project to do just that. re touched some of the student works. that's well, sometimes in the, again the trauma and being separated from things of value. do you feel that to contemporary tends on your society? one of the most important things that the german calling analyzing did to the country is taking out a lot of material from the country to germany, to museums in germany. and the taking out of these material with just this is more of a symbol of what the color in your system did at large, which is do you can nomic, social and political plunder of local systems. so we're speaking here from a conceptual point of view, about lots of folks, but again, coming back to you, your family, this is real, right? so how's it affected you from an emotional point of view as in when you think about your children and your father, how does it make you feel and do great grandfather?
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oh for me right now, because we have lost a lot there for me. released out loud when the head was dropped and the dead factor we had taken. so we had nothing a real lift intended. no one was there to do that and the story of what was special for those efforts which we had taken. so we have listed our culture fi, you're doing a film actually. that's following bundle street and another one as well. and as you were doing it anything that jumped out to to which you weren't aware of about colonial history. i think speaking to the question of law, so it's also the last of the importance of the spaces that we still occupied information. so in most of these cases, you have to understand that communities had to watch when their freedom fighters, their fathers, their uncles were being hanged in public spaces. some of the spaces of the chose for example, were like market spaces,
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where obviously this is where the community came together, right? things happens, they're the one life events that attach them to those spaces. and so then by making these points where the people had to be there to actually watch something traumatic happen, you, it's like you've detonated something within that space in the community will never be able to exist around it in the same way ever again, let me come to a briefly because the 2 of you, a students of history, a, c, c has said things have been lost. we've been, you of human beings. do you identify with the statement? i did, i did chapter, you know, i have to because it was to, over us, do all kinds of it to be easy to be feed without. it was the cards over to out of 4 or 4 out of 4 custom. you know, i, the chinese a good because you have replaced them. they've got you the same as the savings to, to in depth and gather. okay. but you know what you're saying is absolutely sports on, but i just want to find out, do you think that's tons and e,
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as in general and africans, are we traumatized from colonization? would you say that we are? we can say that everything is fine with us. uh, it looked fine, but what i see is like we are just not those things of our great grandfathers into our grandfathers. but yes, we just continuing what was blown by the gentleman. we just keeping the tradition which they wanted to impose in us. we're not keeping what our grandfathers and great grandfather i told my degree grandfathers. all right, let me hear from you. the fact that you're trying to bring back what we lost from the essence of cornell, easy, we need to change our systems because that's what we're leaving for. we're not leaving for all those goals. we are leaving for the folks that what they can. so the fact that they government and other people are making a lot of efforts to preserve these things to be as the essence of our history. but we need to change our systems from our leadership styles and other things because
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that's what we are leaving for a year. you spoke about and you colonialism, you'll be to how is it still money festing associated in quinette. quinette isn't ended, but new orleans go to the uh, the zoom started and the people, uh, what do you want uh to take you, gaining and losing the same people localize in the same people gaining now. so you couldn't have these so they would just change the system. what do we do then about that? can you call us because how long? so how long will we be talking about? can you colonialism and colonialism ways, or agency ways, or rights to determine who we want to be as africans? this is not the story necessarily of only being a victim. it is the story of resilience because the, regardless of everything that has been done, we're still here. we're still planning. we have so creating, we have still telling stories, and i think there is the power in owning that space in which you tell your own stories is for us as are these as creators to re imagined to say how can we be to
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say, how, what can we tap within ourselves and continue to create that process of change and speaking of change, suddenly the german government seems to be willing to use for now to of holidays. for dentists, it is of what could be said in africa re sent to you. funk volta assigned by the president of the country, as i mentioned earlier, did come to the country and issued the very strongly worded apology for your family . you want obviously the remains of your family members back for the government. it could be reparations. i what i hear all the time. you know, if we had me to this, it will doings then the ask because we want to money. truthful? well, reparations, i think is an important word because it's a word that is demanding something for the loss. and that's because these things are crude over time. the things that they took, the people that they took, they took with intention to destroy an intention to gain, also because it was worth, it didn't build the wealth of that went away from these communities from our
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countries. and so when we talk about operations, what we're talking about is a restoration of that. well, it does not necessarily mean that it is only some things that can be acquired to paying people back in terms of cash. but you were talking about imagining how reparations can at least add to either cultural, building, infrastructural building. there's so many ways is people who ancestors and needs to come home or go to these countries to look for their people. how is that being facilitated? all of these things just need to be made and reparations. it's something that is done on our terms. nobody else's. uh, well, i thank you for your comments and i thank you all for your contributions. and i thank you for viewing the if you'd like to watch a longer version of this debate,
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you can find its own all youtube channel that's know, take a show d to a to gun know where we meet the young artist who wanted to reconnect with her cultural heritage, which was disrupted by colonial rule through how we'll find out the history of gun as royal umbrella. as a key pupils of an umbrella is to shoot a peasant from harsh weather conditions. but in gunnar, using an umbrella for a king or queen in a traditional space, goes beyond that function. so there's many stories that held the importance of why the umbrella came or already settled in gonna. many of our teams, including mothers already used the umbrellas. but during the early 17 hundreds, the umbrella for gifted by the dutch, but they all have different imagery, different sizes, different colors and fabrications. with that, we're not, benson was born to gaming in parents and grew up in the united states. she late to
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relocate to, to grandma and set up to see him, the foundation that offers the platform where demi is coming to rest with a historical past to present the day. so say honey and my connection to the royal umbrellas were away from me. so be reconnected to my call to a heritage and to also to my teeth and see like to see that my parents you to tell me about when i was younger. i mean, as far but my grandfather and being able to see that a lot of his information wasn't assessable and gonna, and even to our family. it may be realized. a lot of individuals like myself, who are in gonna, or even outside, are dealing with the same thing where they know about their lives. they know about this history, but they don't have any photos or artifacts to bring it back or reconnected. rick to inbox on the 4 hour journey from the capital city across to meet one of the royal umbrella, meekest income i see in the ocean to region as the people of said,
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we are in a shante region after dominantly umbrella because the one who folks me visit craft is cold, bathroom supple, his knowledge, the number i'm making is divine. for me, this craft provides the means to look up to my funds. to roy umbrellas, there used to be an identical tater for a lot of the individuals are coming towards the ceremonies and festivals. many times, as you can have multiple umbrellas, even if is large or small, but they're never gonna have the same design. and even when the, maybe the ashanti king is in front of other kings or like sub chiefs, his umbrella will always be the largest or he'll be surrounded by multiple umbrellas. not just one. where many of the substitutes will be under maybe a medium sized umbrella to sell that at the end of the day, the size of the king is the king of all of the other chiefs. when there is a white umbrella, it might not have any design. it would just be
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a plain white umbrella. the so cases that a chief has some religious context or he is represented by a church. but usually that means no special events, or maybe for that special ceremony that you will see a white umbrella before my residency started, i was part of the group exhibition that was curated by my ones. i can, it was a great opportunity for me to so case my umbrellas and a gallery space. usually my umbrellas, i've seen and the museum exhibitions. but it was the 1st time for me to really see how a new audience will interact with my work. and also to be able to re introduce myself and a new light where now i'm bringing the historical archives and the importance of the roy umbrellas in a gallery space. this is julie who yeah. i've gotten in an african us lives. it's 6 move down memory lead. when i see this re asked to fax on the on face
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the vocation. chris, i've done a very good job and i wish to all the best in all hand, davis. the younger generation likes me, get to have a few of our rich quotesoft. and most while i've been sick african, some additional us to fax, the unable to re imagine and reclaim occupancy archives, to photos, artifacts, videos for them. within my artist process, i'm able to uphold the roy umbrellas, which was a historical object, but now being able to use it as a way to tell our traditional stories and a more modern way. nivia is the country that most people associates of german colonial rule, and that's because of the genocide committed against the nama and headed to people and the mass of land grubbs that went along with it's. it's known as the 1st genocide of the 20th century. if that gentleman knew only apologize for his crimes, but 100 years later, he is
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a shocked overview of what to play. 34 years of german clooney who in the media was especially brutal. when do you mind? doing rhodes or 4th phone tag to buy school monday in 19 o. 4 things were already pretty, but they had been in my literally i gave me your cost please, a test which destined me to the customer. so she'll to the river and manage your mindset. best took advantage, you know, also this 3 so that the hero, people who don't send the attack, shooting over pointed german says that in rest funds, fund tools as well on so just so rounded however, was at the bus hubbard. he's in the same was extra munition or that's a q, a german so met the man and children chased into the battery on my head. up to $70000.00, died of service and service short cuts on her rebel. and now my people who i didn't join the fights were headed into so called quinton troops on counts on the fed for
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my work. i'm exposed many more died in the funding condition, about 75 percent of the entire population and some $0.50 or the night due to date. on the last weekend of august, i will need us to pay those to me that you guys are here by the way, and that's the traumatic events right to them. yes. history and also process them. how do you come to terms with such a brutal past? well, in this next piece, let me be a musician, rubbing 96 us around to you phone, so also couple boons and shows us how he and young that may be as lived their lives today. well, be very aware of this, which is history. hey, everybody. my name is robin and when it's up and i'm on the west side, the west side were in stock of one. so let's take a ride to my city,
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my ruthven natalie. gimme a call back, a k, a 121 isn't it may be as dawn soul superstar. and a rab loves his tone, which no clothes coolants walk up. it may be as a boot, the largest city, and his home of choice. not just because of the vibrant local music scene, but also because the world's largest send you all just a 5 minute drive away. this is freedom maintenance best and having the best of all for us with the ocean and doing the right side inside the so we're having the pressures to you know, so basically soccer phone for me. rap and his crew are assigned to boarding prose. those still in the making the even hope to represents walk up in international tournaments one day. but to officer a bad full, a rap has hurt to shoulder. i need some tlc. c. this may head to mon
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desa, the big township on the outskirts of swan. most people live here, and this is also where my, my oldest has the practice, the traditional to see that it takes care of all kinds of pains and swords from sports, injuries to connecting with your ancestors. quotes of herbal doctor has a solution for everything. some of the places that we don't really stress. so selves with um, wisdom medicines and all that stuff to know because we know like we go back to the roots cuz that's where we're very spiritual and very important to me. they're going to turn the stuff the skill user or i guess the out average. i'm going to try and get it to the legacy of gym and colonial rule and swap them and still plays a huge role here today. in the 1st few years of the 20th century, a german soldier has moved to thousands of indigenous people right here and swap
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them on. as part of the genocide in the maybe up rubbing nearly takes us to a mass grave that serves as a painful reminder to those that were killed. a low we have the printer in the brown house which is all 50 and suckled one. these are very pretty and holidays town. we also have this part of our history and this is actually um on, on that it's on, on that side. and i would like to us to share this part of the history of my town with you off to visiting the jews, the township and the mass cemetery. rab heads to the old colonial saint ups walk up to meet up with his friends. the beach is one of their favorite places in town,
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a perfect spot to end the day. and think about the menu streams of this city. when you live in odessa and when you come to the center of town, like you come to a different town, it's like you're in a different city, man. completely. 2 different words. yeah. this is basically like a little island. there's 2 different words that depend on the one that we've come to the end of our sho, gentleman colonial rule. last at about 35 years as they had to give up the colonies to the british and french of to wells one. and yet both here and other countries, people still struggle with the consequences of colonization. i'd love to hear your thoughts on this, you know where to find us. well, social media, well youtube is to drive to talk, select. but that's what we have for you today. the by the
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tab up with we can't afford to cover the 4 dozen by the thank the the
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vehicles to be a distant memory, the land for trust. now these are calling for cleaner transportation alternatives. are this countries rose about the change forever? read 30 minutes. d, w and post solutions for the global problem, plastic waste. the company might've made
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a breakthrough with chemical recycling. it allows high quality plastic to be released from the dirty plastic waste or recycling released tomorrow today. in 90 minutes on d. w. the is increasing and recent mini watching online services, the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost. at the cost every year of the exports of $1000000.00 thomas is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible.
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make up your own mind. dw made for mines. the loading away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. i asked whoever's what was the most difficult part of their job uniformly, they spoke about, she's being the most difficult part of their jobs. men described it as a feeling of drowning and seats sky was melting, and you couldn't breathe. how do rising temperatures change from different parts of the world? in february, march 15th on dw, the
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this is dw, use line from berlin, and you, pos, forgetting humanitarian aid into the portal and gaza strip. european commission, president tools of the fund divine says the 1st ship carrying supplies from cyprus as part of a new international maritime cartilage could leave as early as this weekend. so just president, branch of tell you about one spot. speculation. i think maybe preparing to fall out of politics some to move into decades in pallets and chinese intimidation. and the whole thing contested south china sea full philippine sailors engine.


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