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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2024 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is date of the news line from building a new pos for getting humanitarians into the portal and got a strip. you're paying commission, president of the best law fund divine says the 1st chip, caring supplies from cypress as part of the new maritime carto, could leave as early as this weekend. and not serious president change in the army to search for hundreds of children and kidnapped from a school. talked about correspondent this out about one of the biggest domestic doctrines. you need the,
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i'm anthony, how it welcome international if it's taking shape to set up a maritime car door to deliver urgently needed i to got a ship carrying humanitarian aid from a us. charity is preparing to leave lanika in cyprus, full gaza. this comes of the us says it plans to build a temporary, offshore p off the coast of gas. and they've said that this could take up to 60 days to complaints from the port in cyprus, the a you will work together with the u. s. u a. e and other countries to shift food medicine and equipment to shelter un, his ones that without more deliveries, jobs or faces the very real threat of fed security forces in nigeria, searching large areas of forest. in the north, we
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a staff, the government kidnapped of a 280 children from a school. kidnappings have become a lucrative business for games in the region. and parents are losing faith in the or thought he's to stop the practice or find the kids who are missing hearing words of support and well go into every parent's worst nightmare shackle. lowball is anxiously hoping for his kidnapped son to return home. but came over again, but you about i couldn't even sleep last night. yeah. yeah. you know, my wife and i, i'm kind of weird, devastated or not we can, we just couldn't fall asleep. but it was the old of his 2 sons who was taken by the gunman. his youngest son managed to escape the form, i should know. it does a good defend. it's arrived on motorcycles. why see, they started shouting and then shooting. who do i all the students run away into
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the nearby bushes and they know that what do i need to do? one of the bandits chased after me as i ran, you know, but i was able to get away from him. i looked around for a way to escape and i was able to make it across the road and into the bushes that i came home from their kid nothings to run. some are a major problem. nigeria, it's estimated the 1500 students had been taken by gangs and your heart is over the past decade. those disappear function was the largest in recent years. relatives of the children of pleading for those sorts has to help. but some of meat they have little faith in the government to the guy like all right, let's crossover to ally a boot. you corresponded why suit interest? why so do we know exactly who is behind the slightest abduction as
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hello why? so i'm going to repeat the question this anthony howard here in the studio in berlin. i wanted to ask you, do we know exactly who is behind this latest abduction? ok, we're having a problem. they getting through devices. we'll move on and hopefully come back to him later in the shop for now, here's a look now, some of the other stories making headlines around the world. well, mike is in progress on the voting to elect a new president. it's a contest between the building potty of prime minister issue about shot lease and the opposition laid by giles formerly to iran. con presidency is a launch lead. ceremonial bro, i think, is held through a secret about the thirty's president,
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richard tapp at one says this month. local evictions will be his last suggesting he will not stand for another time in office. his comments came during a visit by you friends, president mister lensky. at one said he's prepared to host a piece summit between ukraine and russia. us lawmakers have passed a government spending package avoiding the shut down of key federal agencies. the bills with more than $460000000000.00 will now go to president joe biden to be signed into law. the senate is negotiating a 2nd package to ensure full federal funding for 2nd deadline might have this month . 0 objection to proceeding from a 100 and president, one, orlando hernandez has been found guilty of trafficking. hundreds of tons of cocaine into the united states. prosecute the site. he ran on us like a naco state. protecting drug traffic is an exchange for bribes.
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he was long considered a top us ally in central america. now he faces a life in prison. quite orlando. hernandez has been found guilty of 3 counts of drug trafficking and weapons conspiracy. i see that his lawyer says they will appeal to a decision there in montana because he says he is innocent. and he says he still has the strength to keep fighting. hernandez was president of hon. do arise for 2 consecutive terms between 20142022. during his leadership, the country received more than $50000000.00 in an to narcotics assistance from the us, as well as additional millions of dollars in security and ministry. 8, prosecutors later on cover that she was linked with block traffic cars,
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including former i'm actually conduct lord fucking guzman known as l chapo. she was accused of helping small the around $500.00 tons of cocaine to the us. around this was arrested just weeks after completing his 2nd time as president, and he was extradited to the united states. 2 months later, in april 2022 after a 2 week trial jurors in manhattan and reached the verdict, celebrated by hun door and citizens gathered outside the court house. locust, almost like those of us who are here who have emigrated to know that we are the consequence of a failed state. that has been controlled and managed by people who have used their country and its institutions for drug trafficking. the, i hope that the verdict and his arrest serves as
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a precedent to so that authorities can no longer harm our country guessing game that they devote themselves to serving our people. not destroying our people. and the it's the 1st time in more than 3 decades that a formal foreign leader has been convicted of drug trafficking in the us. okay, let's go back to that story of the kidnappings in nigeria. let's cross of it about a bu, jet correspondent, why see interest? why so, how do you hear me this time? do we know exactly who is behind this latest abduction? just take, i'm connecting. okay. okay, we'll have to move on again from wiser. and we'll bring you more on that story as soon as we can on the portugal now where they are holding early. general elections
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on sunday, 5 right party is expected to make gains as well. chicken which means enough is campaigning on an anti immigrant and anti corruption platform. it was in the pulse means the party could play a key role in coalition tools in the nation with a fascist pos that's making some portuguese anxious. the w as young phillip schultz file this report in 2019 portrait goes far right populous party share. got one just over one percent of the vote. now, party leader and raven, sure as public appearances resembled those of a rock star. and the party is pulling it over 20 percent. the recipe for success, a young team that reaches millions on social media. the message is simple. portugal is in danger, from corrupt politicians and illegal migrants. of course i understand that some people don't know i called voice and the political discussion. the thoughts were actually concerned with the wellbeing of old people,
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if it's obvious to the current strategy of welcoming everyone into this country without any control is leading to a constant decline in our living standards, which miss bicycle leave out. a few kilometers away in lisbon is mounting monique district. the rise of the far right has become cause for concern. the number of migrants is particularly high here. some have lived in portugal for a long time and have their own businesses. but in recent years, thousands of on documented migrants have settled here too. many of them live on the streets, leading to some discussion among long time residents. which i mean, i've got no problems with them. we're all the same in the end. the simple visit was making us, um, migration is good. that what facts. but at the moment it's just become too much of them of the it's completely out of control. so you just look around you here at mounting money, square and beyond, not really given what the least people of florida share goes. anti immigrant stance
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is not just making newcomers nervous. many here are concerned the parties popular slogans or encouraging outright racism. the main fact they're always talking about my grants. i was born here, but i have family members from around the globe and i'm getting a bit sketch going system far too much. so i will put a big check out the paper from the take apache. finally, you have to understand that everyone, you've talked to gays, ethnic background, the color of asking all of that doesn't. and i, so it's not just want people that are citizens of this country to go political analyst antonio coast. i pinto has been researching popular movements all across europe and says he's observed a new strategy of the far right and his home country. they play the cards. if you make ration, they play the cards. if cheap see roma, they play the cards, the social cards for them, and they'll try liberal party. they says in 3 became
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a bar to that as a friend of the minimum wage, the friend of the pension benefits. because in a way they became much more socialist. but even if the shake party and its leader and rafe into a are gaining in popularity, their feet after the elections is far from clear. particle center, right cap has ruled out a coalition with the radicals at least for now. now let's go back to turkey, where richard type one says, this month's local elections will be his last suggesting he will not stand for another 10 as president. these comments came during a visit by his ukrainian count upon the modem is lensky. at one also said he was prepared to host a pay summit between ukraine and russia, and that to he would contribute to the reconstruction of ukraine and double inch is laid. taking for more than 20 years, winning
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a 1000 elections. assembled correspondent, dorian johns, told us more about what are the ones announcement means or why he has made the statement. so it has pro quite a lot of discussion and certainly has rekindled questions about his health throughout his presidency. he has been told by room is all field health, but it could also simply be an electron employee because at the end of the month, we have very hotly contested local elections. not most of them here in the sample where odd one is desperate to allison incumbent, a crumb in my mobile. i'm back contests is too close to cold, so it could be in a 10 by owed one to consolidate his boat. he's base a head again ahead of these critical electrons. you similar statements in law. she's present until electron praying pricing's heavily on the fact that this is his last campaign. and it will see that the attempt to consolidate his base and they did work then. but it has to be also said he's was very careful. he said, the reason why this is last has nothing to do with any questions of health. it's
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purely because of the constitution. and it's what we expect to the next year he's expect to do, trying to introduce a new constitution. how does one, the room of that the end of term limits could be one of those changes which would open the door from standing again. was door insurance in east amble, the force run out finally an opportunity for martin up fans to get excited about a new exhibition. vienna features the work of american hop on pioneer roy lichtenstein is comic and spied style not even one of the most influential odyssey of the last century. many of these most like clinic pieces that they dissembled for the show, which has been organized to mock the centennial clicked and starts bit right before we go. here's a reminder about top story. this is not here, as president has sent troops to search for hundreds of children,
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have ducted from school in the north region where kidnappings have become a lucrative business for games. and you have the adult for now. coming up i, i is killing some jobs while creating new one. so the question is for many happen to use the technology in your 5 will coming up and 45, the goals we say they're never giving up every weekend on d w. the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories to
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just to take away the journey. but this.


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