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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2024 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the business, the doubly news lived from building the 1st hope of getting food and medicine into gaza. first chip caring humanitarian supplies from cyprus, could lead as early as this weekend. and not serious things in the army to search for hundreds of children kidnapped from a school. a correspondence has the details of the biggest mess of adoption. indeed, [000:00:00;00]
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the, i'm anthony held. welcome to the program. international, if it's uh, taking shape for a maritime cargo to deliver desperately needed i to casa a ship carrying humanitarian assistance from us. charity is preparing to leave la monica in cyprus. america is planning to build a temporary p, a off the coast. but this could take as long as 2 months, the us and european union with, with, with the united arab emirates and other countries to ship food medicine and emergency shelters. united nations as one to the gaza is on the brink of the family . oh here, but to be is the regional director for the i n c k international? i asked earlier whether the american plan is moving forward. what's is matters now is fact we trying to find the best most efficient, quickest solution that would allow us to enter
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a into gaza will cause any kind of uh, potential to increase in too many debt in a system is more assistance is more than welcome at guarantee because we are talking about, especially in the north, and i around 25 percent of the population of guys that are now moving one on one step away from, from being at, from being declared under simon's stage. this means that we are also hearing about a children who are in acute and my nutrition. one o 8 of 6 children under the age of 2. now in the notes of guys, and we have here that, well, the distance of the wood that has been passed away. unfortunately over the last days because of a, the hydration and hunger. this means that we need to find it in the the most, if it's an efficient solution. the quickest one having that, that having that said, we also knew that, as you mentioned the any effort that is going to be at and noon now through the sea was a good one. but it would take 2 months and it does not in any way,
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would be able to replace the already existing borders points the one in the flash, potentially other for there's like a is a group of who signed them all the points that exist. and we have already thousands of just waiting at the board to enter it at any moment to the north end to this solve this guy. so i will c b t by to be the original director for the items c k international. and with an odd length up in the bowl in gaza. tensions on these brows, northern border with living on also running high is where the army and has but i have been exchanging 5 since the funding and gossip again last october. lebanon's prime minister says tools kind of easing board attentions. she'll get on the way during ramadan next week. and the capital by roads is preparing for the muslim holy month is the deputy reporter of us l. shelley with more are almost done is looking goal and fatal. start with the rising prices,
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put it to comes to the oil and the fees of an outbreak of will buy a lot and the prices are steady at the moment. that's it. but there's news from traders, the prices will rise in the bottom. no, nothing is clear. and robert on prices may go up. hello for loans, as if it's to things of bad, god knows how with a live life is difficult. we cannot buy q of tomatoes to run in. there is no cheese alumni, and before i'm a done, everything is expensive. one to them be able to each factor sounds much room, even though i know that may clue as well as the most prominent political and military play at 11, and is the classified by the united states. and they would it be any union as a terrorist organization, but it's also the organization that dictates politics. 11, and those politics aren't being heavy instead of ones by the one in cuz we're going to exchange a fire between both physical and is that i the escalation of
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violence between has will and is that i is not just reading that of any us administration at intelligence, so for show stuck, assume that is what i did the planning to get on to incursion into 11 on if diplomatic efforts failed to push physical activity from the border. and i know it's hard to diffuse tensions, the special envoy almost hosting. nothing bad with the new spend them on speaker and that be buddy. he said doctor was that the limited door protocol. it's across leap and on the southern border, it would not be contained a book despite the us and was wondering many people here still hold for peace and because of the south of the country, a heads up on the bushes loving on his evidently hoping for diplomatic action to avert the war with his son, neighbor, along its can ill afford was over 3 quarters of his population already suffering
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from poverty. social security forces in nigeria, searching woodland finale. 300 children, adopted from school by government. kidnappings have become a lucrative business for gangs parents, so losing faith in legal tardies to prevent the abductions or find the missing children. hearing words of support and fall, go into every parent's worst nightmare shackle. lowball is anxiously hoping for his kidnapped son to return home. but came over again, but you about i couldn't even sleep last night. yeah. yeah. you know, my wife and i, i'm kind of weird, devastated or not we can, we just couldn't fall asleep. but it was the old of his 2 sons who was taken by the gunman. his youngest son managed to escape the form i should now and then difficult defendants arrived on motorcycles, y, c,
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they started shouting and then shooting. know who do i all the students run away into the nearby bushes. well, that will do, i need to do. one of the bandits chased after me as i ran, you know, but i was able to get away from him saying i looked around for a way to escape. and i was able to make it across the road and into the bushes that i came home from their kid nothings to run some our major problem, major area. it's estimated the 1500 students had been taken by gangs and holidays over the past decade. does do subtraction was the largest in recent years. relatives of the children of pleading for those sorts has to help. but some of meat they have little faith in the government to the guy like i off the corresponding to why suit interest in
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a boucher who might be behind this slightest abduction as well. oh, the up to now nobody has come out to clem responsibility for this abductions. but uh, so as i see, one of the above did lead to get to get the who are pressed around is on for us, paid for has alliance with the unsettled group. and you swap is responsible because bandito don't usually have the capacity to do this. must abduction. abduction started in nigeria by these vocal however, i'm groups that i split into did too many groups use 12 on on sub. so would be the ones responsible for this adoption was a why kidnappings of school children. so common in nigeria. well uh that are silver reasons why could not these 2 going on. number one is the
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most lucrative business on the sides of the terrorist because you people, one pass, you get millions of and i are. number 2 is to hold the government to see that the government is look weak because when they get squared children, there's going to be some but you would imagine on the outside nigeria. and they can now push the government ended up paying for also, which in most cases the denied the need. what previously the ones that happens, the objective beings on products that don't have to see, cuz they're not the government paid drums to get the children back. i live in this one, the government said, well, i rescued them at the end, negotiating would come and then demanded a pin run some. so that is like if nothing is still around, but i still popular among the terrorist groups, the nigeria, the rest, the specter of government, and the far he's many families say they have little faith, you know, star. he's all the government in their ability to help when it comes to stopping
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the abductions or even saving the children. why is that? it is very simple. uh people the citizens have lost faith in god. been trying to protect them. many equipment is they have already gone into self defense getting their arms how to defend themselves. because when they brought, there is an attack. they've called for him. they don't get t. as in doing that helpless equilibrium guy. if that is really intelligent, shedding the can just disappear like into tim. yeah. without getting any risk too. so the people lost faith in the government because they're not get to because the government did law should the point to can we to protect them in the previous attached. now we have seen hosted girlfriend, i have been in a shifting deal on did you link to showing that? yeah, we don't have much positive. what the central government is doing to protect us, the deputy correspondent, why suit interest?
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thanks so much. all right, here's a look now some of the other stories making headlines around the world to sell you many tearing conditions of deterioration in height as violence virus. i. groups of warning of the shortages of medical and food supplies, witnesses report classes between games and the place. gang late is demanding the the resignation, the prime minister of gail form, re several 1000 people have joined the match in london, demanding an immediate si, fi and gaza. it's the 5th major pro palestinian rally in the british capital. the see, israel says its forces have killed thousands of spiders in gaza. this weekend talk is done as a new president us if i lead saudi is a businessman to politician and the widow of pakistan's, 1st female prime minister in his he, a booter who was assassinated back in 2007. it's the 2nd time. it's not
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a daddy has served as president as a portugal is preparing for elections the far right party is expected to make gains to shake, meaning enough is campaigning against immigration and corruption. the party is riding high in the polls at the moment, all the mainstream publications have ruled out working with it in any future calculation. in 2019 parts, it goes far right, populace parties shake out one just over one percent of the vote. now, party leader and re venture as public appearances resembled those of a rock star and the parties pulling it over 20 percent. the recipe for success, a young team that reaches millions on social media. the message is simple. portugal is in danger. from corrupt politicians and illegal migrants, also search for small. i understand that some people don't know i called voice and the political discussion. the thoughts were actually concerned with the wellbeing
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of old people. gifts. it's obvious to the current strategy of welcoming everyone into this country without any control is leading to a constant decline in our living stand at which miss bicycle leave out. a few kilometers away in lisbon is mounting monique district. the rise of the far right has become cause for concern. the number of migrants is particularly high here. some have lived in portugal for a long time and have their own businesses. but in recent years, thousands of on documented migrants have settled here too. many of them live on the streets, leading to some discussion among long time residents. i mean, i've got no problems with them. they're all the same in the, in the simple, the z wise, you're going to sell it. migration is good. that fact. but at the moment it's just become too much of them, of the it's completely out of control. so you may just look around, you hear it mounting moni square and beyond not really giving what the least deeply
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for that. but share against anti immigrant stance is not just making new comers nervous. many here are concerned parties popular slogans or encouraging outright racism. the main fact they're always talking about migrants. i was born here, but i have family members from around the globe and i'm getting a bit sketch going system far too much. so i will put the check. i think the paper from the take apache. finally, you have to understand everyone. you've talked to gays, business background, the color of asking all of that doesn't know. so it's not just white people that the citizens of this country go are. all right, that's all. so now after the break, i mean a program called choices we made a kansas offer are hoping to overcome his difficulties and become an illustration. and that's coming up after a short break. don't forget the website. is there any time that that you need? and that's that the ww dot com and on instagram and x to handle, you need all the lightest needs and information on a specialty is asked dw, i'm anthony out in berlin for me in the same here. thanks for your company. and
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we'll see you at the top of the 45 minutes for another bullet and stay with us. if you get the sliding away, when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change? how the report, the internal heat, march 15th on dw,


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