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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the deputy news line from goodly afresh, hope for getting food and medicine into gaza. first, chip caring humanitarian supplies from cyprus, could leave as early as this weekend. and not serious ends in the me to search for hundreds of children kidnapped from a school. correspondence has the details, the biggest mass of duction. indeed, the, i'm asked me how it work into the program international if it's taking shape for a maritime car door to deliberate, desperately needed i to got
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a ship carrying humanitarian assistance from the us. charity is preparing to leave monica in cyprus. america is planning to build a temporary p off the coast, but this could take as long as 2 months to achieve us and european union will work with the united arab emirates and other countries to ship food medicine and emergency shelters. united nations has bones that gaza is on the brink center of joining me from cyprus, where that ship is being prepared is aaron, go from the organization will central kitchen. it has to apply the i'd. that ship is transporting air and thanks for your time at what kind of i, i you sending to gaza on that ship behind you and how many people is that going to help? yeah, we have 200, $200.00 tons of food going out on this 1st shipment. it'll feed about 2000000
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people. this is just the beginning for us. we're going to send more ships after this. and after the 1st one goes, we already have another ship on the way, and we have another $500.00 tons of food here in cypress ready to be deployed to the casa there. and all that the assistance is ready to go, how quickly we look, get from the into the hands of guidance. yeah, there's a lot of factors that play here. whether certainly the biggest one, when you're dealing with a step in a matter of time cord or like this, the, the transit itself is about 60 hours. so we are looking to report as soon as possible and to have the study studies supply of just continuous food flowing from cyprus to guys. uh um, but we are very much at the mercy of the weather at this point. um we have, you know, the food is loaded, we actually just finished loading it today. so as soon as we are able to leave port,
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we will do so. so leaving port is one thing then this, the transfer the 60 hours as you say, how will the i'd safely arrive in gaza given that at this moment it doesn't have a functioning port. oh yeah, that's right. our team is in gaza is working very feverish. leads to build a temporary port right now, and the construction has started. it is a critical, critical factor. like you said, getting the food off the boat and into the hands of thousands, which is the mission. great, is that a success for us? and not only success but a continuous flow. so we have a small team here in cyprus. we have a bigger team and gaza. we've served nearly 34000000 meals and as a have really just touch uh, 1400 trucks. and so our operations by, by land now by see a little bit by air as wow,
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has really just helped us to get as met as much food as possible in the gaza. right now when you say the portal the dock is under construction, how long for instance, do you know how long it would take to one load that ship behind you and get that food onto land? we will find out this is, this is the 1st of many and there's, like i said, a lot, a lot of factors that play world central kitchen that our, our rule is that we plan to adapt. we tend to meet these moments and have a whatever it takes attitude. we plan as best we can. we do have some infrastructure ready to get the food off the barge onto land. but look, we're gonna, we're going to learn, we're going to adapt and we're going to see how this 1st as 1st set minute by boat goes. but we'd, like i said, we have a team that's on land and lots of community helpers. we have with world
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central kitchen, nearly 400 published engines that are making this submission possible. so we have a lot of people, a lot of players involved to us. and just before i let you go, what are the chances that you can match the sort of volumes that could have been delivered by broad previously that you'll now be taking bussey. so that's a challenge right now. let's see again how this 1st, how those 1st run goes. the massive, massive amount of a that's needed right now. i mean, our one guarantee is by land that continues to be our focus here at world central kitchen. and we have another shift on the way, there's lots of conversations, lots of countries that are also going to deliver maritime aid. so we'll see right now more is more for gaza and that's, that's a win. um, as much as we can keep pushing for all core doors to be flooded with food right now . that's what's needed. that's needed. so from world central kitchen,
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i can say we're going to do as much as possible. lots of work to be done. good luck . thanks aaron. go from the i the organization will central kitchen i'm with not lit up in the war and gas attentions on his brows. northern border with living on also running high is where the army and has but i have been exchanging fire since the fighting in gossip again. last october. let the non prime minister says toltz i'm the easing board attentions should get under way during ramadan. next week. capital paper, it is preparing for the muslim holy month. if they definitely reported about how sally, the small it's almost done is nothing going fatal. start with the rising prices, put it to comes to the oil piece of an outbreak of will buy a lot and the prices are steady at the moment. that's it. but there's news from traders. the price is more right in the bottom, but nothing is clear and robin on price is may go up. hello for low balance effect
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thinks of bad god knows how we will live. life is difficult. we cannot buy q of tomatoes to run in. there is no cheese alumni, and before i'm a done, everything is expensive. i won't even be able to each factor. so i'm assuming no man, no, the nicholas has one of the most prominent political on the military play at 11, and is the classified by the united states. and they would it be in the union as a terrorist organization. but it's also the organization that dictates politics. 11, and those politics aren't being heavy instead of ones by the wording, cuz we're going to exchange a fire between both visible and is that i that escalation of violence between has will. and is that a, is the just reading that any us administration at intelligence officials consumed that, is that right? is it planning to get on to incursion into 11 on diplomatic efforts,
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failed to push physical activity from the border. and i know for to diffuse tensions, the special envoy i'm was hosting. nothing bad with the new spelling on speaker and everybody who said after was that there's a limited door protocol. it's across lead. been on southern border, it would not be contain of despite to the us and was wondering many people here still hold for peace. and because of the souls of their con, 3 heads up on the bushes, loving on his urgently hoping for diplomatic action to go to war with his son, neighbor along its can, ill afford was over 3 quarters of us population over the suffering from poverty. the security forces, the nigeria searching woodland finale, 300 children adapted by a school adopted from a school brother by government. given that things have become a lucrative business for the gangs. parents of losing faith, you know, star,
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he's to prevent the abductions or find the missing children. hearing words of support, while going through every parent's worst, nightmare shackle level is anxiously hoping for his kidnapped son to return home. but came over again, but you about i couldn't even sleep last night. yeah. yeah. you know, my wife and i, i'm kind of weird, devastated. well now we can, we just couldn't fall asleep. but it was the old of his 2 sons who was taken by the gunman. his youngest son managed to escape the form i should now. and then disagree dependents arrived on motorcycles. wise they started shouting and then shooting. know who do i all the students run away into the nearby bushes.
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no, that will do any of the one of the bandits chased after me as i ran, you know, but i was able to get away from him. i looked around for a way to escape, and i was able to make it across the road and into the bushes that i came home from their kidnapping school run. some are a major problem, major area. it's estimated the 1500 students had been taken by gangs and holidays. over the past decade. those disappear function was the largest in recent years. relatives of the children of pleading for those so rich has to help. but some of meat they have little faith in the government to the guy like the one eyed group has yet claimed responsibility for the abduction. but such kidnappings of school children are common in nigeria. they double use a boucher correspondent why so interest to me? why would that i'm want to period is number one kid not to is
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a very lucrative business in nigeria. number 2 is a way to a truck taishan because when they kidnapped screw children, that's going to be sent by t within the due to an outside nigeria. i number 3, is it with a black meaning the government to show that even if the government claim to be doing, you had to use something serious of what is security. you can imagine over to $180.00 to then to be kids not picking a week without a trip. is just an invite, you know what is happening and what has happened was data please about your correspondence. why so it was talking to me earlier. okay, here's what now some of the other stories making headlines around the world. humanitarian conditions deteriorating in heights as violent, spirals drifts, warning, of shortages of medical and food supplies. witnesses report classes between games
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and the police. gang latest on demanding the resignation of prime minister ami of only several 1000 people have joined the match in london, demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza. it's the 5th magic pro palestinian rally in the british capital. the see, israel says it's forces that killed thousands of homeless spiders in jobs, so this weekend will form a home. here in president one, orlando hernandez has been found guilty of trafficking. hundreds of tons of cocaine into the united states. prosecute the site, ran home. juris like a naco state, he was long considered a top us ally in central america. now he faces a life in prison. of quantum alondo, hernandez has been found guilty of 3 counts of drug trafficking and weapons. conspiracy in his lawyer says they will appeal to a decision oriented in montana because he says he is innocent. and he says he still
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has the strength to keep fighting. hernandez was president of honduras for 2 consecutive terms between 20142022. during his leadership, the country received more than $50000000.00 in anti narcotics assistance from the us, as well as additional millions of dollars in security and ministry. 8, prosecutors later on cover that she was linked with drop traffic cars, including former i'm actually conduct lord fucking guzman known as al chapo. he was accused of helping small the around $500.00 tons of cocaine to the us. hernandez was arrested just weeks after completing his 2nd time as president, and he was extradited to the united states. 2 months later, in april 2022 after
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a 2 week trial jurors in manhattan and reached the verdict, celebrated by one door and citizens gathered outside the court house. locust that most of those of us who are here, who have emigrated, know that we are the consequence of a failed state that has been controlled and managed by people who have used their country and its institutions for drug trafficking. the, i hope that the verdict and his arrest serves as a precedent so that authorities can no longer harm our country. guessing game that they devote themselves to serving our people. not destroying our people at all and the well, it's the 1st time in more than 3 decades. that a form, a foreign leader has been convicted of drug trafficking in the us. right. that's all for now. after the break sports life makes a kayak of from kenya,
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dreams of a they'd be called in paris after that. tell me a lot of these a lot. the pope would be back with another bulletin in around 45 minutes time. i'm anthony housing building for me and the team for now. compliance they with the certificate, the in many countries education is still a privilege. property is one of the main causes some young children walk in mind, trusts instead of going to class. others can attend classes. the minions of children of the world and we also want.


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