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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the dw news lie from balance, fresh hope for getting food and medicine into gas on the 1st ship, carrying humanitarian supplies from cyprus, could leave. as early as this weekend. nigeria sends in the army to search for hundreds of children kidnapped from school. correspondent has details of the biggest mass production in years. and in portugal, a foreign policy is expected to make gains in general elections. the anti immigration, jacob pausing, could play
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a key role in coalition towards the antonio logic. but welcome to the program. an international operation to bring desperately needed aid into a gaza by sea is gathering momentum, a ship carrying a monetary and supplies from an american charities. preparing to leave monica in cyprus, the us and european union will work with the united arab emirates and other countries to ship food medicine and emergency shelters. the need for aid in gaza is huge. an overnight is rarely striking, rasa turned a tower block that once house $300.00 families into rumble, already fighting hunger. these palestinians now must live without shelter. out of
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what we were surprised. nice with knocking on the apartment doors, telling us to evacuate the tower. our children fell on the stairs and women fell. a friend of mine's wife was 9 months pregnant fell on the stairs. there was a stage of a panic and fear the you have no idea on the european union is coordinating the shipments of food medicine and other supplies. the u. together with the us, united arab emirates and other countries are launching a maritime quarter for ship security, food, and medicine to gaza. the vessels being loaded in cyprus are nearly ready to go. what a high will dislike daughter's getting? there? aren't any factors involved in that mission? like this one, kind of give you suggestions, it's quite a challenge. i see us getting up so i can't predict a time table for many reasons. because of time and security as you mean in fact. but as soon as everything is ready, we leave from here to probably more than one of the humanitarian agencies behind
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the shipment from cyprus is constructing its own dock to offload the aid. separately the us military is planning to build appear, but construction could take as long as 2 months. right now, aide is being dropped into gaza from the air planes from jordan, egypt. the us, france, and belgium are taking part in the operation. so made is trickled in by truck over causes border to egypt. but it's not enough to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of palestinians with united nations warning. the gaza is on the brink of famine. mike martin of kings colors london told me what needs to be done before the aid arrives in gaza? so so this, the 1st thing i need sorting out is the permissions and paperwork and still not being completed in cyprus. i'm part of that is the, is writing, signing off. the shipments on the actual journey from cyprus to gauze is about 200, no, 2 miles. so the shape of that type could do that in
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a day or less if it wanted to. and this is where it then starts to get very difficult. and according to the charities involved, they are planning on building or indeed already all building a pair out to receive. the supplies for the ship is very shallow. water is a beach. so you can't just drive the ship up to the coast and assuming that able to do that, not to not disclose location to security reasons, then that's the biggest problem level, which is distribution online. how do you make sure that the aid is not more than stolen? you know, millions of thousands of desperate people. how do they distribute it in a 5 way my mazda end of thing's college london. security forces in nigeria, searching woodland for nearly 300 children, abducted from school by gunman. cannot things have become a lucrative business for armed gangs. parents are losing facing the authorities to
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prevent the abductions or find missing children. hearing words of support while going through every parent's worst, nightmare shackle level is anxiously hoping for his kidnapped son to return home by t mobile again. but you about i couldn't even sleep. last night. yeah, yeah. you know, my wife and i, i'm kind of what we're, it's devastated or not. we can, we just couldn't fall asleep. but me over to the that it was the old of his 2 sons who was taken by the government. his youngest son managed to escape for my son, and then does a good dependence arrived on motorcycles wise they started shouting and then shooting. know who do i all the students run away into the nearby bushes that know that what do i need to do? one of the bandits chased after me as i ran, you know,
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but i was able to get away from him saying i looked around for a way to escape. and i was able to make it across the road and into the bushes that i came home from, their kid nothings for rent. some are a major problem. nigeria, it's estimated the 1500 students had been taken by gangs and holidays over the past decade. those disappear function was the largest in recent to use the relatives of the children of pleading for those sorts has to help. but some of meat they have little faith in the government to the guy like no group has yet claimed responsibility for the abduction. but it's not the 1st time such a kid. nothing has happened in nigeria, the w as a budget correspondent way. so interest told us why as well there are lots of
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reasons. number one kid not, this is a very lucrative business in nigeria. number 2 is a way to a truck taishan because when the kidnapped screw children down, it's going to be soon party within the due to an outside nigeria. i number 3, is it with a black meaning the government to should that even if the government claim to be doing, you had to use something serious of what is security you can imagine over to 180 student to be kidnapped take, you know, we would all day chris is just on the invite to know what is happening or what has happened to w correspondent way. so interest. now here's a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. kyrie and nations have called an emergency meeting as a c k. m, and to spirally and gang violets and hating us, canada and friends will also join the tools in jamaica. gunfire has rocks the
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haitian capital pulse across following mass. jill breaks organized by criminal gangs, several 1000 people have joined them, not in london, demanding and immediate sci fi in gaza. the times major pro palestinian riley. and the british capital this year is wrong, says, gets forces of killed dozens of thomas fighters in gaza. this one can pakistan has a new president as the if i leads our diary is a business man turned politician and the widow of pakistan's 1st female prime minister administered bhutto, was assassinated in 2007 is the 2nd times our diary has served as president it's columbia and police have a rest of the suspect, a drug traffic in the city of mid a and in a joint operation with spanish authorities, the format associated with the late drugs. byron pablo escobar is suspected of
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supplying cocaine to european crime groups initially. and the netherlands a jury in new york is found forma on june president, one, orlando, and that is guilty of traffic in hundreds of tons of cocaine into the united states . prosecutors say he ran hundreds like a naco state. he was long considered a top us ally in central america. now he faces a life in prison. quite orlando. hernandez has been found guilty of 3 counts of drug trafficking and weapons conspiracy. i see that his lawyer says they will appeal the decision there in montana because he says he is innocent. and he says he still has the strength to keep fighting. hernandez was president of hon. doors for 2 consecutive terms between 20142022. during his leadership,
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the consumer received more than $50000000.00 and entering our colleagues assistance from the us as well as additional millions of dollars in security and ministry. 8, prosecutors later on cover that she was linked with drop traffic course, including former i'm actually conduct lord fucking guzman, no national chapel. she was accused of helping small gl around $500.00 tons of cocaine to the us. hernandez was arrested just weeks after completing his 2nd time as president, and he was extradited to the united states. 2 months later, in april 2022. so after a 2 week trial drawers in manhattan and reach the verdict, celebrated by hon door and citizens gathered outside the court house. locust that most of those of us who are here, who have emigrated to know that we are the consequence of
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a failed state. that has been controlled and managed by people who have used their country and its institutions for drug trafficking. the, i hope that the verdict and his arrest serves as a precedent so that authorities can no longer harm our country. guessing game that they devote themselves to serving our people. not destroying our people to help wherever it's the 1st time in more than 3 decades. that are formal for and leader has been convicted of drug trafficking in the us. portugal is preparing for elections on the far right party is expected to make gains shake uh meaning enough is campaigning against immigration and corruption. the party is riding high the polls, although mainstream politicians have ruled out working with it in any future coalition. in 2019 parts it goes far right,
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populace parties che got one just over one percent of the vote. now, party leader and raven, sure as public appearances resembled those of a rock star. and the party is pulling it over 20 percent. the recipe for success, a young team that reaches millions on social media. the message is simple. portugal is in danger, from corrupt politicians and illegal migrants. of course i understand that some people don't know i called voice and the political discussion, thoughts were actually concerned with the wellbeing of old people. gifts. it's obvious to the current strategy of welcoming everyone into this country without any control is leading to a constant decline in our living standard, which is by send the believe out a few kilometers away in lisbon is mounting monique district. the rise of the far right has become cause for concern. the number of migrants is particularly high here. some have lived in portugal for
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a long time and have their own businesses. but in recent years, thousands of on documented migrants have settled here too. many of them live on the streets, leading to some discussion among long time residents means i've got no problems with them. we're all the same in the, in the simple, busy wise if you get a so migration is good that what facts. but at the moment it's just become too much of them, of the it's completely out of control. so you just look around you here at mounting monique square and beyond ivy to keep them. would it be nice people of florida, but shared as anti immigrant stance as not just making new comers nervous? many here are concerned the parties popular slogans or encouraging outright racism the mind. they are always talking about my grants. i was born here, but i have family members from around the globe and i'm getting a bit sketch billing system for parts as much. so we bought the che, got the paper from the tag capacity. finally,
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you have to understand every one. you've talked to gaze ethnic background, the color of asking all of that doesn't now, so it's not just want people that are citizens of this country who go political analyst antonio coast. i pinto has been researching populace movements all across europe and says he's observed a new strategy of the far right in his home country. they play the cards. if they make ration, they play the cards. if cheap see roma, they play the cards, the social cards for them, and they'll try the liberal party. they says, and we became a bar to that as a friend of the minimum wage, the friend of the pension benefits. because in a way they became much more socialist. but even if the shade party and its leader and rafe into a are gaining in popularity, their feet after the elections is far from clear portugal center, right cap has ruled out
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a coalition with the radicals at least for now. that's all for now. but after the break dw documentary looks at the work of kenya's, 1st e mail, my fi ranges, i've told me a lot of going for myself and the team. the we are all set we are watching to see the to bring you the story behind the new will on about i'm biased information for free might do to me in
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