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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CET

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the, the vc is dw used by from bowie and waiting for permission to set sail. the 1st ship carrying humanitarian supplies from cypress, the gaza says it's ready to go. 8 is desperately needed with the when warning of famine like conditions of many pallets 50. scientists quote, a much loved tree that was cut down and it's an active vandalism. shopped brent. the
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i've been visible and welcome a spanish and g o says it ship with desperately needed. aid is ready to hit the gauze at the open arms is loaded with 200 tons of food. it will be the 1st to use. and you maritime cardo. from the port of monica in cyprus, european union, and united states of working with partners to deliver food medicine and emergency shelters. in the last few hours, the us army dispatching a ship as well waste equipment to help build a temporary peer to offload aid. the need for aid in gaza is huge. an overnight is rarely striking, rasa turned a tower block that once house 300 families into rubble already fighting hunger, these palestinians now must live without shelter. out of what we were surprised, nice with knocking on the apartment doors telling us to evacuate the tower. our children fell on the stairs and women fell a friend of mine's wife,
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who was 9 months pregnant fell on the stairs. there was a stage of a panic. and fear the you have no idea on the european union is coordinating the shipments of food medicine and other supplies. the u. together with the us, united arab emirates and other countries, are launching a maritime court or for ship security, food and medicine to gaza. the vessels being loaded in cyprus are nearly ready to go. what a high, much effect on a scale, they're not getting any factors involved in emissions like this one kind of give you suggestions. it's quite a challenge i see is getting up. so i can't predict a time table for many reasons, but because of time and security as you mean in fact, but as soon as everything is ready and we leave from here to probably more than one of the humanitarian agencies behind the shipment from cyprus is constructing its own dock to offload the aid. separately, the us military is planning to build appear, construction could take as long as 2 months. right now aide is being dropped into
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gaza from the air planes from jordan egypt. the us, france and belgium are taking part in the operation. so made is trickled in by truck over causes border to egypt. but it's not enough to meet the needs of hundreds of thousands of palestinians with united nations warning. the gaza is on the brink of famine. to a correspondent, rosie budget is in cyprus at the port of monica. this proposal was talks about at the very beginning of the war. why has it taken so long? yeah, good morning and we're here right outside the port has learned a cotton. this is where this 1st chip will depart from to pioneer on this new maritime corps, or no, it's indeed since november that we've been discussing this since, like the w was here in november reporting own plans to open this maritime corridor . but of course months have passed since then it will be wondering what's going on . well, it seems that there were a diplomatic talks going on in the background. and that
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a break through up here to happen on friday when the european commission president or so of underlined, came to learn to come to a 9 to base. a new maritime core door would be opening. now i've been in touch with some of the and deals that are working to try get a ship setting sail from here. they tell me they have about 200 tons of food aid ready to go. that includes fleet, that includes of slower rice and also they said protein look for example, tend to know they are waiting for a final green light from the authorities of all the different bodies star a are involved here. so they can set sail and try and get that food into gaza. they say apparently it should be ready to leave today. although it seems there's still a bit of uncertainty given all the moving parts to get this moving. so rosie would just say, this is a major win as well. i think this is something which the european union is, is keen to stress. it's a really joint initiative. it's something which is being brokerage with the health of the united arab emirates within the agreement of israel,
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of course. and particularly we say government of cyprus, a cypress is the, the government really pushing these forward. and it should say, israel has welcomed this initiative, but i think it's hard to not replace in some ways, at least as a sign of frustration of western powers like the european union with ace, real because quote e u has been divided on many aspects of its response this conflict has to be in the united states, coal for greater to monetary and access. and there is an easier way to get into a gas, but rather than this journey departing from cyprus. of course, there are traditional lands crossings and the eu has consistently been called for greater to monetary and access that something which israel has been reluctant to give. of course, given it security concerns that it's been raising a bite, the kind of a said that the content of the could be going into cause of course, 8 slicing of oregon. some of the militants on the inside the u has been calling for greater access. we know that before they swore they were about 500 trucks, with 8 a day going into the gauze and the latest figures i've gotten to you,
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is it right there? that's only a bite of hundreds. well, how viable then is this see for a long time will make no mistake, face is going to be a difficult initiative to try and get to get this really off the ground. it should be happening. we've been told today, but this is still a 400 kilometer journey across the sea, and this will take at least a day to get there, then it will take time to offload the 8 and then to travel back. and of course, the n g o themselves agency is busy building a make shift jackie to try and get thought 88. and this is something directly into gospel to be something which has not been attempted so far within these conflicts context. and i think that's why there's so much concern about how, how is this going to work? is it going to work well? is it really sustainable solution? the long term is something which to you is framing as a method to consummate their existing ways to try and get a day, which is through those lines for just but also through humanitarian age drops. and of course were the fighting to see. so that would be the simplest way to get aged
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people, but that is something that neither israel nor her mouse has been able to grief too, so far when it comes to a cease fire. exactly. and there's also the consideration of a wall going on the fire from see also a factor, a play. the dw correspond, rosie bush, and thank you very much for bring yourself today in monica caribbean, nations of cold and emergency meeting to en spiraling gang violence in haiti. criminal groups of stepped off a tax on the capital, driving residents from the hopes, the gangs once the prime minister to resign. he was out of the country when the latest violence broke out and has not yet returned. a fax of our sins. committed by armed gangs in haiti, forcing many families to flee their homes. next, they came with big guns. we have no guns when we can defend ourselves. all of us the children are suffering. these displays people have moved to shelters
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and are now grappling with shortages of food and water for me, even when our families send us 30 or 50 us dollars, we can't get it to all the banks are closed, nothing is functioning. there's no food and no water. with desperation going, many haitians are crossing the border into the dominican republic to access essential supplies and the bi national market alarming neighboring countries, and prompting the caribbean community to go for a special meeting on monday over the crisis. the heads of government, of the grieving community remain engaged to deep discussion with the various via callers in haiti and 5 minutes. the honors are acutely aware of the arts of need for consensus. while calls for fees are growing, louder games has persisted in their violence. they said that they would knock back
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off onto the prime minister aria andre steps down. this is a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. police some televi tv's, have again used, bought a cannon to disperse protest as they were demanding the resignation of his why the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. several people with attained the demonstrate, is also called for a ceasefire with commas and swift action to free the hostages. still held in cancer in nigeria 15 most students have been kidnapped just days of to the abduction of the 300 pupils school stuff in northwest. and so go to state, say, gunman, storm the village at night, or friday, a jerry a sent troops to search for the children taken in neighbouring can do an estate kidnappings for ransom. a common in the region both as an islands have reached or rejected rather reforms to the constitution in jo referendums, the proposals,
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what of why the definition of a family and changed wording regarding women's roles and society. despite support from the government and opposition, some voters said the language was unclear and the reforms fully explained of the month of ramadan is a balance of stats, a sacred time of worship and reflection for muslims. but in war torn gammon, scarcity is overshadowing the holy time with food prices soaring and wages dropping . many families of struggling to afford the basics that the government says there's little they can do to bring down costs. samira invest a lot of time looking at goods and their prices at this store as a mother of 11 children purchasing these goods as a bird. and she lives in the city of ties. and e m and her husband works as a daily wage. labor earning $30.00 a day, securing basic goods before the month of ramadan has become
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a challenge for young men and women and understand yeah, and then we by what we can afford. light passed a necessity and we cannot afford to buy expensive items. have we buy whichever is cheap? no dates, for example, because they cost a lot of the time. but how does the warranty and the conflict in the red sea has sent the many currency the re all plunging. this has resulted in a 15 percent increase in food prices. a leader of oil costs $2.00 and a kilogram of flower more than $1.00 in a country where the average monthly income is $60.00. as ramadan approaches yemenis are trying to secure necessities for their families. you know, as long as so far we've not done anything before ramadan, but we will resort to securing our needs, but revisit the markets and see the reduced price as well. then proceed to purchase donaldson and then we have reached a point where no one can afford to buy
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a kilogram of flower formation. falafel or looking over almost broad was initially by $500.00 or 600 grams each day. go to some of the flags here, specifically, prices become insane, or people are those with moderate income is can only afford the necessities. we're not looking for luxuries, only the essentials. i'm sorry, these in ties cannot control the rising prices. but officials say they're doing everything in their power to alleviate the crisis for citizens. what else of the having is i just got an instability in exchange rates prevents us from setting fixed prices for you. how many little mandates, price declarations extruding, items like flour and gas with fix prices. what was rama done will be different for some era and most gamma needs this year. the struggle to secure necessities may lead many to for get the extra touches that usually accompany the fasting month and give it a special flavor. finally,
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british side has believe to have recovered a piece of history. it was shocked and sadness when a st. results become always mysteriously cut down last year. now using a few surviving twigs and the technique of profiting expense of clone the famous trade at this green house in devon southwest england. scientists say they've managed to create new lights from a handful of twigs and other genetic material salvaged from the side of the field. sycamore gap tree. it is a rice against on because of c. once you caught a tree dime is physically di and straight away. you know, it was a lot of pressure on us to gotcha getting steam growing. luckily we did, of the team used what it calls a frankenstein esque method known as grafting developed by ancient egyptians in romans. to splice together binds the fresh roots with the living twigs from the sycamore. this message means that we've actually used the original material from that tree. so we've got a genetic claim. it is the same tree planted in the 1800s. the 36
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meter tall sycamore gap tree was a well known tourist attraction in northern england. and one of the most photograph trees in the u. k. in 2016, it was voted tree of the year, located in adapt next to hadrian swell an ancient roman fortification. the tree became even more famous when it was featured in the 1991 film. robin hood, prince of thieves starring kevin costner. but last september park rangers discovered the landmark had been felt in what police called a deliberate active vandalism. 2 men were arrested and investigations continue, while nothing can replace the sycamore gap tree in 3 years. scientists say they'll know if the cuttings salvage from the site will grow strong trunks and if the trees genetic all spring, so to speak,
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can be replanted in the original location. one of the ext out tech shows shift looks at how prepared we offer the rise about the official intelligence of what say good bye to my job. i paid for zillow and thanks for watching phoenix now with the world headlines, the conflicts of crises. every single connection mapped out shows that you can disagree odyssey be on the board, is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube cost about why does that mean? because like i'm lisa and the new host of.


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