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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin, guns or cruise talk stalled on the eve of ramadan, with hundreds of mos destroyed palestinians, a force to pray outside as war and hunger overshadowed at the start of the muslim holding. the 1st ship carrying humanitarian supplies from cyprus is ready to sail for gaza. aide is desperately needed with the un morning, tens of thousands face famine. and hollywood get ready for the biggest night in show business. the oscar printer, a cigarette, nuclear blockbuster oppenheimer is set to dominate, and when all the top of what the
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in greetings to have yours around the world on michael oak, who intends efforts to reach a gaza ceasefire deal before the start of ramadan, have stalled war and hunger or overshadowing the eve of the muslim holy month, across gauze of hundreds of moss, had been reduced to rubble forcing thousands of palestinians to prey outside. after 5 months of fighting, the united nations is warning that gotcha is on the brink of famine. and agencies say international efforts to ramp up deliveries of humanitarian supplies by air and sea or not effective enough. oh, corresponded felix, tumbled in jerusalem. told me about is really concerns about security in the run up to rama to, to yeah,
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absolutely. i think these really government india for it is your, are worried that of the month before the month of ramadan will be used by radical elements to try and a flame of the tensions here in jerusalem. uh, these riley government needs to be said um has a known study phones uh, limit the entrance of the is ready of is ready arb citizens to prey uh in jerusalem and uh with an a bid to lower tensions. at the same time, we had come off in other groups calling and calling for an escalation of the situation. i think were mostly looking at the situation, which is everyone's looking ahead of this coming friday should be it should be a key day when it comes to the situation here in jerusalem and generally in the region. indeed,
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what about developments with ceasefire talks between israel and homicide? any movement you're seeing there, as that's not the case where we had these really intelligent services, the most sides. really think of statements yesterday saying that's how most, if i'm interested in reaching the deal. and as, as a quote and i quotes here and leaving the civilian population causes are in jeopardy, be due to the ongoing to do the ongoing war. we had, on the other hand, how mazda officials say that they are the most interested in reaching an agreement . the fact of the matter is, as far as we know and agreement is not insight, and i wouldn't bet on its being reached in the coming days at all. so the situation is you guys are, is dire and a cease fire is needed. everyone knows that it's just a matter of reaching
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a deal and it doesn't seem like there's such a deal inside. as of now, felix, as you well know, you as president a job, i didn't, has been critical of israel as a prime minister benjamin netanyahu yet again. what is biting saying now and how or is really is taking a i think the reps are recorded is comes to us as treatment of these red has seen a certain escalation in the past. few days we've seen a president biden saying that is really prime minister benjamin that's on you all is doing is reading more harm than good when it comes to it's policies in the war. we've had a vice president tyree's saying that a distinction needs to be made between these really government and its citizens. i think the news rise, people are seeing it as on the one hand, the american, the, the us administration, trying to, uh, basically tell is re lease that its own government's policies and helping good
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situation abroad. on the other hand, you have the, the supports of these, right, the government basically trying to look at it as a way of the u. s. lower and good support of as well as a support which has, which was pretty strong as the word begun. and, and one thing is for certain people here are looking at with stronger interest. and at the way the u. s. a. and the administration has been talking about these readings, governments, and it's going to be interesting to see how it plays out in the coming days and weeks. okay, how, thanks to corresponding to felix holmes with injuries on a humanitarian cord are crossing the mediterranean sea from the cypress may soon see its 1st aid deliveries to gaza. the open arms relief ship in the port of monica has been loaded with desperately needed food. agencies are waiting for approval from authorities,
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including is really inspectors. so the ship can cross the garza a temporary dock will be set up to receive the aid as well as a distribution network. the us military has separately set a ship to build a larger peer for a wider relief effort. a correspondent rosie, butchered in monica cyprus, where that shipment of aid is expected to depart any time soon. we're at the ports in lorna ko. it's the starting point for a new maritime age car door designed by the european union in the us, the u. a. e. in cyprus itself to get much needed aid intake, also aid workers loading up the 1st boat, told me that the cargo included flour, rice, and protein like tons to know. the idea is that checks can be conducted by it's really officials here in cyprus. so that the cargo can go straight to the cost of
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god. so this comes with it. you countries tried to ramp up a into the strip. i made fears of a 5 made in countries including the us, jordan on belgium. i've also been air dropping food. but critics say this is all too little too late, too complicated. israel for its part safe, it welcomes this maritime car is, or it says it's committed to guessing aids into a gas. so, but israel has also faced heavy criticism for just how difficult it's been to get 8 into the besieged territory. and of course, this maritime corps, or is not the simplest way to get food into gas that gaza is 400 kilometers away. the journey there by boat will take at least a day on temporary peers or having to be built in order to receive the 8. so united nations officials are saying they see card or simply cannot replace great or humanitarian access. the land roots to dw corresponded rosie birchwood. there in cyprus, voters in portugal are deciding whether to shift to the right as other european
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nations have done. portugal has had 8 years of socialist rule, but opinion polls show a centre right coalition is now possible. also in the mix the far right party shaker is expected to pick up significant support. main screen. politicians have so far rolled out working with it in any coalition, dw, so yon phillip schultz is in lisbon. i asked him what triggered snap electrons 2 years earlier than planned? indeed, so the current elections are only taking place because the governing socialist party has been hit by a major corruption scandal. it's about investments in the north of the country party representatives where i got arrested and pregnant as the cost as the officers were searched. so all of this forced him to step down, still oppose. so his socialist party at around
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a 30 percent just as the opposition, the center, right? opposition of that also around prefer 2 percent according to polls at business wide . all eyes are at the moment at the relatively you come most of the file arrives populous parts of college saying so it's a bit of a national drama. portugal is commonly thought to be a left wing country, but the populace right wing shake of party that you just mentioned, could emerge as a key player. who are they and what's behind their rice, as they are a typical example of uh, the fire right populist parties that have been on the rise all across europe. the whole party is basically centered around one person, a very charismatic form, outlaw per for prof. i saw and also form a he was also a form of football commentator. his name is under the tour and of course the corruption schedule has given
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a lot of i'm condition to is typically anti establishment of parental rights about the parties also focusing on other issues, mainly on social problems and immigration. and because of a boot and tourism in big cities, departments a basically an affordable for everett's, portuguese and, and traditionally, the country has been quite liberal regarding migration, but arise in irregular migration numbers has also made this topic very controversial. you know, and so 2 quick questions. first, are we expecting a huge turn out and when should we see results? and at the last election, the turn out was just at around 50 percent. and most experts say we would probably expect similar numbers. this time. the polling stations are open until 7 pm local time, directly afterwards,
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we will probably get 1st numbers. the 1st official results. we can probably expect around midnight local time. okay, that is a young phillip shots in lisbon. portugal, thanks so much john philip. so the final touches are being put in place for the biggest night in hollywood. the oscars. the work here live in to repeat. the 3, our historical drama oppenheimer is tip to snag many of the most coveted prizes, including best picture best director and best after the film has 13 nominations in all the years, highest grossing movie. barbie is also a contender, though not expected to get any of the major awards. i'm coming with. the oscars will also be followed closely here in germany is under. hullo!
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has been nominated for best actress for the film anatomy of a full. she's hoping to be the 1st german to win the award since 1937. i'm sorry to interrupt, i'm sorry, but i don't strong, combative women such roles suit sound enough to replace them with great intensity who some way it was and what we were going through in anatomy of a fall. she plays a successful author who suspected of murder. did she push her husband out of a window after an argument or not? the movie leaves the question on answered. the film has earned xander shooter numerous awards at the cannes film festival. last summer. it received that panama dog, not least, due to phyllis performance. in december, she received the european film award for best actress. in february, she received,
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this is off the top french film award. a 2nd film starring filter is also in cinemas worldwide, and attracting critical acclaim. to place the wife of our shirts, commander who does this, a loving mother who can also be as cold as ice, with no scruples about wearing the 1st coat of a murder, jewish woman in a still highlighting the banality of evil in the shadow of a concentration camp the sure to is an exceptional talent working in european film. she inhabits her rules with great passion, but remains true to herself, self confident, and politically active, even off screen. i am fortunate to be able to work in peace. you are fortunate to work in peace and some people are not working in peace right now. not even living
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in peace right now. so i think it's not. there is nothing to explain about this is something that we collectively have to achieve. who is reputation as a fearless and versatile actor is getting hollywood is attention. not that monster, you know. and that attention could soon transform her from a european star into a global household name. to finally 1st bound stars at the oscars may have some competition for attention, at least in some quarters. new images from the james web space telescope show the star forming region called n g c 604. it's located in the triangle and galaxy nearly 3000000 light years from earth. the telescope allowance astronomers to study star clusters in their early formation the
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that's all for now. we will find it there up next. after the break, reporter tracks the rapid growth of even jo, local churches in brazil. unlike look. and thanks for watching and bye for now. the, those do not understand can have a think like the right is presented. do you have any news on instagram? no follow up. do you know which of these 3 industries has the highest tier 2 emission rates? which is good concrete transforming business is onset.


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