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tv   Afrimaxx  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm CET

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the words people have to say is too much that's why we listen to every weekend on dw, the what needs to be c, as in used quite shops, captivating all the installations and diverse dining options. hazelwood and pretoria saw that protects exist tom and then those things a critique experience telling me on this exciting adventure we meet at least on the day a pots of from nigeria who's creativity with social media has made him a viral sensation. stuff. and if he could venture traveling across south africa, what's most close on that? and zip code, i must say it they, we take out the amazing off by the end. but what's the group that turns trash into
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eco friendly fashion? i'm funny, sitting there and you're watching gas re max the the ladies, have you ever been waiting on the data? let's be honest. not only know the best time keepers, but one man from gone is changing. just that means anthony's, i may say, as x are a watchmaker for god, who creates a caveman watches in 2018 time to enjoy it. set that time waits for no one, but keeping time can also be an artful. especially if you're wearing a spoken caveman. watch me. im gonna. but 1st we need to turn the clock back to the beginning at content mental market in across. it's the law,
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just 2nd hand clothing and footwear bizarre in gone. this is a come from on to market and we're with watch design a and needs i may say in search of the perfect time pop. oh, this is all 51 of the best. what for paris? in gonna be all to talk to me, a lot of things and watch the fit i used to bring what you've here, sit down and watch what he's doing and do it. it's me one or 2 hobby and here, because this time, the time since i why don't we do our award system wholesale value to get my watches 33 year old and to me is passionate about watching. like serious, often initially just spending the time pieces and to need decided to learn the crop of watch me. set the clock to 2018 and caveman watches is born. the 1st watch brand
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made in god. but it wasn't the old just good time. there was a lot of retail from complex. now $25.00 employees look at the caveman watches. each, learn the trade from antony. on his watch, there was great emphasis is on precise work and quality control. and most parts are locally made. initially i stole most from japan initially, but now on average, 30 to 40 watches us sold a day, well, overhaul ordered online. you're welcome to the case. i like to slowly assume. i'll show you a few of our watches. this was one of the the,
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what's what it was that i started a brand re quoted approval to one of our selection watch models. i love the simplicity of it. this was. ready lee, display the course of, of gunner or what's for patriots. i like to call it that somebody who wants to display nationalities, love for done a very poorly on the street. one of our favorite was, is a very controversial when people like to call me back. but i think it's a great conversation spencer, erotic watching, have been things that are what brands have been into for century. and we're just the internet isn't back into market. it's a great watch or off the car came on over 60 percent of the customers are gone. they while the risk hill from neighboring african countries, usa, england, and asia, they may be stylish but at 40 to 350 years per item. that's certainly not cheap.
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whether engineers, caveman watches can become an effort to wide phenomena. it's hard to say. only time will tell you know what they say time wait for no one. but i hope that these help and the hearts of hazelwood is the old east precinct which plain suspend tom and village field in an urban environment. public spaces, streets ok, and q rated experiences. chance to show me around as low co pay thing. dad, it hates what makes the precincts so unique, you know, and i love about this place. it has a very to of restaurants that rupees in different cultures like, via of pudgy keys. these dodge these a whole lot of things like if you think about it, it gives leg the streets with markets, like with restaurants and i would have 5, it has clubs. it has
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a whole by 2 of cultures included. that's what i like about it. because there's a different activities. yeah. like these quotes, they is odd and why do you think so many young people are attracted to the precinct you also have the music, the culture at the top. it's 5 when you can see it yourself. it's so beautiful here and k, it's how would you typically stay today? yes. well i would meet with my friends for sports. maybe go just take a walk at the village, walk, or maybe go play federal cords at the village or maybe grab a vehicle with a friend. let's go check it out. he's got a selection list. okay, the,
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the, the great game case, but i'll catch up with you later. i haven't heard of scott part a night. jerry and papa is doing just that edris level of de jesus, the us of scholar ration on his part and creates viral sensations on social media. and as opposed to re to police could take health is amazing creation. and have you already seen this on your end and you know that this is larger and pop
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3. let's find out why not doing play balls. are a hit on instagram because i mean my is the ground force. i'm gonna show me the up was going for what other contributed to read through the fact that i've only been doing this. i've been consistent. there's what i'm doing. give away. nobody was watching on stuff is for d, my walk, one of my pc just went to the epic pull up. would be the one in, not jerry have to make these parts of viral sensation. how did he start the hype? and what the sanctification has to do with it. so basically it's probably, it's so poor my work. so in this diagram is just to get more audience. and just to put the thought that you are doing something, i'm decide who does the values or something that is this, the more your guess the point is to grow. the more likely, just like every non hutch, the more likely you getting more or going to buy your walks and get more customers
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. i know when it goes to quarter, right. every page and poetry in general, a, we have different tribes and you only have different. they think of approaching patrice. the popular one that they can see is the one for low quality, you know, because that's the most recognized on one of the phosphates proof to doing this through i make out says that was trained as a job. that college is known for a very unique technique. before we get to know what this has to do with the fact of occasion, let's see how he creates spiral sensations. do the party i'm working on this walk on these. i believe that i think we're going into the dad because he's basically, he's likely to do that. i'll call it the dad. and if the pots we buy a country up live coil and do what they buy, you're off to do. been andrea and basically it's, it's enough to say that i'm using and you know, i've gone through something because this do things by, i mean i use obviously everything else to do more than say i'm using to design the
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shapes to do call us to meet up with the more then and the international point where i spend because that's basically what differentiates me from being unique and from the formulation of his social media post. it just makes it clear that his ceramic work is inspired by his your, by every judge. why is it important for him to let the global audience know about sacrifice ation in his works course on this convocation? and about the idea of why i try to incorporate congregation into my eyes. i need to understand the concept of source. i would like to share his gratitude to people to day and to let him that i disappeared. this is the only way by dream these d as there's those just like introducing the system because i didn't really try to things honest, extra. and with the do that things just to bring some things that's as meaning in
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the past that reports i need to know who neglects or people i try to see. i'm dental students with when they have visited with us, try a box discussion because or the city i've defined meaning, dental designs, so gauges, origins, interest uses, interactive elements in his real and behind the scenes. how does this help to promote the hype? behind his god? not certain parts of the other and instagram. now the point was the drawing. so my works, i'm a cost because the topic isn't the metal as i me guys. and i think these are fun and you guys on or that's from the rest of the what i just had to do with up, which is my work for me. after my work interest show me the unique less than my work that makes it keeps green values because i just decided it would be readout for assistance. so be reading. this consistency is basically what the team to get the fund does. regardless of me, i mean wants to do or know what to do. i, let's see. my re told me it's like i'm not in the once a walk west to show up on when i'm so i john and i just like to walk. i see sure.
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it was is known to be a social approach, but be surprised to see what else that i joined papa has to offer. as clay is loaded for, it's part of a few take benefits. but i just pops up. also gives workshops. i also show basic information before i appreciate it some more because that this craft people already knew about it and where the condo bought some things, i tried to experience it yourself. so fucking, i bought the therapy. and fortunately, i learned this from the, from the ideal fund history, basically just told you of the problem. all you will find con, side to fill your mortgage, your life story and everything. what else? no, we are going to now you cause as 3 drop opportunities. so do the, the psychological parts of it is, does the scientists middle who believe that you have 3 main things? that's what can do. remember the, your mind brain, how your pump? so do you want us to have that conversation between the mind and debris your
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findings always incomplete regardless where they like you for not quite sure. so the question. so anyway, now course to fill out is the buses because when it goes through i can use your and guy and thought perhaps what is going on. you might have done this if the bus, if you put you on to something or if you are busy, would you mind if i hear something that you made a brief hold on when you i'm just want to bring both away because you're not using the hand so, but keep that your hands busy. you to use your brain is comes you don't. so that's nice to happen to anybody. i dream, please. the noise comes your mind, your brain and everything. just refresh on hold. that's basically what the rest of the therapies about what a response in of social media bugs from nigeria would have reports coming to the various households. the world looms more about the rich, my children culture and its meaning amazing day cold. i can see how they become a viral sensation. know back to your case. what is your favorite thing to
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do here at the precinct time of misleading? so one thing i like to do is eat me go. so use that. they have the best bag as in town said miss disco lisco the hey ladies now you'll bear it does come highly recommended, so can we please have your signature, bega? yes, it looks the list as a thank you, let me begin. pleasant out loud. i told you guys, this bird is to see it is tasty. i sort of see why it's so favorites. yeah. know what type of people visit the priest, things that very stylish people that they look. yeah. they go to boutiques for shopping. they session shops. yeah. this and they just
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loved for the thing to finish out. this is being so much fun. thank you so much for spending time with me today. kate. my pleasure palace. that if i can do it again, i will do it every day. we know it's school, south africa, as we call it, low to me, and then sleep on a thrilling action packed adventure series across the country. so it's both close on the mc portal, much better as they play and equal part adventure masculinity. ad freeman and the team enjoy the ride. joint crew caught sick and myself screwed up on on the, on an epic road trip. as we travel across is done see from city driving to do brushing, laska 2 streams. we explored the very best of what a beautiful country has to offer to milan free a more i'm see me and welcome my name. oh, okay, no another one hit wonder. i guess right now we're ready for an epic road trip.
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the i'm on the owner luggage. yeah. you're like okay, listen, can we please go grab something to you? i know a place for that to start laughing at shut laugh. i came into the menu. thank you. how do you think the drive of the 18 i had to pull it up less a milkshake. have been getting into the house special, so they've got to look into quarters in each quarter. they've got that, you know and say no, it really says, you know, it's 6666. yeah. but let me you. no, you're good. the,
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the know me look at why. i don't even know how this is going to mm hm. it just the most. yeah. it is so spicy, but the right kind of edit site isn't the 1st leg of the journey. took us from josie to how it you know, you're in cave it in when everything around you touch screen, you know, in the heart of the keys it in midland, just a short drive from how it lies. the god, the forest was the the ideal way to experience this christine forest is live kind of between. so also quick safety briefing. we went to the out with enough bill.
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whoops. and honda flipped to take a load ever. and vince was a short ride and a wolf through the natural forest until we got to the 1st platform to go. we have some kids that kind of lose this one. keep it lose. you want to slow down, you have to press it out. don't squeeze. ok, that's plus down like this you close, it was installed, you put the less then uh the, the zip code of the, of the 1st or the zip line slide we were ready to experience the rest of the to through the, the top close. the think of 12 platforms and 10 slides you've
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done this before the right. i've done this before guys, but is that's by no means is that i make, it says, you know, and i suppose i didn't come here for this deal. and i'm taking the view at the beginning and major is the get into some of the platforms also make negotiating a way around some of the trees, but that just added to the adventure. we have done lots of slides, but this 100 percent is the best buys based on the excitement because i sort of tell you so never going into it. yeah. and then as i went on and said, you know, getting comfortable, meantime bill is like oh, good girl. i didn't know. i mean like i tell you what,
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you can look up on it. but she was telling me that it was pretty me guys, is that for the girl? the if i don't remember the that's the low except the case they didn't complete without a visit to a we me of to pull that relaxing. it was time to get out, pulse was racing again and then mixed up on the road trip was going to do just that the that looks like so much fun. i can't wait for the next part of the series. so one or 2. yeah, no, creates that the why don't even but what's on the auto group and came yeah, in 2018 or 8 minutes to work with young king and women to creates with psycho
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session and are using slash, big trash promotes the environmental comes vision through us in would you where could show a juicy, like that? sure. even when you know the stunning pieces were made from crash, let's find out how you want to, you know, and how, why rainbow, with a new group transforms dumpsite fines into stunning, sustainable art pieces. this is where the process of funding so i seem to express of past we meet john a to, you know, at the workplace. a former waste job in colorado shift loan south of ne ruby. busy my name is jana tino i'm an equal, i just mean a lot for the environment i use tyquan with at i from a project called what it was funny. well, i meant toggles. i've been running bunch of projects for 4 years. how did she come
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up with the idea to turn this chunk get into a fashion how and how does the keep girl a safe haven was putting, using this type of materials in 2016, those this compet diesel made will be a competition. and i wanted to be part of the competition, and i do know top space. and i said, wait, wait, why not? so i decided to use some of the my to, to us i had a student that is totally settings recycling. so i did my 1st question event on the michael joseph center in 2017 and i meant this guys from the slums. well, you know as dressing them for the wrong way. we talked a lot and they told me about the challenges the slums. when i went home that night i was like, what if i teach this goes to create this out feed so that when they go to an event, they are paid can use the outfits and those for free to more than their own out feed. so that we get at least enough money to not get off for many, many people living here agree playing with poverty. and the lack of education,
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we've had recycled art to one is not only saving the entire meant, helping local girls fight unemployment order. but suddenly, as, as me, i lot, i have learned to do using the strings of use to recycle my tiers, which i need for the 9 bedroom entries from utah air that you'd reading on environment as when they'd be out to us. and then when is it easy for you one and equal to know how to turn trash into treasure with how exactly do they produce the stomach or 2 pieces from just chunk? let's find out the process of creating and i talk is also notes. i saw the process, the 5 p l a. you want to see if something fast, basically to mode, you know, picking the material from the ground. you have to open the months ago, the 5 and the wash is clean, and then you catch each single shape. you you want so it's experimentally towards
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like. 6 even fades that you need, and it's not only close to one and how collective a key to lucas miami is a computer keyboard is a multi tops to plastic. uh, microsoft, i do the tags. what do you use to hand close? i mean, these are elliptic wires uh by tones from on the floor by to advise these creative pieces made of trash. yeah. you can. yeah. i think that would be defense. people think they'll, if it's a, a very expensive so i haven't sold any last one. i knew, but some still some of the machine, the office i make, some of them are really uncomfortable. some of them are comfortable. i think the floods really about what is comfortable, what is low. but we've, we've just like, i want people to see allows people to see these things like with whom do add people, you know, so i think the most important thing is the message that i want to convey to people
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about this outfit. my ultimate goal of the 90s, please to see these guys grow up a into women with scales. women who depend, you know, on the tubs of women who would be able to create employment from themselves. and also women who really saw the mean january sort of thing for today. and so just like what to do with the alarming amount of trash that is being produced to fashion conservation is worldwide demand reuse and recycle. you want to, you know, and how i remember what the needs of one of the spearheads of the empowering sustainability movement in kenya when at the same time creating new opportunities and empowering local go to some of the beautiful neighborhood of hazelwood. it's been a pleasure for more information to head over to d, w dot com, forward slash at re max until next time, goodbye the
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the, the fold shape in times of or find any of these cosca. design it into the ground represents the strength of women for 2 years now. who creates just to see it's happen, moles, and just add on god. they've also conveyed a clear mess, page 0, not in 30 minutes on the
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floating away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change our report from the internal heat? march 15th on d, w. erase has long begun later when we look back, we recognized at all, that's the moment when everything change it's all about tillman and in the age of artificial intelligence is going to literally be china. the us who will control the technology that will shape the future
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of humanity. we may only find out, you know, what's the harms and, and malign uses as a weapon against democracy or when it is too late. small, it's new road, z a i race stuff. march 16th on dw, the
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. this is dw news live from berlin, guys that troops talks stalled. on the eve of ramadan, hundreds of mazda is destroyed and how the students are forced to pray outside as wall and hunger over shadow. the start of the muslim fully months. the 1st ship carrying humanitarian supplies from cyprus. this cleared the sale for gaza. 8 is desperately needed for the un warning, tens of thousands face time in the
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