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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the business deal news live from the land and use the car it or to bring desperately needed a to gas off the open arms supply vessel unless cleared to sail. carrying humanitarian supplies from cyprus, corresponded with bullets from inside the control room ports of monica. not much to celebrate as palestinians prepared for the most of the month of ramadan, with even basic necessities out of reach for many displays. families just one to return to their own homes at portugal has to the polls, the general elections, corruption scandals of dentists support for the mainstream parties. and the fall
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arrives hoping to exploit that. the antonio radical welcome to the program. a ship loaded with a monetary and aid has been given the old flat to set sail from cyprus to gaza. the open arms a supply vessel is expected to leave the port of la mancha. any minute, any moment now carrying 200 tons of rice law and pro chains, 2 guys of which i see wells central kitchen is providing the assistance that will take the vessel and estimated 60 hours to reach kaiser once it's set sale, using the newly established maritime aid card on correspond, rosie budget is a lot like a cypress, with that shipment of 8 is expected to depart any time. no. we're at
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a special operations hub in the city of lauren eco, where separate officials are able to track and look at these new maritime cards, or which is know really starting from here in the city of learned echo so that a boats can reach gaza safely and that much needed meeting voice we understand should be assessing off very soon. so in this room of writing may, you'll see there are cameras where officials kind of monitor what's happening at the ports. we also see, for example, lots of maps that shows the area where is 6th street officials can deploy. for example, search and rescue vessels if the ship were to get into distress. i've been speaking with the pre officials and the very latest from them take listen to what we have to say. we have to finish the inspection and loading of the vessel of open arms vessel and the platform they are using. so the most important part is that everything is ready and commissions have been granted. and now it's
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a scheduling issue for the angel that is handling the c, rosie. i'm just talking about the settling issue that we have an idea of the exact time when this is going to get the all clear in the coming iris. what i understand is that the n g o, which is prepared to receive this aid on the gauze and site is still busy building its temporary pier in order to actually receive this note, this is a 1st of its kind of delivery. it's a delivery of tons, hundreds of tons i've been told of things like slower of rice or protein like tend to to and of course we know that is much needed in gaza, where there really is a humanitarian disaster. and officials here hoping they can rump up these chords or over the next few weeks to see this voyage really seen as a test for trying to get this done. the idea is but secret officials check the
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goods here in cyprus, overseen by israeli officials before the parts so that they can go directly to gaza . now we have our whoever hearing from united nations official say this maritime court or wallets. welcome use is no replacement for land access and so those calls to increase access into it goes up via traditional loans crossings are still 19, particularly for the united nations. and rosie were just looking that um, early as you were speaking to a live looking at live images of the vessel that we have the images of the vessel. um, how long is it likely to take to get to its destination and deliver what uh these desperately needed. 8 so cypress is the point into your opinion, which is the closest to go also, but it's still some 400 kilometers. so make no mistake. this is not an easy journey, and generally we should take about $50.00, so at least
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a full day of sailing. but given the fact that base boat is taking a heavy cargo, it could be that takes much longer certainly into a couple of days. so this is no mean feat and certainly something that you can see the eyes of separate officials bearing down on this to try and make sure this works . because of course, as we know where the lives are at stake here, the united nations has been warding, of famine and gaza. i should say that israel says 8, facilitate the access of age. israel has welcomed this initiative, although israel has also faced criticism, particularly for and chose for what they say really is that lack of humanitarian access and how difficult it has been to get life saving 8, introduce each territory of c, w correspondent, rosie pressure and lanika, cypress efforts to secure a sci fi and guys out before the start of ramadan have stalled war and hunger overshadowing the eve of the muslim holy month. 8 agencies, a international efforts to ramp up deliveries of humanitarian supplies by and now
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by see not the effective enough in parts of gaza. ramadan decorations and food are still available, but not the prices. most people can afford to give you that there are no jobs left, no loss or no electricity. people are selling their belongings to live. right? sounds good, but to me i don't run into is very hard on us. what i'm going to get done. i mess with it. for most palestinians food to break rama downs daily. fast will be hard to come by. my. well, wow. yeah, i mean, we have rarely each and is whether it is rama done or not. yeah, i mean it's a hyundai, you always remain hungry is major medical executive mr. bell as well as eve. and rafa parents are getting creative to help children celebrate the sun. ramadan is
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very different. this year we're not in our homes were intense, but we insisted on putting up decorations and celebrating. we just pray that by the end of ramadan will be in our homes and give them a bunch of you know, others from the fighting between a mouse and is really forces too much to bear. children reportedly injured admins rarely bombing or rushed to the hospital. this central cause a strip of the ongoing is really air strikes, are taking a psychological till we are tired. i swear, please feel for us please. we want a ceasefire and an end to this. what do we have to say? we thank god for anything or a lower level without a ceasefire in time for ramadan. and it is really ground assault into rough, a. still a possibility. the suffering of ordinary palestinians continues without belief. insight the, let's take
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a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. nato has begun its biggest exercises since the cold war in the fields of northern noy. the alliance wants to send a message to russia that member states are ready to defend each other. more than 20000 troops from 13 nations on taking part in the drills. tibetans living in exile in india have commemorates at the 65th anniversary of that failed uprising against china. the spiritual leader of the dalai lama fled to india in 1959. after the defeat, tibetans have been fighting for independence since demet is internationally recognized as a part of china. the netherlands is opened a national holocaust museum. the dutch king attended the ceremony along with israel's president. i'd as all, let me see i'm in, i'm so them tell the stories of jews what deported and murdered and matching concentration comes. rest of the work as in southern france have been searching for
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7 people missing as violent storms back to the region. most of the lead to have been swept away and caused drones to sniff adults in the head. a call to have been mobilized in the search voters in portugal are deciding whether it's whether it's a shift to the right. as all that european nations have done. political is had a 2 years, assertion is rule, but opinion polls issue a center right. coalition is now possible. also in the mix. the fall right potty sugar is expected to pick up significant support. mainstream politicians have so far rolled up, working with it. in any coalition, dw young phillip schultz is in lisbon for us. i asked him whether she got could image as a key player in deep liquids, even become the king makers of a new center writes government. as you know, the current snapped elections are just taking place because there's a governing socialist party has been hit by a major corrupt
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a scandal involving large scale investments in the north of the country. and of course, this has given a lot of immunization to she goes to because i'm the establishment wrench. all right. the party is basically just sends us around to one person. very charismatic pharma football commentator, codes and ribbon to write and sees especially popular among young people on social media besides corruption. his major topics are the rising cost of living and immigration. a tourism boom has made housing, basically an affordable and bigger associates for everett's parts of ease and traditional. traditionally, part of it has been a liberal, a country regarding migration, but a sharp increase of irregular migration has also made this a very, very controversial topic research. and on the phone itself,
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what do we know about the turn out and when will we know the results as well? in the last elections? 2022. the turn out was just around 50 percent. it looks like it will be higher this time. maybe around 55 to 60 percent, which is quite i. and for a parts about pulling stations will close around 7 p. m local time, one hour later on some for these islands in the atlantic. and this is about the time when we can expect a 1st exit polls. the projections 1st of fisher resolves will probably come in around the time. okay. yep. yep. schultz in lisbon portugal. thank you for bring this up to speed. british scientists believe they've recovered a piece of history. that was shocking sadness. what a centuries old 2nd luxury was mysteriously cut down last year. now, using
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a few surviving twigs in the technique of grafting expensive clone the landmark tree as, as the screen house in devon, southwest, england, scientists say they've managed to create new life from a handful of twigs and other genetic material salvaged from the sight of the feld sycamore gap tree, it is a rice against on because i'll see once you caught a tree done, it's physically die and straight away. you know, is a lot of pressure on us to actually get and sing growing. luckily we did. the team used what it calls a frankenstein esc method known as grafting developed by ancient egyptians. and romans to splice together, binds a fresh roots with the living twigs from the sycamore. this message means that we've actually, he's the original material from that tree. so we've got a genetic claim. it is the same tree planted in the 1800s. the 36 meter tall sycamore gap tree was a well known tourist attraction in northern england. and one of the most photograph
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trees in the u. k. in 2016 that was voted tree of the year, located in adapt next to hadrian swell an ancient roman fortification. the tree became even more famous when it was featured in the 1991 film. robin hood, prince of thieves starring kevin costner to last september park rangers, discovered the landmark had been felt in what police called a deliberate active vandalism. 2 men were arrested and investigations continue while nothing can replace the sycamore gap tree in 3 years. scientists say they'll know if the cuttings salvage from the site will grow strong trucks and if the trees genetic all spring, so to speak, can be replanted in the original location. the final touches are being put in place for the biggest night in hollywood. be awesome
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because as i work here, will ensure peace then the 3 historical drama oppenheimer is the favorite so many of the most coveted prizes, including best picture, best director and best act. tough. the film has the teen nominations. now the is highest grossing movie. bobby is also a contender, although it's not expected to pick up any of the major a we're what's coming with you. here's a reminder of our top story. supplies ship carrying desperately need an aide for guys that has been cleared to sail from cypress. the open arms carrying 200 tons of food with assess the vessel to use the newly established maritime, quite on. that's it for now. but coming off next, after the break, a documentary about a resistance group that fights against the exploitation of ecuador,
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as natural resources, told me a lot of quotes for myself and the team, and supporting the sliding away when it's 40 degrees celsius in the shade, can be deadly during times of climate change. how do rising temperatures change our report from the internal heat? march 15th on dw, the .


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